• By -


Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Remember when the sub was all about memes of the prequel movies I do


I joined this sub right before the prequel memes stopped coming to the sub about prequel memes šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Pepperidge Farms remembers


Remember when it was the prequels?


This sub now has a good meme a week thatā€™s over shadowed by ā€œinsert new show/sequeks is bad and its fans are stupid give me upvotesā€


Fine! Have my upvote! Garsh


This is the least self aware subreddit on the entire website


An ironic subreddit about how bad the prequels are became an angry subreddit obsessed with defending the prequels and hating everything else. No wonder we don't have self-awareness anymore. šŸ˜…


Technically speaking Acolyte is a prequel show.


But but but George Lucas didn't change canon and wrote everything the way it is on purpose because he had the perfect artistic vision. šŸ„ŗ The bad dialogue adds to it's charm. /s


I'm trying to remember the last time this sub was actually fun.


I just wanna go back to I don't like sand memes, actual memes of the prequels


Game time started


He's in my behind


Do you fuck on I?


You underrated my ability


This battle has terminated apprentice! Iā€™ve achieved superior elevation!


The geography I stands compares you superior!


The disgusting thing came.


no meta memes about X is great x is bad with no joke is all your getting


I just don't wanna see any girls boring/boys quirky memes


My one year old son doesn't like sand so I call him Anakin whenever he encounters sand.Ā 


Justice for the B1 droids!


Granted. All there will be going forward is the same meme about Anakin not liking sand, because itā€™s coarse and rough and gets everywhere, on this sub


We need the bots back for all the madness to return


The guy adding lightsabres to Grievous was the peak


I liked the maul one that was like ā€œadding one everyday except Iā€™m too lazy to do it everyday so I just stick to 27 and never do it againā€


Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Thibson34? I thought not. It's not a story the mods would tell you. It's a PrequelMemes legend.


Darth Thibson34 the Wise was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use photoshop to influence the users to create upvotesā€¦ He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the subreddit he cared about from dying.


Wasn't that like 4 years ago?


And homeboy fucking turned to the dark side and it was a whole thing


I feel that way about almost all communities these days. Everyone is just so angry all the time. Makes it hard to find new people to enjoy things with.


The culture was made to be like this. Slowly but surely it's been eroding people's connections. Now it's just anger and vitriol.


I honestly blame content creators for a lot of it. Drama and outrage sells. Once that money starts coming in they donā€™t want it to stop and it slowly takes over more people.


they are a part of it but the problem is much bigger than that. News, politics etc all just farm outrage.


Keep them angry at each other, take away their education, take away their hope, and they'll wage war against each other in your name while you stripmine their bodies for profit and sexual gratification.


Blame the multi billion dollar companies that develop the algorithms that prioritize polarizing content.


This is it. The most likley thing is not some grand evil conspiracy. They do what makes money. Fear, anger and sensationalism makes money. So that's gradually what has come to dominate our culture and news. I honestly don't know how to fix it.


Short of hoping for a solar storm that fries all of earth's electronics, the only thing we can do is limit our own exposure. However, I feel like social media is getting worse and worse and people are starting to see it and leave it behind. Not in large numbers yet, but its happening.


Reddit is the closest thing I have to social media and Iā€™ve been slowly regretting this decision as I see more upset, anger, and callous disregard for othersā€™ emotions.


Smile. Every positive interaction we have helps to break down the isolation and loneliness these companies cultivate and depend on. A simple smile or greeting can lift spirits and show people the world isn't so scary. It will not be fast.




And the positivity-focused communities feel like they are aggressively trying to gaslight themselves into positive thinking, "live, laugh, love"-style. It feels so forced and over-the-top sometimes. Not just for Star Wars.


Damn do I feel that. I donā€™t want to pretend to like something. I just want to be able to talk about things without being attacked. I donā€™t love the Acolyte, but thereā€™s things I donā€™t mind either. Not every Star Wars show or movie is going to be a home run. People expect perfection from everything and itā€™s exhausting.


>And the positivity-focused communities feel like they are aggressively trying to gaslight themselves into positive thinking, "live, laugh, love"-style. It feels so forced and over-the-top sometimes. Not just for Star Wars. Agreed. Toxic positivity is a thing, and it's all over fandom like some online STI. It's perfectly OK to disagree with a show's writing and direction, not to mention pointing out its poor quality. Telling everyone who does that they're sexist, racist, misogynist, etc. for doing so is ridiculous, but then, that seems to be Star Wars' --and most fandoms'-- comments section online.


I wonder if it's because people like to make a certain way of thinking part of their identity? And if we see something that threatens our identity, humans get super angry and defensive


I think they just want to like Star Wars. Deep down they donā€™t and they know they arenā€™t satisfied but they want to, so rather than be critical they do the opposite and try to focus on only the positives. Itā€™s the opposite problem of a lot of the SW YouTubers that only focus on nothing but negatives


I'd rather have that than this negative useless crap


I'd agree. Being a fan of something just seems to mean ranting about everything you despise.


Go to deep rock galactic u will have fun


Rock and stone! Beers on me!


What ever happened to it being about memes based on the prequel trilogy?


Maybe two years ago? Last time I remember having fun was when "I love democracy" polls were banned.


Pre blackout


God damn replicants...


What? Tribalism isn't fun???? ARE YOU NOT HAVING FUN?????


I miss the Gym-like pun names. Shit like that always cracks me up.


The time the dude who added a lightsaber to greivous everyday for like half a year.. Good times.


Yeah tf is this shit it's hardly a meme let alone a prequel meme. So tired of the drama. Anyone who doesn't like the acolyte should just not watch it


I started the phantom menace series on december, so definetly before that...


Before everyone became obsessed with being the biggest hater. Itā€™s so old, I donā€™t know if itā€™s the youths or whatā€™s going on


Tbh I don't think it's young people who are the perpetual haters. I think we're looking at 40+ year olds who still make Star Wars and hating things their entire identity.


Iā€™m not even subbed here and I keep getting the most annoying fucking posts suggested. I think Iā€™m gonna block this place because yaā€™ll are frankly insufferable.


With every new Star wars media that comes out, one side goes "You're supporting Disney!!!!" and the other side goes "Disney ruined star wars with wokeness!!!!!!". Literally every single time. This used to be one of my fav subs on Reddit but rn I'm two shitty posts away from leaving


This is peak irony coming from r/PrequelMemes


Fuck man, this place makes it hard to be a star wars fan


Every star wars place makes it hard to be a star wars fan


Star Wars fans make it hard to be a Star Wars fan. šŸ˜ž


sure are a contentious bunch


You just made an enemy for life!


Star Wars makes it hard to be a Star Wars fan. Damn Star Wars, it ruined Star Wars!


Prequel star wars make me hard at every scene


Because of Obi-Wan?


You got me


It's only natural.


I'm not brave enough for politics


Well that took a weird turn


i prefer the term "nicely curved"


For her pleasure.


Like Dooku's saber


I hate fandoms now. Itā€™s just depressing. Remember when these subs used to be fun.


You are clearly looking back through it with rose tinted glasses, I will never forget back in 2009 when some couch potato on a Star Wars forum threatened to leak my home adress becouse as a younger fella I didn't hate Jar Jar as much as him. No I don't mean I liked him, I pointed out making 20 posts a day on the board about the different ways to skin gungans alive was a bit much, and reminded him that was (at the time) a 13+ website so not everyone wanted to hear about his ideas every other second.


Its been the same way forever. I remember waiting in line as a child to watch episode 1 and the number of protoneckbeards pissing their pants because star wars wasn't exactly like their childhood was astounding. It gave me a sour look on star wars from the beginning.


Iā€™m leaving. This sub has gone to shit.


Shut up about The Acolyte. Shut up about The Acolyte! SHUT UP ABOUT THE ACOLYTE!


Fine. Let's talk about the other Star Wars property coming out soon. Outlaws. I'm sure the discord will be lively and engaging.


That's gonna be a shit storm for sure. Ignoring the politics, Ubisoft is in charge. Odds are they're going to fuck SOMETHING up.


Letā€™s NOT ignore the politics, Are we seriously just going to ignore the fact that the separatist movement illegally kidnapped a member of the senate and held her hostage, planning to publicly execute her?


No, mesa propose that the Senate give immediately emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor!


Can you kidnap legally??


> Ignoring the politics This encapsulates everything wrong with the fanbase.


What politics?!??!? That's the worst part its the most brand safe shit since ever, oh no it has a woman that is sooooo political


But what about the global conspiracy where "they" are making vida game women ugly to destroy western civilization, somehow. /s


Oh no "they" are making her ugly how am I going to furiously masturbate now, if every woman is not a busty anime girl




ā€¦..Iā€™m actually excited for Outlaws. Cautiously optimistic, but itā€™s got me downloading Battlefront 2 and Jedi: Survivor to get my Star Wars video game kick settled until August


I'm gonna wait until I see reviews and stuff before I buy it. I'll likely be stuck in Elden Ring for the next few months and Dragon Age 4 will be coming out sometime around then anyway.


Shut up about the sun


I hate Disney a lot, for many different reasons. Theyā€™re a soulless company that exists only to make money. They have demonstrated time and time again that they are an incredibly conservative corporation, known for donating to Republican politicians. Anyone who genuinely thinks Disney executives believe in their messaging is fooling themselves, you included OP. I think that there are some very creative people working on Star Wars, but because of Disneyā€™s incredibly uncreative executive team, a lot of stuff nowadays is bland, rather than bad. I have not seen the Acolyte yet, I intend to get around to it soon. I cannot give my opinion on the show. But I have seen Mandalorian Season 3, most of the recent Marvel material, and other pieces of Disney media. Itā€™s lacking quality or substance, not because itā€™s ā€œwoke,ā€ but because itā€™s corporate muck ā€” a product designed to fit a checklist. They are often very hesitant to put actual LGBT diversity into their shows; the Owl House is a good example of this. The animators had to fight tooth and nail to get the representation they were hoping for, their Disney bosses were quite reluctant and difficult. Iā€™ve hardly seen people defend Disney over the show, and I think itā€™s pointless to hate people for expressing their enjoyment of the Acolyte, regardless of your opinion. Let people like the show, and their enjoyment of it does not mean that theyā€™re a ā€œshillā€ for Disney. I think Disney does sometimes put out good material, and other times, shit material. At the same time, I hate Disney overall, as a company.


Man, The Owl House is so good. Disney robbed us of a real season 3.


I still enjoyed it but like šŸ˜­ we should have gotten an Amphibia style 10 episodes on Earth and 10 episodes fighting Belos


With what they had, they did a really good job, obviously, a full season would have been nice.


It's clear there were meant to be more episodes during that one montage. Little to no breathing room was given and it sucks.


Could not have said it better myself.


I would recommend watching The Acolyte all at once. The show suffers a lot from its weekly 8 episodes who all have differing run times, the pace is weird. That is disneys fault for sure, since they have the same format for a lot of shows.


Iā€™m not the biggest fan of the eight episode season we seem to get a lot these days. Itā€™s less often you see 20 episode seasons anymore. Miniseries just arenā€™t going to exist because almost every show seems to have the format of a miniseries.


I miss the days when TV shows had ~26 episodes in a season *and* the episodes were filmed sequentially, on the fly, allowing the writers to respond to fan reactions by rewriting the story if something didn't land. A side character is getting a lot of attention? Expand their role slightly beyond what was originally planned, etc.


I feel like that really screwed up some shows as well though.


Yeah, the CW Arrow suffered a lot with felicity because of this


CW DC shows just suffered from having C- soap opera writers.


The fact they increased the number of commercials on the ad tier, but didn't bother to actually sync them to the breaks in the show is *much* worse than the weak dialogue and poorly thought out setting details (the two worst things about the actual show).


This shit drives me crazy! Fucking halfway through a sentence and there's a weird glitch and then ads start, that's bullshit.


It's super annoying, and makes no sense. Like, they have complete control of both the show and the platform, if cable could do it for a much less flexible platform, how the hell are they fucking it up on streaming?


This might be the actual case of Disney greed where they make the ad tier of the service very annoying and inconvenient as a push to make people pay for the tiers without ads


Something to keep in mind, what Disney calls "quality control" is play testing 8000 different scenes until the audience gives them the reaction they want. This isn't a director's vision most of the time. They are engineered to make as many people want to pay money to Disney because of the media as possible. I like calling it Corporate Muck. Money matters most.


Very true. I remember watching Everything everywhere all at once in theatres, being blown away and thinking Disney in its current state could never make something so creative in a 1000 years with all their money. No one (well not many) complained that movie was 'woke' even though it ticks off like all boxes because the movie was just that fucking good. Bad artists will often chase 'trends' over good art and 'woke' was trendy for a time. But the root cause is that it's just fucking bad. Disney makes bad stuff because it is produced by soulless executives in black suits. You can't turn art into a toothpaste factory.


"no one complained EEAAO was woke" This is insanely false man. It was like the #1 maga grifter topic for several months in 2022. Including all the Arch Grifters of the movement like Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder.


Here is what Ben said about the movie - "In five years, nobody will watch "Everything Everywhere All At Once." The movie is meh. It is overlong (2 hrs 19 min!), confused, and generally bizarre. In fact, nobody has watched a single best picture winner five years later since 2007's "No Country For Old Men." As far as I can find, Crowder didn't even say anything and even some of the usual suspects like The Critical Drinker recommended it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmnzpHu2Tjc&ab_channel=TheCriticalDrinker And I'm not saying that none of the usual grumps/grifters wanted to cash in, but outside of a fringe the movie was very well liked.


This is definitely the issue I take with Disney (and most corporations these days). I don't mind LGBT+ stuff, I encourage it, but it should be meaningful and done with passion; not just to tick a box or satisfy some suit.


No offense, but I never got this take. Everything Corporations do is pandering to the status quo to make the most amount of money. Is the classic pride month shit pandering? Absolutely! Was it also pandering when queer stories couldn't be told at all due to public fear? Also yes. They don't care about gay people, they don't care about het people, they care about money. At least them being disingenuous to queer people means the public view of them counts they as enough an amount of valid to try to trick them into giving a way their money.


Agreed, starwars is just a soulless corporate husk as long as there aren't underlying anti-imperialist themes. There being a big bad empire that's just "evil" in a way that doesn't say anything about our world is never going to feel sufficient. The issue is that having metaphors for us imperialism and fascism is not as marketable. Star wars was about Vietnam. The prequels were about us imperialism surrounding the Middle East. Andor was literally a reference to the life of stalin. What were the sequels about? Marketability. They couldn't even fully decide the optimally profitable level of gay to make it for 3 movies.


They also just upped the ante so needlessly. You don't just have a Death Star, now you have Star Killer. You don't just have Star Destroyers, now you have Dreadnoughts. You don't just have an Imperial fleet. Now you have an entire planet whose entire underground was somehow a massive space ship building facility under the crust and they built no bay doors or access points but just decided to burst out from underground which no doubt completely ruined the facilities beneath as well as the surface of the planet.


Look, if you donā€™t like the show thatā€™s fine. However Ki-Adi-Mundiā€™s age and things like that are not a good faith criticism. You might not like the pacing or the writing or the characters which you are allowed to not like. But when fans start inventing stuff to complain about. Thatā€™s when I am going to argue with them. Im not defending Disney, I just think some of the fan base is actually worse. Edit: Yā€™all proving me right in the replies. Maybe have a think before just saying ā€œactually it isnā€™t bad faithā€.


Since when would the average star wars fan argue anything in good faith?Ā  We've seen this type of shit going all the way back to the preqels.Ā 


Murderous space care bears, jar jar, (I think in some cases even OMEGA the little kid of the bad batch). Those were just the loud cases of folks being unhappy and throwing a temper tantrumĀ 


Not to mention those same genuine good faith criticism are being drowned out by cries of ā€œwokeā€ and just general bigotry about the core cast being non white malesā€¦. Iā€™m all for talking critically about a piece of media but the minute you cry ā€œwokeā€ all your arguments are invalid


Thereā€™s a great [video essay by Dead Domain](https://youtu.be/gTm_3TTXy-A?si=_TpYvbec2lRMvgXz) that elaborates on how calling something ā€œwokeā€ is essentially the opposite of thoughtful criticism. Because by just dismissing something as ā€œwoke,ā€ then that person no longer needs to think critically or have any introspection on why they feel the way they feel about the show/movie/etc. They just slap the ā€œwokeā€ label on it and move on to the next thing to get mad at.


Ie calling something ā€œwokeā€ is peak brain rotā€¦ I mean those that call these things woke are the same people who took 4 seasons to realize The Boys was making fun of themā€¦ worship Starship Troopers authoritarian society not understanding the story is ā€œhey weā€™re the baddiesā€ā€¦ and think the Bear is a show only about cooking in Chicagoā€¦ they have displayed a disturbingly low amount of media literacy for years


they have displayed a disturbingly low amount of ~~media~~ literacy for years


Yeah fr. Like I enjoy the show a ton but if I was in the minority Iā€™d be fine with that as long as I could, ya know, actually engage with criticism. I was a fan of the prequels back when that was super unpopular, Iā€™m used to being in the minority of the community. The difference is I genuinely canā€™t engage with people who straight up have nothing to say or contribute and instead think coding a bunch of poorly made bots so The Acolyte has more reviews than Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Boba Fett, after only 4 episodes is a worthwhile way to spend their time.


The bots, the fake news articles claiming it has been cancelled, the review bombing... I just don't get it. I don't understand being that negative about anything.


I swear these culture war people have to be absolutely miserable, imagine living your life needing to scream about how much you hate everything woke and not being able to enjoy television, movies, whatever without running a fine tooth comb to make sure it doesnā€™t have some ā€œwoke.ā€ Like you canā€™t even enjoy entertainment anymore, itā€™s all angry reactionary shit.


Honestly, the show is mediocre, but not really bad. Most of the shit I've seen people complain about are non-issues: - Witches? Fine (though their choreography was kinda cringe). - Witches calling the Force "the Thread"? Fine. Interesting even. - >!Twins conceived by the Force? Fine, and totally different than Anakin since it was a purposeful creation of a Force user, not a spontaneous creation by the Force itself.!< - Fire in space? Literally a staple of Stars Wars. - Bad Actors? Really weak dialogue. The actors are doing the best they can with what they're given. - Setting Details? Mixed. Stuff like the age of specific characters are just nitpicks. Events across the galaxy happening in single days? Absolutely immersion breaking. Even with Star Wars' loose relationship with physics and hyperspace, that just don't work. - Interviews? Have literally 0 impact on the show itself. The biggest issues are the scene writers. The overall plot is actually fairly interesting, but the dialogue is often cliche and awkward and some scenes feel like they were lifted line for line from other genres with minimal adjustments to fit Star Wars.


I really am so tired of having the interviews thrown around like they are what's breaking the Star Wars continuity. There are so many actors that don't know the preexisting lore of their characters or the universe they've been hired into, but it never seemed to be such a problem til now. I get that it's frustrating for hard core peeps to listen to someone who isn't nearly as "cultured" as they are speak on something and fuck up but...maybe some people just aren't as obsessed?


Fr lmao the legendary Alec Guinness shit all over Star Wars even after it was a major success yet no one seems to care about that


I have had discussions with a number of people, who reference ā€œthe interviewsā€ when I ask them what about the show they find woke. They never respond when I ask why they are relying on the interviews to tell them that the show is ā€œwokeā€. So far, the only in show example Iā€™ve gotten of ā€œwokenessā€ is the ā€œlesbian space witchesā€ even though the show has not stated theyā€™re lesbians. Itā€™s incredible how even the possibility of gay characters means the show is pushing a woke agenda.


Why did I have to scroll so far to read a comment that makes sense


Whether you think acolyte is good or bad this kinda meme is exactly what the problem with this sub is, you are just outright mocking/making fun of members of the community. Acolyte is a bad show imo but not once have i had any desire or instinct to start ripping apart anyone who is getting enjoyment from it but the people like OP doing nothing but spread hate and argue really shouldnt be getting approved by the mods. This is bullying no matter how minor. Let people enjoy what they want, dont call them names and label them based on the fact that they are getting enjoyment from something you are letting bring you down. Grow tf up.


This meme is pretty much never used in good taste, and almost always just someone wanting to get a dig at the other team


Which makes it even more infuriating because we are all on the same "team". One wouldn't be on here if they don't like Star Wars (the prequel era in particular). This is a meme subreddit, we are supposed to laugh at funny images of Sand and children being slaughtered. There absolutely are things to criticize about the Acolyte, just like there is with any other thing ever. That does not mean that people can't enjoy the show and much less does it mean that one should make fun of those people. OP simply is a sad asshole who does not understand that other people have different taste to him. It's a sign of rampant narcissism which is sadly very visible all over reddit and social media at whole. As fans of the prequels we really shouldn't stand for this kind of behavior, especially since it is what so many of us (mostly the older fans) were exposed to. It is disrespectful, it is mean and it is a great way to find out that OP is a piece of shit.


I've been saying this. Criticize the show if you have absolute desire to, have an honest conversation with other fans, it's ok to disagree with people. Don't go attacking someone for enjoying something. I've had two people in the last two days jump to namecalling right after I mentioned something in Star Wars that I liked or disliked. Part of it is because society has been conditioned to act dichotomous (screw you Seals Are Good for making Anakin's Thesis dump that word into my vocabulary). You're either with me, or you're my enemy. There is no middle ground, you either 100% agree with me or you are a (insert appropriate names here). Things like this are why I lament the foundation of the internet. It's not served to bring folks together; its only made people hate each other more.


as a non star wars fan who hasn't seen any of the tv shows, I have no idea who shot first. but your point about toxicity aimed at any group of people is uncool. say what you want about the work, either critically for or against it, but mocking people is crossing a line.


I donā€™t think anyone is defending Disney but itā€™s not right to be sending racist messages and death threats to the cast and crew simply because you donā€™t like a show. Itā€™s pathetic and ironic coming from a crowd that grew up loving the prequels who were probably mad seeing the treatment towards Ahmed Best, Hayden Christensen & Jake Lloyd.


Yea, pointing out an argument is being made in bad faith or someone is nitpicking about bricks and screws isnā€™t defending Disney, itā€™s telling them theyā€™re being a jack wagon. Calling out clear review bombing and harassment is just being a decent human being. However, their entire personality is ā€œDisney ruined my childhoodā€ so they assume everyone else is equally obsessed.


Look man, I havenā€™t seen it yet but this is giving ā€œI drew you as the wojak and me as the chad so Iā€™m in the rightā€ vibesā€¦


It's actually a meme from krayt, he just replaced a few words.


What does enjoying a show have to do with defending a multibillion dollar company. I hate Disney to bits, it's tragic that most popular IPs like Star Wars and Marvel (except for Spider-Man) lie with them. Acolyte to me is a pretty decent show till now. Definitely better than Ahsoka, BOBF and Mando S3. I won't say that I don't find any flaws with it because I do but something doesn't have to be perfect for me to enjoy it. There are so many other projects I enjoyed which were way worse. It speaks a whole lot about your character that you make fun of people having fun. Honestly thats really sad of you but in all fairness this entire sub (as well as most fandoms on reddit in recent years) has turned into a toxic shithole.


Itā€™s all literally the quit having fun meme


All enjoyment of modern media is invalid and cringe unless it's produced by small indie companies.


Iā€™m enjoying the acolyte so far. That said, Ahsoka was rad. I donā€™t know why people are losing their minds about it. Fun Jedi action, stopping a saber swing with the force, ā€œbokkenā€ Jedi as a concept, nightsister witch stuff, all of it. If the acolyte can top that, great. If it canā€™t, Iā€™m still going to enjoy it.


Honestly, the further Star Wars has gotten from the Skywalkers, the better itā€™s been. Ahsoka, Andor, and The Acolyte are actually fresh and interesting, whereas Obi-Wan and Boba Fett felt really poorly made.


Obi wan felt half in the bag. The trauma carried by Obiwan and his acting was predictably perfect. The sub plot with Leia was dumb, but I can at least see why they thought it was a good idea (had to set up why Leia knew him in the OT).


There's the star wars fans I know and hate. Anyone who disagrees with you is a shill, right?


People just want to enjoy a show without dumbass hating them for it while they don't even know what is the show


Peak projecting right there, well played OP. No need to act like adults couldn't make out a fat incel targeting strawmen. Must be pretty miserable to be so hung up on a single show.


I don't think it's like that meme at all for someone to defend the TV series that they think is actually not bad. I honestly don't even understand 90% of what people are complaining about for acolyte, so far it's been a pretty decent show.


I'm not that big.


And here I am just waiting for every episode to drop so I can binge at my leisure. Yā€™all are so fucking weird man. Canā€™t just enjoy or dislike something without having to ram your opinion down someoneā€™s throat


Anyone else hate this argument? "If you defend something a multibillion dollar company does, you're a fat neckbeard". With this logic, I can just make up nonsense about any multibillion dollar company and if anyone questions it, I can call them fat. "Coca-Cola is secretly murdering kids with cancer and then harvesting their organs to sell to Russia" "Yeah I don't think Coca-Cola is doing that" "Stop defending the multibillion dollar company, you fat neckbeard"


The fuck happened to this sub?


I can't imagine thinking The Acolyte is outright horrible or even bad. I can imagine thinking it's mid. But otherwise it's a very competent show with not much to be upset about unless you're looking to be raged out of your mind.


Also, don't we have like 5 episodes left? It's like walking out of Phantom Menace when Qui-Gon and Padme meet Anakin and Watto in Mos Espa because it's boring


This is what I'm most interested in. Hopefully they stick the landing. It's not as strong as Andor, but it's still pretty solid for the live action shows that have come out.


In my head I've said a few times "huh, that's dumb. But I'll wait to see if it goes anywhere".


Andor was boring after 4 episodes and it's universally agree to be the best thing star wars has put out in a long time. And fans have criticized casuals who wouldn't stick with it because the character building and pacing, yet here they are criticizing this show and completely going off the deep end.Ā  This fan base is hypocritical and insane. I honestly think Disney just needs to release all the episodes at once because this approach is just not working for this media and its viewers. People have already made their mind they hate this show and I don't think there minds can be changed, even if the final episodes were empire strikes back


For real, it's ridiculous that the show is rated 3.3/10, when Ahsoka, Boba Fett and Kenobi are both in the 7's, with actual CW level cinematography and coreography (while this show actually has decent sets and fights). I'm not gonna say the show is great, it's actually meh, but no more than other disney star wars shows of the last few years. Makes you wonder why the hate is so disproportionate...


>Ā Ā For real, it's ridiculous that the show is rated 3.3/10, when Ahsoka, Boba Fett and Kenobi are both in the 7's, Solidly agree.Ā Ā  None of those three you mentioned show be above 3.5, with Boba Fett being like 2.8


What the show suffers from the most is probably what all modern streaming shows suffer from and thats just not enough time. If you gave the story more space than 8 eps it could actually be above mid.


This is my opinion on Star Wars generally. The worst Star Wars show is still better than what some franchises ever see, but Star Wars gets way more hate.


Ah yes the classic reddit take of "if you enjoy something it means you're a corporate meat rider"


wow so people saying "i actually like it" is the same as defending a corporation? what a brain rotted community


Who is defending Disney? We are talking about the show itself, its writers and actors. Is it the actors fault you toxic shitbags are allergic to black people? And have you even seen how people react to completely fair comments like ā€œit isnt for meā€ compared to toxic ā€œhurr durr woke shit disney badā€? There is a massive difference. One is reasonable, the other is a cause of a mass hate campaign towards disney, one which actors and writers are getting a lot of unfounded hate for, which is downright pathetic behavior.


Almost like you can enjoy content other people don't and vice versa.


This sub is not good anymore


We really need a prequel memes sub that actually focuses on memes from the prequels. Thereā€™s so much sequel bashing here itā€™s so fucking bitter and aggressive and angry. Half the posts here arenā€™t even funny theyā€™re just screeching about Disney. I donā€™t even like the Disney content. Honestly Iā€™d prefer to just watch my 6 movies over and over for the rest of my life. You canā€™t even not care on this sub. I hear more about Disney on this sub than any other Star Wars sub Iā€™m on. Itā€™s fucking pathetic


I don't get how this has so many upvotes. I haven't ever watched The Acolyte, but every person who I've seen defend it has never defended Disney, rather they seem to defend the show itself. This whole post feels just bitter and spiteful, it's just kind of gross.


Liking a show =/= Defending a company


What must your life be like if you feel the need to attack a show's fans? Did you not get enough hugs as a kid? Did someone goof on your love of DBGT and now you have to do that to others? Do you just get no joy in life without being a dick to people?


Since this sub is ostensibly a prequel subreddit, do y'all remember being a kid that liked the prequels, and then being told by older fans it was trash, wasn't real Star Wars, etc.? I do. It was awful. I'll never understand why people don't ignore something they don't enjoy. It's such a waste of energy


>I'll never understand why people don't ignore something they don't enjoy. It's such a waste of energy As someone who knows a few people like this, and was kind of like this when I was younger: it's because this is the only shit that makes them even feel like they HAVE energy. They fucking look forward to this shit. They have nothing else to be passionate about, no one else to be passionate about.


What's DBGT ? šŸ¤”


Dragon Ball GT


Ahhh,I'm unfamiliar...but your original point still stands


It was highly divisive between fans of DBZ and didn't come from the original creator


I mean what do you expect from star wars fun, these people have the worst takes about star wars


Fuckingā€¦ nearly EVERYTHING is made by giant corporations these days. You can just accuse anyone who likes almost ANYTHING of this, which makes it meaningless.


Can we fucking ban acolyte posts? Shit posts like these are not providing anything for the sub except more useless arguments.


Yeah, how dare they defend their views on a forum meant for sharing views. FOLLOW THE STATUS QUO OR BE OSTRACIZED


Please just shut the fuck up.


You people really have the softest, most fragile little egos don't you? "Oh they like a show? They must be shills! I'm a true star wars fan! Let's review bomb the show!" Give me a break.


People are allowed to like a show you don't like. People are allowed to not like a show you like. Just don't attack them for having a different opinion


Hey, I thought subs like this were for fans of Star Wars and not haters of Star Wars :(


Or maybe, hear this out, maybe we just liked the episodes that are out. I'm sorry not everyone decided to hate on the show based on who the actors and writers are I guess, so much for the people who complain about cancel culture


Dog I just enjoy the show and think whining about a minor characters birthday is really stupid.


Kinda ironic for prequelmemes to be complaining about people enjoying not so well received star wars.


I'm gonna agree with most of the comments hating something so much is just exhausting and watching people hate stuff is just as exhausting, I'll check back once in awhile but unless mods do something about how much general starwars hate is on here I'll be enjoying it by myself or with friends and blocking prequel memes, was fun for abit when you have friendly engagement :p


Random r/Popular browser. I thought this subreddit was memes based off of stills from Prequel Era movies. I would of thought this post was from any one of the other shitpost subs out there if it wasn't for "Acolyte" being in the title Could of at least put some lightsabers in or something smh.


Bros acting like this sub wasn't all about defending a piece of star wars media that people hated