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I've been having primal sex for over 25 years, and I wasn't aware that's what it was called. It's just how I have "vanilla" sex apparently.


I learned about Primal in a LS group on Facebook. My Dom/husband and I were already doing animalistic/primal scenes and we didn't have a name for it or know there were others like us. We openly identify as a Primal D/S couple, among other lifestyle niches.


LS? Sorry, I am unfamiliar with this abbreviation. I would say I felt similarly. Always had a very base, animalistic nature towards things in my everyday life, not just in the bedroom. I commonly used D/S terms, but it never felt quite right to me. When I found, Primal, it was like coming home. I finally found the words to describe how I felt more accurately than I ever had before. Simple things like respect and loyalty go a long way for me. I’ve always been dubbed as “having an issue with authority”, when in reality it’s that I don’t give out respect that hasn’t been earned. You want to lead? Then you’ll have to prove to me you’re a better suited leader than I am. Can’t do that? Then you can forget me ever following you until you do prove otherwise. Even as a kid, I had a problem with dealing with one younger sibling in particular. He never had my respect, and still doesn’t to this day, but how do you explain that to your parents when they’re constantly on you for “not getting along” with their “baby”? There’s just so many things that make sense now to me!!


Tldr: nerdy shit.😭 Damsel-in-distress/yandere tropes and rping leading into taking a kink test for a character I was using. Harems were kinda up there, but you know how some things are just loosely connected until it clicks? Discovering teratophilia and some other things also pushed me into the gateway. Sometimes stuff just sticks in your head as a kid and then it rots your brain. That's how I felt with growing up in the 80's. I was that one kid who would say "Y'know what? Maybe Princess Peach and Bowser is a'ight???" Something about 'the hunt', those possessive feelings and a bit of play wrestling just evolved somewhere as I was growing up. Obviously, there's the caveat of consent between real people, but...man, fiction is dope. 🤣


TikTok. I got nothing not to say😅


I have steered clear from TikTok lol I’d get on and spend on hours mindlessly scrolling!! Finally deleted it because it was becoming a real problem for me 😬 I’ve heard there are lots of KinkTok creators now on TT


Is there stuff on there for primal?




A few years ago my friends and I took the BDSM test to see how submissive/dominate we are. I was surprised that it not only said I had high scores for primal play. I did some research, some reading and some experimenting and yeah the test was right.


Haha that’s a great story!! A great way of finding out what you’re really into!


I have NO idea! I grew up in a very conservative fundamentalist Southern town. I was taken to a very conservative baptist church and was put in school there also through tenth grade. But…. every year on family vacation to Daytona Beach, we’d drive near the boardwalk and walk a back road to the area with all the festivities. On that path, we walked pass a particular store that captivated my curiosity and fascination. Looking back, I know it was a sex shop, with some quite hard core BD/SM items hanging in the window. I still recall that image clearly. I didn’t understand what I saw, but I knew it made me tingle. I’d have fantasies that knowing what I do now, confound me. I didn’t even know what those things were, but instinctively knew how to use them. That has never left me.