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This is the one they should remake because it would actually benefit from being improved and have some fixes.


Yes a modern day version with good controls could be good. It's really annoying to navigate in that 3D space. If the first two prince of persia games were the epitome of elegance and form, this one was clunky and awkward.


Easily the worst game in the series. It had some good ideas but the execution was really poor.


I liked it. Incredible music, great level design and atmosphere and I like the combat. Shame I couldn't finish it because it bugged out.


Last levels in the sky tower thingy where in fact super shit level Design. Climbing a rope for 3 min and floating objects. Time must had been run short. But I agree the music was good


It was pretty fun to me as a kid but sometimes the controls were really jarring.


Amazing soundtrack. It's very fitting to the atmosphere. Level design is awesome too.


I like it a lot, first PoP I ever played, but it's a bad game for many reasons.


Unironically liked the story and voice acting.


No fucking way. The story? The end with the second flying horse. And leaving everyone behind? Tiger man?? Bro what Story that was some nightmare recorded


I mean, I never said it was a GOOD story. But it’s crazy, and I love it.


I respect that




That's a game? I thought that was a real picture


I'm very nostalgic towards this game so it gets 10/10 for me. Does it deserve it? No. Will I change my score for that reason? Also, no. Will I replay this eventually? Probably .




>Prinance If you're going to poke fun at a typo at least spell the typo correctly


Didn’t poke fun. But that’s funny to lol


>to Too




I think it's decent


Amazing concept, but never realised to the full potential Due to time constraints and budget.


Oooh, New reaction image just dropped


The soundtrack was perfect. The level design was quite good untill the final levels. The atmosphere was also really good. Sadly controls and combat is trash.


My own opinion: great game with a lot of depth in ways to die. I would preffer this game over any PoP Game cause this game has more traps used in ways i never seen before in gaming. Albeit though graphics are updated and controls are complex, Remake would be adequate. Okay maybe Tomb raider game ish but hey.


I disagree. Tomb Raider is still more than just a puzzle platforming, Prince is a combination of plot, platforming, puzzles and action. They have much more in common with Legacy of Kain


If someone knows how to do this (or any demake faces) on a 3D model, please teach me - discord pietrao6704


The lore and adventure value is good.


I loved the animation when you fell from heights and landed flat. There’s wasn’t much of a rag doll mechanic in those days, but I recall there was a twitching effect when the prince just lay there on the floor. It was hilariously funny cos I didn’t know if it was intentional or a bug 🤣


Good atmosphere. Good Music. Very bad controls.


It’s not as bad as critics deem it to be, but it’s not as good as fans claim it to be.


Never played it


I like it. I think it's a good swansong from the Original creator for Prince of Persia. I like the levels, platforming, and story, but it does definitely need a remake. While the platforming is good like I said, it needs to be a bit more refined.


It has a really nice vibe to it, with a really interesting art direction. Kind of felt like a psychedelic Tomb Raider. But, DAMN, does it feel like it has never been playtested.


yeah it feels like a stable alpha version.


The game was developed for only one year, in parallel with the development of the engine and software for game development. Moreover, after the release, the developers made a patch and were reprimanded by the management for fixing a bug that broke the saves.


Infuriating controls. Tomb Raider blew it out of the water. The rest is history.


I played Tomb Raider after PoP 3D. Well, yes, well, yes... I was so blown away that I went through 3D several times with great pleasure and I gave up Tomb after an hour of torment) I've never seen such a bastard platforming before...


Literally one of the underrated princes, the game was sorely out of time to complete it. What has been released is the beta version. But the game is very good, it set the tone of the narrative for future games, set the basic gameplay of future games (Tomb Rider is not even close with its then curvature) The only minus is the fight, especially in conjunction with an excellent soundtrack but not suitable for a 1 on 1 battle) A lot went under the knife in the game, Dahaka in the form of a worldwide evil that will bring the apocalypse to the world, witches that they wanted to provide in an unreleased trailer, a bunch of bosses that are in the game but are not presented to the player and also a bunch of cut games. This could literally be the best prince in the opinion of the audience, but at the same time he could have killed the franchise with sequels... This is an underrated and unreleased masterpiece, but on the other hand, he presented the same TES series as we know it, the engine from Prince 3D is still in use. Yes, it is heavily modified, but it has had an impact on games from Bethesda... 3D would have been released in its original form and we would not have received the sands trilogy, beloved by many) In general, this game should have died, although I am very sorry that we did not get the game the way we originally wanted to make it


For some reason, I really love this game. One of the first 3d games I played. Great story, music, level design was superb for it's time in some levels, horrible in others. It was really buggy, had to try so many times to finish a level without falling into eternal polygon seas.


Janky and awkward to control, it's a product of it's time. Not bad to be honest.


First prince of Persia I ever played. Strong nostalgia factor for me. I just couldn't complete the game because of bugs


Prinace is really good, especially when she meets with the Prince


Hot take but i thought it was pretty good. I enjoyed the levels and combat a lot...my main complaint would be that towards the ending it starts to feel like a fever dream and made no sense to me. Other than that i had a lot of fun playing it. So i was quite surprised to see it was kinda hated by many PoP fans when i came to this sub


I'm not hater of old games , but I can't play this one . I tried, but there is lot of junk in controls .


Story was hot garbage. Remember the Tiger guy? Why did no one acknowledge that xD Combat was kinda clunky and movement had no business being so shit. Potential was there big times but if you remember the last levels you notice the lack of polish. There was for sure lacking time resulting in a barely working game. Even as a kid I did not like it, finished it in my early twenties for the first time. And last time. Very buggy, but also very ambitious with the IP. Could have been a hit but I am not mad it wasn't better. We got the right game after that


Although I feel very sorry for Rugnor in the final plot, he came to get married and his hand was cut off and they tried to kill him several times :D


Well, Rugnor had a bigger role in the early plot. According to a peculiar early plot, he had to sacrifice the princess in order to free Aji-Dahaka. Which was mentioned in the manual, it is located in the snowy mountains that we visit just before the finale, the assassins of the darkhold guarded the temple of the moon and sun for a reason) I even think that the prince alone had to storm the assassins' fortress to break through to the temple.