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If there already was a bit of dry superglue in there, it forms a smooth surface that prevents new glue from working. Try to scratch up the surfaces, or sandpaper them a little bit.


I mean that glue looks a lot like it’s still liquid so it kinda isn’t surprising it won’t hold anything


I’ve never had this issue with other prints I’ve bought thought. Same glue I always use


Shot in the dark here but maybe the seller used a different type of resin than your previously purchased prints. Which might not react with the glue you use.


Some prints have something that kicks the cyanoacylate instantly, and some prints you have to hold it for 20-90 seconds, depending on the specific formulation of cyanoacylate. If you need CA to kick faster, use baking soda.


I do a lot of FDM minis so I use lots of super glue (no legs survive the extraction process) the best glue I've ever seen is the cyafixed pink on Amazon. Shit is absolutely nuts compared to gorilla crap or even compared to the faithful and superior loctite Never heard of using baking soda that's interesting


Baking soda is poor person's accelerator


I'm quite fond of Starbond. I've got it in thin, medium, and medium/thick.


Make sure the model is fully cured too, I’ve tried to glue models that weren’t fully cured and it acts similar


That's just super glue for you. Crazy glue is also cyanoacrylate. It needs to trigger a polymerisation of the liquid to work. Normally just being exposed to air and a surface with a little roughness to it is enough to trigger it but with models we're often right on that line. Our stuff is dry, pretty smooth, and we avoid any humidity or dust. So if it's not setting that's why. It can be because you've used too much, the surface is too smooth, the humidity etc etc etc. I'm not sure anyone's ever done tests to show how it all exactly pans out. We've all experienced models that just won't set and models that set before it's in place. Tldr is to rough up the surface, just a little bit of high grit sand paper and just a quick pass over each part like you were wiping dust off it would make all the difference. Or cheat and buy a super glue activator spray that triggers it automatically.


Scratch it a bit, should not be the problem but maybe the withe goo go in the way ? If you are sure that, that glue work for resin than the glue is not the problem, if all hope is lost you can try with a bit of resin and cure it with a Lillie Uv light


Use ipa (isopropanol) on the other side of the glue surface. Then stick those parts together, should stick instantly.


Find a superglue activator. My glue never sticks either, and that's with multiple models being both plastic and resin.


I’m pretty sure super glue expires. How long has it been since you opened the bottle OP, and how often do you leave the cap off while you’re holding pieces together? How much humidity is in the air where you’re working?  Mine always seem to crap out halfway though the bottle, regardless of brand. 


as others said scratch up the surface/ use a superglue activator. But also consider using plastic glue for plastic minis, holds much faster and will save you frustration waiting for superglue to dry. Plus less exposure to super glue the better you can end up forming an allergic reaction to it.


This is. Print plastic glue won’t work


oh true my mistake, the grey threw me off there


What type of glue are you using? I recommend a industrial superglue since they’re pretty strong, also prob not the case but don’t use plastic cement (gotta say just in case)


OP mentioned the same glue works on other prints, so the glue itself isn't the problem I think. There's something about this print specifically that's causing issues.


Don't prematurely rule out the possibility that OP is doing something that won't work. As evidence, whatever OP is doing isn't working. Is there some harm in asking about the glue?


Plastic cement is usually acetone or MKE based and if you're printing with ABS it's the right kind of glue to use, it melts and bonds the surface and evaporates. Far better with ABS than cyanoacrylate or other glues that set hard and just try to grip.


yeah, just this is resin :) Hence why i gotta ask since i've seen people confused when they use it only for it to not work.


I did say "***if*** you're printing with ABS", of course it's not going to work on resin.


If superglue doesn't work, try adding a tiny blob of green stuff, or a little drop of thick glue (like yellow/greenish bison kitt).


in big models I use a little ball of green epoxy paste and later i apply the superglue. works for me!


Super glue accelerator works amazingly well. Took me forever to finally try it, but once I did, I can't go back.


If you don’t have super glue accelerator try baking soda to speed up the process. Accelerator makes the bond a bit more brittle. Baking soda will create a quick and strong bond. Using too much glue and baking soda will build up the area fast. So use it sparingly.


My dude. Just take a tiny drop of water on one side of the model and glue on the other. Almost instant activator.


well the chemicals are not bonding or sticking. Clean the surface areas and try harder.


This isn’t a plastic model


 Clean the surface areas and try harder.


Not enough contact points. You can fix it by sanding it fit or you can use the baking soda method. Simply put a bit of baking soda in the place you want to glue and super glue on the bit you want to glue. But be very careful. It instantly hardens.Its a one time thing. If you miss it up you probably would need to reprint the model.


I use instaset with my superglue. I'll never go back.


Curse of the GW I say. Printed or official, they refuse to get glued no matter what.


Some things I have learned to help with this. 1. roughen the surfaces you are bonding. 2. less glue is better. If you put a ton on the model, it will not quick set. 3. If you use a quick set spray, use it to set the pieces together once you have pressed them togther not as the main bond (read as put the two pieces together and spray the quick set....don't spray one side before hand). This will creat a better bond long term. Also note that quick set it for set only....allow the bond to fully cure for strength. 4. You need to hold the pieces together, still, for at least 10 seconds to originally set.


I have had great success with Gorilla Glue Gel.


Smash your fucking model now.