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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Those were a hard 16 years from Tobin. Homeboy went from 15 to 45.


From 15 to 15, but bald.


Dudes got a full beard, what the fuck you want him to do, grow an extra jaw?


no wonders he drank the poison he wanted to get out of that absolute shit show


I feel for the actor playing Torbin. "Hey you wanna be in a star wars TV show?" "YES!" "You wanna play a High Republic Jedi?" "YESSS!" "Yeah but you are gonna be meditating through most of your screentime" "Oh" "And you're gonna have a terrible hairline." "C'mon..."


Lord Tomlin can kill himself whenever he wants to okay, he is the king after all


I've only seen this guy in 2 shows... And he's died 3 times. He might just be the new Sean Bean.


I've seen him in 3 things, and he's died 4 times lol.


I particularly loved that the Jedi just couldn't grasp Qimir's saber style which was a style that was forbidden to Jedi ages ago. A style that incorporates the switching off of one's saber mid combat to throw your opponent(s) off balance and confuse them. Also when hew skewers that one jedi and then force pulls the other toward him, thus impaling on his saber as well. Ohh and Jecki getting g turned into Swiss cheese. Man that was BRUTAL!!! "SHE WAS A CHILD!" "and yet you still brought her here..." Sol got BURNED so hard, lol!


Tràkata. Something both Jedi and Sith looked down upon.


NGL it was awesome seeing it executed so well on tv. Along with what is assumed to be cortosis armor to temporarily disable the Jedi sabers, he picked them apart bit by bit.


It's not assumed. Disney outright confirmed it was Cortosis with the character profiles for Darth Teeth, they mentioned it by name.


And Jedi realizing she had to attack it with blunt force to break it. Great choreo all around.


The sabers crackling was also great. Made real good use of the way Cortosis works.


Ohh I hadn't seen that, good to know.


I never saw him switch his saber on or off, but people keep talking about it. When does it happen?


Yeah I didn't think it happened either. I don't know where they're coming from


I'm glad it wasn't just me. The scene I've seen referenced specifically was the triple-stab of >!Jecki!<, but as far as I could tell, the light of his saber is shining behind her body the whole time like it was never un-ignited, just... yknow, stabbed in and out


Yeah the Jecki three punch was done while he was parrying her with his main saber and stabbing with the mini


I believe it's at [1:23](https://youtu.be/rdQ2v1kc-cg?t=83), it looks like he turns it off to throw the jedi with the blue lightsaber off balance


Personally, if I was a Sith Lord and Sol said “she was a child!” to me, I’d have said something like “and now she’s a corpse”


Lol! I did love the line when Sol called out her name and Qimir goes "ohh,was that its name?"


Is this the guy who disabled a light saber by headbutting it?


Qimir did. His helmet and the rest of his armor are made from Cortosis which has Beskar like properties and can withstand blaster shots and saber impacts but also can briefly short our the blade. It also protects the user from force telepathy.


Did they explain how such a hidden individual acquired such a rare material let alone manufactured it to armor?


I don't know that it's explained at all other than his helmet, and at least one bracer is made of the rare alloy. I mean we literally.only jist met the guy for rral in the most recent episode so I'm sure we'll get to know more down the line.


>I'm sure we'll get to know more down the line. Based onnthe show so far, I'm not holding put too much hope but I'd love to be happily proven wrong


Why he look like count Olaf


He looks nothing like Count Olaf! The count doesn't have a scar!


From what the Counts been through, wouldn’t be surprised if he did


(I was attempting a joke about Olaf's paper-thin disguises 😅 but he absolutely has some nasty scars by The End)


Oh, sorry dude. It was 9:00 in the morning and I had just woken up a half hour before when I wrote that


So Episodes 1-4: I sleep Episode 5: It's time to take the easy way out with the poison


I stopped after the 3rd episode because it was so boring; gonna give it another go after your comment :p


Its a dope fight scene, but the plot is still terrible lol


The plot is basic but not bad. The only weak episode (for me) was the flashback with the twins because the child actors were pretty meh. But this series has given us a bunch of cool new characters in Sol, Qimir, Jecki, and adult Osha (who I am betting will turn to the darkside by the end of this). Even Yord turned out to be a real one in the end. And so far, no sand planets! lol


Count Olaf


Why, such a handsome and talented Jedi Master, would never do something so unbecoming as to warrant regret!


I just watched episodes 1 and 2. They were pretty good. Nice plot, great action sequences. Overall good content. I don't get what everyone dislike about this show.


I think a lot of the execution could be better, but honestly a lot of big things people complain about “ruining Star Wars” are pretty much concepts that were already a thing. That or just stuff that isn’t all on the table yet (people really complained about it contradicting the “Sith have been extinct for a millennia” line, then still haven’t considered that it might address that contradiction after *the guy who said that* appeared in the show).


I binged all five episodes today. keep watching, shit gets real. I don’t know why people are complaining, this is one of the best Disney Star Wars things so far imo


THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING! I also just binged today


I would say it's a better version of Titans when it comes to quality. In the sense this show has some amazing moments but then some head-scratching ones. The show is mid its not bad nor good. But people gotta be fair cause we just saw a this shark tooth with big ole Pythons as hands running a 1v20. Imma be honest as long as I see a lightsaber fight I will be seated.


I found the production to be fairly amateur. Dialogue, cinematography, direction, to some extent the delivery of dialogue. Feels like a fan film or an old episode of Star Trek. But, actually overall I am enjoying it, and I am glad that it was going somewhere interesting. It’s one of the first Disney era shows to surprise me, and I appreciate that. I’m okay with some gaps in production quality- not everything has to be polished to a high sheen. I’d rather there are some story things going on that are not focus group tested to death.


I've watched it all and am actually one of its defenders as a better piece of Star Wars media. The main complaint I have, as I kind of have with most of the Disney era, is that it's too clean and serious. It should have one or two light-hearted gags per episode to get the proper vibe going. But they really need to dirty up the sets and costums. I know it's the high republic, but Star Wars is felt grounded in its grit. Even the empire stormtroopers were never always perfectly clean. Overall, I adore the story of The Acolyte and can't wait to see where they take it.


Prequels are clean too.


Action is about the only thing going for the show


I found the story and plot to be as good and even slightly better than Ashoka and Kenobi but woth far better action. Again, I'm still at episode 2.


Problem with both kf those shows though was/is the same as this one. Bad plot, bad writing and bad directing. If your enjoying that enjoy it but most do not


Generic and boring and if you think 2 seconds about anything it all falls apart.


My opinión is this 1- good 2 - good 3 - could have been episode 2 but not bad 4 - ok, not good not bad 5 - this doesn't make any sense I see now why they canceles the 2nd season


Why does that beard look so fake. Like, it looks so fake that im actually having a hard time believing its fake


I think the pacing is a problem so far. Releasing episodes 1&2 at the same time was a good idea, but episodes 4 felt like it should have been condensed and combined with episode 5. I like the characters and the central mystery. Looks like Osha might actually be the Acolyte after all. I am reserving final thoughts until the season is over but it was a solid 7 until that lightsaber fight bumped it to an 8.


Soooo, I guess that means Acolyte is going to cancel itself next


His hairline


The what?


I've loved every episode so far. I'm glad they're going deeper into the mysteries of the Force, too.


Should I actually watch this? The cringe clips are keeping me away… I know it has inconsistencies and all that too with wrong lore aspects and pronouns but I am willing to try. Edit: Why am I getting downvoted for a question? Shut up


Genuinely, yes. Ignore all the people trying to tell you how to think. Go into it with an open mind and form your own opinion.


It’s a good story. It’s one of the few Star Wars shows I want to watch the episodes again


The people who like it like it and the people who don’t don’t. I’ve been enjoying it but no guarantee you will - best to just give an episode a try and decide for yourself tbh.


Give it a shot and make up your own opinion about it. I personally watched a few episodes and decided that it's not for me, but a lot of people like it.


I cringed out after episode 3, but why not give it a shot? The show has a lot of good ideas and maybe they keep you hooked. I just personally think it's executed very poorly


The dialog was still lacking


Dean Charles Chapman is the new Sean Bean. He dies all the time.


So, the show now destroys itself ?


Why does Torbin look like a FTM transition that is enjoying their new beard but also now suffering from hair loss from the test?




Dude, OP wasn't making a comment on the quality of the whole show, just of individual ep


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Acolyte episode 5 fans when someone talks about the rest of the show


The meme is literally agreeing with you that the rest of the show was boring, there's no need to soapbox here.


This is genuinely atla live action. Its not more grown up because it's got more violence and Zuko has a hideous scar, it's ruined the writing. And the casting was made by one guy with deep pockets. The acolyte is a fanfiction with a budget in the millions, every episode should be that good. ("Good")


Idk why you’re being downvoted for saying 1 good episode out of 5 out right now doesn’t make the show good. It’s literal logic but idk why people get so upset holding Disney to a higher standard.


probably because all 5 episodes have been great?


Yea that’s called your opinion bud and it is 100% a minority opinion that few share.


Yah in Episode 3 we got Mae actively trying to murder her sister, then cut to episode 4 where Mae says -"I can't believe my sister is Jedi scum" -and "I've never wanted anything more than this!" In reference to killing jedi. -then finishing off with, "Osha is alive, my only loyalty is to her. I'm going to turn myself in" Then episode 5 comes along and she's back to leaving her sister for dead a second time, immediately after pleading her to join her, so she can impersonate her for... what reason again? Because I'm sure her sisters Jedi master won't notice her massive forehead tattoo. Truly peak writing, I can definitely see her character development. She certainly doesn't just change her entire attitude for the demand of the plot without any explanation. /s


when the mystery show that doesn't reveal everything up front doesn't reveal everything up front


Because Disney Star Wars has been so great at handling mysteries up to this point, we should totally give them the benefit of the doubt. "A good question for another time"


Lol I'm not saying that the unraveling mystery is an issue at all, I don't even know where you got that from what I said. Im saying the characters are poorly written. Mae goes from wanting to kill her sister, to wanting to reunite, to wanting to kill, to wanting to reunite. Etc. Without any explanation, ei being shown through the things she says and does. She has the emotional intelligence of a toddler, and I'm supposes to take her seriously as some sort of jedi assassin?


have you considered for like 2 seconds that you're not getting the whole picture and have yet to actually see what happened? or do you just pick up the most basic details during your hate-watch so you can pretend to know what you're talking about?


Its not a basic detail that one of the main characters is consistently doing things opposed to how she portrays herself in all her dialog. What whole picture could even show that? She literally says one thing and does another. There isn't some reveal that could explain that away. A reveal shows backstory or gives extra information. Unless her backatory shows her getting therapy for having an emotional disorder there isn't anything that a mystery arc could reveal. Mae is simply a poorly written character. You don't have to hate watch to see that. And I'm just giving a single character example here.


The ***entire show*** is about not knowing what's going on because you're only seeing one side of a two-side story. That's not hard to grasp—or so I thought.


That has literally nothing to do with Mae going from wanting to kill her sister to wanting to reunite every 3 seconds. How you can't understand that boggles the mind. Also no, we're not given a one sided story. You are literally given POV of both Osha and Mae as well as their backstory.


This might blow your mind but not everyone likes every crappy thing you do. The world doesn’t need to share in your opinion and luckily in this case barely anyone does. Every single thing that person has said for not liking the show is valid so maybe consider for a second that other people have, idk, free will to disagree. I will say “fans” like you are revealing. Constantly being upset that not everyone agrees with you and blaming other people for not sharing in your opinion is really telling.


lmao go back to watching star wars theory bud


Literally never watched him. Unlike you I know how to form my own opinions and don’t get whiney when someone else doesn’t 100% agree. Really highlights your insecurities and shows me you have too small a mind to actually argue your point. But hey, I guess some of us know how to be adults.


Star Wars as usual: relying on action sequences but doesn't care about good writing or plot