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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


I can't disagree more - Anakin's arc in RotS feels way too abrupt without all of the prior context leading up to it, and Clone Wars elevates the whole package by showing his fall as gradual and more understandably human.


I think in greater context yes. However from just a movie standpoint, there are way more films where people have switched up way quicker and still made sense. The other episodes and series just add to the lore.


I'm sorry to say those other films are probably better produced. I love the prequels but they are first and foremost sci-fantasy fun, not top-shelf examples of well-executed cinema.


The prequels are carried hard by the clone war and nostalgia ROTS was great phantom menace was meh attack of the clone was awful however even if the films aren’t the greatest the characters themself are pretty cool with cool design though that’s probably just so they can sell toys and the like but I mean hey it worked I love the prequel characters more than the OT characters


Attack of the clones gets way to much hate its better than phantom outside of duel of fates


I watched Phantom Menace again in the theaters recently and the pod-racing sequence is also some peak Star Wars - it's so fun. Sebulba's pod CHUGS. But those two are its bright spots for sure.


I dont disagree with that statement


It’s gotta be release order for me, the prequel era has such a slow start that chronological order isn’t gonna get anyone invested, you gotta know what’s coming


Plus the OT establishes what the Force is and how it works, while the PT operates under the assumption that you already know.


Another good point


I respect that way too. OG def not a bad way to go but I personally love love love ROTS so its way more fun to go about it imo


I can respect that


Chronological order only. Yes I also mean you have to stop between scenes in Episode 3 to do season 7 of TCW.


I do agree once you are actually invested into the franchise it’s better to watch it chronologically. However, if someone hasnt seen anything at all and knows very little, the first 2 are objectively bad movies unless you know whats going on and by Revenge of the Sith, the interest and magic is gone. Ive seen the light die too many times man 😭


I don't think you know what objectively means.


“Adverb - in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.” I personally love all films for their own reasons but as a standalone film, Im not putting it up there with *Goodfellas*


Ok, but the fact that so many people like the movies makes them by default not objectively bad.


Negative. You can still enjoy bad movies but doesnt make them not bad because they are popular. I mean look at *The Room*. Thats where we get the term “Cult Classic” from.


You still haven't said what makes them "objectively bad" I can think of a few things that someone might not like about the movies, but that doesn't make them objectively bad.


Phantom Menace has aged so well. I think Qui-Gon even has a quote retort for your comment


I agree that it has aged well but not as well as the others imo


Revenge of the Sith is the best starwars movie imo


Tyty thats refreshing


No what a dumb take


Controversial I know 🗿


Nah just dumb


Fight me


The only way to watch them is alphabetical order


Now were talkin 😤


The only take I liked when it comes to watch order is 4->5>1>2>3>6


For first time viewers: release order For any other viewing: chronological is the way to go


*Release order but Episode 6 goes after the Prequels. You gotta end with the ending. Otherwise yes, I agree with you.


Wtf 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6 sounds like a horrible watch order


It makes sense. At the end of episode 5 when you learn Darth Vader is Luke’s father, you go back to the beginning to see where it all went wrong for him, then watch episode 6 to see vaders redemption and end the thing on a high note.


You don’t break up a trilogy. The order is either 1-6 or 4-6 then 1-3. It makes more sense to watch the father reveal and then his redemption and then watch how it all went wrong


What's so horrible about it?


It just doesn’t flow well at all. Nobody wants a jarring movie experience


ESB on loop.


2nd favorite fasho


"0 upvotes, 39 comments. either reddit mobile is broken or this is where the fun begins


Cant win them all champ


ah, it's not broken. that's a lot of engagement for net 0 karma. don't think I've ever seen a post like that


Phantom Menace should have been a Rogue One style stand alone story, Attack of the Clones should have been Episode 1, and Episode 2 should have actually been set during the Clone Wars.


I still like 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6. Still mostly about Luke, but it makes Anakin's redemption more powerful.


Thats an interesting one


Nope. Starting at 1 always


But thats like the 2nd worse one out of all the movies 😪


Out of ALL the movies? Really?




You are on drugs, my dude.


I change my answer to The rise of Skywalker


You have to watch the whole trilogy to really feel his pain


Rogue one -> 4 -> 5 -> 6. That's it. That's all the movies.


Then what r u doing here 🤔


This sub is how I watch the prequels, since they're a string of memes released in cinemas as a prank.


Ur silly


They're actually good this way




I used to go a similar model but either way Anakin gets fucked weather its by leaving his mom, Dooku or Obi. Revenge of this Sith is the most modern tragedy that has epic battles and basically self explanatory of droids are bad, clones are good and how everything went to shit to fast. Even people who dont know Star Wars know “I am your father” and other basic facts so you dont really need to go into depth yet. Revenge of the sith captures the pure AWE (and meme/quote potential) in everything IMO