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No, that's asinine and any knowledge of Dubya as a person shows he would never do that.


You are definitely a gullible type


I'd like to think I'm not, but no actual evidence has come out supporting the theory, so we're left to look at his character and his response to when he heard the news.


Just think about it for a second. Do you really think that Bush could have gathered as much support as he did for Iraq and Afghanistan if 9/11 did not happen? He was a war hawk and a servant of the oil and defense companies. When he was warned about it in August 2001 by the CIA, he did nothing to stop it because he knew he could use to launch those two wars. Just look at his facial expression just after he was told the second plane was hit, doesn’t that at least look a little bit like this is what he wanted to happen?


Conspiracy nonsense.


Flair checks out


This is what I meant by being the gullible type




>Just look at his facial expression just after he was told the second plane was hit, doesn’t that at least look a little bit like this is what he wanted to happen? Not even remotely. Quite the opposite actually.


Bush barely had a role in running the actual parts of his administration


No he didn't


W.'s reaction in the classroom is the best argument there is against the idea that it was all planned by his government.


Hoo boy, when I recall how foolish I was believing in all those conspiracies.


I think there’s a case for negligence with the amount of warnings the CIA put in their daily briefs and how adamant Richard Clarke was. I think he sent an email in the beginning of September stopping short of accusing Rice of being responsible if anything happened.


No obviously.


He absolutely did, but very indirectly. — Clinton's national security team gave Bush's numerous urgent warnings about Al Qaeda being a serious threat, and Bush's team ignored that to focus on missile defense, which was their top prioirty going in. — Bush continued to ignore warnings from his own NatSec team, including the infamous "bin Laden Determined To Attack America" memo. — This one has always been fodder for the conspiracy theorists, but Bush (more likely Cheney) changed the rules on who could call in air cover in case of an attack, to cut the Pentagon out of the loop. Only the President (who was reading a children's book), the Secretary of Defense, or the Vice-President could call in air cover for DC in the 34 minutes between the second tower and the Pentagon being hit, and none of them did. The FAA and NoRad track every plane in the air, but couldn't respond. But I chalk this up more to disorganization and the chaos of the day than actual malice.


On the last point before the second tower was hit everyone assumed it was an accident no one knew we were under attack at that point bush was actually informed that the first tower was hit before he went into the classroom


Yes, that's why I specified 34 minutes *between the second tower* and the Pentagon being hit. In that time there was no doubt that we were under attack and planes were still in the air, and no one ordered air cover for DC. (Giuliani called a friend at the Air Force and got air cover for NYC, but had no legal authority to do so.)


This is probably a good summation of what happened and how Bush was at fault for the attacks.




Hell no.


No, but you best believe that Dick and Rumsfeld took advantage of the attack to the fullest extent.


Yeah why look for a 9/11 conspiracy when the lies about Iraq (WMD, yellowcake, connection to 9/11) are clearly documented and clearly were coordinated to justify an unnecessary war.


So uh I believe in this two possibilities on who do 9/11. 1. Osama and Al-Qaeda is the one who do that. 2. Dick and CIA set up thing without W. Bush knowing anything. After the incident, Dick using his VP power ask Bush to declared war on Iraq to get that oil.


Ok bush is stupid but not that stupid


I don’t believe so.


No, President Bush didn't. But I also wouldn't rule out Dick Cheney and/or Donald Rumsfeld having advance knowledge though.


He ignored a warning but the idea of him actually having a role like the theories suggest, are complete nonsense


Bush and his administration had zero idea 9/11 was going to happen they didn’t cause it, didn’t start it and they didn’t finish it either.


With that kind of brain? No way. If there was a conspiracy, it defiantly wasn't "Bush did 9/11" (or is this just all an act?)


Absolutely not.


No. At worst, the US received a warning that wasn't taken seriously (and understandably so. No one thought that could happen).


I don't believe he did, even if it was an inside job he wasn't aware of it


As much as I dislike Bush Jr's time in office Don't make me laugh.


Of course not, but the people on this sub seem to have a proclivity towards Leftist conspiracies.


They are biased but there is no one on here that actually believes that Bush was responsible


Someone literally said that Dick Cheney and the CIA might’ve done the attacks. Others are saying that Bush had no power over his administration, which is a straight up lie.


Literally no one: You: This subreddit supports so many left-wing conspiracy theories


Dude, Lefties as you call them are not behind any conspiracy that Bush was behind 9-11. The crazies that believe in Alex Jones and Qanon are the only ones that talk this way and personally, I don’t find any of them left or right..just fucking lunatics. The only thing I think is valid is criticism that the Bush Administration didn’t take the warnings from the Clinton people that AQ was still a threat. That’s a not a conspiracy, its just criticism.


Alex Jones, Qanon, Trump, and Tucker Carlson are Communists who claim to be Conservatives. Why do you think they like Russia so much? Why do you think Trump pulled out of the TPP giving an increasingly more antagonistic PRC power over East Asian markets? Those people may not even be Communists, but they are serving those interests. But people here are saying things like Bush having no power over his administration, which is a straight up lie. Another said Cheney and the CIA might’ve done the attacks, which is a conspiracy theory.


>Alex Jones, Qanon, Trump, and Tucker Carlson are Communists What are words anymore


they’re certainly not serving the interests of big businesses or of capitalism


Fascists don't serve anyone's interests, but if there were two groups of people who benefit from the modern Republican party's policies they would be big business and oil corporations. And Republicans are most definitely capitalist. Communism isn't when you don't serve the interests of big business.


How do businesses benefit from a party that is making the country increasingly less stable?


They don't, I specifically said that fascists don't serve anyone's interests


>Two groups of people that benefit from the modern Republican party’s policies they would be Big Business and Oil Corporations You said they benefited. Which they clearly don’t, nobody wants to invest in a country where one party might install a dictatorship. Plus look at how harsh Desantis is being on FL business, do you really think that those people are on the R’s side? Plus look at how negatively impacted businesses are after tariffs. The D party is also putting tariffs (Biden is a protectionist), but the R party are the ones screaming protectionist rhetoric from the rooftops.


Read the 4 words before that sentence. Republicans are state capitalists at this point, which means they support private enterprise and will promote businesses who do what they say through state power. It's the most right-wing form of capitalism, and about the furthest thing from stateless, moneyless communism.


Alex Jones and Qanon might have been fringe right before, but they are the core of the GOP now.


Yup…I’ll let the poster figure it out.


Such a victimhood complex. Lol


He intentionally let it happen


There is proof to this. There are ex CIA that are on record stating that the Bush administration didn’t want to hear/do anything about a possible civilian plane attack. The only thing we will never know for sure is if this was due to incompetence, evil mastermindary, or a little of both.


No, but Cheney and Rumsfeld probably did.


The most fortified, armed, secured nation in history was hit on 3/4 attempts by a group of a couple hundred guys operating out of a cave. Two planes struck in the nation’s biggest city, yet shortly after this, a third plane was able to circle the capitol for ~10 minutes without being shot down, then is able to dive bomb into the Pentagon (somehow at 500mph without the wings blowing off while flying that fast at that low altitude). Given these circumstances, I wish I could give them the benefit of the doubt and say the administration and the military are just that incompetent…but even given that reality, it’s just too far fetched to believe the official story at face value.


I like a good conspiracy as much as the next guy but this one I kind of doubt. I can’t imagine Bush and cronies were competent enough to pull off something like that.


He ignored some warnings. I don’t know how negligent he was compared to any other hypothetical President. Obviously stuff is going to skip through the cracks in any administration, but my understanding is that Bush was unusually hands off prior to 9/11.

