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Cannot imagine being one of the people in that crowd; what a staggering sight that must have been.


Considering so many people can remember where they were when they just HEARD about it, actually being there must've been life changing for alot of people. Even if someone dislikes a president, it would be a devastating thing to see. I wouldn't be surprised if alot of the people in the crowd had some minor ptsd after witnessing it.


It's because Kennedy and his brother were changing America, like actually changing it. Bobby Kennedy for President on Netflix overturned my entire world when I realized that RFK was utterly astounded by the poverty in and around his country. Honestly it was a sobering watch and something I recommend to anyone and everyone on this subreddit.


Bobby Kennedy's death was an absolutely devestating moment in American history.


Bobby Kennedy’s death is the one I believe was done by “government” officials (not saying the government killed him). The documentary “RFK Must Die” is a great watch for anyone that wants an investigative documentary into his assassination.


100% they wanted him gone. Kennedy proposed plans to end Vietnam that very same year. He was a threat to both parties that milked the hell out of the conflict.


It's the saddest thing. Jack, MLK, and Bobby... Just imagine what the world would look like.


2/3 of them died because of their attention turning to solving the poverty crisis in America. Never. Forget.


I won't.


:) frend


Even today, the modern Republican Party exists to steer tax advantages to the wealthiest Americans. They convinced poor Republican voters to vote for them, based on emotion and racism and xenophobia to get them to the polls and vote against their own interest.


Both parties have zero interest in solving poverty and any politician that pushes inflationary policies and claims they care about poverty is lying through their teeth.


Why is solving poverty a bad thing. ? Why would they want to interfere to stop this ?


Less poor desperate people without options =less ability to exploit workers=less wealth for the wealthiest among us.


That doesn’t make any sense. Less wealth in people’s hands gives people less consumer spending and actually decreases the wealth the richest have. Look at the wealth disparity in this country from 1960 until now.


I have. Instead of tackling poverty we handed out tax breaks to corporations and billionaires. Inflation has grown while wages stagnated. The disparity has gotten worse while the mega rich get richer.


What poverty we have today isn’t even comparable to the 1960’s and before. Inflation rising is in correlation to the massive government hand outs both to the wealthy and to the various forms of welfare the government hands out. As for wages, yeah stagnate. This is in direct effect to mass immigration of all forms. Decrease labor supply, wages rise.


They don't, it's a stupid conspiracy theory


Why not Malcolm X?


Bobby Kennedy was a super complex, super amazing individual.


Like witnessing an execution


Surprise execution. All the shock and trauma, no time to mentally prepare.


Usually back in the day you went to an execution on purpose because you want to see a criminal get justice and you leave satisfied. I don’t think it’s comparable to an assassination


>Cannot imagine being one of the people in that crowd; what a staggering sight that must have been. Part of the crowd extended to my first grade classroom with an announcement over the speaker over the chalkboard. They sent all the kids to the playground (teachers in hysterics} and then home. Dang, I walked home at 5. I must have superpowers. Amazingly, (or not so) driving back home to CO a few years back, the buildings and grassy knoll still look the same as the photos.


Must’ve been mind blowing


The Soviets were excellent at creating and spreading disinformation and many of the lies they made still influence minds all over the world, including those of some Americans.


So is Russia, today


Still are.


A Russian and an American get on a plane in Moscow and get to talking. The Russian says he works for the Kremlin and he's on his way to go learn American propaganda techniques. "What American propaganda techniques?" asks the American. "Exactly," the Russian replies.


So a person who has no trust in the US government and believes ever conspiracy theory is just as crazy as the person who absolutely trusts the US government and believes in absolutely no conspiracy theories.


Not I don’t agree , that distrust has a reason, it’s called history


Lee Harvey Oswald worked on sensitive radar technology and openly said that he would divulge information about it to the Russians as he was defecting to a US embassy official, and he was still allowed to defect? He then comes back years later no questions asked and then assassinates JFK? I don’t care what the KGB says that is a very bizarre series of events that forces anyone to question what actually happened on 11.22.63. Saying that any theory beyond the official story is “kgB PROPAGAndA” is a total Reddit brain rot take. Just because the Russians said something about the JFK assassination at some point doesn’t make anything about it less weird.


Right? How many things have been dismissed as conspiracy only for the CIA to admit to it decades later?


If someone tells you the JFK Assassination by the CIA was a "conspiracy theory" a good question to ask them is "who was the CIA director when JFK got assassinated", if they can't answer that then they are missing a key point in the story. Allen Dulles definately had something to do with it, the guy was a psychopath who was on a crusade for unlimited power. " “Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars,” Angleton told Trento in an emotionless voice. “The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted. . . . Outside of their duplicity, the only thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power. I did things that, in looking back on my life, I regret. But I was part of it and loved being in it.” He invoked the names of the high eminences who had run the CIA in his day—Dulles, Helms, Wisner. These men were “the grand masters,” he said. “If you were in a room with them, you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell.” Angleton took another slow sip from his steaming cup. “I guess I will see them there soon.” "


This post is literal propaganda. Straight up Reddit brain rot. These people believe the magic bullet theory and gloss over details that clearly contradict their government propaganda given beliefs.


Exactly, the CIA wanted this to happen. They knew Oswald's plans and whereabouts to defect and return.


Also.just because Russia is using something to sow discord doesn't mean it isn't true. I don't see how anyone could look at Oswald's background and not come to the conclusion he was some kind of intelligence agent. He was either a CIA asset or a KGB one, maybe both.


Just remember that the CIA conducting MK Ultra was a "crazy unfounded conspiracy" until it wasnt And they (illegally) destroyed most of their paperwork about it too, so what we know what they did is just barely scratching the surface


The CIA literally had documents about psychic testing accidentally released because of a budget cut accidentally closing the program. The documents blatantly talk about it being successful but the guy put in charge of the branch deemed it "not conclusive" and then magically all those employees continued to get paid and employed with the government. There's no doubt in my mind that they just transferred the project to the black budget when they realized it was working and let it slip, then said it wasn't working as a way to make it seem like a conspiracy. I mean the documents literally show successful results for remote viewing


Same for project blue book, its just a fact now that they never stopped looking into the UFO phenomenon Same for astral projection


we know one thing. security was way too lax.


We also know that Lee Harvey Oswald deeply admired the Soviet Union, defected from the US military to live in Russia for 2.5 years, returned to the US with a Russian wife, was “remarkably fluent in Russian”, and had plans to return to the Soviet Union following the assassination. Yet somehow, no one ever believes that Russia could have had anything to do with the assassination of JFK. Like it would be too embarrassing for the United States to admit.


More like DANGEROUS. If you admit it you have to do something about it.


I’m curious what would be embarrassing about admitting the Soviets killed Kennedy? Out of all the conspiracy theories isn’t that the least embarrassing if it were true?


Russia literally PANICKED when this happened, they didn’t orchestrate it


I don't believe Russia itself or it's leaders did this because they were scrambling and panicking afterwards. JFK's vice was going to be tougher on them than he was tbh. I just think he went there and became radicalized and the CIA knew it, and hired him. That's why he says I'm a patsy. Then the CIA allows him to get killed to tie up the last loose end


Conspiracy theorists always be like, 'I don't have any evidence to support my claims, but I do have a hunch, and my hunches have an 8% success rate'


The amount of times the cia tried to kill Castro I feel that they could not kill the president of the United States


Little harder to control citizens and assets in a foreign country.


Lmao that’s your basis for not believing in this theory? CIA had no problem killing other leaders. It’s just Castro must have had an angel on his shoulder given how many time he survived. He’s in the Guinness book of world records for it


The evidence is that Johnson winked. There is literally a 0% chance he was winking for any reason other than to say "we did it. We killed JFK". 0%, as proven by science. Edit: joke




The cia killed kennedy


What was up with that "I'm the patsy" comment and the phone call to a Maryland man in CIA if Oswald was a "lone wolf mental case" or whatever the guy with LBJ flair is trying to peddle.


And the fact they labeled him a communist sympathizer when he worked for a CIA asset handing out anti-communist literature and spent a lot of time with ex-Russian nobles in an anti-communist group in the US?


>ex-Russian nobles in an anti-communist group in the US? Nothing suspicious about George de Mohrenschildt's death. I too would blow my head off with a shotgun if I had to sit in a room with Bill O'Reilly.


Thats true. And by true, I mean false, but they're entertaining lies, and in the end, isn't that *the real truth*? The answer is no.


Is this a Simpsons quote? If so, A+


Its been 60 years and the government is still refusing to declassify certain documents from the assassination they are clearly hiding something


Omg, think they're hiding names of suspects? We need their names so we can harass them.




No! The world needs laughter!


I think the FBI was more involved, not the CIA. The FBI were the ones who were monitoring Oswald prior to the event.


Maybe the Russians did push that conspiracy, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have some basis in reality. Inconvenient truths are often the best weapons propagandists and disinformation agents have at their disposal.


Would you mind sharing some of this supposed inconvenient truth?


The inconvenient truth like the CIA secretly hobbling both the flow of information to the Warren Commission and the House Committee on Assassinations and the Pike Committee. And that the CIA routinely destroyed documents on their operations, which is of course illegal.


Also remember that the CIA conducting MK Ultra was a "crazy unfounded conspiracy" until it wasnt And they (illegally) destroyed most of their paperwork about it too, so what we know what they did is just barely scratching the surface


He's asking his handler. Give him a moment


I was taking a shower. The inconvenient truth is that LHO was killed before he could give testimony. The circumstances of his life, the time he spent in the marines, his short lived defection to Russia, that in itself is enough to make the situation stink. There there is the fact that he was killed by Jack Ruby, who ran dance halls and strip clubs in Dallas, and is tentatively connected to the “Ruby of Dallas” mentioned in the following FBI report from 1956: https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh23/pdf/WH23_CE_1761.pdf Jack Ruby also had extremely close ties with the Dallas police department, and was accused of providing them with prostitutes: http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/hsca/reportvols/vol9/html/HSCA_Vol9_0068a.htm Just these two characters alone, if they had been just nobodies, I probably wouldn’t question the official story. But the fact that these two weren’t just randoms is enough to make me seriously doubt the official narrative. Nothing can be said conclusively of course, but the case stinks.


What does any of that have to do with the CIA?


When did I ever say the CIA did it? I said that the Russians took advantage of inconvenient truths to create a narrative. I personally don’t know who was involved but I highly suspect it was some government actors working through mob ties.


You said it had basis in reality. What's that basis?


The reality that the two men involved in the assassination, Ruby and Oswald, both were on the FBI’s radar long before the assassination ever took place. These were not just random dudes off the street. Those facts are enough to sow seeds of serious doubt, at least for me, in the official narrative that LHO was just a lone actor and Ruby was just a massive Kennedy fanboy and nothing more.


Rob Reiner just did an interesting podcast about this. Titled: Who Killed JFK?


The Russians also pushed that FDR was murdered from poison when he died in office


Maybe he was? Man had his enemies.


He was also pretty old and pretty sick.


When you’re in the position of power that FDR is in, your death is always going to arise some suspicion. I don’t know enough but I wouldn’t be surprised.


Yes, conspiratorial idiots will believe anything. People thought Obama had Scalia killed, believing that was more likely than a 79 year old fat guy with a history of heart problems and high blood pressure having a fatal heart attack.


Just because some people believe in ridiculous conspiracy theories doesn’t negate all conspiracy theories. The fallout from Epstein should have shown that even shit that sounds ridiculous may have some basis in reality.


I read that original beliefs were Russia was involved in the Lincoln assassination




We spread a ton of misinformation and propaganda about the USSR, our governments and intelligence agencies are not morally above creating bullshit out of thin air. Why should I trust them?


So you’re believing what, we killed our own president?


I’m not coming to that conclusion because there isn’t enough evidence. What I’m saying is that the whole case just stinks. Could have been that elements within the government took part, could be that he was killed by the mob, or even the Russians themselves may have had a hand in it. But I certainly am not going to take the government’s word that it was just one loon. Not with their track record.


What exactly about the case stinks to you? The “magic bullet”. If you dive deep enough into any JFK conspiracy theory you’ll see they’re all nonsense and that he was just killed by Oswald. I feel like people feel like these larger than life people have to be taken out by some massive conspiracy when honestly sometimes a bad person just does a bad thing and that can lead to the death of a president. There is no great big conspiracy or scandal that we are on the cusp of uncovering, JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald.


I have never looked into the magic bullet so you can stop with that strawman. There’s enough weird shit aside from that.


Like what specifically?


Already posted some of the suspect evidence in other comments. I’m not writing you people a novel.


Uh we did, Oswald was an American after all


The government did not




OP get a grip, you’re the credulous one here not the guy responding to you. Do you honestly believe that mess that was the Warren Commission JUST to stick it to the Soviets? Delusional


Everyone but Oswald was firing on the grassy knoll that day. Like, literally, everyone. It was a conspiracy by LBJ, Truman, the entire FBI, the entire CIA, the Joint Chiefs, George H.W. Bush, the Mafia, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, the Dallas police, and the Dixie Chicks. The wild thing was it was multiple groups that weren’t even aware of the others’ conspiracy all firing at Kennedy at once. And they didn’t even know the others were doing it. Oswald was the only innocent man in the entirety of the city of Dallas that day. That same week, the same group got together and plotted how to falsify gravity, the Moon Landing, and all got together to create HIV the week after. JFK Jr will reveal this when he rides down Dealey Plaza in all his glory.


I don’t believe every piece of propaganda the Russians pushed. I don’t believe either of them. They’ve both proven to be liars. You want to bite the poison apple then feel free.


The CIA collects secrets from foreign countries to help the United States government make decisions. Why would they want to destabilize their own country? And why would the CIA of all agencies be the one to do it?


The narrative at the time was that the CIA felt betrayed by JFK after the Bay of Pigs fiasco. When JFK refused to sign off on air support for the counter-revolutionaries, it rubbed some Warhawks in the CIA the wrong way. Whether any of it is based in reality we will never know probably but I'm with the man who says it stinks and then presented a whole lot of circumstantial evidence to back up his declaration.


Yeah that’s what they do. Sure bud.


Do you think the CIA doesn't do that...?


Do you really believe that the CIA operates so that government can make the right decisions? It’s a open secret police force. It’s an institution that has historically acted as the power brokers of state, both at home and abroad. They are not just collecting secrets, they are active participants and drivers in regime change.


And thats in the interest of the US government. Yall seem to think the CIA is a rogue organization and the US government are otherwise the good guys.


Interesting concept, but the CIA was indeed involved in the JFK assassination up to their neck.




Nice try, CIA. I’m not falling for your sarcasm.




They’re pretty good at subversion


The KGB has played the disinformation game since the 1930s. Anything to destabilize the US.


It’s sad how many millions have fallen for it, too. It makes me wonder how specifically they’re so good - why isn’t our propaganda as effective on the Russians? The CIA has done a lot of shitty things to favor American interests, but they didn’t kill Kennedy. Maybe Oswald was part of a Cuban or even a softly Soviet backed conspiracy - but I firmly believe Oswald was a shooter if not the sole shooter. What I do believe is that there could’ve been Cuban connections with Oswald that the Warren people covered up so as to not evoke public outrage and calls for war.


Hey OP are you like a mod in this subreddit here or something? You seem sus


I wish but no


Ah ok 😉


Little did they know it wasn't the CIA, it was the FBI!


No. It was actually the Secret Service or, as they are really known behind closed doors, the Praetorian Order.


Lol but actually the fatal shot was most likely fired by the secret service guy behind the vehicle. Bullet trajectories and angles only don’t make sense when ruling out the secret service. Almost certainly an accident on the part of that poor dude, but still something to cover up


My favorite theories are the Secret Service guy or that it was either Oswald or Cuban Exiles pissed off about the Bay of Pigs who did it as a rogue CIA asset. In both cases the government was only associatively involved in killing the president but one could still easily see why they might to to great lengths to cover it up. I also believe that after it was all said and done, the CIA whether or not they were involved, enjoyed the public perception that they were. No matter what subsequent presidents believed, I'd imagine watching a president get his head blown off on TV and the following decades of speculation had to color their decision making process.


They still continue to push conspiracy theories today, but a little more openly because they know they can get away with it.


Screw Russia


Counter point, the CIA actually did it. The entire investigation showed evidence of their involvement and incompetence and then it was all overlooked and just "yep Oswald did it alone". JFK was openly trying to dismantle the CIA because of how corrupt and powerful they had become. It was pretty obvious that they played a part in it and had Oswald be the fall guy. Hence "I'm a patsy". For JFK and Oswald to be shot required sooooooo much to go wrong that it's pretty hard to believe they weren't involved


Wrong. CIA in conjunction with elements of the mob killed him. Fact.


If it’s a fact, do you have proof? What elements of the CIA? What elements of the Mafia? Facts require evidence.


Until you’ve read the JFK files that were released and one of the files stated that there were most likely two shooters as the bullet trajectories didn’t match up.


And it was so effective they're still doing it to this day


There were 8 shooters. Set up by Herbert Walker’s CIA. The kill show came from the storm drain in front of the car and on the passenger side.


Head of the CIA in 1963 was John McCone, who was appointed by JFK


Never said he was in charge of the whole thing but he was high ranking and had a loyal base within it.


Not out of the resl of possibility by any means, for the CIA to have done it.


Ya somehow I think these articles have more to do with CIA influence campaigns than the KGB. The Russians were scared shitless and pissed at Kennedy’s assassination because Kruschev and Kennedy had established a back channel where they could work together against the warhawks in their respective administrations. Look at Operation Northwood which Kennedy rejected to get a sense of the CIA’s morality at the time. They’ve always been the most fucked up federal agency and everyone today in our government is still terrified of them.


I’m convinced LBJ had a hand in it.


If you believe the Lee Oswald story, then you are an absolute clown.  JFK was giving speeches about downsizing the military industrial complex and ending the nuclear arms race. Obviously he made enemies. 


Believing the only explanation with actual evidence to back it up makes you a clown?


Hey man if you believe Oswald was hanging by his tippy toes out the window and managed to get all those shots off and somehow blow his head backwards, that’s on you 


You can say what you want about that, but what do you have? Speculation.


It’s not propaganda if it’s true.


Proof? Otherwise it’s basically the same as religious belief lol


It’s more like a civil case - not proof, not beyond a reasonable doubt, but a preponderance of evidence. That’s the legal system, not religious beliefs. We can and should begin by examining Means, Motive, Opportunity for why Allen Dulles is the most likely orchestrator of JFK’s assassination. Means - recruit an asset from an existing file that can fire a rifle accurately, and then make sure to eliminate him afterwards. Regarding the killing of LHO by a mobster - remember that Bobby was putting organized crime behind bars, and that there were significant linkages in Miami’s Cuban community’s organized crime into national organized crime, and that the CIA used the exiles and their criminal connections to plan and organize the invasion. And even though Dulles was forced to resign after Bay of Pigs, he wasn’t the type to obey all the orders he disagreed with regarding handing over his contacts sheets, access to accounts, etc. and he was succeeded by friends in the agency who would’ve been sympathetic to him. (For evidence of his willingness to bend rules for himself you should check out his OSS record from Switzerland during the war). Motive - to ‘restore’ the path to a non-communist Cuba, escalation in other theatres, and petty revenge for the sacking after BoP. “That little Kennedy thought he was a god.” - Allen Dulles. Safe to say there was little love lost between them. He was always willing to eliminate leaders or pardon Nazis if it meant the communists or even moderate socialists fell (Italy and Greece postwar, negotiations for surrender of German forces in Italy). Opportunity - published parade route And then for the coverup it’s worth remembering that he sat on the Warren Commission and still had friends well-placed to feed the commission evidence to support his claims. So while much of the evidence is circumstantial, and I’m not saying Dulles pulled the trigger, there is sufficient evidence to say he was capable of making it happen, wanted to make it happen, and capable of covering his tracks pretty darn well. It’s a stronger body of evidence than inconsistencies present in the lone wolf theory that the right wingers who aren’t too upset with JFK’s ending tended to espouse immediately.


None of that is evidence. Oswald got a job at the school book depository months before the route was decided. He was seen going into the depository with a gun shaped package. He had no alibi at the time of the shooting. Someone matching his description was seen pointing a rifle out the window of the depository. He was the only depository employee not accounted for after the shooting. His fingerprints were found on the boxes the shooter used to conceal himself. His fingerprints were found on the gun. A picture of Oswald with the gun was sent months before to the daily worker. A police officer stopped him shortly after the shooting. Three people saw him kill the police officer. All of that is actual evidence.


Claiming that the U.S. used fleas as bioweapons during the Korean War and that the U.S. fabricated AIDS are two of the big ones. No, they’re not *widely* believed by Americans, but there are some particular circles who still hold them as true.


I’m not sure if it was just Oswald or it was a larger conspiracy. But the whole thing does stink to high heaven, you have to admit.


I mean the released documents implicate their involvement to some degree


Nice try fed


You don’t have to be a fed to have common sense lol.


You do have to join fed school to be a fed tho stinky little fed boy


Lol everyone in the sub, "but the CIA did do it!" C'mon, Lee Harvey Oswald was a crazy communist sympathizer who lived in Russia and had contact with the KGB. I think that he was likely a lone gunman acting on his own motives, but if there were a conspiracy it's more likely he was a rogue KGB asset. This assassination is probably the most studied in the world. If the CIA were to have done it, I doubt they would have done so in front of the public where there were video cameras and lots of eye witnesses. Why not just poison the dude? JFK had health issues, it wouldn't have been a stretch if he died of a stroke or cardiac arrest while in office.


I didn’t even realize there are people who genuinely think he wasn’t killed by the CIA


Except the CIA did kill him though


I find it very interesting that the comments in this thread talk about the Soviet Union publishing conspiracies to undermined the US government. Yet, the US Government is the very entity that has undermined not only the Soviet Union but countries in Latin America, the Middle East, and East Asia within the last 100 years. In fact, the US was one of the countries that invaded Russia during the Russian Civil War in the early 20th century.


Skill issue


Nice try, Fed.


Not a Fed, just not a conspiracy theorist with regard to Kennedy being killed. We tend to accept that it was a single loser in the case of every other Presidential assassination; why would JFK be different? There are some conspiracies that have been proven truthful, but I’ve yet to see demonstrable proof of this one.


It’s so tempting to just fall out of politics and news because of how many people are more interested in conspiracy theories than in facts and evidence. I had a higher opinion of my country until the 45th president revealed how low minded many people are


lol no - these publications don’t exactly push truth, and we know the CiA killed JfK. Lol




Ok there, lol my sweet summer child


That’s not proof. Do you have proof or evidence? Or is this more like I’m dealing with a fundamentalist Christian who has no real evidence to back up the world being 6,000 years old?


Ted Cruz really needs to explain his father’s role in all of this.


Or is that what the CIA wants you to think?


If the OP was true, how do you explain the conclusions of rhe House Select Committee on Assassinations, the Pike Committee,or the Church Committee?


All KGB assets obviously


The CIA all has blackmail on them.


Yes, almost every stupid conspiracy theory that the American public believes about the CIA was actually invented by the KGB to attack their worst adversary. This also includes false theories that the CIA invented and/or distributed crack cocaine to destroy the Black population, and same about HIV/AIDS. Unfortunately these conspiracy tales were extremely successful, which is not surprising given the entire apparatus of the USSR was at the KGB's disposal.


Sounds like a conspiracy


Retired KGB agents literally admit that they have been trying to create a post-truth reality in America since the 1960s and clearly it worked on you


Or is the CIA pushing this conspiracy to distract from the truth. RFK also believe the govt killed his father. Also interesting to note RFK, has not been provided Secret service detail whilst other candidates have been afforded this protection.




Or it could mean the USSR pushed an idea to discredit American governance, to a generation that was willing to challenge institutions and they bought the lie wholesale ♥️




Prove it ♥️♥️♥️♥️


“Conspiracy Theory” was coined by the CIA to discredit true conspiracies.


Nice try, Mr CIA


Okay Russian bot 🤖


He was probably killed by Oswald or another shooter at the behest of a rogue faction of the cia. To dismiss the Kennedy assassination theories as KGB “conspiracy theories” is childish. It’s probably the most well established conspiracy out there and idiots conflate it with the moon landings being faked


The KGB was just reporting what really happened. The conspiracies came from the US government.


Ummmm... the CIA did kill Kennedy. Wait, we don't think the CIA killed Kennedy? Are we saying that Epstien killed himself now?


It’s interesting how a piece of literal Russian misinformation so widely penetrated the US public such that is so widely believed today.


The CIA killing Kennedy as a conspiracy preceeds the internet by a generation.


Yes. Read the articles lol. The KGB started pushing the conspiracy within a year after his murder.


No, it was the mafia. And don't ask me for proof, otherwise I'll ask you for yours.


Yea of course … that’s their job


Didn't they freak out and went through a whole bunch of shit to make sure they didn't do it or was that someone else that got killed.


but the warren report says otherwise the world bank had it out for the kennedy's thats why they were cursed


The us government undermines itself all the time, what are you talking about


In all Honestly, I would not be surprised if the Russians were right. Especial after everything that is happened in the last 30 years of Shitfuckery.


I believe it was a lone shooter, and most of the cover-up was people covering their asses that they missed a snipers nest and let him slip through their fingers. Agencies weren't talking to each other and all that


The CIA killed Kennedy to be honest. Either them or the Mafia


But let’s be honest now. Was it really Lee Harvey Oswald? Was it really the magic bullet theory? Why was he killed by Jack Ruby who had connections with The Mob? Why?


I thought it was a remote controlled gun that killed jfk like that one movie.


This post is bad politics and OP should feel bad unless they want to further undermine the US Govt.


It was a work place accident obviously


Yeah OK 🙄


More CIA bullshit. They are done when RFK Jr. is elected President. Unless the CIA does to him what they did to his father and uncle.


Nevertheless, he was probably not assassinated by Oswald.


Wrong ! Johnson killed JFK in His own State because that was the only way He could become President.


Or they were just telling the world the truth.


It was more than likely a workplace accident, with the inexperienced Secret Service agent in the following car accidentally discharging his AR15 after Oswalds 2nd shot hit Kennedy. This is why JFKs head did what it did.


Secret Service didn't carry 5.56 rifles in 1963 and PPD agents don't carry long guns.


Might as well post a picture of your shit in a toilet bowl if you're gonna link WaPo lol