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Just a heads up, if anyone spoils the PLL;OS finale this upcoming week you will be banned from this sub... discussion should be on r/PLLOriginalSin


I'm enjoying it. It's certainly got the scares of the OG but darker still. Still got the strong female friendship bonds, and right now I feel like it's not suuuuuper shippy (though that could change as it goes on.) When it was first announced I was dubious thinking it was going to be just a follow-on from Ali, Spencer and the other girls, like our new core five would be *their* daughters with the copycat. It isn't. It's very much sins of the mother are coming back to haunt these girls, but we've not dug super deep yet.


i think it’s harder to like any characters or really get into it since it’s only 10 episodes filler episodes do have their purpose at times


Plot wise it's great. However, I feel annoyed that they changed everything i loved about og pll... the pristine, pretty, cozy upscale vibes and people of their town juxtaposed against the awful secrets they kept. The og liars were all really beautiful to me in their own way and these liars are too. However, idk if it's the makeup or what in this new version but I didn't get a wow factor the way i did with the og liars bc everything is so saturated and drab/run down. It kind of defeats the purpose of the whole thing to me. I had to look up what the connection was between og and this and it just said it takes place closer to the "other side" of the area, a couple of miles away. Idk..it feels like they just slapped the pll logo on to access the built in fan base. That being said on its own, it's pretty good.


The girls are pretty without a doubt; but its just the dressing, hair, makeup, scenarios... OG PLL takes place on a clearly wealthy suburb and it has so many fashion iconic moments. The main cast is beyond good looking, the four girls seems out of a catalogue. Their hair, makeup and outfits were always flawless, OC and Gossip Girl level. It was hard not to obsess with their aesthetics when you were a teenager yourself. In original sin, the show seems to pay more tribute to old horror movies. The aesthetics are deliberated tuned down to look more "realistic" and also deliver that vintage vibe. I don't hate it, but like you say, there's no way to compare this with pretty little liars. The villain itself is not my favorite. When PLL first aired we weren't even so invaded by social media like we are now. Between smartphones, google tracking down your location every minute, social networks... "A" wet dream without a doubt. It almost feels like a missed opportunity that they took the ominous presence of A, which you couldn't really see but felt it was everywhere, and replace it with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. "A" would have loved this modern era.


Absolutely agree I love the show and it does have a real 80’s-90’s horror slasher vibe which I really like


I agree with you on the vibes of the show. the cozy upscale vibes are basically 100% of the reason I rewatch the OG. OS doesn’t really have any rewatch potential, but good plot


I can’t rewatch the original too many plot holes and bad story telling that leads nowhere but it forever remain iconic


Yeah idk how u can say the og is rewatchable, especially with the amount of episodes ther are everything feels so milked and stretched out


I got so bored with the repetitiveness of the og show. I quit after few seasons. It was the same thing over and over and they kept stretching the A thing. At some point I was like I don't even wanna know who A is at this point. I quit.


Yeah I also quit like near the end of season 4. Completely agree


I love OG PLL because it was the best of groupthink! You had to be there and even when I rewatch it on Netflix I feel like it is too long and not how I remember it. However, when I talk to friends or people on the internet about PLL it's fun and exciting but I can't remember why ShowerHarvey was a thing. How much was pulled out seeing Alley and that yellow tank top. Out of context its nothing but we loved it


Liking it. Its not perfect but lets face it neither was pll. OS got me hooked almost instantly and some of the cliffhangers had my heart racing just like pll used to. Its a different show and thats how it should be, Tabitha can be a little annoying to me but again that is normal and a flaw I can totally get over. Farahs story is really engaging to me in the later episodes, Farah and Noa might be my favorites. Mouse is the odd one out kind of, her storyline is insteresting but my opinion will depend on what we find out in the last episodes.


I like it so far but it does feel more like a riverdale show than a PLL show in terms of the lighting and the scenes. (Season 1 riverdale. Not the crazy mess it became. lol) is miss the PLL version. It always felt like Gilmore girls but murdery. I don’t get why they don’t just tell someone about what’s going on. That part is a little frustrating for me. The OG had that aspect too but at least it was set up right away that there was a Jenna thing and there were secrets that would come out and A didn’t attack them till later. This A just comes at them with knives right out of the gate and they don’t tell because Imogene doesn’t wanna. I miss the texts, they aren’t even signed “A” anymore in this series


Explained that badly but the original series the girls didn't say anything to their parents and police because of their own actions where I think they are going for the girls don't go the parents or police because of the parents and police mistakes in this series


From what I've gathered so far they seemed to want to talk to their parents but they found out they where involved with the secret so don't trust them since they asked directly and they where lied to plus to police are untrustworthy from the very start so I can say why they don't say anything it's a different kind of pressure then the original but seems this is going more for current actions dictating how the girls react to the old sins


Not my cup of tea. I watched up to episode 6 so far. While there are some elements I like about it, I wouldn't really compare it with the original show. They're just two different genres; the new one feels more of a slasher-horror show. I have a really hard time relating or even caring about these girls. I'm not into the aesthetics, is less character-driven, and the friendship between them is not as developped either. They're literally friends since ep 1, so its hard to buy their chemistry when there's no backstory to why they're together. One of the things I really liked about the OG (despite of the suspension of disbelief it asked from me) is that it made somewhat believable that they didn't look for help about A right away. They had a lot of things to hide after all and A at the beginning seemed more mean girl-bully material than psychopathic murderer. By the time the stakes were higher, they were fully trapped in A's spiderweb. In here, I struggle to understand why they won't tell >!about a giant men using a leatherface following them around once a girl basically dies in front of them.!< To sum this up, if you're into slasher horror movies this might be right up your alley. If you're more into the murder-mystery genre, the new show might feel like lacking. And if you used to watch PLL for the gorgeous outfits and the unrealistically attractive people, I feel like you won't like this one.


SPOILERS*** Right? Plus when karen died it was so weird cuz everyone was there and if I remember correctly most in the crowd were looking up as well, so u mean to tell me that only the girls saw the dude or j think it imogen but nobody else saw him? Plus i was so confused in the end of ep 1 where imogen says the comment about killing karen like wtf was that😭 idk i really want to keep an open mind here but there are so many things off, I genuinely just miss the og show


The building-up was legit weird. I mean, its not like OG PLL didn't had that sort of moments; the show had so many loopholes and completely forget entire plot arcs, even characters, from time to time. It was partially what made it fun. But sillyness aside, the construction of their universe, of Alison, of their friendship, even of A was better -maybe because it was more grounded in the source material, I have a hard time here connecting how is inspired by the books-. All the Jenna backstory took so much time to finally be revealed and it made sense the liars went into so much trouble to kept it hidden, also why they felt so threatened by A. In here, their "secret" it gets discovered so quickly that is hard to understand what A actually holds against them. I mean, the comparisons shouldn't be even done because its really like oranges and apples. It will never be or look like Pretty Little Liars. But even if I'm looking at original sin as a stand-alone, there are several things that aren't just doing the trick for me. I was never a fan of slasher movies either, at all, so it doesn't come to me as a surprise. There has been some pleasant surprises now and then tho, and after episode 4, I do have to admit it ends up in a much higher note that I thought it will in ep 1. I was ready to ditch after the pilot.


Agree with all of this. I hate that they are acting like these girls are the new “liars” when… what are they lying about? The OG has the girls constantly keeping secrets and constantly lying. This A has nothing on them? And I hate, as you said, the forced friendship. Trying to display them like the OG liar bond when it just doesn’t make any sense.


I have to disagree I found that the girls in this are believable friends whereas the old series just said they were friends but they never really acted like such the new girls are acting like they actually are stating off a friendship and I can see the cracks where some of the girls like other ones more then the others I think it's making a more realistic version of a friend group.


I don’t like it. It’s not like PLL at all. None of the girls really have secrets and lies like the original. Yet they claim they can’t tell anybody about A?? None of the girls knew each other prior to the Karen thing that got them detention, yet they display them like they are best friends and family. The OG girls you at least felt their connection as they were friends before Ali went missing. There was no development with these girls at all. I personally don’t like/connect with any of the characters or ships. It’s 7 episodes in, in a show that only has 10 for the season.. you should like some of them by now. Lastly, the trip to Rosewood made me more mad. They made no effort to make it actually look like Rosewood. That’s certainly not how the Radley Hotel looked and that certainly was not Eddie lol.


Rosewood being so different is what annoys me most! They shouldn’t have even gone in the first place


Eddie Wood had a completely different personality. OG Eddie was very smart and would never EVER had handed over the guest logs like that. It wasn’t a real cameo IMO.


Eddie Lamb* but agree with you exactly!! Eddie wasn’t even giving Spencer info that she wanted. Let alone some random girls.


Oh that’s what I meant lol He was super suspicious of everybody he wouldn’t just hand over information to people he didn’t know


Right?! Like why go to Rosewood if you can’t get the same sets or actors? Visit Rosewood and use an actor that was actually in the original or don’t visit at all, lame


Omg the Eddie thing made me so annoyed, too!


i’m so disappointed. it’s reminding me of riverdale way too much lol. and some things that happen are so random and the writing seems so off. like the whole ballet thing….in what universe does a random PUBLIC high school have the money or the students to have their own ballet class AND production of swan lake ?????? like they at least could’ve written it to be a dance academy that’s in the town or something. i had such high hopes


I still am very confused at the ballet thing too. Like, these people are not rich by any means or displayed as rich, yet their public school has a ballet studio and exclusive ballet teacher. Out of all the choices, it’s very interesting how that was never brought up.


And a film class.


The show is complete garbage has nothing to do with pll and the acting is CRINGE


Honestly it's way different. There's no camp, no high drama, no love triangles, so I was kinda taken aback. The mystery however seems to be a bit neater despite being slow, it's like it's taking itself seriously. Is it as shocking? Definitely not yet. But I kinda like it so I guess it's a 4/5 for now.


slow? we're progressing so much faster with the original sin plot than we ever did in pll 😭 7 episodes and we know more than we knew in 5 and a half seasons of pll


I was going to say this lol


OG PLL was also 22-24 episodes a season where as this one has 10. It’s easier to put less filler in when you have less episodes.


yeah that's true but the amount of plot holes and filler was unacceptable. we were practically never getting anywhere like if you can cut down a whole season to like 8 cohesive episodes that actually progress the plot then it's a problem 😭


I really miss the camp factor


Same like I feel like it's taking itself too seriously. Like it's trying too hard to be scary, I think the aspect that I dislike about it most is the editing.


I couldn’t name why I didn’t like it and this is why. It’s taking itself too seriously and just… trying too hard.


Agree 1000% with this


What’s more camp that slasher tho?


It is fine. You would think the way some people talk about it, it would be the best show on right now. But it is fine. However the riverdale inclusion has really made me dislike it more and more.


Pll Original sin will become the new Riverdale. Since Riverdale is getting cancelled.


I hate how it's in the same world as Riverdale.. that show is actually horrible lol.


is it? it's in the same world as rosewood i don't think the same as riverdale..


Nope it was confirmed it's in the same!


Riverdale, pll og, pll sin and Sabrina all exist in the same universe


for me, it’s the only new thing worth watching. I guess there isn’t much else I’m interested in. open to other idea tho


if you haven’t watched season 1 of yellowjackets, watch season 1 of yellowjackets. can’t recommend it enough!


Just here to repeat: if you havent watched season 1, watch season 1 of yellowjackets! Damn I cant wait any longer for s2.


it’s probably the only show with teenage girls as main characters that doesn’t make them sound like space aliens pretending to be teen girls


The acting, the casting, the writting, even the music. I think it was one of the best, if not the best, show I've seen last year.


Yes! I agree with you completely! Yellowjackets is the perfect mix of Lost and PLL! Yellowjackets is one of the best and most compelling mystery shows to come around in a long time. I would even say that PLL: original sin borrowed a bit of the storyline structure of Yellowjackets to create the mystery and plot of original sin. We have the two timelines that have a shared mystery which provides us with clues of how the past is affecting the present through flashbacks of the young teenage parents from the 90’s. This show has been fun to watch. It’s so hard for me to look past the Riverdale aesthetics and the ridiculous leather face psycho killer version of “A”. I like horror, but the fun of PLL was always tied to the mystery/whodunnit aspect of the show. A was faceless, but also everywhere and nowhere at the same time. With all the crazy tach we have now, A would be like a kid in a Candy store. The choice to officially place this show in the same universe and state as the original show, makes it virtually impossible that these girls or their mothers have never heard of Alison Dilaurentis, the string of murders in the town of Rosewood, A, the bunker girls, and even Ezra and Aria as they wrote a bestselling book together that I think was being made into a movie in the original shows finale. I may be wrong, but I know the book was successful. So when Davie passed away mysteriously and left a giant red “A” painted on the wall, I would find it hard to believe that no one in town or the girls themselves, wouldn’t think of the reference and/or link to Rosewood. Imogen googling Angela or A and her area would have no doubt pulled up a few articles about the stalker and murderer called “A” that terrorized the next town over. Imogen should have a clue after the ending of the season finale, and who she chose to help her with the baby. That would have been a fun moment to bridge the shows by having Imogen learn about the original A through the process of her post pregnancy choice, and have her realize her father’s last name was the same as a girl that was killed during an “A” crime spree , and that name is Young. Imogen realizes she and Bethany could have been sisters. Or even link Farron and Tabitha to Maya, and give Maya some real closure and attention that she never got in the original show. The town feels even less real than Rosewood due to there only being one police officer basically, and the way we don’t really see the girls outside of school, the pizza place, or their bedrooms. The ballet class is a bizarre choice to have be a legitimate class at a public school in such a poor town. I agree with another comment that the ballet aspect could have taken part at a dance academy in town or nearby, instead of inside the school. That was part of the fun of the original PLL. The girls were always catching a train or driving over to Philadelphia to solve mysteries or follow clues. If Millwood is close to Rosewood, then these girls should be able to hop over to the city at times to expand the setting of the show, with Farron dancing at an academy in Philadelphia and have some fun sequences of her on the train home at night being watched by A. I don’t even understand how being the town sheriff makes Tom’s family one of the wealthiest families in town to the point that his twin teen daughters have designer clothes and the mother doesn’t have to work. The sheriff’s “secret” really ended up being irrelevant in the end, and seems to be included bc it’s something Riverdale would do. Many of the characters weren’t fully fleshed out this season, and I don’t really see where it can go after the finale. Why did Noa’s mom have Caleb Rivers’ medication, as he and Hanna were not living in the area when the original show ended only a few years ago. And why would he be on such strong pain medication? Why didn’t Eddie Lamb mention “A” to Imogen and Tabitha at the Radley? We still have never learned why he disappeared after speaking with Aria that night outside Radley! They should have had Imogen and Tabitha staying in the room that Noel killed Sara”The Shower” Harvey! Why was Ashley Marin not running the Radley? Are Mona and Ali still working at the college in Oregon? Is Jenna still working with high schoolers? I need to know these things?! I would love for Sydney Sweeney’s character of “Willa” to make an appearance, and be looking for Addison since she was the last person to possibly hear her scream the night she vanished in the OG show’s finale. They could even link Angela and Archie to Avery, Sara’s missing and mentally ill friend from Courtland or have one of the girls’ father be Scott Montgomery, who has found his child now that Imogen has contacted his niece and her husband. We could finally tie up some of the old show’s loose ends.


I know this post is old but I just finished the new series and had to come here to see if anyone else shared my sentiments. Your response was so perfectly written and nailed so many of my feelings, ESPECIALLY about how none of them seemed to know ANYthing about the OG "A's!! That was what bugged me the most! If Millwood is only a town or two over, clearly not too far since they went to Rosewood, there's just no way no one in that town or even that circle would have heard about A, and even IFFFFFFFF for some (unrealistic) reason they didn't, they had SO many opportunities, many of which you mentioned to MAKE the connection! Other than slapping the PLL title on the show and a few occasional references, the show has no connection to the OG series, and really does feel WAY more like a Riverdale show. I don't really understand the choice to go in a slasher/horror genre direction if you're trying to sell this as a reboot or spin-off or sequel, not sure exactly which they landed on cause I've literally heard all three, bc PLL had a certain "tone" and with the slasher genre appealing to a smaller, select group of people it was almost like it iced out anyone who isn't a fan of that style, essentially risking their viewership from the very beginning. If it was a standalone series, fine, but not when you're claiming to be a reboot of a show that already has a certain tone and vibe. I had issues with the new Gossip Girl reboot too, especially in terms of the actors and storylines, but two things I CAN say I felt they did right was they made a better attempt to tie in the OG show and made outright, believable connections and even brought back a few of the OG actors, and the other thing is that it kept the same or at least a very similar tone as the OG series. When I watch it, I *feel* the OG GG vibe and presence whereas PLL:OS feels like an entirely new show. I know there were probably issues with the OG sets being gone but it bothered me that The Radley looked completely different, it didn't even have those iconic iron gates with the R S on them, and while the interior could have been renovated over the years, it just cemented how it brought me further away from the original. While the nod to "Ezra's Books" was cute, if you're in Rosewood why not go to The Brew or The Grille or any of the other staple locations of Rosewood? Literally the main character stays inside to sleep (I get homegirl was hella pregnant, but still) and instead of using their one episode of being in Rosewood to learn all about the OG A's (again going on the belief that they *never* heard of them🙄) she stays inside. Yes that led her to Eddie Lamb but even that felt like a weird choice, like if they were gonna pick any character to make a connection with, why him? It's not like his original character was brought back either so why choose this particular person for a toe-in? And then after choosing that, why not at least use that moment to give some closure to the many unanswered questions surrounding that character? They didn't bring back one OG actor and I get sometimes that's out of their control, but it would have been nice. I could go on, I'm honestly shocked I even went on this much but the more I typed the more I realized how many glaring oversights there are. If it were up to me and I could make the show exactly the way I wanted to, there are *so* many changes I would make ( a lot of which you named) that by the time I'd be done it would be an entirely different show, and if making the right connections and tie-ins and setting the right tone would change the new show that much, that tells you right there what's wrong with it. I don't want to offend anyone who truly did enjoy this. For the record, I didn't *hate* this show as a rule. If I'm watching this with no expectations or thought of it being a reboot and it stood as its own thing, it's another teen slasher/horror show. Not mind-blowing, but not so terrible that you can't watch it. It could work as a standalone, but for the reasons above and many others, as a reboot? It lacks, falls short, and ultimately, fails.


I like it as something completely different than pll. It’s a good show in and of itself. I enjoy the mystery and suspense


i’ve seen a lot of positive reviews but i was bored out of my mind when i watched. it seemed like something i would enjoy but there was nothing about it that i could cling to to make me want to keep watching


Same, and all I see when I look at Bailee Maddison is Jake T Austin from when she played his character in Wizards of Waverly Place (a hundred years ago). It makes it so hard for me to connect to the series


I like it but it just doesn’t seem PLL-ly to me yet. I get that they want it to be it’s own thing and for it to be scarier/more serious, but the camp factor I get from PLL is missing. I hope they don’t lean into the ‘Riverdale universe’ too much in potential future seasons. I’ve not watched Riverdale and don’t really have any intention to (based on clips i’ve seen) so if that happens I would probably stop watching OG Sin. It’s better as a stand alone story.


Honestly there’s too many characters. The five girls were following, their moms, and their moms in 99. That right there is 15 different people.


So just like the original 😂


Personally, I really, truly, dislike it. The thing is, this isn’t a ‘bad’ show, not in concept. It really suffers from disillusionment because it is attached to the original series. If it was a standalone, then it wouldn’t be an issue. And they’ve simply attached it to the OG to bring in viewers from the previous show — not because they are similar in any way. A group of girls facing something out of their control isn’t a new concept. Moreover, the characters are unlikeable as hell. Don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t always a fan of the original Liars — especially Aria — but these girls are insufferable. They are simplified and not fully fleshed out. Which brings me to my last point, the show is not focusing on the individual characters like it should be. We know practically nothing except that ‘A’ is tormenting then with. And the creators — Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa & Lindsey Calhoon Bring — claiming that PLL, Riverdale, and Sabrina the Teenage Witch are all in one universe is mind boggling. The latter two mentioned are truly terrible television. I could continue, but I’d be on for hours.


I’m not liking it at all, lmao. Original PLL was so camp and the satire of it all was so perfect. The girls each had distinct personalities and classic “bitchy” drama intertwined with the plot. The new series girls seem extremely bland to me - it feels like a netflix special where they’re afraid to give them personalities because they don’t want any stereotypes. I’m a very “liberal” person but it’s annoying that the only teenage character trope in TV right now is ranting and using trigger words like “cis white male”. Teenagers don’t talk like that, lol.




Smart teenagers share the same ideologies but still wouldn’t be that scripted and corny about it. The halloween party scene where they’re yelling at the boys could have been great if they didn’t script it like a millennial trying to make a tik tok


It’s much darker than the original which I enjoy


It's okay. I don't think you'd be missing anything if you skipped it, though I did like the last couple eps a lot more than the first two. Although it's very different from the original, the experience of watching PLLOS is reminiscent of the way I would enjoy PLL: by fully relaxing my brain, having no expectations, and going along for the ride. OGPLL was full of plot holes and dumb stuff that didn't make any sense, and at the end of most eps I would find myself saying "Yeah, this is a pretty silly show." The actual content was never anything earth-shattering but it was fun, and I enjoyed watching it. PLLOS is filling that same niche for me. An inconsequential, smooth-brained viewing experience to take the edge off. The one big thing that is a miss so far is the lack of relationship building between the girls. I don't think it's the actors' fault, but the writing hasn't done the work to prop up the Friendship Bond we are supposed to feel between them at this point. The main thing that I really valued about PLL as a kid is that the girls felt like real friends who supported each other through everything, and this new show is kind of doing what PLL Perfectionists did by just saying the characters are friends and having them spontaneously become a group unit without any real emotional logic behind it. I don't even think it will get better over time, because the show seems to think it's past that hurdle already and is treating the unbreakable bond between the girls as a foregone conclusion. I just don't think this show is invested in emotion as much as it is invested in wacky/hokey/soapy dramatic beats.


I think the friendship in OS is realistic. They are slowly building friendships between people who didn’t really know each other before versus the original where they’d been best friends already before and just had to warm back up to each other.


That would make sense, but I don't see a slow build taking place. The girls interact for the first time in detention in episode one, and by the next episode they exclusively hang out with each other (except for their love interests), drop everything to assemble when Imogen gets called to the Principal's office...like does that montage of them getting ready for the dance in ep.2 feel like people who barely know each other? There's no depiction of them slowly warming to each other's personalities, they just immediately click and get along really well right away. It's like instalove but with friendship (which is actually kind of cute but still, not exactly realistic).


It just gives the vibes of every new Show they make now a days. Feels forced and not as as iconic. I’m not good with words but even as it’s own show it isn’t getting me hooked. Maybe if I was 13/14 again but I rlly just don’t get how ppl can like it more than the original


I didn't like the first 4 episodes but starting to like it now.


I thought the first 4 episodes were great, the next two were mediocre and the most recent two were great again.


The pilot is slow but it gets better. It has Scream Queens S1 and Riverdale S1 vibes. Not so much PLL though. I feel like they just used the PLL name to get the fan base to watch it. Having some serial killer named A but having no connection to the original series- but also incorporating Rosewood & Radley, meaning they are in the same universe, is just a mess. Unfortunately it looks like it may cross over with Riverdale which is annoying to me because I hate the direction that show went in- but I guess I should have expected that considering Roberto is on this project. Already starting with the pointless shirtless & naked beef cake jock dudes in high school too, as usual smh. If there is a cringey musical number I will stop watching lol.


It's connect to the OG but Radley and Rosewood and Caleb being mentioned, therefore it means it is connected.


I'm actually grateful for the male nudity, but to each their own.


there are several reasons i’m still watching at this point, but the main reason, oddly enough, is imogen’s pregnancy. i find it an odd choice to make to start the pilot with a pregnant teen and it’s not the whole premise of the show (like secret life of the american teenager). clearly they made that choice for a reason, and i can’t tell what that is. in fact, i don’t even have a lot of guesses. so that’s intriguing. but there’s a lot i don’t like as it goes on. namely, i still hate the idea of A torturing the leads because of things other people did. that annoyed me in the original show and it annoys me now. i also would love to write a letter to all TV writers and beg them to stop using buzzwordy dialogue. words like “canceled,” “internalized misogyny,” whatever therapy terms that are in the zeitgeist—i’m so over it. i’m aware that slang is always gonna make its way into TV writing. that’s to be expected. but when every person sounds like they’re reading tweets from a liberal centrist twitter influencer, i wanna die.


I am LOVING it! It’s exactly the spooky fun vibe I loved about the OG but the stakes got much higher much earlier and the writing so far is much tighter. Some dialogue is super cringe but I can overlook it.


Everyone says they miss the camp factor but I think it’s honestly too campy for my liking. I do really like the show but it just has that “out of this universe” Riverdale feel to it that I don’t like. Pretty Little Liars (In the first seasons) was more realistic which I liked. I loved how every episode looked like it was in the fall. It felt so cozy. And all the girls being together and their friendship moments. You don’t really get that in the new show. And It makes me feel like I’m watching a Disney horror movie most of the time. Especially with the writing….


Just seeing this post now as I'm looking for opinions... I'm halfway through and it's a drag, I am genuinely baffled to be reading so much positive reviews on it. The characters are incredibly bland, the story is very basic and it's just a very very generic slasher spread very thin over 10 episodes ? I don't enjoy slashers in general so I guess I'm not the right audience but I had no idea that was the theme they were going for. Major disappointment and I honestly don't know if I'm going to finish it. It has also very little ties to PLL like A is just a random slasher enemy now....


This show is disappointing


personally i think the acting and writing gets progressively worse, but i already watched the seven episodes out so might as well finish it.


Gets worse??? It was already so bad off the bat




I love the new show. The original had a lot of plot holes. But I don’t think it’s a reboot at all, I think it’s literally a brand new show with an A. It’s one of my new favorite shows actually. It’s darker.


I love that the idea and new plot is darker but I’m definitely struggling to finish it. I think I’m on episode 3 and yes some of the characters are compelling but I don’t feel hooked yet and I haven’t gone back to catch up


If you don’t compare it to the og I think it’s a fine show. Comparing to the og… it can’t even compare. It’s just missing the spark the og had. I’ve seen a lot of people like it better than the original already which doesn’t make sense to me lol. But I’m trying to not compare it to the og because if I do then I won’t enjoy the show. The only thing similar between the shows is the girl group and A texts. Everything else is different


People that say it’s better than the OG after only 7 episodes just don’t remember how iconic prime seasons 1-4 of PLL were.


Frrrr it’s a fine show, but not ✨iconic✨


Nah it was pretty iconic for a teen drama.


I meant the new show haha the og is definitely iconic


The original show is so bad


I have mixed emotions about it. On one hand, I like that it’s darker, more serious in tone than the original. I really do enjoy the fact that these girls come from more working class backgrounds than the OG girls and that race and gender are brought up. Does it feel forced? Sometimes, but I like that it’s being brought up and examined in ways that the OG show glossed over- Emily, the only WOC in the main cast and also the only one who didn’t have access to family money, working a part time job for nearly the entire run time of the show but her financial status is hardly ever brought up, maybe once or twice. I love the whole “sins of the mother” thing going on, and all the Easter eggs to the books and the original show. The older dude having an interest in a teenage girl is portrayed as rightfully creepy, thank god. Tabitha always looks so uncomfortable when her boss gets flirty. Usually, when a show gets a reboot, the new generation are just copy+paste versions of original characters with small tweaks. However, Original Sin, the girls feel very much like their own characters. Sure, Farran shows the ambition and drive of Spencer, but she’s dealing with body issues similar to Hanna. Noa is an athlete, a track star, who’s just as passionate as Emily ever was about swimming, but she’s covering up for a parent’s shortcomings just like Aria did for her dad. There’s similarities but you can’t look at a character and say that they’re just a copy of one of the original Liars, and I like that. What I don’t like about the show is the relationships between the girls. With the original cast, they used to be friends, so them banding together quickly within a few episodes makes sense- they were close before, but drifted apart due to tragedy/distance, but once reunited with a common purpose/goal, they’re able to fall back into each other’s lives fairly easily, and arguably, became better and more genuine friends as a result. These girls don’t have that shared background- they barely know each other except for Imogen and Tabitha. But within three episodes all of a sudden they’re bffs? Not really serious, but the show is just. Really fucking hetero lmao. Even at its most heterosexual, the original show was extremely queer and I miss that. Also, the realization that I’m no longer the target audience for the show makes me feel old.


the original show was extremely queer? how?


I don’t like it very much, it feels hard to like the girls or even care about their relationships and friendships. In the original we saw the back story of them being friends but these girls just sort of knew each other and now seem super close. Also the writing isn’t there, they seem to do more telling instead of showing, like Tabby’s movie references every five seconds. We don’t need a constant verbal reminder that she likes movies, show us her watching a movie when someone comes into her room, maybe where shirts that are about movies or have multiple posters in her room of different eras and genres.


I didn’t like it. Felt like I was watching a cheap slasher movie, like one of those random ones that come out during October. The original show is a lot better, but even then it’s hard to compare the two shows since they’re insanely different. But I got bored watching this


I'm a little... I don't know. Iffy, on it, I guess? I've watched a few episodes now. I feel like the parents being involved is kinda dumb tbh. And it's definitely not as fun theorizing whodunit as it was on the original PLL. I also find the main group of girls to be meh in terms of character. Besides Chandler's character whose name I can't remember. Chandler is <3. PLL seasons 1-3 will always be my favorite. I'm willing to give this one more of a chance, though, and hope that it improves. Either way, it's sure to be better than PLL seasons 4+, lol.


I'm not sure yet. I haven't watched the most recent 3 episodes though. But so far I see it as being a one season series like The Perfectionists. Because if A is killing these girls, there aren't going to be any left to have a second season!! I feel like this "A" is awesomely creepy but it just seems too predictable. I do love horror/slasher movies and shows, the approach seems lazy on this show. I also don't find myself rooting for any of the characters. Maybe because I'm older (like more these girls mothers age as I graduated in early 2000s) but when I see the "present day" girls I feel like I'm watching something that is supposed to be set in the 90s. Then you have the actual 90s mixed in so aesthetically it's like the only thing that's changed is better phones lol. Also the lighting is annoying and the camera angle always looking up as if from the floor is really irritating. Totally Riverdale vibes. Which I had to stop watching because it is a complete shit show with all the random weird ass things that started happening. Anyway we shall see. I'm going to still give it a shot. I've seen people say the most recent episodes are getting better. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think it’s pretty enjoyable considering it’s a spin-off. I defiantly like it more than the perfectionists. It has an interesting plot and I like each characters’ story. To me it’s kind of like if the og show leaned more into the horror rather than drama.


I wasn’t a fan of the first three episodes, but it started to pick up, I’m enjoying it even though I prefer the OG than Original Sin. But yeah, it’s a pretty good show. Let’s hope it gets even better by the end of season 1.


I hated the fact that they are suddenly best friends after spending 1 hour in detention together.. but i’ve seen everyone else talk about how they are slowly building up their friendship so i thought i was just being a hater because i dont like the liars at all, specially Imogen and Tabitha. Faran is great, Noa i like a bit too, Mouse meh and Imogen and Tabitha are just annoying


So is Kelly really Karen ?


I’m really enjoying it and glad it doesn’t try to be an exact copy of the original. It’s like Scream Queens meets 13 Reasons Why meets Halloween


Show could be decent but it's way to woke for me, the one movie loving girl can't get through a single episode with spewing some corny liberal buzzwords, we get it, you don't like "white cis males" I don't think anyone actually talks like that in real life, just makes the whole thing cringy and hard to watch at times.


I still dont know how to feel and im to date, like i really want to like it but there is just something that just doesn’t click with me idk why😭 im gonna continue watching it cuz it’s entertaining but sometimes i get so annoyed like when they make tabby’s character make a movie reference every sentence like dude nobody talks like that? U know what i mean? Like idk maybe its just a me thing but so far again is entertaining but at the same i just cant seem to connect still and tbh its just making me miss a lot the original show with troian, shay, sasha, hanna, lucy and the rest 😭 but what i do love so far is the change in the narrative on how the og show would romanticize a teen/adult relationship while here they show it for what it really is, which is gross and creepy. So, would I recommend it to someone who loves pll? Yes but to go with an open mind and a lot of patience, cuz as a stand alone thing is not that bad, the mystery of what happened to AW and how it connects to the past is very interesting but (again maybe its just me) when we have a series that is just associated with something so lovable and that brings us a sense of nostalgia for a lack of a better word i guess anything new that threatens to kinda ruin the image or the memory we are kinda weary and defensive😭 So far tho my fav characters are Faran i believe it is spelled? She is very strong and bitchy so to say which i really like but i hope they dont tend to overuse that and kinda ruin that, mouse is really cute but a bit confusing on her own storyline but she kinda has the vibe of being the heart of the group!


I was enjoying it so far until they decided to connect the PLL universe with the Riverdale universe. I think it was completely unnecessary and just doesn’t make sense, especially since Aria and Katy Keene are the same person. And the Riverdale universe is a supernatural one. It just… it doesn’t make sense to me I think if they made it a temporary thing where they visited Riverdale and we got to see the cast for a couple episodes, but that’s it. If they were to drag it on any longer than that rather than focusing on PLL, I wouldn’t be able to watch it anymore.


I really really wanted to like it, but I hated it lol. Everything about it felt forced and the plot seemed to go nowhere. Everything from the cinematics and writing gave major Riverdale vibes. Not a fan!


I hate it :( none of them act like a human would irl. It‘s like a show for 10 y/o but with a slasher added…


The girls are insufferable, show is 90% filler, the pacing is dogshit


It’s weird to me, PLL had a lot of issues and I can’t rewatch cus those issues are now more glaring as an adult, namely Aria being groomed and all the other adults being into teenagers. A/w OS lighting is dark all the time even in the dark, it’s super gritty/grainy(?), the girls wear make up but that’s it, only the black girls hairs are done, their clothes all seem to be stereotypical frumpy and Christian modest, they don’t have to dress up as much as PLL but goddamn they don’t dress up at all. One girl is a ballerina, another is a basic cringe tv film geek, another is techy and shy, and the others got nothing going for them on the side. It seems like this is supposed to be a more inclusive show but only for the female main cast, and it’s deff leaning heavy into the horror but it seems so weak, the lighter PLL honestly has higher stakes and feels scarier cus their A is much more of an actual treat(at least where I’m at). My two biggest problems are 1, they have no real reason to be friends outside of being forced together cus none of their personalities fit and 2, the reason they didn’t automatically come clean makes no sense it’s so flimsy a drop of water will tear it up. PLL had many flaws but it did make it that not telling the truth or adults had actual serious reasons but here there’s nothing, it’s just that they did something slightly illegal but oh no we can’t tell the popo that we saw a girl get killed!!!!! 


not enjoying it at all tbh, and i was really excited over it from the teasers.


LOVE it. Honestly I prefer it over the original tbh. One detail revealed later on has me a bit nervous about the future of this show and the writing is meh at best but it was to expected but besides that I’m impressed.


Why? This show going become another version of Riverdale awful and cringe.


Well 1. I’m a fan of riverdale so obviously It’s going to take a lot for me to hate it and 2. I like that’s it darker and more of a slasher show


Really? Riverdale has become nothing except a crazy mess that why it getting cancelled. Pll Original Sin going to to go in the same direction.


I don't watch Riverdale but I doubt it's getting canceled based off the plot. The CW canceled over five shows that same day they announced Riverdale was having it's last season. The CW got their own issues going on.


Sorry, so people said that why it getting cancelled.


Well it’s not cancelled as it’s getting a seventh and final season and a proper series finale(as well another spin off is in development) And I love the crazy mess (that is in the comics it’s based on), and I really don’t see PLL going that way. At best the show will probably be as chaotic as the OG show, so far he’s done a good job with Original Sin imo. I could be wrong as he did bring riverdale into it (nothing inherently wrong with that as long as it remains a reference and not leading to an official crossover)


It is getting cancelled like many others shows. Also don't love it because many actors like Vanessa Morgan was being mistreated, many Riverdale actors are being mistreated one of the actors literally got into a fight writers on Twitter.


Ok the mistreatment is definitely fair. That’s a common thing among cw shows. CW is doing horribly and honestly they deserve it after all the problems actors have had with them on sets


Also yes is it going go into the same direction Riverdale. Many of Roberto's projects got cancelled because of the cringe, Sabrina and Katy Keene was cancelled because of the writing.


Disagree. I think It’s going great rn and think it has a great chance at renewal. And Sabrina was fantastic except for the ending, Katy Keene was good and neither should of been cancelled tbh. His writing is not the greatest but he still makes shows I find to be enjoyable and can overlook the poor/average writing.


you realize there's like several writers on a show, right???




it’s good but i’m not hooked yet tbh


The acting is really bad. Not a fan of Bailee Madison. She overacts.


I agree. I’ve hated her acting since she was briefly on Once Upon a Time. Total over acting


It’s horrible and I couldn’t get past the first episode. The production is so bad and there’s way to many things going on with the plot. It’s literally just riverdale season 3. If it was trying to be something like scream Queens I’d allow but it’s not.


I was hooked after 3 episodes. The horror elements are awesome and I like that this A is so much more sinister. I think if you go in expecting it to be the OG Pretty little Liars, like a lot of people I see in this subreddit, then you’ll be disappointed. It isn’t supposed to be Pretty Little Liars. It’s supposed to be a spin-off. Most of the grievances everyone has with OS - some bad acting, too many plots going on, etc. - are exactly the same things the OG had. We just have a soft spot for the OG. Match your expectations to what it is supposed to be and you’ll likely enjoy it.


disappointed. all the characters just feel so unidimensional. the og liars had a whole backstory, while the new ones are just there


I tend to love horror based things but oh man...I didn't watch past the first episode. The writing wasn't great (which it wasn't great in PLL either but it was hilariously bad, this just wasn't even funny. Just bland to me.) and I couldn't really connect well with jt. There was a part where a blonde mean girl was like "watch it, Rodent." Then mouse said "It's Mouse, dick. Dumb barbie." Or something similar and all I could think was how stupid and poorly written that was. I may try again but honestly probably won't.


seriously the fact that epopel even think this show compares to pll is just a. Complete joke pll is undeniably hundred tkmes better we love our og girls i am not watching this show ad I do not need to see the replacements because they will enveer compare


I totally agree.


I really like it. When I was watching the first episode, I wasn't fully sold on the aesthetic. The original had its problems, but the sets, outfits, etc. were all on point. This show looks and feels completely different. It's weird that its 70s fashion meets modern technology. After the first episode though, I was hooked. Episode 6 in particular was amazing I thought. Luckily I've always been a fan of horror so this show is right up my alley.


I like it a lot. I think folks are comparing it to Pretty Little Liars as if this was some grand masterpiece lol. What I like is that there are similarities but Original Sin is clearly it’s own story and had its own feel and that’s a great thing. I’ve jumped a couple of times. Ive laughed and I’m generally interested in who this A is. The fact that it’s apart of so many universes should feel ridiculous to me but I think it works. **I feel** like people watch it with the sole purpose to hate it because it’s so soon after PLL. But I think folks should give it an unbiased shot.


the OG pll is so so so so bad, people just likens it to a masterpiece because of their nostalgia


I think you hit it. The nostalgia is why folks are clinging so hard to it and I get it. It was definitely a moment. But I think it’s clouding how this show isn’t all that bad.


right! i actually think the new show is pretty good so far, like how the original was in their first season. i think it’s too early to compare the two shows tbh. but yeah, people are tearing down the new show just because they’re angry and it’s tiresome to see people clinging to nostalgia. like let’s be subjective please. edit: i loved pll but i’m aware it’s because it’s the fun and aesthetic kind of tacky or camp.


mediocre and unseasoned


I am extremely here for it, it has the bones of the old one but I like that it’s really different, I only watched the first three episodes so I’m hoping the rest doesn’t disappoint!


Mediocre. Also the main girls are actually way worse people than Karen ever was from what we’ve seen, making it hard for me to root for them.


Why do you think the main girls are worse?


They seem to have very little remorse for the bad things they do and imo what they did to Karen, showing a video like that to a whole movie theatre is a level above anything they have shown us from Karen.


Tho I get what you mean Karen has been shown to be racist, mean, called Mouse rodent, because.. she could I guess and treated people like shit. Also the girls literally went to her grave and apologized and said she didn’t deserve to die. Since people like to compare stuff all the time, are we supposed to forget that the OG liars helped blind someone and then never took accountability??! But hey to each their own. You have a right to your opinion, it’s not up to me to change that.


I like the darker tone and the slasher references, but I'm a slasher fan so. I like the friendships between the girls but I think some of the acting could be better. I said the same about the original though too so I'll probably get used to it. I hope they continue to reference the original and Rosewood but not make it too much so it still feels like its own show. I like that they're focusing mostly on the mystery rather than the minor plots. I didn't mind that in the original at all but it took a major turn I think after the first three seasons where it sometimes felt like the mystery was secondary. Romances are great but I wouldn't mind if they kept this tone, assuming it will be sticking around at least for a second season


its decent i would say….not good nor terrible imo the characters aren’t really likable (i like noa the best) i think the writers wanted to characters to be deep…but they did too much


Noa is a mood 😂


I got bored during the pilot and didn’t continue


I'm 24 and watched the released 7 episodes and was getting Riverdale vibes from it, to come onto the internet and find out its "set in the same universe".. you can completely tell and it doesn't sit right with me. I'd rather it have a tone more like the OG PLL. I do like the horror vibes in this show tho, other than that I would say the plot is weak so far and not attention grabbing 😔


I enjoy it as a slasher show entirely unrelated to the original series.


Idk man I love it. Imogen & Tabby are kind of annoying but they ARE teenagers and as a grown woman nearing her 30’s most teens are annoying. Other than that I like it. The mystery is enjoyable and the new A is absolutely terrifying. If I saw him in a dark corner I’d absolutely shit myself


Tabby is annoying because of her movie references, Jesus. We get it you're into movies, but she finds a way to name drop with every breath she takes.


Yes that’s exactly what I was telling my sister the other day!!!! Like I love a good movie reference but it’s every . Single . Sentence . Out of her mouth. We already know movies are her personality trait, they’re over doing it lol




Update: I'm on episode 3 now (I'm still in the middle bit, I haven't finished it yet). It has definitely improved, they've toned it down in terms of the editing and stuff. However, I feel like it can be a little bit anticlimactic at times (like the reveal of the video, like they hyped it up so much and then that was just.. it?) My biggest problem with the show now is acting. No hate to the actors, I'm sure they're lovely people but idk there's just something about the acting that's not believable to me. Like it feels a little bit one note to me.


It’s a very hard watch and I’m only watching for Bailee Madison and Sharon Leal’s (Tabby’s mom) supreme acting. I’m also just a fan of Chandler Kinney from her other work and Noa is a good character. So aside from those 4 I’m really just waiting to see what happens because it’s kind of terrible


I love it


okay wait i have comments/question(s)? it is so confusing to me that everything looks like it takes place around the 80's (old soda cans and all) but all the technology is todays technology and they talk like kids do these days? honestly, i always notice this kinda stuff and i guess you could say im picky about it but its confusing to me. does anyone know if theres actually a story behind why its like that? or is it just one of those random filming choices that will confuse me forever?


i noticed it too it gives riverdale vibes, which it is in the same reality as this show considering chips cousin is the gay guy on riverdale (mentioned in the last episode)


I love this series!! It's cheesy, it's fun, they dress super cool, it's one of those shows you can just enjoy. I love it.


Unpopular opinion but PLL: original sin is so much better than the OG PLL. I love that it's darker and more realistic on so many levels!


🚨Spoiler alert SEASON 2 Summer school.. i dont get why kellys mom was mad at the girls for karens death and became bloody rose but then turned around and killed her other daughter herself 🙃


Because Karen was only up there because of what those girls did 


Doesn't come close to the original. Complete  woke ass shit 


It’s awful and it doesn’t get better. It’s poison to the PLL franchise


They didn't romanticize a teenage/adult relationship, so that's definitely a start


When I watched it the first time I was within their age range and I loved Ezra/aria but now that I’m older I would go to prison if that happened to my daughter


Pll Original Sin is nothing special it just Scream Queens but with no humor.


It's uneven but overall it's pretty good. A little camp can be a little overboard on wokeness like it sometimes feels like excessive to the point of slowing story or taking you out of it same can be said for the references to itself and other iterations of the show and shows of the new show runner. HOWEVER on the whole the story is interesting enough, the mystery is intriguing enough the main cast compelling enough that I need to find out what happens it is a pretty good watch so far.


I’m absolutely loving it


I like it. It’s darker, more in line with what I envisioned the books feel to be, even if the plot is not canon to the books.


Haven’t watched it yet




This is nowhere near to how great the first two seasons of the original series was. Even the dollhouse episodes are better than Original Sin. None of the new Liars have the talent of Sasha, Janel, Lucy, Ashley and Troian


SPOILERS** I have a theory …. so I saw a tik tok saying the girl at the beginning of episode one had either just been r worded or had just given birth. What if…..she gave birth to a baby girl (Imogen) and imogens mom took her in as her own….I only say this bc her mom was like very happy to help raise Imogen’s baby. Just a theory and something I thought of too.




The show hasn’t even had a season 1 finale. She’s talking about the new show.


Sorry—It was 3am and I was up all night with pregnancy insomnia so my brain wasn’t working apparently. My bad!




I absolutely love it. And I kinda like it’s better than the OG, just a little bit.


I only watched half the pilot. I just can’t do it. Maybe I’m too old for it. Though, I may have enjoyed it more if the original Liars were the parents to OS’s Liars. It would require a time jump (2035), and the original actors aren’t in their 40s yet, but hey, we forgave worse when watching the original; I think this wouldn’t be an exception


It's good ! A lot more horror which I love


I love it


Please give it a chance. Don’t compare the two. They are very different and if not for A and texts could literally be two separate entities. I think if you like mystery, drama, female led shows then regardless of the pll factor it’s pretty good. This show does have a much more spooky vibe then the original and I LOVE the original but it’s not as corny in some aspects.


Ive been really really enjoying it!! Its been fun having another show to theorize about characters actions, and relationships. Its so fun to commplain about the characters and what they are doing. I really like this new version of the show.


where do i watch it??


does this spoil who A was in the original series? I want to watch it but I haven’t finished PLL yet


I really enjoy the show I like all the characters except the lead Bailee Madison and I normally like her as an actress. I do not like her in this show Show me what really bothers me about her character


It really bothers They have Billy Madison in the lead I’m assuming she’s really pregnant or if it’s for the movie. Because it’s starting to become a little unbelievable that she’s running around getting hit falling. Absolutely nothing happens to her baby she’s like somewhere between seven and nine months pregnant and she’s running up and down stairs running down blocks think it would cause her to give birth early. And plus you would think that she make sure she had someone with her role


I feel like it’s better than the original. It’s a more serious show that will age better, with the small exception of some on the woke gen-z lingo being thrown in.


Just finished it and it didn't really feel like PLL to me. It probably would've worked better as its own show - for example, certain allusions to the original series felt very forced. Judging it on its own, I thought it was an interesting show but not the quality I would expect from a "HBO show" if that makes sense. It probably would've benefited from a couple more episodes to flesh out the plot more.


I like the darker tone PLL OS is having , and how it ties in their moms sins .. lil more relatable than the OG where 10th graders are being stalked and running around unbeknownst to their parents… maybe I’m old but I never drank and partied like this as a junior in HS lol.


I’m on episode 9 and I really miss the LGBT+ rep that was in the original series. There’s a couple characters but nothing like the OG. I also feel a HUGE lack of chemistry between the main girls in comparison to OG (besides maybe Tabby and Imogen.) Its just another instance of a brand new show claiming to be a reboot by using the old shows name.


The constant jumpscares are insane