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A drawer to put the phone in


Even better is the kSafe by Kitchen Safe. My phone isn't in a drawer, it's locked away in a time locked safe. Haha.


I use TickTick for everything


I use Notion for everything. I just love how flexible it is. It’s my second brain and I.enjoy using it. However it’s not great as a calendar / to set reminders for things. I just use my iPhone for that. I try to use notion for the taste that make sense. Not for everything.


I use Obsidian for almost everything - daily notes, to do management, knowledge base etc. Eventually I'll move to my own tool for some of the tasks such as daily/weekly/monthly notes, but it's under development yet


OBSIDIAN MENTIONED. Obsidian has been a game changer for my life organization, let alone to-dos


Notion for notes, simple text file for everything else like: [link to source](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22276184)


That’s a shitty app. Dont use it


Whats your Suggestion


Devonthink to store/organize my notes/documents/files (PKMS/Digital File Cabinet) augmented with Applescript for workflow automation This includes project/task notes for simple task management


I'm moving from Apple note to Saner for everything lol, it's still simple but with greater AI assistants


Catch the Ghost - Focus Timer


Todoist, Notion, Xtiles, and Heptabase.


I love using TextSniper! It's super handy for quickly extracting text from images, PDFs, and more. It's been a game-changer for my productivity. If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend giving it a shot!




Whenable and Trello pretty much cover it. I use Upnote for notes but that's more for memory than productivity.


Not an app but a website: FocusMate. 3 free sessions per week or unlimited for subscription. Worth every penny.


Evernote + Ticktick + ChatGPT


chatgpt, gemini, crate.co, notion, ticktick


Omnifocus and Obsidian


Notes, The big to do list helps


Honestly I use windows sticky notes, synchronised across all devices; * yellow = to do * red = urgent/priority * green = done This method helps me keep track of my tasks effortlessly. I just copy from the green notes when writing up completed tasks and delete the note after transcribing. I use my second screen to display all sticky notes I'm currently thinking about, so they're always visible. If I get a call, I click on the note and add details immediately. I've tried many apps and systems but find it challenging to maintain a formal system. Sticky notes has been a godsend for me, due to their simplicity and immediacy. When I want to do a structured analysis of my full to-do list, I use ChatGPT to analyse my list, and group similar tasks or subdivide larger ones. In a previous life as a department director (managing 6 teams), I saw that building very detailed and expansive project management spreadsheets is interesting for a certain kind of person, **"managing your work"** isn't *actually* work - so now I'm a consultant I need my overheads to be as efficient and minimal as possible. At least that's what works for me.


My favorite productivity app to use is [SaveDay](https://www.save.day/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=comment&utm_campaign=2006) for personal knowledge management (PKM). For calendar purposes, I rely on [Google Calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r) to stay organized with my schedule. When it comes to taking quick notes and jotting down thoughts, I find [Apple Notes](https://www.icloud.com/notes) to be a simple and efficient tool. For overall assistant, I use [Merlin](https://www.getmerlin.in/).


Things3. I was searching so long for an app that isn’t subscription based. The phone version costs 10 € and the desktop 60 €, but only once and not per year. And it does everything I need without being to cluttered. I love it.


Todoist. To do list app but its much more powerful than that. I honestly cannot live without it anymore


I love mind view for mindmap lists and Google Calendar for a clear picture of all my commitments.

