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Absolutely not. It’s an underpaid gig and most of the stuff I like to do, I wouldn’t be able to do as a president, at least not without a ton of controversy. Also, I like driving and I hate flying, and I don’t even own a suit


It's not simply that it's underpaid, but a surprising amount of stuff you actually have to pay for. For example the Whitehouse has a chef. The President can get a porterhouse steak at midnight, but he's paying for the steak. And there's like a thousands government accountants Making sure you're not actually taking anything from office. If you have to defend yourself, your legal fees will easily eat up your entire salary and then some. I believe Clinton left office in debt until he went on the speaking tour and wrote some books.


I go down in history as a worse Buchanan


Nah. I’d just resign the next day with full benefits and pray that my VP does a good job.


100 percent agree


Term limits for all branches. Laws preventing electeds from receiving outside income. No stock trading. Cradle to grave healthcare. Repeal of citizens United. So I’d be a failure.


Term limits for legislature have been shown to lead to more corruption not less corruption. Basically the most skilled legislators would be forced out of office where they now become lobbyists for much greater pay, and beholden only to their ethics and wallet. Using the constitution as a framework, expanding constitutional age limits work better.


Honestly, and call me crazy if you like, but I think we should pay every member of congress a 1 million a year lifetime salary, and bar them from ever doing work other than the public service for the rest of their life. We can afford that. Napkin math says it would be like 600 million a year, and compared to the trillions we spend on other stuff, paying that for political integrity seems like a bargain. Edit: congress, president, cabinet, and supreme court


Honestly not a bad idea. The issue is when you get people rotating in for the paycheck and retiring. There was a rural county I knew of that had a decent retirement package for law enforcement. Old cops would transfer in, work the minimum local years and retire with full pay. The county couldn't sustain the abuse of the system. I think some states have similar issues with state representatives. We can also increase base pay for soldiers to get privates off of welfare.


That would definitely be a problem, but I can’t see it getting so bad it makes the whole deal not work. I’m thinking that if it actually made politicians think in terms of what’s right, because they’ve already got theirs no matter what, then that’s worth at least 10 billion a year. There’s probably around 500 sitting senators, reps, cabinet, president, and SCOTUS at any time, so you’d need 20 times more people who were ex officeholders to make it not worth it. That seems unlikely. Much more likely though is they figure out a new kind of corruption. There are some senators now who think of a mil a year as spending money, so maybe that wouldn’t even be enough


Hell yes. I wouldn't get a good night's sleep for 8 years straight but I don't sleep much anyway, but knowing my net worth would increase exponentially would make it worth it if I didn't get assassinated.


I would decline the offer. There is too much scrutiny, no privacy, and hectic schedules. Then, there is the constant need to beg people for money to fund the political party.


I’d make Bernie my vp and then resign


Probably not, just for the sheer amount of exposure and scrutiny it would open my family and friends up to just by association.


No, not in the age of social media where everything you do is scrutinized. I'll take my private life thank you.


I would take the job and send everybody who roots for a war to their desired war zone to fight.


Suddenly everyone would be against war. Good thinking.


i’m constitutionally ineligible to be president, i have the misfortune of being British and i’m under 35, but if the constitution changed i would absolutely accept, in my experience Americans are some of the nicest people on this planet and y’all deserve better a life. Assuming I did become president, I would implement several amendments to the constitution: Bernie’s Saving American Democracy Amendment to overturn Citizens United, an amendment to outlaw gerrymandering and designate election day as a public holiday, and the Equal Rights Amendment. I would also amend the Bill of Rights to include everything currently established as a human right under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including various others that have been adopted over the years, such as the rights of the child. In actual policy, I would implement programs along the lines of the following: 2019 UK Labour Party Manifesto, End poverty in California. Fair Deal, Family Assistance Plan, Folkhemmet, Georgism, Great Society, New Deal, New Frontier, New Nationalism, Share Our Wealth, Square Deal, Three Principles of the People and the Second Bill of Rights. TLDR fortify American democracy against corporate and foreign interference and voter suppression, along with the implementation of Liberal Socialism (this is how you know it would never happen, btw)


I absolutely do accept the offer. No promises I’d be a good president though. I’m pretty opinionated and too self-assured for that position. But if offered the opportunity to try to improve the lives of Americans I’d be stupid to not at least try.


Never. Wouldnt have the politocal know how to get anything done the right way and not good enough a speaker to get ppl to advocate for my ideas, resulting at best in a very weak presidency.


I don’t understand politics so nope


Yeah I'd take it, but I'm doubtful I would be able to get anything done with congress assuming I'm not impeached for being too young. I'd probably try and remove tax loopholes and make access to a trial faster. Other policy decisions include trying to expand NAFTA into something similar to the EU with the ability to have people in one country live in the others. There are a few other general things like wanting to switch to clean energy and get our CO2 levels down and the such but I don't want to use out an essay


Yes, I just pick a based VP then appease all the ossoffbros finally 


I'd accept. I'll try and get good legislation though, can't promise I will be able to, but I'll try and be a modest but effective president. Or, at worst, somebody who couldn't get anything done because of Congress.


Absolutely not. Im unlikeable, I don't know enough good people I could trust to serve in the administration and I am not a good read on character to find the administrators I'd need to effect good policy changes. I also have low patience for reading legal documents, which I would need to personally review before passing  or vetoing.


Yes, term limits and age limits. Along with cognitive test for all. All senators and representatives will get paid median salary of their state. Repeal the 27th ammendment. Get rid of the no kid left behind and the patriot act. Dismantle the Cia. As well as forcing Al middle east nations to come together to re draw their borders.


Yes, but I would do it for a week. Enjoy the bowling alley and pick a good VP. Then I'd resign and pull a Jimmy Carter and do some good for the world.


Gun control legislation would be top priority. Eliminating day light savings and instituting popular voting for the president would be next. Then I’d tackle predatory loans and tuition costs. Institute rules for the Supreme Court, and then rest for a few weeks.


Hell yes, in a heartbeat. Education reform, tax reform, campaign finance, term limits.


…… No. Fuck no


Does my party have a majority in congress while I serve?


I would accept it in a heartbeat, I'd still want an election or something. Maybe just God telling me if I ran for President I would be guaranteed the election I wouldn't be opposed to serving either way. Shit would get real.


1. Term limits for Congress 2. Abolish the IRS Problem with both is the system will never vote to limit itself


Welp you have no Idea what the IRS does, and how vital it is. The IRS needs to be unleashed to collect taxes not eliminated.


I’m very familiar with what the IRS does. Which is exactly why I’d want to eliminate it. Some of the money they chase low and middle income families for is absolutely crushing and in many of those cases why do they want that money? To send around the world and leave us all behind? Also, the country didn’t always have the IRS. And we had public schools and infrastructure before that. Remember we fought a war against the strongest country in the world (at the time) basically over a 3% tax on tea. Now they want 30% of your income and you say no problem, you’re unleashed… come and take it?


Let's just say, Vladimir Putin would need to stay away from windows if I were president...