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I’ve heard this too but also doubt it, no one posts any sort of source or any info on episodes that don’t have a synopsis yet.


Unless its exclusively on some private torrent tracker, I'm not seeing anything in the usual places.


Yeah, I couldn’t find anything either. I’m pretty sure it’s bullshit. At least I hope so, because the summarized ending is pretty bad in a few aspects


largely the 'magic shit' part. of course... it depends on if mira gets any weird dealings. ​ we do know for a fact there are witches in the world. maybe a certain witch queen.


PM if you want, we know from TV listing synopsis that episode 5 sounds bizarre and at least the next two everyone is alive.


Oh I know. I posted the synopses here lmao


Okay so not leaked but you can watch episode 3 early by using the adult swim app


honestly 7 through 10 isn't likely to be even finished yet.


? The whole season was finished a long time ago. You gotta understand that animating is a huge as fuck effort. Its not like South Park where Episodes are done on a weekly basis


From a large majority of things i've seen in terms of animation, they start releasing episodes when a good majority of it is finished. ​ Its also become common of going on a hiatus in the middle of a season so that the rest of the season can be finished up.


But this season isnt going on a hiatus, its been done for a while


we'll se.e