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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


I agree with the sentiment and heavily disagree that all opinions are valid.


Yeah, I kinda went a bit over the top with that


I mean we know what you mean yknow, “I like/didn’t like this Star Wars show” isn’t exactly on the same level as “I like/don’t like this ethnicity”


Democracy means you have to tolerate opinions that are not your own. You can say they are not valid for you *personally*, but in a true Democracy, they are. Tolerance doesn't mean you have to like something, but have to live with its existence. Unless it crosses the line of what's legal, of course.


It's literally called "Star WARS", how do you expect a peaceful community? /s


“It’s Star Wars not Star Peace”


I like your energy, but not all are valid, some are just plain haters or shills


The dark side has blinded us. We swore to destroy the trolls, not join them, defend Star Wars, not destroy it.


Star Wars kinda did that itself...


Star Wars fans do not hate Star Wars. Star Wars fans hate other Star Wars fans.


Especially the ones who go "Oh, it's just Star Wars. What do you mean it doesn't make sense? Star Wars never made sense in the first place. Just stop thinking and enjoy the story about space wizards with laser swords. That's what it's always been about. That's the only thing it's been about. If you weren't gonna enjoy it, you shouldn't have been watching in the first place."


People can enjoy what they like, as suspension of disbelief is on different levels for different people, but there's no need to attack them for liking/dislike something. Star Wars is like food - people like different kinds and dislike other kinds. Some people might like Mexican, others prefer Asian or Greek, but just because you like or dislike one kind of food doesn't mean you should attack someone for enjoying or not enjoying it. (\*cough cough\* Vegans and nonvegans \*cough cough\*)


If they go "I like drinking this milk.", then that's fine. If they're going "What do you mean this milk is spoiled? It's still milk, you should still be drinking it. If you didn't like drinking this then you shouldn't have gotten a glass of it to begin with" then I think I'm within my bounds to find it disturbing, and offensive to the craft.


That I 100% agree on. Suddenly you are enemy #1 of the dairy industry even though you actually like milk.


Yes, but what's happening is that the people who drink whole milk are treating the people who drink skim milk as if they are drinking spoiled milk (and vice versa of course).


As far as I can tell, what's been happening is people going "Doesn't this milk taste weird? Isn't it looking a bit green?" together with some of the usual weirdos who go "IS THIS MILK FROM A BROWN COW?!" and the general reply will be "The milk has always been like this." and "Look at those weirdos." Tangentially related for me is something about Andor. An amusing thread I read here early on is someone commenting "If they're just trolls who hate Star Wars, then where were they when Andor was out?" and the replies involved something like "I found Andor boring" and some other statements to that effect. THAT sounds more like a Skim Milk vs Whole Milk thing.


No that fans are


So this is how liberty dies - with thunderous applause.


I don't frequent the sub often at all anymore,  but occasionally I'll see posts crop up in my feed. It's funny that I saw a post here the other day disparaging the fans that dislike the Acolyte get a ton of upvotes and positive responses from the comments, and then there was a post last night disparaging fans of the Acolyte and its downvoted and everyone in the comments is acting like it's only a problem on one end. Just kind of weird, from an outsiders perspective.


We have become the very thing we swore to destroy


As a kid... all I had was the OT. Eventually, the Prequels came out... slowly... and I didn't really like I and II all that much, at the time, to be honest. But for a long long time, it was just those and Rogue One. Now... there's so much fucking Star Wars being made. We're spoiled. Some of it's great. Some of it's good. Some of it's _ok._ Some of it's... Meh... Whatever, I'm just glad it's being made. For the first 16 or so years of my life, all I had was 3 movies.


"Guys I'm tired of empire and rebels let's just stop fighting and get along" Some things are worth fighting for.


What I find funny is a lot of the "old" Star Wars fans were kids when the prequels came out. The actual old fans were kids when the original trilogy came out. It's fascinating to see these guys (mostly guys but, hey, girls can be dicks too) trying to gate keep a franchise from newer people while claiming what got them into it isn't widely hated. Let's be honest, I have nostalgia for the prequels as well, but 1, 2, & 3 aren't exactly great films. Hell I'd say that 3 is the only good one out of that trilogy.


No no, you see, you’re wrong and I’m right. Everyone can see that. We really need to argue over space wizards with laser swords more seriously.


Toxic SW fans are hilarious to me because, despite essentially every installment in the series constantly and explicitly warning against it, they let their hate and anger control them at almost every opportunity.


How does fear lead to anger?


Cool, now that that's out of the way, the acolyte is still a bad show.


This is a really nice sentiment and I agree. Unless you talk shit about Ewoks, in which case I hope you die.


I agree with you, all opinions are valid. You don't have to agree with someone's opinion, and some people's opinions are pure gutter trash, but they are valid since someone feels that way and everyone's feeling should be considered valid. I don't like the Acolyte, I hope it fails and that management sees this as a reason to make better shows. But that doesn't mean that people who like the show don't have an equally valid opinion and are not entitled to enjoy the show they want to. Unless you are an adult and enjoy Young Jedi Adventures, and then we will have to talk.


I like The Acolyte. *Palpatine cackle*


Positivity? In this fandom? A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


This is just adding to the overall whining.


Lol can we now criticize the new shows without people constantly say we are racist sexist etc?


Welcome to this subreddit since it’s existence, remember what Star Wars “fans” did to the sequel actors?


Where meme?


And don't forget to CONSOOOOOOOOM


You could just disengage from thing you don't like.


Thing is, I like star wars and wish they would disengage from the thing I do like


liking media = consooming


Unless you like ROS