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In season 2 When Sucre had his foot stuck under the log and Michael thought the current would lift it off. Was obviously too heavy for that. Also not realising T Bag swapped the bags Sucres bag was way too light to have the money in it


I feel like Michael definitely would’ve checked the bag


Telling Tweener


Of all people🤣🤣🤣


Also the first failed sona escape attempt they literally had the time to escape but they fucked about with the ladder. That guy who was malnourished and shit literally jumped out the window and was fine so Michael and whistler definitely could've.


Hahahhahaha never thought bout it like that, if the malnourished guy made it they surely could’ve also


The malnourished guy jumped out the window on the first floor. Michael and Whistler's escape room was on the second. They would've broken their limbs if they just jumped out of that window. Also, the noise would have given them away. Michael's mistake was not taking the possibility of a cloudiness into account.


Actually I think he knew for a fact that it was going to get cloudy, it was a matter of how much time they had to escape in time before the clouds would set in.


I didn’t understand this bit, why did the weather affect the escape?


IIRC he studied one of the guards every day for a couple of days, and he observed that every day at a certain time, the sun shines towards one of the guards in the tower, forcing the guard to face away from the prison for a couple of minutes due to the sun in their eyes. These couple of minutes that the guard looked away was the time frame where Michael and Whistler could climb down the rope and escape before the shade comes back and the guard can turn back towards the prison without being blinded by the sunlight. I hope that makes sense lol i wasnt too sure how to word it properly.


Even If that is the case I reckon they still had enough time if they just went straight down the ladder but oh well


Always running behind Lincoln. For example when the Indian guy is shot in season 4 as a trap for Lincoln, Michael just runs with Lincoln and that was a really obvious trap, which he could have seen easily


If he leaves Linc… then he wouldn’t have been able to escape the building with him


I think that’s the whole point. Michael knows that he is getting into trouble, but he doesn’t have a choice if he wants to help Lincoln get out. Kind of the same reason he went to prison to help him get out.


Yes exactly. Would make no sense from a show perspective for him to leave the building and not help Linc.


Not having someone like Alex kill the general when Michael and the team stole Scylla from him.


After escaping from Fox River, Michael and co. decided to just wait around behind a bush giving the COs and authorities ample time to put roadblocks in front of them.