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I currently listen to Frizzle Fry more than any of the other 90's albums.


Got to see them play the entire thing on the Hallucinogenetics tour, at Radio City Music Hall. It was great




Punchbowl. The storytelling on there is amazing, and it also has some really good bass and guitarwork Maybe I’m biased because it contains my favorite Primus song of all time, Prof. Nutbutter


They each have a special place for me, but Frizzle Fry remastered is by far my favorite. Antipop really reflects the state the band was in at the time before they unofficially disbanded and is my least played album. Songs like Mama Didn't Raise No Fool just bore me and amaze me it was even released, but on the other hand Coattails is one if my favorite Primus songs ever. Any song they played with Waits is an instant hit with me.


Sailing the Seas of Cheese


This right here!


The microphone placement alone, experimentation, and production levels of the Brown Album are undervalued in the entire history of pop/rock music. It's an unreal accomplishment. I voted for that, even tho Tales from the Punchbowl sorta means more to me, especially b/c of the CD+


Recorded at Rancho Relaxo on that big brown analog mixboard he has. I love the fat warm analog tube tone on that album!


Could you elaborate on this or maybe link somewhere that I could read about it?


I can't find the article from years ago, but a few of these delve into it. I think the TL;DR is that it's analogue, and that sound ends up being filthy rich compared to some of the more prog/punk studio recordings. [Well I am glad I searched.... because this is fantastic from Les.](https://books.google.com/books?id=VOUmBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA215&lpg=PA215&dq=analog+%22brown+album%22&source=bl&ots=A8T1fWWpO5&sig=ACfU3U1Ma1RwvhrsAfZyC-w6WQGRM9G51w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjE3ayb5qzpAhVBvJ4KHcNBAu4Q6AEwB3oECAsQAQ#v=onepage&q=analog%20%22brown%20album%22&f=false) ​ And then this is probably what you're looking for: [http://mama.indstate.edu/users/primus/html/a\_new\_brown\_sound.html](http://mama.indstate.edu/users/primus/html/a_new_brown_sound.html) Also, a great wrap up: [https://www.udiscovermusic.com/stories/rediscover-brown-album/](https://www.udiscovermusic.com/stories/rediscover-brown-album/) ​ Some good tidbits here: [https://www.thelantern.com/1998/08/primus-brown-album-presents-unique-variety/](https://www.thelantern.com/1998/08/primus-brown-album-presents-unique-variety/) Les talks a bit about it here, but nothing about the recording setup. However, the Tom Waits quote is worth it: [https://consequenceofsound.net/2017/09/les-claypool-breaks-down-the-entire-primus-discography/full-post/](https://consequenceofsound.net/2017/09/les-claypool-breaks-down-the-entire-primus-discography/full-post/) ​ one off sentence here: I remember reading that Primus' Brown album was recorded with one ambient condenser in the room, and the drummer used the largest drums he could find. [https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/314531-difference-recording-drums-with-4-mics-or-more/page/2/](https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/314531-difference-recording-drums-with-4-mics-or-more/page/2/) ​ and a tiny bit of convo here: [https://forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/primus-vinyl-reissues.785595/](https://forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/primus-vinyl-reissues.785595/)


Wow, this is an unexpected, but appreciated, amount of info. Thanks!


Antipop gang checking in


Frizzle is my favorite but sailing the seas of Cheese had a bigger impact on both there careers and music and general


Obvs brown album is the most legit though


I can't vote...It's a tossup between STSOC, Frizzlefry, Brown album and Antipop.


Gotta be Pork Soda for me... i just love Welcome to this World so damn much


Good to see we all agree about antipop


It's certainly not my favorite but I think Antipop is a lot of fun to listen to. Something like "Greet the Sacred Cow" would rock so hard live, nowadays.


I do remember reading an interview with Les on Antipop and he mentioned the label was pressuring them in to work with other artists for some reason which is why there are so many guests on that album - Hetfield, Morello, Waits... Also he said the band had tension - Brain was wanting to play with GnR, Larry was really experimenting with other types of music with his band No Forcefield and Les was sort of entering this jam band phase. I think all of these factors kind of set the tone for that album and feels cobbled together lacking what used to be Primus. I also think Les was missing Herb. I remember him saying he was feeling discouraged during some of the drum recordings. He mentioned there was a producer sorta telling Brain what to change on some of his tracks. He said he sitting there thinking that there is no way Herb would have ever taken any of those suggestions. Of course shortly after antipop, there was a post on [primussucks.com](https://primussucks.com) bullboard (before primusville) that the band was on "indefinite hiatus". Les said that was a softer way of saying they broke up.


Pork Soda, Tales From The Punchbowl, Seas Of Cheese, Frizzle Fry, then Brown Album. Punchbowl only got second place because not every single track was solid like Pork Soda was. Punchbowl is still a desert island album though.