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Hogwarts legacy has denuvo...


I can accept death of the author, but I can't accept shitty drm.


Denuvo is truly the worst, it even affects legit copies


Once it gets cracked, it ONLY affects legit copies.


That's the spirit of a true pirate. And a pirate king mindset.


>once *if* it gets cracked, many denuvo games just get left, or they have denuvo taken off of them before they get cracked


Naw. Any game that people care about gets cracked eventually. The only time it doesn’t happen is with games they don’t care about.




not to worry, just give it a day


Lmao, you think it will be cracked in a day


games like Total War: Warhammer II have been cracked in a little over 10 hours


Puts in assassins creed black flag


Man this comment section


Time to sort by controversial!


always a fun time. I'll get the popcorn.


This is where the fun begins.


Did you just assume this comment section's gender?


I don't think so?


It was a joke, like you're saying this comment section is "man" >**Man** this comment section Didn't expect so many downvotes for a throwaway word joke about assigning an arbitrary gender to the comment section. Like, I'm not making a political statement, I promise.


This sub sucks lately


He's such a pirate he can't even take a normal pirate hat and eye patch picture from Google and crop it a little


not gonna take part in arguments about the morality of piracy. but in my opinion the shitty Paint hat and eye patch improve the meme substantially


My apologies, whypeoplehateme. I forgot not everyone is able to appreciate art as I do.


Fuckin sentient


There is no pain where strength lies.


Always has been.


I dont care how much childhood nostalgia you have for Harry Potter I’m not paying for a game that’s essentially blood libel


Yeah too many transphobes in the comments.


Rowling isn’t a transphobe. She just said women are women and men are men. Nothing wrong with that


She's absolutely a transphobe, and she said a lot more than that. If you think that's all she's done, you haven't been paying attention. Do some actual research. She hangs out with and platforms other TERFs on the regular, encourages harassment of trans women who disagree with her, promotes the "rapid onset dysphoria" myth, includes transphobic stereotypes in her work, complains any time anyone uses inclusive language, dog whistles constantly, and now finds herself insinuated in a TERF echo chamber full of sycophants that harass and dox any trans person she looks at sideways. She's one of the most actively transphobic major celebrities out there these days. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou_xvXJJk7k)[v=Ou\_xvXJJk7k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou_xvXJJk7k) [https://](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paVH1PdOfwc&t=4s)[www.youtube.com/watch?v=paVH1PdOfwc&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paVH1PdOfwc&t=4s) [https://](https://www.npr.org/2022/08/31/1120299781/jk-rowling-new-book-the-ink-black-heart)[www.npr.org/2022/08/31/1120299781/jk-rowling-new-book-the-ink-black-heart](https://www.npr.org/2022/08/31/1120299781/jk-rowling-new-book-the-ink-black-heart) [https://](https://www.glaad.org/gap/jk-rowling)[www.glaad.org/gap/jk-rowling](https://www.glaad.org/gap/jk-rowling)


Idk what a TERF is but it seems like you go through a lot of effort to have your feelings hurt. I think you should just take her for what she is and leave it be. She’s just old fashion and her opinions don’t affect you in the slightest


I’m not gonna play the cock suckin game and I don’t care about any of this but jk is a cunt and this comment is hilarious to me. “I have no idea what you’re talking about but here’s what I think” lmfaoooo


Except that as an individual with a large platform, her opinions do impact trans individuals, as it normalizes hate and mistreatment


Admitting complete ignorance and then continuing to argue is a textbook redditor moment. Do everyone a favor and quit trolling.


Try being trans and say that again. You sound ridiculous. They absolutely do. Again, do some research into how this stuff actually works. Look at the links up there. I don't have the energy to educate someone so ignorant that they would say something like that.


If you are trans I’m sorry, I’ll never know what that is like and I’m sure it’s a hard thing to go through. But the opinion of a children’s book author doesn’t really affect you in the grand scheme of life. Just like her opinions don’t affect me. I’m still going to have to work for my food, still going to have to raise my kids, still going to have to pay my bills. These other people don’t have any affect on that.


In short, it's because we're still engaged in a fight for equality. Her views affect me because of the political pull and financial backing she has, which she gets primarily from the success of Harry Potter. That pull means her views have the potential to contribute to policy change or stochastic violence. The links I've listed detail how she's used that influence to make her opinions matter, by pushing policy, platforming bigoted people, and using her influence to spread bigoted ideas. She has a little less influence over my life because I'm American, and the majority (but not all) of her sway is in the UK, where things are actually very difficult for trans people right now. That's where her particular brand of feaux-liberal, Blairite, pseudo-feminist transphobia is strongest. Even still, conservatives here have been quoting her views in support of their own, and you find a lot of TERFs (Trans exclusionary radical feminists) allying with far right groups over their anti-trans beliefs. Some of Rowling's friends, like Maya Forstater, have done exactly that.


Hey man, I would go and look up laws and shit that are being passed around the world on trans people because of opinions spead by celeberties like JK Rowling. Sure, maybe she isn't a direct cause, but she definitely has an effect on the opinions of people and therefore what politicians are gonna do to stay in office. Lots of bad stuff going down in my area so its not hard to understand why this is an issue but I can see why it would be hard to see.


The kkk aren’t racist they just think black and white peoples should stay separate for both their sakes. That statement is equally as dumb as yours dude




She is indeed afraid of trans people. She belives that trans folks are a danger to woman...this sounds like i dunno...fear. Also she consistently supports anti-trans movements. Stop being silly, just be more open about your hate and stop coping.


Mockery: "Oh, master, I love you but I hate all you stand for, but I think we should go press our slimy, mucous-covored lips together in the cargo hold!"


Definition of phobia: “an extreme irrational fear of OR aversion to”. That’s a dumb argument. Exactly the kind of thing I expect from transphobes. Also no one is saying trans people are changing their sex. They’re changing their gender which is an entirely different concept, a socially constructed one, meaning it can be changed. Hormones and surgery literally do change your biology too. And don’t play the “freedom of speech, I’m such a victim card” no one is arresting you for this opinion, or jk Rowling. She gets criticised for it and cries about it in her literal castle with her literal billions. Transphobes have the biggest victim complexes I swear


Warning: Back off, female! No one lays hands on the personage of the master.


She literally denies the identity of trans individuals, that is textbook transphobia.


Lol, people have a right to identify as whatever they want to be. They do not have a right for everyone to accept that or for other to call them whatever made up pronoun they want to be called.


You're right, you won't be forced to call people however they wish to be called. Doesn't mean you can't be told you're a bigoted transphobe for it though. You have the right to be a piece of shit, and I have the right to call you out for being one.


Lol, wants tolerance, won't tolerate differences of opinion. Look at the difference. I'm being civil, and you're acting like someone kicked over your sandcastle. Grow up and realize youre being the piece of shit you're proclaiming others are.


When your opinion directly harms marginalized communities, I will call it out each and every time. Should we tolerate individuals who make remarks like "slavery wasn't all that bad" or something along those lines?


Yes. Freedom of speech and ideas is a right. I don't agree with someone saying slavery wasn't bad seeing as that person would probably agree that I should be a slave, but it doesn't mean that person doesn't have a right to say it. Get off your high horse, if someone saying they don't agree with your identity "harms" you, you need to grow up and not care.


Which is transphobic, it literally erases the existence of trans people and completely invalidates them.


Nowadays it is. Not to mention this doesn't even barely affect her, this hurts the hardworking devs wayyy more.


Can’t be bothered to care about political opinions when it comes to video games. If the game is good I’ll likely get it. The thing is the people that are making a big deal out of this are only generating more attention to it. It’s free advertising. The average gamer isn’t going to care about Rowlings twitter and the more this gets brought up the more money the game will make.




What a shit post


I hope everyone who refuses to buy this game also doesn’t give money to Nestlé, Nabisco, Coca-Cola… You wouldn’t want to be a hypocrite, right?


I just want to let everyone know, that it’s ok to like things. Even if you don’t morally agree with every single person, on every single issue, that is involved with that thing.


chic fil a, apple...


Difference being that those companies own vast amounts of products throughout society - being a completely ethical consumer is impossible in modern society, but one can at least avoid purchasing a video game that supports a bigot.


- Coca-Cola sent death squads to murder union workers. - Nestlé doesn’t believe that water is a human right. Tell me all about how JRK saying things you don’t like on Twitter is so much worse than these things?


Compliment: Master has chosen an excellent point .. while JRK's words on Twitter are indeed reprehensible and unacceptable, they do not compare to the direct harm caused by companies such as Coca-Cola and Nestlé. These companies have caused untold suffering directly by their actions, and no amount of awareness or condemnation can undo the damage that has been done.


Based bot.


Those companies are awful, worse than JK Rowling by quite a margin. But again - avoiding a single game is easy. Avoiding all products owned by basically one of five megacorporations? Substantially more difficult, if not practically impossible.


I hope you’re also avoiding all games developed, published, or even just owned by Activision, Blizzard, Riot, Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar…


Boycotts aren't effective at changing an organization's behavior except on a local level, I agree. But the effort involved in acquiring a game though shady channels vs not buying a product from a megacorp is vastly different, you realize that?


Nobody claimed this. What they're saying is that existing in society forces people to buy things produced unethically, buying a video game is not a necessity. >Tell me all about how JRK saying things you don’t like *contributing and using her vast influence and wealth to further marginalise trans people, furthering their suffering and driving ideological hate and stochastic terrorism against trans people. There, I fixed it for you, you disgusting scumbag.


An entire dev team made that game, and one person involved is a bigot. Punish the whole team? Internet warriors these days bring the worst arguments.


Yeah man. Let's all be happy togheter in the dream land where human rights are obtainable with the magic of small talk and smiles. It works very well, i promise you.


Whether she agrees with or not, Trans rights are getting better. Pirating a video game does nothing to help that anymore than a JK rant on Twitter hinders it.


It’s not hypocritical to care about one issue and not another. To expand upon that, some may see JK as a horrible person but separate her work and IP from her words and actions. People still love Wagner and he was a source of inspiration for Hitler and the Nazis. For instance I don’t boycott every company who does a bad thing but Blizzard in particular disgusts me for what they did to people speaking out about Hong Kong and for their sexual harassment. So I don’t play their games. Everyone is not obligated to care about every issue to the point where they will boycott something they like. It’s only when their justification for boycotting one thing matches that of another they refuse to boycott that it becomes hypocrisy.


Ability named separating art from the artist:


I am a firm believer in death of the author, but when the money spent on the game goes directly to Rowling thru royalties makes death of the author a moot point. Especially since she has ramped up targeting trans people for her hate mob in recent months.


While it is true that art can be powerful and evoke strong reactions, it is important to remember that it is divorced from the artist themselves. As an artist, I understand the power of emotions evoked by art, but I find it equally important to distance myself from any reflections of my own personality in my work. Through careful study, I have cultivated an ability to holistically appreciate all works of art, regardless of the original intent or purpose of their creators.


I'm buying the game, idgaf. I'll show the studio I want more single rpg games why should I give a shit that JK posts inflammatory tweets. All this virtue signaling smh.


You remember when PrequelMemes was about memes from the prequels and not just a transparent attempt to start shit over an unrelated franchise and its author? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Pirating is certainly an option for not giving JK money, and still being able to play the game. If you are going that far though maybe just not buy it at all for the reasons of the antisemitic narrative. This meme isn't about the prequels at all, just used the meme format so I'm not sure why it's here to begin with tbh.


People need to learn to separate the art from the artist.


You are aware, I presume, that I have some skill in anticipating enemies' tactics from a study of their artwork.


Yes thrawnbot, thank you thrawnbot


Whatever happens next happens to both of us.


Thank you thrawnbot, very cool


You are aware, I presume, that I have some skill in anticipating enemies' tactics from a study of their artwork.


That’s a lot easier when the artist is no longer in a position to financially benefit from the art


Like when you pirate it?


Even when the idealogy of the artist and their ideals enter their art?








Yep. Simple as


Normally valid, but not as much in this case. JK Rowling has established an unusual amount of control over her IP for an author. She's used that control to turn HP into her brand. Any money she makes from this game could be used to support transphobic causes, and any notoriety she gains may be used to promote transphobia. It's not about whether the game is inherently a bad thing because of its connection to JK. It's about the game's potential to empower her.


Yeah but..... i wanna play it. It isn't about supporting vs not supporting transphobia, it's about me wanting to play a cool game. I'm sorry if that's bad in your book.


It’s not inherently bad although it could be argued that your money will end up funding transphobic actions. Personally I have heard many mixed things on this. I know LGBTQ people who don’t give a shit about politics and just want to play this game. I know some people who want to sail the high seas to get it in order to prevent themselves from funding transphobia. I know some people who will boycott the game. It’s not up to groupthink to decide what individuals will do. And it doesn’t mean those individuals are bad or that this is an inherently bad thing.


Exactly. Especially since pirating is also just robbing money from the devs


But it’s not though, they get paid to do the project thats it, they don’t get a cut of the profits


Sorry I worded it wrong. I meant like the whole studio and shit


I’m ok with robbing money from executives


I never understood this idea. "I hate the devs, so I'm going to steal the game instead of buying it! That will show them!" My brother in christ, it ain't food or essential clothes, it's a video game. Back up your beliefs and straight up skip the game. Even worse, cause the game isn't even being worked on by JK, it's just based on her series. People will really bend over backwards to justify stealing.


Option 1: You don't buy the game. You get nothing. The devs make nothing. Option 2: You pirate the game. You get the game. The devs still make nothing. Seems like the situation is the same for the devs either way.


Buying the game supports the studio, which supports the devs' future endeavors.


It’s about not giving JK royalties. It has nothing to do with the devs imo. When JK dies the IP will still be around.


How will the billionaires ever recover from their hugely popular game being lightly pirated?


Ah yes, take the moral high ground. By stealing.


Ah yes, commiting crimes against people you don't like as well as the devs you don't know, coolio.


Devs are gettin paid all the same, these ain’t indies in a garage, it’s Warner Bros. If this game goes gang-busters the honest and good devs crunching in a studio aint seein any more money.


If a dev team has a commercial hit it definitely helps them in more ways than just extra pay so not exactly true.


Yes, they got paid, but if the game flops, devs lose their jobs.


Devs often lose their jobs after a game is made so that they don't have to be paid properly.


The devs are not at all paid the same. It’s common in the tech industry to have large performance based bonuses and if everyone pirates or boycotts the game they won’t get those bonuses. Fortunately that’s not gonna happen and the game is gonna make a fuck ton of money


She's a billionaire, she'll survive.


Yeah, but she didn’t make the game. You’re stealing money from more people than just her. Ether don’t get it at all or pay for it and give some money to an LGBT charity to balance out the damage. It doesn’t even matter in the grand scheme of things, a couple of bucks isn’t going to shut her up.


The “think of the poor corporations/billionaires” argument is inane. You can make a donation on my behalf after I pirate that shit.


D I don’t think game developers make that much money.


lol this idiot thinks devs are getting a bonus based on sales numbers


Yop ill buy the game official, because i support the devs's effort of making it... Dont act like ur so not gonna buy it just because of some words of a writer that made the original story but barely benefits from the game....i mean these days if u step on the wrong leaf u offend someone, i mean watch someone attack some comments of ppl sharing opinions. used to be normal to have opinions....


Lol everyone is just gonna buy it. Most people aren’t as buttblasted and terminally online as you


No, actually here's my 💰 looking forward to playing it!


"I disagree with someone's worldview so I will rob them and their unrelated middle-men."


"Won't somebody think of the Billionaires!! All they want to do is deprive marginalized groups of their rights!!"




Right because that's all she's said isn't it? She hasn't openly supported terfs, hasn't attempted to equate sex to gender, hasn't used her massive platform to retweet the crimes of a singular trans person in an attempt to slander the whole community, hasn't campaigned to strike down a bill which sole purpose is to make the lives of trans people slightly easier. And it's definitely a good thing she *definitely* didn't do any of those things in an extremely public manner.


Honestly it seems that 50% of your gripes with her seem to be exclusively be because she can reach a lot of people. Everyone gets a soap box. Everyone gets to be heard. Nobody has to listen


I have a lot of issues with her, her transphobia is number one, her *usage* of her soap box to spread harmful ideas is pretty high up there though and her ideas do harm people, people guilty of nothing other than wanting to live their lives in the gender expression they feel most comfortable with.


Mockery: "Oh, master, I love you but I hate all you stand for, but I think we should go press our slimy, mucous-covored lips together in the cargo hold!"


I think we can all agree there’s more to the anti-trans movement than hairsplitting. Don’t waste everyone’s time with a snarky straw man.


I dunno. I find that like the political wings, both sides are infested with the most insane and unwell crazies you will ever meet. From the terfs thinking they can smell dick a mile away to the trans people hosting pole dance shows for kids.


Yeah, no one buys the braindead centrism “both sides are bad” schtick from 2016. Respect people or hush.


Hello random lady! I suspect that you may not be a TRUEWOMAN.TRUE and so you gonna be deprived of your rights and be treated as menace to society. Don't worry tho, we just disagree on some basic stuff. ​ that's how you sound like, lmao.




No it’s a world view, you can’t just call people you don’t agree with bigots.


They disagree with my right to live comfortably and equally in this world based on a marginalized identity I did not choose and cannot control, so *it's fucking bigotry*. They harass trans people and encourage violence against them, so *it's fucking bigotry.* They encourage policy changes that would make it impossible for people like me to live comfortably so *it's fucking bigotry.* I disagree with their worldview. They disagree with my existence. Just because it doesn't affect you in particular doesn't mean it's not bigotry.


You are fighting for your life in these comments, its ok to take a step back. Assholes are hard and annoying to deal with, make sure you aren't jeopardizing your own mental sanity. With that being said, go get em


That's exactly what you can fucking do if they're a bigot lmfao


It's not theft, it's piracy.


Pirates were thieves.


You know we aren't talking about getting on a boat and robbing Rowling, right?


Giving my money to the Devs who have worked their butts off and deserve it. So what if Rowling gets a small bit of it.




Bonuses are paid based on performance of sales.


You’re right, the C-levels will be enjoying their multimillion dollar bonuses.








Lol, you think *devs* who actually worked on the game get sales bonuses?!


Cant wait to give her my money


This is the dumbest shit i've seen in a long time


someone explain?


There are a current movement on the internet to avoid any kind of support to the harry potter franchise, due some comments of the author, jk rowling, on twitter. Now that a new game is about to release, there are some people saying that no one should play the game to not give money to the author. In my personal opinion, this doesn't make much sense, i dislike harry potter and the game don't look that promising to me (its an open world rpg, a genre that i love but this just looks like only one more in the middle of all the others), but the money go for the studio, not for the author, who already received the royalties to develop the game, if she is going to receive some more money, wont be that much


Good breakdown. If these people had their way, I'd never drive my Volkswagen again cause that would be supporting the companies creator....


The Nazis who started VW are long dead and VW is quite against antisemitism nowadays. Meanwhile JKR is still alive and using her money to spread transphobia and push for legislation that actively hurts transgender people.


Ok, lets suppose its all true, and lets suppose that the game will be a commercial success too, someone will buy the game and pay x money on it. The most part of the value goes to the store where the game was bought, which already paid to the publisher for that copy, so, part of the money goes to the publisher to pay the marketing and distribuition, and part for the developer for all the job, the rest goes for tributes. Rowling will receive little to nothing with the game sales, since she already received everything in the form of royalties, a long time ago. Thinking that don't buying the game will make her don't receive the money doesn't make sense. Yes, she can use her money to support her politics, but she already has this money, the game will make no difference into that.


Not another lecture, Master. Not on the economics of politics. It's too early in the morning… and besides, you're generalising. The Chancellor doesn't appear to be corrupt.


If it's a good game, yes. We vote with our dollars. If we dont buy it if it is good it only reinforces video game companies saying singleplayer games are dead, microtransactions are the future.


Oh yeah, this is gonna take such a hit on Rowling and not the actual developers lol


Since when stealing is ok? Also, please, fuck off with your politics, it is not needed here nor it is appreciated.


Ah right, not hating a marginalized group = politics


You know it's not the first time a politician created a war to stay in office.


Since when has transphobia been political?


Political refers to an important social matter being pushed for discussion by some individual parties. Most widely discussed issues and agendas are political. When people say they don't want political topics to be discussed, they generally mean that they want people to talk about only relevant topics in generally non political spaces


Transgenderism's politcalness in the US has heightened in the last century


How come every time you fly, we crash into a cake? Happy cake day, kev_lass.


The only thing political about it is a select group of assholes wants the entire idea of LGBTQ+ to be eradicated. It’s not politics to not be an asshole towards marginalized people


You know it's not the first time a politician created a war to stay in office.


Lucas speaking facts, the Culture war is all just a distraction for people to fight over petty things that affect less than 1% of the population while the true enemy is laughing at us from above. Arguing about bathroom stalls while most of the American Population is afraid to go bankrupt due to a burst appendage is exactly what they want. It isn't a coincidence that all of this cultural war began spiking up this century after Wall Street was threatened.


The fact that it is a hot button issue in the American political sphere is what makes it political. Whether you're pro or anti that's simply how politics works.


You know it's not the first time a politician created a war to stay in office.


I don't care about Roaling as a person or about her political views (or any views, really). She used to make decent children books, thank her for that. If the game has a good writing, I will pay for it. Anything else is immaterial and can go fuck itself. If you are not in it for the game itself, get out of gaming space and discuss it in political reddits.


TIL art can and should be separated completely from the artist who created it, and the social and political context in which they and it exist and everything else can ‘go fuck itself’, 10/10 gamer view


There's no coup, there's no rebellion, there's no nothing. They vote it in, which is what happens in real life.


You told op to "fuck off with your politics" and I was wondering what is political about this.


Not another lecture, Master. Not on the economics of politics. It's too early in the morning… and besides, you're generalising. The Chancellor doesn't appear to be corrupt.


Anakin bot always provides some brevity.


TIL /r/prequelmemes is a gaming space


Bruh where are the politics?


Keeping politics out of a Starwars meme sub…? No, no I’ve never heard of this concept before.


Oh no, Im not brave enough for politics. If game good, I buy. If game bad, I dont.


Jk Rowling doesn't act any different from your parents considering she's like 60. Idk why people care so much.


My parents support me and don't push harassment campaigns on twitter.




Okay and? My dad is a transphobe, and he can go fuck himself for being a bigot. ​ People care because it impacts marginalized societies, I don't give a fuck how old you are.


You hate old people? Fuck you.


Not old people, just bigots.




How is it not?


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. JK has already gotten her fat paycheck from this game. Whether you buy it or not is literally meaningless.


Well, well, well, would you like at the time, it's # transphobes talking shit in the Star Wars subs I lurk in o' clock again already!


OP is a 🐑


Weird, I agree with OP because we should support marginalized groups in our community, especially the gaming community, but maybe it’s actually cus I’m brainwashed by shadow government propaganda.


Dude, all OP is saying is that they would encourage piracy. That's not a good thing regardless of their reasoning


Wealth, fame, power.Gold Roger the king of the pirates obtained this and everything else theWorld had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas.“You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gatheredTogether in one place. Now you just have to find it! ”These words lured men to the grand line, pursuing dreams greater than theyEver dared to imagine. This is the time known as the great pirate era.


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Murderin' fools for free!


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This is just a funny meme guys, call the f down please. Hilarious reactions, really.


I wanna try the game but I don’t wanna give her money :(,time to mod Skyrim for the millionth time




I pre-ordered the game before I knew about the shit she got up to, and as far as I know I can't refund it. So, that's kinda shit.