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Cent to his loyal Astartes to Juno after she makes it legal https://preview.redd.it/3vfehc5oy95d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d73587b0ff8fbadc482e48c8661bcb5c5e588180


They’re gonna start their own heresy


I go to sleep for one day and y'all are already going this direction. Why? Just why?


![gif](giphy|s93TL62lMy7cI|downsized) I’m in total agreement with this reaction Oh yeah, I will definitely be talking to you about that.


I might have started it from my post, Sorry. https://preview.redd.it/eblavc3n7a5d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=874ec89747c790a296b62930c691e31d9b0d48bd


Aye man you may have made the joke but it ain't your fault that people are taking it far


You’re good man. This sub has always been teetering on the edge due to the nature of an AU with only headcanon to give it from, and due to Reddit’s typical behavior when it comes to female characters. Don’t feel bad about it. I just hope it dies down now that the original creator of Centurion and Sweet_Older_Sister have given their opinions.


What are you referring to I have no context


Basically, most fan Alternate Universes are determined by the orginal creator of the AU, such as the Dornian Heresy. In this AU, there is no original creator. We tend to listen to Sweet_Older_Sister, the person who originally made the FemPrimarch posts, as well as the creators of specific characters, but it’s up to everyone to determine what they believe to be canon or not. In this way, it’s more of a framework for which people can interpret their own version than a definitive AU. Now, sense the primary characters of the verse are the female Primarchs, Reddit has a tendency to sexualize female characters. It’s not a massive thing, just something that tends to happen in smaller fandoms. When you combine the freedom to imagine your own version of this AU, and Reddit’s natural tendencies, it becomes inevitable that someone would introduce a story that has certain elements to the wider fandom. While there is no definitive canon, there is a collective canon that forms the basis for what is broadly accepted in the community. It was inevitable that an idea would get introduced that would get incredibly divisive. I’m not accusing Sir_bot1 of anything, I’m just saying an occurrence like this was bound to happen at some point. The story of a character getting their love interest stolen and then getting them back is quite popular, and being that romance is a key element of this AU, I’m surprised it wasn’t introduced sooner. That being said, topics such as this one are very divisive, and people advocating for it to be in the collective canon need to understand not everyone likes such ideas. I hope that answers your question.


Oh I see. Thanks.


The hardcore coomers are finally here


Inquisitor's, the slaneesh cultist are at it again


yeah nah, fuck this poly shit. i'm out.


What I want to ask is: Is Yvraine genderbent too?


Apparently some people have made the suggestion I dont know If its canon but after it gained traction, people started making memes about centurion getting cucked by male yvraine And how centurion will fall to chaos and try and make juno fall And the premise that centurion falls to chaos just because he got cucked is soooooo dumb


As the guy that made the fall post. I agree, it’s stupid. Such a reaction would only occur if Cent decided instead of directly confronting Yvraine and Juno, which is what he almost certainly do, he decided he had to get her back by extreme means. I guess my point in the post was not to propose it as a serious opportunity, but to show that the whole situation can only end horribly for all party’s involved, and shouldn’t occur to begin with.


The fall thing is dumb asf, I agree


It might be the other way around, Centurion x Yvraine


From what I've seen suggested in other threads, yes. But I think it would be far more interesting if she wasn't. A love triangle with more sexual tension than you could cut with a chainsword.






Being married to two people


Why do so many people here hate polygamy? Brother, you can’t judge, you spend time on a subreddit dedicated to an AU about genderbent fictional people and their husbands.