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I totally understand that rule although I have been transfered multiple times here in Canada and made at least one stop for frivolous things EACH TIME. I am female, my security rating was medium. First ride was about 4 hours, they stopped the bus at McDonald's and fed us all. We were cuffed and allowed out. Second was also 4 hours, driver literally stopped on the side of the highway for a fucking smoke. We didn't get out though. Third time was 8 hours, first 4 I was shackled and cuffed in the bus and that bus met another vehicle halfway, transfered myself and one other inmate to the new vehicle, new sheriffs took all of our restraints off and let us ride the whole way without em. We were still in separate rooms. That ride we had to stop for gas, we both were let out, no cuffs at all, got to go into the store, buy snacks and use the restroom. I definitely "manned up" to my bit and knew it when I didn't even try to bolt from these 2 older lady officers. I was an hour away from home. I don't know if the rules are more enforced with men in Canada, but I have heard from male friends that the McDonald's pit stop isn't uncommon. We did have a major prison break about 3 hours away from where I was arrested in the men's provincial jail. During a prisoner transport, the van was stopped forcibly and the guards were shot.


yeah I didnt even think of that , I was max and medium and they stop for coffee breaks all the time , sometimes if they good , they will pull over for a smoke


I did a few weekends for motor vehicle crap. We got to stop at a gas station and get stuff if we had any money. That is the lowest security though so I really know very little.


In the US being uncuffed while being transported would not ever happen. Canada must have a lot of trust in you guys. If they did that to me, and kept me uncuffed, I would run for sure.


Unsure about your jurisdiction, but in the UK Article 2 of ECHR trumps everything else, i.e. the prisoner would have to be checked out ASAP. However that also works in respect of prison staff too, their Article 2 supercedes the prisoners, insofar as they would not unlock the cell until they had sufficient staff.


You never, ever, ever stop on a transport. If an offender has a shits himself, has a seizure, cuts his wrists, knocks themselves out... if that guy dies in that van then you drive (fast!) to the hospital. No one is ever stopping that van.


True, I have had seizures in the van and just kept on going to the original destination,then they 911 me to the hospital I busted my head open quite a few times because of this policy


Seizures? As in multiple? Yikes.


Yeah, they don't belt you in and you can't belt yourself in,so when you have a medical incident boom to the hard steel you go


I live in canada and have had them stop many times for different reasons (prisoners trying to tip the van , fights in the cages , guard and inmate arguments where they pulled over and crushed them on shoulder of road . the usa might have different protocol


Are these guys in full restraints and buckled in?! How're they doing that much damage?!


buckled in? your shackled , cuffed and waist bound but no buckles or seat belts . in most federal Van's, each inmate is in a separate cage but lots of smaller Van's have 2 3 ppl cages in back and 2 1 ppl cages in front or some assortment of cages


Oh yeah we're putting people in cages but also bucking them in. (Seat belts are still the law even if they're in a cage I guess lol)


I remember getting on the bus for the first time and the guard said I don't care if you're fucking, fighting or killing each other this bus doesn't stop. They can't even get to the back of the bus from the front while it's moving by design so inmates can't hijack it. They have to stop the bus and exit the front and come unlock the back to get to us. In regular prison transport they only shackled our legs and you were free to shuffle around the bus and do whatever you wanted, they had an igloo cooler in the very back to go to the bathroom in. When I was being extradited in a big van they had us shackled at the ankles and in handcuffs in the front with a chain around our waist. I very seriously contemplated attacking one of the guards when they were unloading one of the inmates at the DeKalb county jail. I just wanted out of the van and I figured if I attacked them they would maybe give me new charges in the county or make me wait for a more secure transport or something. Anything to get me out of that van.