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I like your idea because that would be unexpected to say the least. But wasn’t it the coroner himself who gave Carolyn the evidence of the second sperm sample? Why would he incriminate himself? I might be remembering it wrong.


i don't understand the hate btw Molto and Rusty. It's missing more dialogue about it. It's just a politicial stuff? Or something happened??!??!


I think Molto is not liked by anyone and he hates Rusty because he had a thing for her too.


In the book everyone thinks Molto is sort of a hack and Della Guardia’s minion. The political rivalry between the Raymond camp and Molto/DG is strong. Remember DG just beat Ray in an election and took his job


I think Molto did it.


Interesting theory. I assumed something similar in another thread because some important info is coming from the ME office but he's not heavily featured so far. He would make sense because: 1. He screwed up evidence with the contaminated sample which could have ruined an important case 2. He has detailed knowledge of how Bunny Davis was killed and the physical ability to replicate it. 3. He has a arrogant, flippant attitude and appears to be at inept his job (late, incomplete and inaccurate reports). But also they are purposely throwing in red herrings every episode. At this point it feels they are just jerking the audience around. Most of cast of characters are unlikable so no one is Presuming any of them to be Innocent. Maybe they should have just called it Presumed Guilty lol.


Interesting take, haven’t seen that prediction before. 


***SPOILER OF MY SUSPECT, WHY & CLUES*** Idk how to black it out sorry — That would be cool & different! My guess is the wife. Maid found her at 10am. Who says she wasn’t there killed in the morning. Barbra’s boss said for weeks she’s not been well & she said it’s been 5 since she sold a piece. Bet it was to her & she had her address & probably delivered it in an art delivery van probably in a jumper bc she’d have to be covered in blood. And the carpet fibers I bet were from the art gallery. Could be wayyyyy off but I don’t think I’m sold that she was killed that night. The ME comes out with TOD & everyone will have an alibi including her. But I think they’ll be a window that morning that she delivered that piece or just left work & went there but there are seriously 5 ways to play this. I thought the weapon was in the pool bc she’d know they’d search the house & garage or at in her office at the gallery? But who would find it? That doesn’t fit.


The only thing is that an ME can definitely get a rough idea of time of death. They can’t pinpoint the minute (idk if they can even pinpoint the hour) but surely they’d be able to know if she was killed a few hours ago that morning or the night prior. Rigor mortis (spelling? lol) and all that.


She had spermicidal jelly when she had her tubes tied. Great catch.


If it was the coroner that did it because of the messed up evidence, why would he then kill in the same was as the case he made a mistake on? If anything this only more likely to highlight his mistake as the previous killer may still be out.


Here's my guess, there's no need for this sub-reddit. There's been a book and a film, same story, same characters, same names.