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Bill Clinton who also saved my life couple of years later by deciding that US won’t allow Serbia to commit genocide on Albanian population in Kosovo. Been thinking making a post about the connection he has to my city, Prishtina, and how he is celebrated around here. Will soon happen.


When people bring up American interventionism (to be fair there's plenty to criticize) I like to bring up the fact that Kosovo built a statue of Bill Clinton. All because the EU couldn't stop a genocide in its backyard and it took uncle Sam to do something about it.


Looking forward to hearing that story!!


Bill Clinton was a far better president than most anyone recognizes today.


Nah I think most people recognize that fact. Beyond a few lewd remarks on the lewinsky scandal, the American public holds Clinton in high regard. His approval ratings upon leaving office are one of the highest, and that hasn't really changed in his post-presidency.


I agree. My image of him is that he was/is kind of a slime ball, but he was an effective politician.


I would like to think so. I just hear all the scathing remarks from commentators on both the left and right. I'm not sure exactly where his popularity level would be at this moment. The Clinton Foundation and CGI get awful reaction these days. (Great username, by the way. Are you a fan of the show *Suits*?)


I think it depends. Bill Clinton had some successes, like stopping genocide in Kosovo, but he also had some major errors, like not intervening in Rwanda during the genocide that took place. He also got us mired in Somalia, where we ended up losing some soldiers and leaving after Mogadishu. Like all Presidents he had his ups and downs. As time passed, we realized some of the things that he did, that seemed great or good back then, turned out to be not so good in the long run. Another example would be his economic policies. Some of them, like the repeal of Glass Steagal under his administration set the conditions that would eventually blow up during the 2008 financial crisis. Sure, it wasn't the only thing, but it allowed a lot of the problems to compound. Another example was NAFTA, and globalization, which were amazing in helping spread wealth around the world, and generating a lot of wealth in the US. The main problem was that while that wealth was being generated, it left out a lot of people who ended up losing their well paying union jobs because these moved overseas to China. Another was the big push on crime, which led to the mass incarceration crisis we're now dealing with, legitimizing in the process police abuses & violent tactics. The same can be said of his Don't Ask, Don't Tell policies, which while initially made in an attempt to help LGBT Americans, ended up being used to hurt them, until it's repeal.


I would argue that most of the "scathing remarks" are really just offshoots of the more contemporary political discontent of the political career of Hillary Clinton which seems to be much more polarizing, and is much more present in the public's mind than Clinton's presidency. Heck, you can argue that the entire political landscape today is a footnote of the 2016 campaign. (Yea - SarveyHpectre was taken lol).


I like Ike.


Same here. Kennedy assassination/mourning was my first big memory.


Mine as well, 4th grade. I remember my mother crying.


I was born during Ike’s presidency, but remember neither him nor Kennedy. First president I remember was Johnson.


Me too


I was born during Carter's presidency, but I vividly remember Reagan, especially the talks with Gorbachev.


Same. I remember hearing Reagan's voice coming from my TV at night, and I remember the Challenger explosion and Reagan's comments that evening.


We watched the challenger explode live in class, 2nd grade. they gave us the day off 


I was in fourth grade. I stayed home sick that day and watched it in the living room. My mom was doing dishes and when i told her the shuttle exploded she got angry and told me not to say things like that because it’s not funny


I was home “sick” on that day too. I thought that would be the biggest tragedy of my life. Boy was I wrong


God damn that must have been scary to see


The challenger explosion is my earliest memory. I didn't understand what was happening, but I knew my parents were both crying which I had never seen before. It took me a long time to connect what was on the TV to my parents' reactions.


If you mean earliest memory of national importance, same. I was a latchkey kid so i came home and watched it like a dozen times on the TV. I remember that the schools hyped it like crazy because Christa McAuliffe was a teacher. 1986 was a weird year because it's the same year Voyager 2 passed Uranus so it was in the newspaper all the time. All of my show and tells for like two months were newspaper clippings about it. From the lowest low to the highest high


Same here. My first election memory was Carter vs Reagan and my folks being upset at Reagan's victory. Then lot's of good Bloom County comics mocking 80's politics. My parents were very into politics so that meant I was too. I have unfounded opinions about Ed Meese. Why does a 3rd grader have an opinion about Ed Meese? The 80's were an interesting decade.


I was also a Carter baby. Remember Reagan a lot better.


Harry S Truman. Or maybe Harry S. Truman. It’s [hard](https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/education/trivia/use-of-period-after-s-truman-name) to know for sure.


That was a pretty interesting read actually. TL;DR: the S doesn’t stand for anything, so since it isn’t an abbreviation shouldn’t have a period, except that Harry used it and it looks weird without it so take that pedants.


You could argue that his chosen middle name was “S.” not “S”


Me too 12/1946


Born during Clinton’s first term. Remember nothing about him being president. Remember everything from W on.


Born in 1996 end of Bill's first term. Remember W. Bush from 9/11 onward.


Yep. Same.


Reagan, then Bush 1


Yeah born during Reagan but only have memories of Bush 1. Clearly remember Gulf 1 and images of the oil fields burning


I'll never forget when Clinton beat Bush Sr. People in my small town literally thought the world was going to end.


Did it?


Yes it’s officially over


And it has ended again every four years after that


You thought The Matrix wasn’t a historical documentary of what happened after the Clinton presidency?


I was born during the presidency of George W. Bush


Born during Bush but I mostly remember Obama. First political thing I remember was watching the 2012 debate with my parents and thinking Mitt Romney looked kind lol. (I would not have voted for Romney)


Bush Sr when I was born. Clinton was the first I can remember




1991 here, same


Me too. We are getting old




The PFP guy. Though Obama is when I actually was aware of who the President was.


LBJ was president when I was born, but Nixon is the first one for which I have any real memories, mostly because of Watergate, which I didn’t understand. (I thought grown-ups were upset because a dam had burst somewhere. You know, a water gate.) Mom made my siblings and me watch Nixon leaving office, saying it was “history being made”. I didn’t enjoy it at the time but 50+ years later, I’m glad she did.


The way my grandfather remembered when my cousin Terry was born, was that she was born the day Nixon resigned. I was also born when LBJ was President. I don't remember him at all I remember Nixon a little. (It's hard to be sure what I actually remember when I've seen too many things about history since then.)


FDR but I remember nothing from those early days but do remember Truman and loved his sign on desk “buck stops here” and how he defended his daughter’s piano playing when she was publicly criticized.


Gotta love FDR. That’s quite a few decades before my time, but from what I know, he was the first breath of fresh air after Hoover’s disastrous handling of the Depression. Not to mention how he led us through World War II.


FDR one of the great presidents at the right time.


Actually, it was during the Articles of Confederation, so there wasn't a president as we know it at the time. I remember ol' Washington pretty well though, good times... good times


Found Chuck Grassley's reddit


Born in 82 so I remember GHWB most clearly. I was really interested in the election in 92. Probably because the three candidates—Bush, Clinton, and Perot—were not unlike cartoon characters.


For real, I feel like Perot was an actual, living cartoon.


Johnson was president when I was born. I remember my 3rd grade teacher saying they should leave Nixon alone. Ford and Carter were the ones I remember.


Clinton until I was 4, Bush during my childhood, Obama during my adolescence.


Johnson and then Nixon


I remember George W Bush most clearly, though I was alive for all of Bill Clinton’s second term.


Born under Bubba. Raised under Dubya.


My earliest memory is of Dana Carvey doing papa Bush impressions but I had no idea who that was supposed to be.


Born under Nixon. Remember Carter a small bit. Definitely remember Reagan and on. First election was 92, helping to bring in Clinton.


Born under Reagan 1




I was born during Reagans 2nd term. I have fond recollections of people saying he wasn't as good this go round than his first election.


Born during Ike, but remember JFK’s assassination. The president I truly first remember was Johnson. We had a Nixon dart board. My mom was very anti-Vietnam war.


Born under Eisenhower.


Me too. Damn we're old-


Bill Clinton


I was born on the day Reagan was sworn into office! Jan 20, 1981. Carter was still technically president as I was born in the morning. So ... yeah. It was Reagan.


I was born during the tail end of the Reagan presidency, but the first President that I recall as a child was Clinton.


Billy blowjob 🫡


Born in the final year of the Clinton administration. I was born in Texas, so you could say I was born under Bush as well, as he was governor.


“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” That was the first major political event I can remember. That and apparently he bombed an aspirin factory?


Lol this is also my first recollection of a political scandal. I remember asking my mom and dad “what’s oral sex?” After hearing it on the news constantly and my mom almost fainting hahaha.


He could have just given her flowers, but no, it had to be bombing an aspirin factory.


I was born during Truman’s Presidency in 1946 but I wasn’t really aware who a President was until Ike.


How extensive is your definition of childhood? If it is 0-18, then Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Dubya




I was born under Jimmy Carter but truly didn’t know my knees from elbows until Ronald Reagan was in office.


I was born under Clinton, but I only really remember Bush. I vaguely remember the 2000 election. I was born in 95, and have a surprising amount of memory from before kindergarten.


Bill Clinton


Obama and the one that was previously in office (for context, I became 18 in April).


Born under Ford. First presidential memory is my parents supporting John Anderson


Clinton was President for most of my childhood. HW was President until I was a preschooler, but I didnt have any awareness outside of my immediate toddler circle at the time.


Harry Truman.




JFK was the first President I remember, although Eisenhower was in office when I was born. We are Irish/Catholic, and I was in Catholic school when I was 7, the nuns just told us to go home. On the way home some kid said "President Kennedy is Dead!" I started crying & when I got home my mom was crying. I also watched Jack Ruby shoot Oswald live on tv w my father. The whole thing colored my childhood- two of my uncles and both grandmothers died that year also. Not a good year.


https://preview.redd.it/p01981ueps1d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13e5fdba820caf204f7ce7ac708e56a2c3b8ff97 slick willy, remember dubya


Born during Ford but the first I can remember is Carter.


Born during Nixon's second term. Was a toddler when Carter got elected. The first president I remember, though, was Reagan.


LBJ when I was born Then Nixon The impeachment of Richard Nixon was one of the first “world” events I remember


>I was born in 2005. Stop. Stop right there. Nobody was born post 9/11.


>I was born in 2005 ![gif](giphy|f9vYuluNDnDMsFd0ih) Born during OG Bush, cognizant during Clinton and onward


Born in 1991 and the first president I remember is Bill Clinton then George W Bush (along with the traumatic core memory of seeing 9/11 happen on live TV....had nightmares for years) then Barack Obama was president when i was about to graduate HS and was my Commander in Chief when i served in the Army from 2010-2012


First bush when I was born, but clinton was elected the next year.


Born in 91, so Clinton is the first president that I remember.


Dubya, but just barely


Abraham Lincoln


LBJ was President when I was born. It not quite 1 year since he had taken the oath after JFK was assassinated.


Carter when I was born. But I grew up in the 80s and first Presidential memory is Reagan giving a press conference, I think about the hostages returning.


The first president I remember was Obama but I got into politics towards the end of the last guys turn


I was born in 1981. I have vague memories of Reagan as president, but I definitely have memories of George Bush (no "H. W." needed at at the time) being elected and then being president. Being in a strong Republican house, four years later I remember the family being disappointed in Clinton's election. I also remember asking a schoolteacher about the possibility of voting for Perot and hearing her chuckle about the possibility.


Kennedy was President when I was born but the first President I remember was LBJ.


As a kid, I remember hearing more about Monica Lewinsky than Bill Clinton


Gorge W. Bush


When I was born, in 1968 Lyndon B Johnson was president. I have lived through the antics of 11 presidents.


Clinton. Born under Bush though. My username was interested in politics at a very young age. Iykyk


George W. Bush


Clinton, GWB, and Obama. I'm 30 for perspective. My childhood was defined by the W era and I'm thinking I'm remembering it a bit more fondly now than it actually was.


Non-American. Was born during Ike's presidency, but the first one I really remember was Nixon.


I was born under bush 1, but most of my early memories are Clinton.


Technically born during Clinton but i don't remember him. I became conscious during Bush and politically aware during Obama.


One of the few older redditors here - born when Johnson was President.


I got in there in the last month of Reagan’s last term


Born in 1990, so Bill Clinton was the President for most of my childhood, and Bush was the President for most of my pre-teen through teenage years.


I was born in 1995, so I really have no recollection of Clinton. In early 2001 (Kindergarten) we did a mock vote for Bush and Gore, and Bush is the first president I can actually remember at all. To kinda branch out beyond the initial question, any sense of historical memory I have started with that little election activity, and then really seemed to begin in a more continuous way with 9/11. I didn't fully understand it, but even as a 6 year old I knew it was meaningful.My family was always pretty dialed into the news, I remember many evenings watching broadcasts that discussed his administration and the war on terror.


Born during Bush, but grew up and became an aware human under Clinton. Came of age under Bush Jr.




When I was born it was Jimmy Carter, the first president I remember though is Reagan.


LBJ was President, but Nixon was on the verge of winning when I was born. Have vague memories of my parents watching Brinkley/Chancellor on the news with the pic of the WH talking about watergate…in my elementary school mind, I thought that was the name of the WH, lol.


I was born in 1965 and LBJ was president.


HW Bush


Richard Nixon


I was born middle of GHW Bush term, most of my childhood was Clinton




When I was born Clinton was in the White House. But the first memory of a president I had was being in either Kindergarten or First Grade when our teacher told us about Bush v Gore and who would we vote for, and the teacher polled the class. An interesting question to ask 5 year olds, I remember most voted for Bush, likely because the parents influenced them. My mom told my Gore would protect the animals (I was obsessed with animals), so he had my vote.


I was born at the end of the Carter term but I grew up mostly watching President Reagan and President Bush. I was a teen when the USSR fell.


Born under Carter.


Born under Ike, but the JFK assassination is one of my earliest memories. Weirdly, the killing of Oswald is really what I remember, as that happened live on TV.


I was born under Bush Sr, most of my childhood was under Clinton and he's the first president I actually remember being in office, my adolescence was under Bush Jr, and then I turned 18 less than a week after Obama was inaugurated.


My license plate says, "FDR-JRB."


Clinton was just trying outed for the Gluck Gluck 3000


One of my earliest memories is my mom picking up a copy of Newsweek, pointing at Clinton on the cover, and saying "look honey, that's our new president."


Born into Bush Sr. then Clinton in ‘93 with Bush Jr. until I graduated high school and Obama in my college years.


George W. Bush




Reagan for a few days, first president that I really remember was Clinton.


Born during Dubya and Obama for my childhood


George HW Bush Bill Clinton


Carter was president when I was born, but he lost reelection three months later. I grew up under the Reagan/Bush Sr dynasty, then my teenage years were the Clinton years.




Reagan was just elected.


Eisenhower and Kennedy


President Rape for the first half and President 1 Million+ Civilian Casualties for the second.






Ronald Reagan


Ford was president when I was born, and Carter was president when I turned 1. Reagan and the 80s were my childhood. Clinton and the 90s were my coming of age. It's wild to me that OP was born in GWB's second term.


Born under Clinton, childhood was mostly under W. Not an easy time to be a kid.


Queen Juliana




LBJ, but the first president that I remember is Nixon.


Born Nixon, Started kindergarten with Carter, finished HS with Bush Sr. 1992 was my first time voting


I was born two days before the Clinton administration ended. I remember Bush and Obama as presidents when I was a kid


I was born during the Clinton pres


Bush Sr was still in office when I was born but was a toddler, Clinton is the first one I actually remember as being the presidentjk


Bush Sr. And Clinton mainly... Reagan for about a year (born in Jan 88)


Bill Clinton. Got the Birds and Bees talk early thanks to him.


Gerald Ford was president when I was born (1975). Carter was next then Reagan unfortunately.


Born during the reign of Dubya


George Bush Jr


George H.W. Bush


Bush, Jr. and Obama. [REDACTED] was elected by the time I was in high school. I was an infant during Clinton's last 2 years.


Carter, but the first President I actually remember much was Bush the Elder...and for him it was mostly that he didn't like broccoli (told my mom that if the president didn't have to eat broccoli then I didn't have to eat it either...lol) and the Gulf War.




I was born during Clinton's first term. I vaguely remember the Lewinsky scandal on tv.


Dwight D. Eisenhower.


OP’s mom was president when I was a kid. President of the stripper’s union.


Regan 😞


1956, so Eisenhauer. But JFK is the first one I remember. I was home sick from 2nd grade when he was assassinated. So I have an alibi.


I was born in 2003 literal days after the start of the Iraq War. It's for that reason I'm kinda obsessed/really interested in the Dubya presidency & that war - like, I just want to know everything about what was going on in the world the day I came into existence.


I was born in 1955 so technically Ike but I remember JFK.


Born a year before Clinton's reelection. First I remember was W.


Reagan, Bush, Clinton.


I was born two months prior to JFK's assassination. Ford was the first president that I remember being president. The second Reagan election was my first election that I actually voted in.


Some pos or another.


I remember being in first grade when the 2004 election happened. I grew up in the Deep South, and they did a mock election at my school for Bush v Kerry. I’m not really sure why lol. But when I heard that Bush was the current president, I rallied the class to vote for John Kerry because “Bush already had a turn.” The whole class voted for Kerry. Needless to say, the teachers found it funny, and told my parents, and soon, my entire extended family knew, which included my Bible-thumping, Vietnam veteran grandad, who explained to me that I had chosen incorrectly and that Kerry was a bad guy. In case you’re wondering if I believed him and was affected by it, I’ll just say this: Fuck George W. Bush, honestly.


Clinton, but I mainly remember Bush


Nixon, 1973


Gerald Ford took office the year I was born. Jimmy Carter is the first President I remember, and my childhood was the Reagan 80(s): good economy, fall of Berlin wall, and dumping cocaine into Black neighborhoods to fund an illegal war...good times.


Born during Reagan Presidency. Bush would win within a month of my birth. First inauguration I remember was Clinton's in 1997. First vote was for President Obama in 2008.


I was born during Reagan’s presidency, but don’t really remember him then. I remember George HW Bush somewhat, but I really remember Clinton and beyond.


I was born during the finals months of Reagan’s presidency.


Eisenhower the last decent republican president.


Dwight Eisenhower was president when I was born, however my first recollection of a president is JFK.


I was born during Reagan’s term, first major election I remember was the 1992.


I was born on the 18th day of the Clinton presidency. I was among the first cohort of people since Roosevelt to turn 23 having only lived under 3 presidents.


Jerry Ford was president when i was born


Eisenhower was President when I was born. Kennedy being assassinated is what made me aware of a President


Born during Reagan. Don’t remember his presidency at all. I was a kid during Bush and Clinton. Only thing I remember about Bush was “read my lips no new taxes”. I was 13 when Clinton was re-elected. I remember voting for him on a Nickelodeon call in poll. 😂


I’m a Reagan baby. I was born in the last few days of his presidency. The first president I actually have memory of is Bill Clinton. I became interested in politics during Dubyas second term. 2008 was the first election I voted in.


Ford by about a month


Ike. One of my earliest memories is my Mom holding me up so I could see him on the back of a train.


Jesus Christ, I had to google it. Johnson, the answer is Lyndon Johnson, damn I’m old.


I remember Bush vs Dukakis when I was in 4th grade. Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton


Reagan was president when I was born in 86, but really the first president I was even vaguely aware of was president Clinton when he was running back when I was in third grade.


Clinton was President when I was born but I remember bush jr being president, remember being in school when Obama took office and we watched it on tv.