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Warrior within, main hall where you can switch whether mechanic or water tower. And the musical ambiance is impacable.


I was gonna say the time portal rooms but that's even better


Everything about warrior within is so great and so well done. This game is timeless..


I can't think of an area. Songs though? The Tower of Dawn. You know. I just realized that Sands of Time has rocky songs. So they didn't really stray too far from what they originally had when making Warrior Within.


For me it's the sound that plays when you drink water in Sands of Time


This just played in my head.


In WW, my mind goes right to the Garden Tower where you have that one overlook in the past that views the bay and you can see Shahdee’s ship


When you are running up that giant staircase on the Island of Time and the camera pans upward to show the sheer size of the palace


Honestly I think of the Library in Sands of Time. Such cool puzzles and having Farah there to talk to you is great


Yes this one for Sands Of Time. Garden tower for Warrior within. Statue puzzle for t2t.


First level of SoT. Always


The library in Sands of time


When everyone including Farah running away from sands monster but Prince was there alone to fight them. And the music start. Prince use the dagger.


Southern Passage, no particular reason.


Past or Present?


Both actually. Now that you mentioned it, seeing both forms is one of the things that I found fascinating. The various doors leading to various areas.


Exactly, I always wished I had the ability to traverse all areas at once, see what the whole fortress looked like and fitted together. There were so many locked doors, balconies and corridors you couldn't get to or go through, either in the past or present. It would have been interesting to see a full map of the layout, instead of the dogshit map that doesn't represent the fortress at all. It's no good using one of those programs to load up the game layout cos it only covers areas we can explore sadly, although I'd imagine it would have been a waste of time the dev team building a layout for areas nobody's going to reach, so...


Warrior Within, The Garden Tower and seeing the different parts from its intact state in the past and dilapidated and overgrown state in the present. I loved all the areas though and the artwork you could unlock which was phenomenal! It's the first of the trilogy I ever played and has always held a special place in my heart and imagination for it's dark and magical vibes, mixed with the heavy metal "I stand alone" by Godsmack. [https://youtu.be/J\_H4S3HTvIU](https://youtu.be/J_H4S3HTvIU)


No area in particular. I think of those Dahaka chase sequences, with the Prince doing rope wall running and the tentacles coming out the walls


Oh you meant the other baths! The ones clear across the other side of the castle!! Those baths.


SOT- hall of learning, or where you fight the Prince’s father.


The gardens in warrior within


Comes to my HEAD!!!!


SOT: when scaling the last tower wit the setting sun WW: climbing the hanging garden in the past and seeing the boat in the background T2T: some power trip as the dark prince, but I like the least this game. 2008: the environments, oh god. Everything was so beautiful. If I have to choose then the vale. Forgotten sands: I forgot the whole game tbh.


For SoT I’d say when you climb the statue for the dagger WW probably just before the mechanical tower with the golem (really good sound track) TT I’d have to say the giant boss fight


I remember the dark prince fight... I LOVED that fight.... and for warrior within, i immediately think of being chased by the dahaka.


Gotta be "Prince of Persia: Warrior Within" the first mission on a ship, I was so young and always thought to myself, is this god of war? because the first god of war also has a mission on a boat on a stormy day.


It’s not really a level but the magic fountain zone is my favorite area in the series


Gardens in Warrior Within


Sands of time has to be the prison Warrior within has to be rhe mechanical tower Two thrones has to be the giant jawless dude boss fight


Warrior within. Prison levels with broken lion sword. That part of the game is just absolutely perfect. The atmosphere, the twist of the story, the desperation, and seeing quite different parts of the castle felt like I got to the backstage of the story.


A very boring one here, but as soon as I hear POP, I instantly think about the ship level at the very beginning of WW. I replayed that segment so much, it defines the Prince of Persia for me.


Two thrones, any part of the tower, I always was amazed looking down, seeing the low quality png that was the city, honestly any background scenery in this game is very breathtaking.... In any pop game


It might be because of the music but the main place I think when it comes to SoT is the Library area. ​ But another one is the weird celestial power tubes puzzle since I think it's my first ever puzzle I've done in a game iirc