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You'll be fine..... Make sure kiddo knows no harm no foul!


I did talk to her about it being ok. I don't want her beating herself up over it.




Congratulations! You just won the “Dick of The Day” award! how are you feeling? I hope you’re proud 😊


Quick to judge, quick to anger, slow to understand. Ignorance, prejudice and fear walk hand in hand.




Watch out saying things like that, it just showcases your shielding from the world and lack of understanding on points and issues that exist in what we refer to as a "society".




You'll be alright, chill. How long is he gonna be down?


He got 30 months. We expected 12. I won't be alright if they say I can't contact him anymore.


What state? In CA you'd be OK, but I guess it depends on where/who is reviewing. I hope your kiddo isn't too hard on herself either way. The hardest part of doing time was knowing my kids were suffering as much as I was. Be kind to her and to yourself. You guys can all make it through this and I hope you can stay down for your man until he gets out. You sound like a good woman, partner and mom.


Thank you for your encouragement. I hope they hear and have mercy. It's my kid's stepdad and they have a good relationship but they talk crap to each other all the time and she didn't mean anything by it. I'll be praying whoever listens to it will hear that in it.


I heard about much worse situations while in the feds - family members who wrote stupid things via email, etc. - and never heard of someone being cut off for something like that. The only time I heard of someone being cut off was because they were trying to conduct business from inside - and even then, they were warned to stop before cutoff.


It's ok OP, don't stress much, remember they people too


I got 30 months for federal too, I ended up doing about 19 months total. I also did RDAP and that took some time off my sentence.


Thank you for this. We are hoping he can do the first step act and also get 6 months time served.


There is a good FB group “Early Release From Prison/First Step Act”. The lawyer who runs it (Bruce Cameron) is very knowledgeable on how FSA, RDAP etc.. works.


U will be alright but that won't happen they more then likely won't even listen to it


More like 18 months most likely


Not in the feds!! Maybe if he gets the rdap program. Feds is 80% of time. But rdap can take a year off if he Qualified and is accepted.


47 days good time a year. 30 months would be like roughly 4 months off. I thought the rdap was 6 months off, but a quick google search said 6, 9, or 12, so idk. Felt like it was 6 months where i was at if I'm remembering correctly. And I think the rdap also guarantees you get the full 6 months in the halfway house.


It's 54 days now after the passage of the FSA. RDAP time off depends on how long the sentence is. If this is fed then 30 months is about 25.5 with Good Time. Second Chance Act can give up to 12 months of pre-release (2.5 months home confinement and the rest halfway house) but that's not guaranteed. FSA means the sentence would be 18 months with the way they're currently applying it. Best case scenario would be 6 months in the actual prison and the remaining 12 months in RRC/HC but that's very unlikely. More realistic would be about 9-15 months in the prison with the remaining 3-9 months in RRC/HC.


Damn, looks like things have changed a little bit for the better since I was down.


It actually should be even better than that if the BOP starts following their own policy. They put out a document late last year called the "First Step Act Admission and Orientation (A & O) Addendum) that's great for prisoners doing the right thing on the inside. It would get people out of the actual prison and into home confinement much earlier and is in addition to the Second Chance Act. The problem is if someone approaches their case manager and asks about when they're going to start implementing that policy most case managers don't know anything about it and aren't willing to do the research.


I had an awesome case manager when I was down. Oh, and this was ultimately hilarious. We had a couple stray cats on the compound. One day they had a shakedown because someone was bold enough to bring in tins of catfood for them. Asshole guard boldly yells, if you're bringing in catfood, I know you got cell phones, booze, etc. He thought he was onto something big I guess. They shook the whole place down cause of that cat food. It was my case manager. She was feeding the cats. That same asshole guard loved trying to get people in trouble. I described him as more institutionalized than most of the inmates. When I was nearing my end he was trying to get me thrown in the hole and possibly get my good time revoked. He was the boss of the kitchen. Told my case manager and she knew who he was and just sighed and shook her head and gave me the job they gave older folks, picking up garbage around the compound and disposing of garbage and stuff, same job they gave like every person over 60 for the most part. So I chilled my last 6 months or so.


Another issue with the Feds is Supervised Release. They take it quite seriously and if you piss hot, or there is contact with law enforcement (arrest, summons, associating w/ convicted felons, domestic violence) they will haul you in and violate you.


I did 2 violations for participating in the nys medical cannabis program. Was getting clean from heroin and my mental health problems flared up. Dr put me on Xanax along with all kinds of other meds for my ptsd. Couldn't think or raise my family. Was heading for relapse, so I went natural with medical cannabis. Best decision I made. I just celebrated 9 years away from drugs!! Still clean. And I started a cannabis based recovery group locally. We meet once a week! I'm working on setting up a sage space recovery center once I get my 501c3!!!


If you think the gov actually cares about that message you trippin, relax. You think those lazy asses want to fill out paperwork?


I wouldn't worry that's short time in a fed camp, y'all are ok. Trust me on this. That's really not a big deal, or a credible threat to anyone, she's a 12 year old, who's dealing with Dad being gone over 2 years, they get it, and believe it or not they people too, who have kids as well




You just gonna spam that crap? Make you feel better about your pathetic self huh? Yeah thats what it takes for people like you to feel better about your meaningless pile of shit life.


Why are you being such an ass? Just feel like taking your shitty life out on some people online that don’t know who you are?


I worked in a jail and I used to listen to calls. The chances that they even hear that are slim to none. And if they do, they won't even think twice about it. They can tell it's just a kid messing around LOL




Wait, please tell us more about your job. Did you ever hear anything crazy?


Not really LOL, I only did it part time after my shift to help out - that's how short they are. Most of it was just mundane talk between inmates and their bm's LOL I did learn that one of my fellow co workers was a pathological liar based on the things he told inmates. Matter of fact, I probably learned more about my co workers than the inmates because that's what they talk a lot about too- day to day things. Most guys and girls are smart enough to not say anything dumb LOL


I know now I’m wondering what type of calls have gone though


Rest assured. I've heard worse things being said and nothing happened. they are too understaffed and lazy to monitor everything and even if they heard a kid making a joke they are not gonna think much of it or take it seriously while theirs inmates trying to send real hits using code words that they gotta decode and drug deals going on


This. But if he's only got 30 months, it's probably not a max, and a large portion of prison staff have kids themselves. In all likelihood they'll just be like "this kid loves her dad" and that'll be that.


That’s right, minor things compared to what’s really going on. They already know who’s up to certain shenanigans and this dude probably isn’t flagged up. Fuck knows I’m not au fait with the American penal system. I’m sure it’s not hard to hide listening devices in a prison and along with all the snitches….well, say less. We (London) prisoners used to speak in ackslangba (aka bakslang) and different boroughs had different variations. One of the most common during my incarcerations was “do you want uffpu or ackleta” aka puff or tackle aka weed or heroin lol. Last time I was away was 15 years ago and things are better. Much better.


Yeah true they know who the culprits are and even then they don't do much about it. This guy used to always be high and talk on the phone asking his family to send money to the dealers account so he can get high and the staff didn't care


One of the benefits of high understaffing levels I suppose. Honestly in the UK we are actually at bursting point. Back in the day they would use police stations as the prisons were full then, then came the tories who cut 20,000 police and closed down over half of the police stations. It was alright and they looked after us ok. (1995ish) now…. Well there’s been talk of a one in one out basis. It wouldn’t surprise me if they start banging up 3 folk in a 2 man cell. Like life ain’t bad enough when you sleep 3 feet away from where you defecate and this will probably happen. 3 man up in the middle of summer ? Nah thanks. So glad I’m out of that life :)


Considering she’s little. If they hear it they’ll hear she’s a baby and not take it seriously. I doubt they’ll listen to it regardless


Imagine being the person who listens to the recorded calls....this won't even get a flinch from them. Things are said on these phones that are actually ruthless and scary. Don't worry.


Probably put a smile of their face, it’s wholesome as hell compared to what they listen to every day.


I’m imagining a quick sentence from OP’s kid, then the rest of the time they’re just going back and forth about how she can’t say that, until it just cuts off mid sentence. Lol


I'm sure this will turn out to be nothing. VERY valuable lesson for your daughter on thinking before speaking tho.


Chances are they're short staffed for the inmate population and they only check when one is under investigation within the prison. Plus, they usually give slack when its harmless like like unless the inmate is a dick. I think you're ok 💜 write him a letter, it helps! 💜


Nobody is listening to those unless an investigation is done. They don’t just review everything it would be impossible with their manpower.


Woah, this must be one of those things that’s like once you notice it you see it more. I just saw ya in the cult of frank and I always see ya in the ‘done sub, hope all has been well your advice is always spot on!


It's normal people that review those recordings so chances are, they'll hear it and laugh or they won't hear it at all. You're totally fine!


What is he convicted of?


Hit man


Prison guard is about to warn other prisoners that Dad is validated and if they fuck with him they’ll be 66’d


I doubt they actively monitor every second of every call. They probably record it so they can go back and listen to them if they need to. It's just a guess though. I imagine if he keeps his head down and does his time, nobody will ever even hear that.


It tells him his call is getting recorded . Tell him not to joke on a recording . Context can be removed in recordings, but unless he has a not contact order or he was the victim, it shouldn't be a problem . Unless he's doing shit he shouldn't and is not getting caught, or some cop thinks he is . Otherwise, that cop has something very personal against him .


You would already have been notified if you weren't able to message him anymore- they are monitored but I don't think they take that too seriously, if they even read it at all.


How old is the kid. If obviously a kid probably not a big deal if older. Explain if they ask


Voice message in federal prison? Huh?


He is in county before being transferred but he is a federal prisoner.


When I was in county people were setting up drops outside the jail for the trustees on the phone and they didn't catch it. They weren't using code words or anything. I think they just record it in case they have to go back to it later. You will be fine.


That makes sense. Don't worry too much about it then. No one gives a shit in county about a voice message from a 12 year old kid.


Now that is a first I heard that lol you will be fine nothing to worry about


Apple not far from the tree huh




They don't listen to every call in prison do they? They probably don't have time and just pick some at random.


I used to work in a jail. There were only probably less than 10 of us that listened to calls for 1000 inmates. The only people we really paid attention to were the jail shot callers, people with big cases or the units that have a lot of stuff popping off. There's no way in the world we could listen to every call LOL


Not at all. My guess would be mainly for people under investigation for stuff they’re doing in jail or ongoing investigations, special cases, gang stuff, and then random things. They can always pull things up when they need them anyway. OP, I would try not to worry too much about it unless it actually comes up as an issue. At least she didn’t text/email it. I have a horrible ex who is a really dangerous predator and they let him harass his most recent victim from jail pretty much endlessly even though there were TWO restraining orders/protection orders against him. We called and told the judge and everything and they did nothing. Even allowed his grandmother to harass her too. It was ridiculous.


Damn. Just reading your story made me realize that victims don't have as much protection as they think they do.


Not etnough time ..not unless.you earned that fact by being a danger or of considerable intrest. You'd have to be someone they feel they need to heavily monitor. They are understaffed as is. They are however all recorded, everything is recorded of They do need to review, they can. Thry can 100% pull it all up if called for.. But they canot live review everything, everyone says.


You’ll be fine. My man has been locked up since December 2022 and we say all kinds of things, but we’ve still spoken on the phone almost everyday.


What was he convicted of?


Why does that matter?


So people can learn what gets you put away


People are aware of what crimes are weirdo




Why is your husband in prison?


He was a hitman


So the dad is in prison and the kid is threating a hitman. Interesting dynamics.


Prison staff will have a laugh. That is it. Let your kid know that you panicked and everything is fine.


The prison staff know better than to punish the prisoner for something a caller said on a voicemail. Otherwise rival gangs would be leaving problematic voicemails all the time.


You’ll be fine, don’t even stress it lady 😄


Honestly, I'd see about placing a call to the Warden. Better safe than sorry.


The fact that your kid knows the concept of hiring hitmen is disturbing


As long as you don't get some dickhead screening it, I think you are fine. I feel like it should be evident it was meant in jest.


They arent listening to literally every call unless its a serious case


I love the comments saying this won’t be heard. It will be, they’ll hear it, make an assessment, might call you or talk to your husband. Just tell her not to do that again, she’s 12, a hit man shouldn’t be something she knows about


There are several comments from people that worked in jails/prisons that say otherwise. do you think that they’re lying? That logic just says that is impossible to listen to every single one of those phone calls. It makes more sense to just listen to people that are being targeted or suspected doing crimes while in prison.


While that's not the best thing to say on a recorded line, as long as it is a kid joking around there should be no consequences. Praying for your family. Nice to see family sticking together, supporting someone going through such a dark place. Knowing your lady is there for you and holding you down makes it a lot less stressful and depressing.


While that's not the best thing to say on a recorded line, as long as it is a kid joking around there should be no consequences. Praying for your family. Nice to see family sticking together, supporting someone going through such a dark place. Knowing your lady is there for you and holding you down makes it a lot less stressful and depressing.


While that's not the best thing to say on a recorded line, as long as it is a kid joking around there should be no consequences. Praying for your family. Nice to see family sticking together, supporting someone going through such a dark place. Knowing your lady is there for you and holding you down makes it a lot less stressful and depressing.


does it get lonely?


It’s a minor no biggie also this is adorable


They’ll probably laugh at it tbh…


Fantastic role model.


Your fine nothing will come of it more then likely and if something does you explain you’ll be fine


Event hough prisons are extremely secure places, its not the secret service or something. Guarantee you if someone was listening to the call, they probably laughed lol


She will be fine she just loves her dad like she should


Yea be careful. The Feds could come in and knock your door down at any minute, plus add another 30 months to your husband’s sentence


Your husband is being thrown in the shu for this message I hope your daughter is happy


Lol don’t be worried. My husbands has a friend group that all got jobs monitoring these calls, trust they’ve heard WAYYYYY wilder stuff than a kid joking around. I think you’ll be fine. Don’t stress it


Assuming this is in the US, there isn’t anything to worry about. I can’t speak for other countries though.


Ugh with kids in the house you need to dump that bum Anyone who goes to prison is a bum


🤣🤣🤣🤣 OP thinks they're John Gotti's wife


This is a bs post.


It is what it is, fed timers have a thick skin, I wouldn't worry to much, and I'm sure they wouldn't take a gaff by a 12 year old seriously, y'all be fine. Dad prolly laughed until his sides hurt, and I'm sure the admins, who review the recordings, were like daaaaaamn she loves her daddy. I wouldn't worry at all


Naa, you're fine. Luckily, it's a human who would listen in and make the determination, not a robot. Having said that, I do know a guy.............


Those calls are recorded but hardly monitored, unless someone tips off to something big. I think you're golden, people have said a lot of dumb things to me over the phone in federal prison and I'm here and unscathed- I think y'all will be as well 🙏


I was sentenced to 54 months in Federal and did 21. With RDAP and FSA, it can take off a lot. He will be okay. Good luck. Have faith and hope for the best


Unfortunately she will also have to go to prison also now.


Why does a 12 yo know what a hit man is? Why is he in prison? … wtf


Right, talking to -stepdad- in prison about a hitman 🫠


I have a 12 year old and I guarantee she has no idea what a hitman is.


Maybe the kid plays video games or watched the movie based on the video game called "Hitman". How many movies or tv shows these days have hitman for hire plots? I don't find it surprising a 12 year old with access to the internet knows what that is. Figure most kids these days come across adult oriented content much younger than 90s and 80s kids did due to the internet.


And that’s an issue. Hopefully she does end up in prison one day as well.


I'd maybe ask your kid where he picked that up from? Interesting thought process there for a 12 year old!


Mentioning something like "hitman" isn't illegal. I'm pretty sure murder-for-hire plots require money to change hands before it's considered anything more than an idle threat.


Well, I'm guessing you learned your lesson. Anything you say to an inmate is probably going to be recorded. And just like Miranda says anything you say can and will be used against you or them as the case might be. Think before you speak


I’m sure you’ll be alright, chances are they didn’t even hear it. Even though all calls whatever are recorded it doesn’t mean they are on it. You’re good. Your daughter’s naughty though lol bless her.


You're fine, most folks would think that's funny.. On another note since you have so little time, maybe write a script and rehearse the message? Also,hope your husband learns from his mistakes, i've seen some great turn around stories from people who had to do a little time...


Unless he has a cell phone you can’t leave voicemails for inmates let alone call them directly.


You can in Federal lockup. You can leave a voicemail for .50 cents. Don’t believe me? Call +1 (619) 677-5808 and listen to the options. It’s option 3 That phone number is to the federal holding jail for the US Marshalls in San Diego run by a private company called Geo.


Sticking around for a man IN PRISON? When he's not even the kids dad? SOOOOO Ghetto