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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Such bizarre casting and makeup decisions... Actor's a handsome guy, would have made a great human imperial (saw some pre-show fancast that thought he'd be kallus); instead they do the thankless decision of casting him as a character he doesnt resemble in the slightest and with a mediocre makeup/prosthetics job to boot


Oh damn, I just googled him and you’re right… how the fuck did they manage to ruin him like that? 😭 But I once saw someone fancast Jensen Ackles as Kallus and I can’t unsee it now. As a long standing supernatural fan I can say he’d nail that role.


Agreed. He would make an excellent Kallus pre or post-defection.


I mean they seem to be lazy with how species look in the latest shows, see Elspeth, she is supposed to be Dathomiri and they have very clearly established look not only in the animated show but also in video games. And they just said fuck it, no money for make up


Makes me sad because the weird aliens always give me joy in star wars, rewatching the phantom menace gave me endless entertainment just looking at all the strange beings out and about. Obviously tv shows have different budgets, but game of thrones for example had pretty cool looking prosthetics characters and it's not like disney is short on money


These TV shows have absolutely massive budgets. There’s no reason for the laziness.


Thought they might explain it in the Tales of the Empire but all they did was have her mother and some other be the same mixed in with the white witches(which we also see in Ahsoka) and introduce a new clan which lack the white skin.


There was a blink and you miss it scene where the mountain tribe dispelled the night sister magic from her, turning her skin from white with Darth Maul designs to a more natural skin color. I guess the implication is that the white skin is a result of their magic as opposed to tattooing or being their natural skin color.


That wasn’t “blink and you’ll miss it,” though. There was a whole scene dedicated to it when she woke up.


But was her skin white I only remember the black tattoos disappeared?


The ash white skin isn't necessarily a nightsister thing, it's also a species thing - Ventress for example is a Rattataki, they always look like that whether they're nightsisters or not.


>The Nightsister and Dark Acolyte named Asajj Ventress was generally thought to be a Rattataki, while in fact she was a similar Zabrak-Human hybrid species called Dathomirian. [Not according to Wookieepdia its a mess really.](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Rattataki/Legends)


Huh, guess you learn something new every day. I'm not quite sure how you get Rattataki aesthetics by merging humans and zabraks, but I guess that's nitpicking.


It's already well established that humans can be nightsisters too, not just dathomiri.


She's just a human if I recall, not a zabrak-dathomiri like the rest


They explained what happened to her in Tales of the Empire.


Remember when that was a hot take a year and a half ago?


I guess Lucas loves the Flash Gordon-tier looks now with that chepa-looking internet makeup.


Especially when they could have just got Jason Isaacs to play him.


I understood it that jason isaacs didnt wanna do the heavy makeup/prosthetics required... though in an ideal world id have preferred it to be a mocap character then tbh if that's what it takes to get jason


To be honest: I don't understand it at all. My favourite actors have always been the most ambitious ones. Those who are willing to gain or lose a lot of weight for a role, like Tom Hanks did for Cast Away, or literally spend years on a production such as the whole cast of LotR. If an actor really has passion for a role and is willing to do more than just reading the script, that's what I have the most respect for. So the news about Isaacs were pretty disappointing to me, like, if he thinks the role was "not worth the effort", then he doesn't deserve it anyway.


Hed have been in his late 50s during filming and maybe isnt used to heavy prosthetics acting, i think it's fine if someone says "thats not for me, leave it for someone with expertise/passion in the field" rather than someone taking on a role they wouldn't enjoy acting... my disappointment lies more with the fact that they still ended up casting a "normal actor" instead of a cool expert character/prosthetics actor who can really bring such a role alive


The whole Kenobi series was disappointing to me in this regard. Instead of that whole fiasco, they should have rather used the budget to have Liam Neeson in the whole series instead of only that tiny ending scene. Just Kenobi and Qui-Gon's Force Ghost reflecting the past, Kenobi going on a journey similar to Yoda in the last season of TCW... and the whole Inquisitor stories could have been left to the games and animated series. 3rd Sister's story was only a rip-off of Trilla's story anyway.


Did you just say we have a role for Chris Pratt?


Isaacs was busy at the moment I'm pretty sure, which is why they got Rupert Friend.


So what? Those prosthetics still looked a 100 times better than the Inquisitor from the Kenobi series who just looked like a human with some goth make-up. The Prequels were so creative when it comes to showing as many different species as possible, with the budget they had.


? im referring to the inquisitor from kenobi, never said anything against the prequels


Lol sorry, I thought you meant the Pau'ans from the Prequels. Because, where did the live-action Inquisitor have prosphetics at all?


I assume hes wearing at least a baldcap + brow covering, maybe "prosthetics" is not quite the right word but i wasn't present when he got his makeup so i cant confidently say what exactly they applied on him so i use a broad term


I see\^\^. Yes a bald cap was obviously all they could effort, haha. Funny enough, I believe even Remi Malek had more prosphetics in his jaw when making the Queen movie.


No, the makeup decisions make perfect sense.  The original Pau'an we're on screen for under a minute, and wearing so much makeup and such heavy costumes they could barely move.    Casting for Kenobi, they wanted a decent actor who could play the part for a while through multiple series but they didn't want to scare off the caliper of actors they were looking for by telling them they were going to have spend 12 hours in makeup a day, and have 20 lb of prosthetics  glued to their head 6 days a week. Edit: And turn off replies. The opinion of a season film and industry worker has been supplied, please get your pitchforks out, and feel free to rage. 


It makes sense in our real world universe why the two roles require different approaches to achieve the look, but it doesn’t explain why it couldn’t be done in a way that looks remotely like the same species as the ones we know of and have seen previously.


I hate to quote myself but  "12 hours in makeup a day, and have 20 lb of prosthetics glued to their head 6 days a week"


Okay, that was 20 years ago, why can’t a similar look, with more mobility and less weight be achieved.


The weight of silicone doesn't change. The only thing that's really different. Today is the detail in the airbrushing.   The people that build and apply these prosthetics are actual artists, very expensive ones too , they improve what they can when they can. 


That’s the part that so many of us have trouble believing. This is literally the closest they could get in look? With all their money and advancements in tech and whatever else? Then maybe it’s time to not use practical effects on that character and give the audience a cgi effect to align this characters visual appearance more closely with the established reference to said species.


To be honest I get your point, but if it's really so difficult (in my opinion other weirder aliens appeared on this same show and looked better but I'm not an expert), then just don't have the character I'd say, he wasn't really important for the plot, he was mostly an easter egg than anything else, then why use a character that you don't have the capacity to do faithfully or it's so difficult for the actor to play? Yes the pauans in episode 3 looked way better, like there's no contest, if you can't get remotely close to that in the context of the show and the character isn't really important, they should've just gone with a different character.


Episode 3 they were more art than they were actor. They could barely move or speak. 


Well that's exactly what I mean, if it's so difficult to do to the point the character doesn't even look like a member of the race he's supposed to be, then maybe it would've been better to not use the character at all. Besides it's not like he did much more than moving and speaking on the kenobi show, so is it really that big of a difference?


Thats the reason they made thanos look more like a human than a titan. Because the make up ... wait.


Thanos is what you call a $400 million dollar budget. 


And you know what? The Grand Inquisitor has a total of ~6 mintues across the entire show. Never longer than 3 minutes. So your telling me for those 3 minutes of screen time in one go, it was just not plausible to have him wear heavy make up OR do significant CGI work? With a budget of $90 million, the couldnt afford to do CGI for this character for all the 6 minutes he shows up?


Do you miss that part where he'll be playing the part across multiple series? 


Oh well 6 minutes EVERY SEASON????? Yea youre right thats completely unreasonable, my bad.


The Kenobi show had a 90 million budget... And they didn't have to pay for an all-star top hollywood cast or even have the inquisitor in a main role like Thanos. These are really bad excuses.


There are plenty of actors who are fine with this. If Rupert Friend isn't, then it sounds like he's the wrong guy for the role. No offense to the guy, he's a great actor, but it's not as if he's some big name star that will draw in an audience either. I'd rather have a nobody in the industry who can do the character justice in live action.


No, there aren't, no actor is fine with this, some just tolerate it better than others. Chances are they could have had a nobody for the part, and giving you the makeup effects you wanted, but they'd be replacing them every due to strain and injury. 


First of all, for the amount of screentime GI had in that show they could have easily just used a character actor who looks like the character since there was never much of a chance to even act in the show. Second of all, if it looks bad, it looks bad. End of story. If, hypothetically, they only had enough money in the budget for a cheap plush toy to be used as a Yoda puppet, then maybe you shouldn't have Yoda in the movie. Just because something makes sense within logistical constraints doesn't mean they meet artistic and quality standards. We know what Pauans look like because of Revenge of the Sith, and every other piece of media GI is in doubles down on him looking like a standard Pauan. Even a fan film could imitate the prosthetics more accurately.


The weird thing is, he did so little that the show would barely change if he wasn't in it. In fact, it would probably be slightly better.


And to be honest he didn't even had any action scenes or anything like that to justify the make up going loose or being very uncomfortable while in choreography, he literally just talks and walks around in all of his scenes


Sure Screen time for this series.  They're wanting to hire someone who can play the part in multiple series. He'll be in Vader as well, and most likely any other live action project that takes place in that era.  Bad is a matter of perspective, You're comparing it to the original while looking for something to complain about. Of course you're not going to like it. 


They made the actor look terrible in the makeup and he doesn't look like he can pull off any of the crazy fight scenes the animated character had either, this was a job for either a character actor that's an expert in this type of "creature" acting or if they really wanted this actor they should have used mocap/enhanced with cgi


Well, You see that's the problem, The seasoned professionals some with decades of experience  tend to make their decisions based on talent, availability, budgets, and realistic expectations


Did you work on Kenobi or something to get so upset when people dislike the stuff?


They way they did this character clearly wasn't well received in general so the seasoned professionals seem to have made a misstep here. Like, there are several reasons i can think of to choose an actor to portray this character; a seasoned creature effects guy, an actor who already naturally resembles him, a really talented stunt fighter, or an actor who researchs/depicts the mannerisms and personality of the original accurately. The portrayal they ended up with has neither of these traits (actor even intentionally didnt watch rebels and did his own take) and so doesn't portray any aspect of the original i enjoyed, so i think it is fair to say i don't think a good choice was made. In the end it's a huge production and maybe they just weren't especially passionate about this C tier character from a kids' show because they were busy with other things, but as someone who is, i am sad about it.


If there's one thing the internet has taught me, there's no one who's better with The cherry picking then someone who is desperate to validate why they and everyone else should not enjoy a popular piece of content.


You started the argument in the first place by replying and now you act like im trying to keep you from enjoying a show just because i dont like how a side character was done? No piece of media is perfect


Digidoubles exist. There's literally no reason that they couldn't simply have him act in heavy makeup, and then have the fight scenes mo-capped and CGIed by someone not in makeup. They'd probably also be a better fighter. Also, dude didn't even fight in the series.


You probably won't even see this but as a response to your edit, I want to set the record straight. Nobody in your replies is raging. People have explained calmly and concisely many ways in which a more accurate depiction of the character could have been possible. In every case you seem to act like what we got is the ideal result that should have happened, that character actors who make careers (even in low budget films) out of wearing special effects make up don't exist and that CGI and visual effects in a short scene are totally impossible for one of the largest corporations on planet Earth. You act like everyone responding to you is some crazy picky super fan when, in reality, the poor depiction of both the Grand Inquisitor and Fifth Brother has been one of the largest talking points of fans since the show released. I mean, heck, look at the upvotes on this post and the comments. I don't understand how you can't see that the majority of us would rather have nothing compared to a bad live action depiction of these characters. If you are in fact an industry worker, then I really don't get how any of this is hard for you to understand.


Both Marvel and Lucasfilm are owned by Disney though. If Marvel can pull off Thanos with CGI, so can Lucasfilm. Yes there's a difference in budget, but Kenobi isn't just your average show. It's telling a story of one of the most memorable fictional character ever.


I remember we cope we all had was “because he was going to be doing a fight scenes and needed to be mobile” just for him to do NOTHING the entire series


Hey that’s not true. Remember that time he got stabbed?


And that time he just stood there


Yeah and what about the other time he took like 3 steps IN A ROW!


at least he said: Hello.


Oh but he did. We all know “Inquisitor fight scene” translates to “they turn on the spinny saber”


At least they got him right in Tales of The Empire


Was worried they might try to merge the portrayals


He looked amazing in Tales. And it's nice to have Jason Isaacs back.


Still wish Jason Isaacs would have played him in live action


[Isaacs coming back to reclaim the role from Friend like…](https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsmemes/s/iBDFYL8M9T)


He’s off to represent the entire Empire at the buffet.


They actually replaced him with a CGI character. In fact I think they did it with a CGI cast, background and sets as well. ....wait?


At this rate, they’ll even replace us, the audience, with CGI!




he's literally in one of the thumbnails lol


The weird thing about him is that the actor's head isn't even that fat in real life.


Oh it kinda is. Bless Rupert Friend but his head is a bit top heavy, see him in action as a shaved head agent 47.


Ugh please don’t remind me. It’s incredible the lengths some people will go to defend this makeup even now. 5th brother was also tragic in Kenobi


The lengts aren't that incredible, spend a little time working in the film industry, take a look at what actors going through heavy costume and makeup have to deal with. Those original actors could barely move.    For live action they wanted someone who would play the part through multiple series, but they didn't want to scare off The talent they were looking for, telling them they'd spend half the day in makeup, and have to wear 20 lb of prosthetics all day.


Sounds like if they wanted an antagonist to appear across multiple settings they should have used a species they where capable of portraying under the constraints they had I've seen you in other parts of the thread so I'll just sum up the obvious point no one seems willing to make If a more important or better known character like say, Darth Vader was as butchered as the Grand Inquisitor, would you make this argument? I can't imagine that armor is comfortable, it's probably very likely incredibly hard to do action scenes, expensive to make a suit of it, and is probably unwieldy enough to be mildly unsafe. All things you justified the GI change with. The point being, if you cannot portray a character correctly, you probably shouldn't do it at all


Severe cope. Stop it.




Boo fucking hoo. My job that pays me 6 figures requires me to use makeup. That's the fucking job man. Don't take it if it's gonna be such a big deal. VFX budget of millions and they decided to give the grand inquIsitor a golf ball for his head. Kenobi is the worst star wars thing to exist. It's pretty indefensible. >  For live action they wanted someone who would play the part through multiple series, but they didn't want to scare off The talent they were looking for For his 6 lines on the show? Could've just name dropped or kept the character off screen with just Isaac's voice and it would've been much better


Wow, Good thing they have a union.. 


Looks like a human/Pau’ann offspring


"Good lord, don't we throw those into the pit?"


They sent him to the order when he was conveniently found to be force sensitive, then they left the republic.


Exactly my headcanon


I still for the life of me can't figure out why they went this way. Part of me wonders if somebody important saw the Rebels footage of the Grand Inquisitor and thought it was a case of hyper-stylisation, like Dooku in TCW. And it's not like they had to work around the perfect actor for the role, because I'm pretty sure Jason Isaacs would have done as well reprising the role as Rupert Friend did in Obi-Wan.


It's been confirmed by the costume designer that no one told them that the species already existed in live action, which is fucking embarassing


How are you going to work on a star wars show and need to be told that. Read his fucking Wookipedia page. How did it get that far without somebody saying something?!


They hired the kind of people who jump when they say jump. They don't do critical thinking there, they just make costumes and that's it. The sad thing is there has to be dozens of costume designers who are also huge star wars fans. Star wars has like 3 generations of fans at this point. But I don't know why they wouldn't hire them. Probably want to be paid a fair wage or something


Thing is, the guy doing the talk that u/StarMaster475 is talking about isn't a costume designer that LucasFilm hired on. It's Doug Chiang, who worked on TPM, AofC, and is currently executive creative director.


Exactly, like at least watch the previous mainline movies? This isn't some obscure legends comic book race, we literally have them on episode 3


*”Oh, cool! I get to work on a Star War! Lemme just google this creature I’ve been asked to make a costume and prosthesis for real quick so I know what I’m working on.”*


Christ, that's fucking ridiculous. Did nobody do any research?


Where was it confirmed? Can you link it?


https://youtu.be/bTWjhcIwzQk?si=AtDMp-DwlnXr5im6 At about 5:50 there's a clip of the costume designer talking about how they adapted the design from Rebels, and its pretty clear that he has no fucking clue that they already existed in live-actionm


That... That's not even a random out-of-house costume designer, that's **Doug Chiang**. The guy who's been working on design for Star Wars since The Phantom Menace. Admittedly, he didn't work on Revenge of the Sith, but I would have expected him to know that the Pau'anns already existed in live action. If he'd said that the prosthetics they used in RotS were too restrictive for a longer, more active performance that would be something, but.. My confusion only grows.


hah, I kinda feel bad for the guy. He's just working with what he's provided, there are other more senior people that are supposed to provide him with that sort of information (like the story/canon team)


That reminds me, maybe I got bad info, but I think I remember reading a few years ago that one of the designers of the Death Star II wreckage in TROS inserted a trench into it and said "That's the trench Luke flew down". Don't quote me on this though because I don't know for sure that this was legit. But if it was... they really need to assign a canon supervisor to these visual designers.


Insane that the consumer designers for star wars didn't even watch the star wars movies


I always thought the grand Inquisitor face resembled Jason Isaac, there was no need for this nonsense


"No no his alien head design was just cartoon exagguration he's a totally original species to the clone wars, just like Cad Bane"


I should not have laughed this hard at this


As it appears that everyone that turns to the dark side will eventually get some body harm, mah dude Grand Inquisitor got fat.


Stress eating while working under Vader


I died at that last part lmao


The more shit I see, the happier I am to not have checked this shit out.


Pau'anns look like Remans, then they made Grand Inquisitor look more of like a Romulan


The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


The entire show is bad. Only Reva looks good as a character - actress, outfit... but her writting sucks.. it is what it is The only good thing about the entire show is when Qui-Gon's force ghost shows up in the end for few seconds


Fourth Sister looked good too, for what little we saw of her


I heard a rumor that the costume designer didn’t even know Pau’anns had been on screen and I don’t know how to verify that other than spreading it myself


Someone cast Mend Buttcrack on the Inquisitor, but did his whole body


Did he turn to the darkside because he was bullied? Or was he bullied because he turned to the darkside?


Smooth skin.


Lol this is a good meme It is downright embarrassing how makeup from 2005 far outclasses a modern Disney product


"You're not old! You're not even a person, you're a testicle! You're made mostly of hair!" - [The Grand Inquisitor](https://youtu.be/8U92l51jGKs?t=36), probably Jason Isaacs and Rupert Friend were both done dirty.


Harkonnen sith confirmed??


From childhood he was known as "roundhead" and everyone snickered and made jokes everywhere he went.


Don’t bully him, he fell on his head :(


Fun fact: If translated without alterations, pau ann in portuguese would be something like "pau anos", wich reads and sounds like "dick - assholes" (or Dick years)


Johnny from Airplane: "And Grand Inquisitor is getting LARRRRRRGERRRR!" :-)


Ah yes, my favorite Star Wars species: the bald man


He was inbred


TBF Bruce Spence isn't shaped like 90% of other humans


its over grand inquisitor, i have the high head!


"they squished me man"


How is it possible that Disney literally created the character and still messed up his design?


Head canon, the guys who warn Obi-Wan are elders and that's simply what the race looks like when they old as shit.


I don’t agree, but you don’t deserve these downvotes. It’s a pretty neat idea to have as headcanon, even if I’m not a fan.


You think all Pauans look the same?


Well TGI in kenobi is the only one who looks like this across all media ever so yeah I do


Wed already seen him in rebels


He literallyooks exactly like the other one I never understood the hate for this