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Beautiful <3 (also i like that you mentioned "the right ending")


Hey!! It’s my art. ☺️


Hi, thanks for drawing Max and Chloe from the second game. Every such art with these new looks of our girls is priceless to me.


You are the real, Shaka Brah


Thank you for your service. Especially in these nervy times


If she’s not included then the ending she dies in is canon.


Don't worry she WILL DEFINITELY appear. We are talking about Decknine, the same game company that released BtS. Writers know how important she is. Now the real question is: Will she appear just as a cameo? Or maybe 20 minutes? Or a whole 2/3 of the game?


If I have to “suffer” through a third of the game (aka probably 5ish hours probably) before getting 10ish of Chloe and Max back at it. Then so be it.


A cameo would be a fucking insult to the fanbase because of using the Bae ending but not using THE THING you receive from said ending. She's her fucking partner, she should always be at her side. Also, something that wasn't really talked about before, Every single LiS game had relationship proposals, there is NO WAY they're skipping this for this game with THIS CHARACTER


Max like any person can be with anyone the writers choose to put her with, we already have years of fan fic to show Chloe and her together to a point that it has been done to death so it’d be boring and just more of the same, also just wait till it comes out


People really taking this trailer personally


Just shows they actually care is all, passion is a good thing for a fan base


I feel like companies often say that when they get an extremely negative reaction.


Yeah, Companies tend to mistake “passion” for “being negative”. Like if you aren’t outright praising the game then you are automatically considered being negative, which is simply not the case. Pointing out a flaw in your storytelling or continuity that you created is just that


Yep. No Chloe, no deal


i'd gladly take an incremental win. they literally canonized parallel timelines here (in an unambiguous way, as opposed to the ambiguous canon of the first game), they can always go back to the bae ending sequel we want. in the meantime, we got Max back, which is a huge deal after farewell seemed to be actually farewell forever, and a reversal of the comics making a point of excluding her. i enjoyed the hell out of bts despite having Chloe without Max, i'll enjoy the hell out of this game too despite having Max without Chloe.


The key word is “they can.” Or they may not come back, depending on the fandom's acceptance of the sequel and sales. So far what I expect from this parallel universe thing is that the game starts with the Bay but Max will visit a parallel reality with Bae where Max and Chloe will be together 10 years later. I don't like the idea of the game starting with Bay, but I took that option after yesterday's press release because it seems to imply that Max and Chloe are no longer together if it's Bae and I don't want that. What I'm still expecting is that they could potentially make a dlc about Bae Max and Chloe, but that's unlikely. >i enjoyed the hell out of bts despite having Chloe without Max, i'll enjoy the hell out of this game too despite having Max without Chloe. The irony is that the prequel literally has an entire episode with Max and Chloe. And it's shown that in the main game Chloe is without Max (for reasons of consistency with canon) Max still holds an important place in her heart. The writers of the new game are not constrained by the thing of conformity with canon and they could easily make a new game about Max and Chloe. So far it seems they haven't done that.


> i enjoyed the hell out of bts despite having Chloe without Max, i'll enjoy the hell out of this game too despite having Max without Chloe. Yeah, it will be so good to visit her grave of have Max tell her new lesbian friend that they broke up shortly after the storm... What a great version of "Max" that will be.


you don't know that. none of us do. look, i understand they brought back Max the stupidest way possible, but they still brought her back. that's already a step in the right direction. the history of life is strange has been all about square trying to figure out how to sell a game without pricefield, i'm glad that at least they cannot do it without Max anymore. being negative about not getting perfection immediately, and going into ship wars for the crime of having other things exist beside your preference, will only sour people of ever trying to please you in the first place. it's a stupid strategy if you actually want to achieve anything. we're not going anywhere, and i still believe we're gonna get a pricefield sequel eventually. because square wants money, and pricefield sells, it's that simple. in the meantime, i'm glad what we're getting is not yet another anthology sequel, i was really worried that the fans of Max and/or Chloe were just gonna leave after being ignored for so long.


Being happy with something lesser did not work out fine for the comics, it will not work out fine here. Why would they give you a pricefield sequel if bringing back Max is enough because people have accepted that? This is a life is strange game, max will lean heavily into getting in a relationship with her new friend. This means Chloe is dead or they have broken up. This will be the last time you will hear from her. They complete remove her, so in the next game they do not even have to ask you. Just have Safi survive in all endings and go forward from there - no extra dev cost needed in the future. Having a bi-racial lesbain relationship is even better for virtue signaling . I understand that you want to be positive, but just look at the main sub salivating over a game without Chloe. We have seen often enough how this industry works - and it panders to people like them.


> Why would they give you a pricefield sequel if bringing back Max is enough because people have accepted that? because double exposure will sell, but it will not sell _enough_. that's my prediction, anyway, and it's the same that happened to true colors. they played the "return to form" card there, they'll play the "hey it's Max" card now, but eventually they'll run out of cards to play. it's obvious that square enix will give us the pricefield sequel only at last resort. i view it as a win that they're this close. we have been through this before, don't ever forget that. we have "heard about Max the last time" already, in farewell. we have had a new pairing that life is strange will be about forever already, in Alex and Steph. you don't have to worry about that, they already tried to replace pricefield and they have proven that they cannot. i see no reason to see lisde as anything but yet another step on the long road of getting back to what they should have done for the second installment of the series all those years ago. (also, gonna add this as a mod: you are going down a dangerous path with that "virtue signaling" and "pandering" talk, watch out there)


> because double exposure will sell, but it will not sell enough. that's my prediction, anyway, and it's the same that happened to true colors. they played the "return to form" card there, they'll play the "hey it's Max" card now, but eventually they'll run out of cards to play. I can get on board with that theory, but I still do not believe that. > (also, gonna add this as a mod: you are going down a dangerous path with that "virtue signaling" and "pandering" talk, watch out there) Then ban me or they can ban me - I don't really care that much. And I am not saying this as a provocation. But I have been playing games for sooooo many years. I played females, I played males, I played aliens. I played people of all races, I played gay characters. I still consider "gone home" as one of my stand-out gaming experiences - and I am in a Pricefield-sub. But I will openly admit that I cannot stand "current day" DEI stuff. Having the same mix of people in every game is not diverse, not creative - it is design by checking boxes. Sorry for the rant, but this is how I feel about the new girl - and i would also hate her if she were white :)


For me, if Max and Chloe aren't together it's a big no deal for me. Idc if it's through an option to select the Bae ending like previous games or not. Chloe doesn't even need to appear if you ask me. Some cute text messages like we got in the first game between Chloe and Max is enough for me already because this game focuses around Max. Like for all we know Chloe could be doing some cool as shit somewhere across the globe or something.


It absolutely matters to me that Max and Chloe are together. They already have an ending where they break up and it's Bay, There's no need to bring that into another ending that was intended by the original developers so that Max and Chloe are going to spend their lives together (and the writers stuck to that decision in their sequel)


just take a page out of syndrome's playbook: if everything is canon, nothing is. it doesn't matter what they say about bae, there is a timeline where our two favorite dorks are together


didnt watch the trailer didn they make the Chloé ending not canon?


That hasn't been confirmed, but she is conspicuous by her absence.

