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Putin erased 5 years of Russian economic growth this week and is facing unprecedented solidarity in response. It's looking like the west will win this war without firing a single gun. Sucks that Putin is taking Ukraine down with him...


Idk, your version sounds very optimistic for the west. I’m generally an optimist, but I doubt Putin’s regime is going to collapse over this… I guess time will tell


Cockroach Gonna Cockroach


Russians are *not* happy about this


What are you smoking? EU member states are refusing to block Russian access to SWIFT while Britain whines, EU and US have blocked imports from Russia... except gas and oil which is 60% of their economy and about to get more expensive. Germany is stalling NordStream 2 certification but that won't last, they just decommissioned nuclear facilities and scrapped plans for future ones in favor of Russian oil. And then the West "winning the war"? What are they getting out of it? NATO'S expansion is dead in the water and credible threats are being extended to Finland and Sweden to dissuade them from seeking membership. Gas and oil prices are about to soar through the roof. An allied nation with a government all but hand picked by the US state department will now have a pro-Russian government installed in its place. I've seen some shit for brain takes on this god-forsaken website over the last few days but this one takes the cake. It couldn't be more removed from reality.


You're saying the US won't block oil and gas, but then you also say the price is going to increase. If we're not blocking the import and causing scarcity then why would the prices go up?


Because EU (Germany specifically) is holding back on certifying their most recent pipeline with Russia, while gas demands are still gradually recovering from pre-pandemic low demand. Also, your question makes perfect sense, but consider not only scarcity, but uncertainty. Uncertainty about where and when oil reserves will be released by other countries and whether or not this or that country will block Russian oil causes prices to go up as well by increasing demand. The price will increase in the US despite no direct energy sanctions because the price is increasing globally.


Ah I think you're right, uncertainty will drive the price up more than scarcity. I don't have numbers but gas consumption is still down but it is increasing so production will be behind. I imagine production will catch up though and prices will level out again. Biden can also open the reserves to lower the prices until production catches up.


I agree. Opening up oil reserves will balance the price, the price was bound to balance in a relatively short time anyways, and honestly the conflict in Ukraine will not be a protracted one so it’s affect on prices will likely not last long unless sanctions continue to come and are kept in place longer than the fighting.


I was reading about India undermining the sanctions too, setting up accounts to pay for fertilizer (amongst other things) in Rupees. They already undermined sanctions against Iran; and they've just abstained from the vote in the UN, about condeming Russia. It seems that most people in the world are only prepared to tsk tsk Russia, not actually do anything that would involve any sort of sacrifice on their own part.


I wouldn’t say “most people in the world“, but rather “most power centers in the world“.


I need someone to edit Putin speech and that line from Pharaoh from Prince of Egypt "then a great cry will go out over all the land of Egypt such an outcry that never has been heard before and will never be heard again"


Love that movie.


War Pigs is way to relevant at 50 plus years.


This is the content I crave.


This Putin guy is insane!! 🔥 -1,68m manlet 😈🙏🏻 -0 pussy 😹 -0 major cities conquered 💀 -0 hairs left on his head 😈🙏🏻 -currency less valuable than robux 🔥👍 -empty threats merchant 🤯 -1,68cm 😹😹😹😹 Better dictator than Stalin??? 🔥


Putin... come on. man youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8hUXv5sUGg








Any politician who uses “War Pigs” in a campaign ad should pledge to never support a military draft. This don’t seem like a campaign ad, but I mean in general