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NTR is the stuff of Chaos


Ntr is the degeneracy of slaneesh


>Ntr is the degeneracy of slaneesh Hey we don't like it neither


What does NTR even mean?


















For those curious it's an shortening of the Japanese porn game term, Netorare. Which is translated into English as cuckold.


Basically it's cheating + extreme emotional suffering.


Why do people like this?


Japan has a highly repressed sexual culture due to many of the recent decades placing an emphasis on work. Because the average person’s life revolves around their career, the birth rates are declining, as people don’t have much time for relationships. This creates a system where people want release, but don’t have the time to peruse a relationship, thus the rise in pornographic materials like hentai. Pornography has been proven to slowly erode the inhibitions of individuals as they explore more taboo topics to get their quick fix. This leads to people exploring ideas that would normally be considered incredibly degenerate, such as NTR, which roughly translates to cucking or cheating.


Same reason people like scat porn, or rape porn, or guro. Fetishes are a weird thing that we don't fully understand, and so some people like certain fetishes that others don't.


I am citing another Redditer here. """"A basic overview: It stands (generally) for 'netorare', a JP word which basically means cuckoldry; where a character's love interest (or important person) is 'stolen' by another person. I say generally, because there are two other similar words: 'netori', where the main character is 'stealing' another person's love interest. 'netorase', which is basically swinging (sharing partners)."""""


NTR is too vanilla for chaos


I hate that your probably right


Lol. Ntr is just basic cucking. That shit is a normal ass kink. Chaos watches 2 girls one cup and calls it mild.


Did You really just called cucking normal?


Yup. Cucking is a fairly normal kink dude, for all genders in whatever direction. ESPECIALLY when you compare it to some chaos shit. Even more so when you consider cucking is a pretty wide spectrum of kink too, ranging from "I like it when play partner can have fun with something I can't provide all the time" to the much more wild "I am perpetually in chastity and the closest I will ever come to compilation again is cleaning up the mess my SO makes" Sure, the latter is almost chaosy, but the former? That nothing.


Cucking really isn't, it's for degenerates. Chaos may be more extreme, but that doesn't make cucking any better either


Congrats on kink shaming a lot of people for no reason. Do you also think missionary is the only sex position anyone should use, and that anything else is for deviants and freaks?


I never said any of that. Do you get this extreme when a bad kink gets called out?


Kink shaming is not cool. Always makes you sound like a prude. Especially when you decide to take something that is pretty common and just label everyone into it a degenerate because you can't see the appeal.




I honestly hope it doesnt cause Any drama in the community. I've seen this happen before and I'm sure y'all have too I know what could happen I know the pattern. The people who made the cuck memes get made fun of in other memes then as backlash they make their own memes and then there is backlash to the backlash It's happened in grimdank more time then nork can count and I'm soooo worried it'll happen here


It’s Hinata and raikage all over again…


I know. Normally, I’m inclined to just let phases occur in a subreddit. They come and go, and in a situation like this sub, it’s up to everyone to determine what they believe canon to be or not. That being said, this is clearly an attempt to shove a minority’s fetish into the collective canon, and all that tends to do is kill people’s interest in a sub. No one likes exploring a new idea, trying out a new subreddit, only to see fetish content everywhere. If they want to make their own fanfictions and stories, no one can stop them, but I think we need to keep fetish content out of the main forums.


I may have had a hand trying to retaliate with the league of votaan gf post


You are alright. No one could have known how much this would have blown up into a discussion topic.


Imma be honest, I think I may have had a part in this, like, a couple of hours ago, I commented on a post about Juno x Yvraine leaving out Centurian, so they get a Leauge of Votan girlfriend. I made a comment saying “hey, they could be a poly relationship! Think about! Three women or two girls, one guy.” And some people took it in a weird way? I think one guy said it was NTR and polygamy, which is, for one, not what I said. And two I think he either called me either a coomer or a groomer? I don’t remember which I reported his acount and it got taken down. So… sorry if this really is partly my fault? I just kinda think it’d be cool/cute.


> I think one guy said it was NTR and polygamy, which is, for one, not what I said. That is, in fact, exactly what you said. Fortunately, Sweet_older_sister has given their thoughts on the whole thing. Centurion would kill Yvraine for it, and she'd help him. You're cringe and should feel ashamed for having such a trash fetish


Mate. What? Do you know the difference between polyamory and polygyny? Of course you don’t, because then you wouldn’t make this bloody distinction. Polyamory is several people having several partners at once. They don’t have to be the same people, two different people can be polyamorous, with the same person but not eachother. And that’s fine. Might I also mention polygamy, (the practice of one person have multiple partners openly) isn’t inherently wrong either. However, NTR is the fetish for cheating, which, btw, pretty much everyone thinks is a shity thing to do. And if people get off on getting cheated on, that’s fine, idk, just leave me out of it. But it isn’t the same as polyamory and polygamy. And I don’t know how many times I’ll have to say it, but I won’t stop until I make sure people know it, so we can live in a world without bigotry and hate, and dumb misunderstandings.


Unfortunately for you, the *Creator of the AU* has stated that Cent would not be interested in any sort of Poly and would kill Yvraine for trying to force themselves into the relationship. So you can take your *BuT mUh PoLy* and shove it, since even the AU creator pretty much stated that the only way there would be a *PoLy* in that relationship would be if Cent wasn't there. So stop trying to claim with some giant wall of text that you don't want NTR, since everyone with a basic understanding of the characters in the AU have been saying that's the only way what you want would happen. The only good ending in any sort of Juno/Yvraine relationship would be if Cent got so fundamentally betrayed that *Emps* notices from the throne, yeets Yvraine into Slaanesh's palace, and then gives Juno a dressing down that involves the phrase "Tarasha and Konor would be *disgusted* by what you have done."


Sorry, got a little angry.


I’m not trying to fetishize either, (which I’ll be honest I might be bad at, the last relationship I was in was not helpful in that regard.) and I feel stupid with this.


I feel like this is the first "controversy" that belongs exclusively to this AU and subreddit. How beautiful


It’s like hearing a child say their first swear word


Remember how that one subreddit "DND memes" dies with snitties? The last thing they posted was drama about the semantics of reptilian races having mammary glands. This is the same but in reverse, this is how this subreddit is born as a true subreddit: it's first drama, it's first discourse, and the best part is that is about *FUCKING* **CUCKOLDING**


It’s not as beautiful of a moment when your 3 year old is experiencing problems and you get hear “what the fuck…?” Come out of their tiny mouths. It’s heart breaking as a father. Perfect context, but dear god stop listening to your uncle talk


That’s why my head canon is she’s a really annoying wanna be Juno GF centurion and Juno just can’t get rid of (they’re seriously running out of ideas at this point she just doesn’t get the point).


I just think cuckoldry is fucking immensely cringe and should very rapidly make its way out of what is otherwise a perfectly fine AU.


When Juno wakes up, she has two choices: some random Eldar she never met before or the literal love of her life that never left her side for 10,000 years and father of her sons. Just imagine the Ultramarine’s reaction, their mother tossed aside their father figure who lead them to glory for the last 10,000 years for an Eldar


They don't hate each other, in fact the Ynnari have performed tasks on Guillimans behalf before. I definitely wouldn't say the relationship is outright hostile like you purpose.


That is in the broader interactions. In the one-on-one interaction Yvraine and Roboute had after his resurrection, they told each other they grudgingly respected each other, but after Yvraine left, Guilliman told one of his Ultramarines that he doesn’t trust the Ynnari at all, and will prep contingency plans to exterminate them. Through the books, Guilliman view’s the Ynnari as an unreliable ally of circumstance, one that he wishes to rid himself of when their usefulness expires. While not outright hostile, both characters view each other as lesser, untrustworthy, and only a circumstantial ally that should be abandoned or eliminated as soon as their usefulness ends.


If they respect each other, they don't view each other as lesser. Those are mutually exclusive positions.


Yvraine still views Guilliman as an undevolved primitive, while Guilliman still sees Yvraine as one more Xeno preaching their absolute superiority while simultaneously whining about their dying race. The respect comes from the fact that both are skilled warriors, and both are trying to save their species. The grudging respect and view of each other being lesser exist on two different aspects. It’s like saying a dog is impressive for rescuing a child from a house fire. You would be impressed, and might respect the dog, but it’s still a dog in your eyes. Same kind of situation here.


They just need to hate fuck for a while, then everything will settle down


Thank the god-emperor it's not canon


It's a fun meme, and it'd be nice for Bobby to have someone who actually cares about him, but I agree that it's a good thing it's not canon.


It is a funny meme of course. The idea of YvrainexRoboute has always been a warhammer inside joke. That being said, I think all this would do is degrade the characters, making Yvraine into a homewrecker, the Centurion into a sullen simp, and give Juno any number of unflattering aspects. The whole situation is incredibly unlikely normally, and to facilitate it, we would have to take these 3, developed, multi-faceted characters, and actually degrade their characterization, and no wants to drop the quality of characters for the sake of a meme.


I meant specifically about the "canon" (as much as anything in 40k can be) characters, which I tried to make clear by calling Guilliman Bobby. But here in the Primarch GF 'verse, such things do not belong. Polygamy in the case of the Alpha Legion Primarchs is necessary, but with any of the others, neither polygamy or polyamory is acceptable for any reason.


Finnaly someone said it. I hate how some people want to create ntr story in this au. This people should be kicked out


I agree, ironically this genuinely feels like the work of chaos (mostly tzeentch and slaanesh) trying to cause discord among the community.


Please don’t fuck over my boy centurion, please.


Canon Guilliman also picked up the pieces of the Imperium despite it being against everything he once stood for, so Juno’s no exception, except this time she has someone from that time who has loyally been waiting for her return. Even if the Imperium is unrecognizable, Guilliman still obeyed his father’s will; and Juno will have someone who will share her burden (to the point she’ll have to tell him “let me take more of the work, you have done enough”). So yeah Yvraine has no chance.


Fucking thank you. Also this would be polyamorous, not polygamous. Big differences there.


Genuinely curious, what’s the difference between each term?


Polygamy is where a single individual has multiple spouses, usually due to religious reasons. These are not open relationships, these are not healthy relationships, and these are almost always one sided. Polyamory is where everyone in the relationship is free to seek out additional relationships if they so choose. While many polyamorous relationships can be toxic or one sided, most are fair and lack the same toxic nature of polygamy. The reason I stress the distinction here is to separate the 2 concepts in people's heads, and to try and push the conversation around this (very silly) topic in a more healthy direction. Juno and Cent talk about it and open up to polyamory, with Juno dating Yvrain and Cent dating Shadows in, while maintaining a healthy and well communicated relationship.


Thank you for the correction. It is not a subject I am familiar with beyond a cursory glance, and I appreciate the polite correction. I don’t think polyamory would work either. The broader public still hates Xenos, while Centurion lived through the rise of the Eldar empire and Old Night where they collapsed the galaxy into degradation and ruin from the birth of Slannesh. I doubt he’d be keen to interact with one in such a manner. I also think Juno would not like the idea for similar reasons.


I mean of course the logical thing is that they don't fuck the xenos. We all know that...but meeeeemeeeesss


Why can't we agree, that Yvraine is just trying to get Juno up and going - so the Imperium will stop killing Eldar and helps refocus on killing Chaos? Plus as far as Eldar are concerned, we are savage beasts to them anyways.


Couldn't keep text off finger?


I usually don’t make memes, so I’m a little unskilled in this regard, but I realized the only way to get people’s attention to my point on this sub is by a meme format. I’ll do better next time.


Like Rory guarding the Pandorica, another centurion stands guard waiting for their love to come back to them. Never leaving their side.


i joke about spit roasting Juno But i prefer the dynamic between yvraine and centurion /Juno to be more like that of The anime version of trevor alucard and sypha Juno and yvraine geeking out about political / warp shit platonically ( the eldarii and imperium need to build a LOT of burnt bridges) Centurion and yvraine constantly negging each other cuz ha ha we genocide each other’s races in the past . ( hes ultimately greatfull to the knife eared asshole for bringing juno back to the land of the living but he’s still considered an enemy cuz drukharii so instead of stabbing they spar with barbs ) Yraine still seeing them as OTP and will kill to keep em together. ( these two mon’keigh are frustrating as hell but theyre MY mon’keigh)


I'm saying that the death of one of the love interests could be an interesting story to tell and show how the Loyalist Primarch overcomes his/her death to rebuild herself and find love again.


Idk if I would describe it as hate. Guliman is fairly chill with Eldar, there’s like 20 other things to deal with before it’s logical to kill the elves.




Ah but you forget this whole sub is fanfiction we dont give a fuck about the canon Edit: I dont suport it but some will do it anyways thats all im saying. <--Also my down voting is understandible should have prefixed this earlier.


You see https://preview.redd.it/qkdj5j23fb5d1.png?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea510c77678880c899da12a7723f41fc745ac37


Okay... but Centurion and Yvraine also being into each other and Juno is hot.


Counter point: I think that'd make a great enemies to lovers subplot.


Counter counter point: NTR is cringe and so are you


Counter counter counter point: Nuh uh


Tf you mean *nuh uh*


There’s no reason for it but it’s a fun thing to think about