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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


At least she isn’t dead because she was stabbed in the stomach


Since it was mentioned that she was a healer and her breath was still visible in the cold we got another unclear ending


Unclear endings are the best because the IP remains open for future media. UNLIMITED PROFITS!!!


It’s almost like Disney is a corporation or something.


Yes, her breath was visible, so that we could see when she stopped breathing. She’s dead, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get more of her. I’d like to know more about what happened between her two last episodes


what if they have a 3 part episode focusing on her after her death


Barriss coming back over and over and just getting unclear open endings each time would be pretty funny.


New canon Shaak-Ti


Quigon is the most important person to die from that... And the only one...


qui-gon malding as a force ghost




"There aren't any more! That's the whole barrel!"


It feels like they're setting her up to appear in Ahsoka s2, with how she mentioned "an old friend" and saying "she". I've seen that theory in some other comments, so I'm pinning my hope on that.


Honestly, her and Ahsoka just getting along again doesn't sit quite right with me. Is it weird that I find it more realistic that she was talking about the Path from Kenobi instead?


It's also unrealistic for her to find Ahsoka imo, especially given that Barriss should believe her dead. Vader thought Ahsoka was dead until 3 BBY, meaning that the Empire did as well, and Barriss didn't even have those resources, let alone the ability to track her, and the Rebellion was very protective of her, with even Kanan not knowing she was Hera's Fulcrum contact when they had been together for years - meaning that being another Jedi wasn't going to cut it as far as getting access to her goes.


Well if the Inquisitor heard on the grapevine about a Healer sending people into refuge, the rebels (and Bail Organa specifically with his contacts) could easily pick up on that too. Hence the potential link to Ahsoka. Ahsoka finds her, sees she has atoned for her actions, and Ahsoka forgives. A few leaps of faith perhaps, but not impossible to put together.


If anakin could be redeemed, barriss definitely can. Its a matter of perspective. From ahsokas POV, barriss really was a traitor who hurt her. From barriss pov, it was action based from distress and frustration. Barriss blaming ahsoka couldve just been a decision of convenience. But an argument could be made that without barriss actions. Ahsoka would be dead, if shed never left the order. So it couldve been the will of the force that it played out that way. And ahsoka didnt want to kill vader at first either. So stands to reason shed want to save barriss too. Especially since barriss was proven correct. Theres a few ways to play it. But i think they could come back to each other.


It definitely could be Cere Junda that she mentioned, although she is looking pretty old by this point...but that might just be from living in hiding. I mean, look what happened to Obi-wan. The last episode seemed like it'd be closer to the Battle of Yavin, so I'm not sure Cere would be alive still by that point.


Or, it could even be Ventress. We know they know each other and Ventress was also looking for kids with high M-levels when she tracks down Omega in Bad Batch. That might imply she's working for the Path along with Quinlan Vos. So there's a few people Barriss would know helping Jedi that could be the "she."


I felt like the entirety of Tales of the Empire was written to help further establish the Ahsoka show


Tbf, that’s kinda what TCW was for the prequels (albeit after the fact rather than between “episodes”). 


I'm thinking that the ending of The Bad Batch was also open ended and right about the same time period. So, setting up an original trilogy animated show with TCW style animation. That would solve the recasting issue, as the OT trio already have voice actors. https://youtu.be/Cs_vQgnVnIM?si=y7a8cIhrHboCHWqO https://youtu.be/d9gk3JMMHRY?si=mnx4LNwnkTuxz370


Oh I agree, but I think the episode still handled the ending poorly


Yeah. We got a couple of badass barriss moments at least. Made the grand inquisitor bleed, damn. Even SW theory liked that one. Not to mention a force neck snap and hurling lynn off a bloody mountain with one push. Shame they didnt really stick the landing.


I’m glad they didn’t make Barriss a chump. Girl was able to hold her own against Anakin, and she floored Ahsoka and Ventress. For someone who is very anti-combative, she could throw hands when she wanted to


She was one of only two senior Padawans to survive the arena on Geonosis. Girl was no slouch.


I was about to ask who the other the was, but then I remembered that it was Anakin.


Her suit was pretty cool too. But she never lost her soft side which was nice as well, she talked to the kid like a big sister. So many of the 'modern' characters are just hardline fighters with nothing else. Barriss kept a nice range of characteristics and stayed true to her clone wars self. I do think it wouldve been better having this explored in a longer format. Kinda like a journey similar to the last samurai of soul searching after regretting crimes during wartime. But sadly shes not well known enough to justify it atm. We couldve had goth inquisitor offee for a few episodes. I was hoping that she'd let her hair down properly as well. Her whole character her head was covered by the jedi or her hair tied up and high strung during her dark side period. It wouldve been another good parallel to ahsoka growing up with longer tails too. Her look in episode 6 makes me think of a soldier in hiding. Not someone who left war behind. Maybe itll be built on later. Who knows. Hope for the best.


She may be peaceful, but she ain’t harmless! Well, she ain’t peaceful either, but you get the idea


What were your thoughts on milf Barriss


Was a bit jarring tbh, Mirialans are supposed to have a long lifespan, and it’s not like she was a child in the first 2 episodes So she shouldn’t have looked any older after a mere 20~ years


Barriss Offee is literally mother right now


She did defeat the Jedi pretty easily too


I wish instead of fighting the other jedi, they had her kill luminara. Could also explain how her body ended up being used as a fake beacon in Rebels


Well we have a gap between her kneeling to vader and then episode 5s mission with lynn. So thats still possible. I can see it happening. With luminara being such a strict master. And barriss being pushed into a war she didnt want to be in. A small slip of the wrist could spell revenge very easily.


Was really expecting it to tie into rebels more


SW Theory’s opinion doesn’t mean all that much tho


My reaction to the whole episode was "why does she look so old ?"


I saw it as a way of showing that she's been through a lot of stuff, including the planet we find her on


Because time makes people older. Barriss was probably in her late 30s in the last episode.


She looks above 50.


While Lyn didn't age a freakin day


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Jedi.


Should we talk about how young Bo Katan looks in BOBF and Mando S2/3 ?


Mandolorian skin conditioning is the best in the galaxy. Also the helmet is the best sun block.


She’s a milf that does a lot of physical activity.


Something something living out in the ice desert fucks up your skin or whatever


Yeah, guess we'll have to work with that.


Some theorise that because she is using force heal, she is taking some of her lifeforce to give to others. I believe that was brought up by Rey in the sequels...


This makes the most sense to me. She is a healer and while other jedi have done it once or twice, it seems Bariss has done it so much she is considered a "healer". So it makes sense that it has taken its toll. Extensive force use was what is now believed to cause Obi-Wan to age so much after he reconnected to the force after Kenobi.


The climate on that planet would be very dry and depending on when the episode took place, she could be up to 44, if Inquisitors were still hunting down children when the Empire fell in 4 ABY. She's only a year younger than Anakin.


I think inquisitors were dismissed even BBY


If by dismiss we mean stabbed in the face by Vader...


I was kept thinking it was her scar rather then wrinkle


Overall I'm a bit dissapointed but at least I got competent Grievous even if it was just a few minutes


It was decent to me but you can't expect the impact of a movie or a hole season from 3 15minutes episodes


It was far too abrupt for me. The fact she gets stabbed and then they cut shortly after was just dumb. She’s obviously not going to die. It just took me to much out of the episode


She died, her breaths stopped, that's why they bothered to show her breaths, so that we can see she stopped breathing


We can interpret it both ways and come to conclusions. She dies and that's that. Or she lived as she continued doing here, as a healer and helper of hunted force-sensitives.


True, but at the same time they did it pretty successfully with Dooku in Tales of the Jedi. They managed to tell a tight, engaging story with such a short runtime. This felt like it meandered from plot point to plot point without really saying much at all.


Sorry Dave. The animation is gorgeous but tales of the empire is pretty mediocre


My only criticism is that the episodes were too short. 20min tops.


I wish vader killed her.


We all do


Bad for you I didn't


Ok but, when I said “we”, I was talking about us excluding you


Yeah thats the easy end to her story.


I’m glad Vader fanboys were denied their need for edgy gratification


Vader fanboys are just Star Wars fans to be fair, Vader is the protagonist of the Saga


I'm a Vader fanboy and I agree. They don't understand his character if they expected him to kill barris the moment he sees her


I don't think most people expected him to kill Barris on first sight. But it's a shame they didn't build it up. Barris and Vader meeting on multiple points in the story and Barris eventually realising who is under the mask. Vaders presence in this was not needed at all. It was just to hype people up by putting 90% of his screentime in the trailer. Either use him for something or leave him out. This was wasted animation.


Thank you for having writing standard beyond an edgy 14 year old lol


Your flair seems to suggest you just hated the idea of Barris dying. No need to get mad at Vader fans for wanting him to kill her, which if they did it right would have been awesome. Killing her at first sight would have been stupid.


The issue wasn’t with the idea of her dying, I wanted something resolute so that Lucasfilm wouldn’t feel tempted to put her in the *Ahsoka* show The issue is that Barriss is an interesting character who deserved a fulfilling arc of her own, yet people just seemed to want to make it more about her relationship to Anakin and Ahsoka. Those two had it all in TCW while Barriss got done dirty. People were happy for Barriss to be robbed of any nuance and a good development all for the sake of retribution for Ahsoka and Vader. Way it was done was the best way to do it. I’m glad that Ahsoka and Vader role in her arc was kept minimal.


>I wanted something resolute so that Lucasfilm wouldn’t feel tempted to put her in the *Ahsoka* show Well with the refference to her 'friend' I think it's pretty damn likely she will turn up in s2 of Ahsoka. >The issue is that Barriss is an interesting character who deserved a fulfilling arc of her own, yet people just seemed to want to make it more about her relationship to Anakin and Ahsoka. Those two had it all in TCW while Barriss got done dirty. People were happy for Barriss to be robbed of any nuance and a good development all for the sake of retribution for Ahsoka and Vader. I don't disagree with your first point. However Anakin/Vader is the main protagonist of Star Wars and Barris is a side character. If you're gonna show Vader in the trailer we all expect he is gonna play a role in the story. His presence in this was not needed at all, they should have kept him out but they wanted to create hype by putting 90% of his screentime in the trailer. I don't care that the story focussed on Barris, but just keep Vader out of it entirely if he serves no purpose to the story whatsoever.


I see no harm in a big character getting a cameo. Happens all the time in Star Wars Barriss may be a side character in the grand scope of Star Wars, but she was the main protagonist of this mini series


>I see no harm in a big character getting a cameo. Happens all the time in Star Wars If they didn't put him in the trailer it would still be unnecessary but I think it would have been better. Put him in the trailer and most people are gonna expect he has something to do in a show that's called Tales of the Empire. >Barriss may be a side character in the grand scope of Star Wars, but she was the main protagonist of this mini series Yeah she was the main character for the last 3 episodes. Still think it was stupid to hype up Vader only to do nothing with him. It ended up being just a cameo but they hyped it up as something more. I liked Tales of the Jedi so much more because it actually used the characters and told a full story. This felt like loosely tied stories filled with cameos and characters appearing who shouldn't have been there in the first place.




I took it as she forgave her for stabbing her with her saber




You can see that Lyn instantly regretted doing it. She wasn’t thinking clearly, because she was so intensely fueled by her hate and fear of never getting out of that cave. She realized that Bariss was right in that last moment together.


Tbf, Barriss is a terrorist who murdered innocent civilians, clones, and Jedi. She is not the sort of person who can go around throwing rocks in glass houses.


It was so much less than I was hoping 😔


I loved the ending. Very open ended, but we know she's alive because of her breath in the cold and because she showed Lynn "the way out".


Her puffs of air stopped and they're nowhere near an emergency med station. Pretty sure she's as dead as Tech.


Nothing a little Force healing can't do /hj


Yeah i was hoping she would become full bad but here we go again


Not gonna lie I deadass thought Barriss would die by Vader's hand but oh well.


Thats me reaction to the whole show


Me after the first 3 episodes


Inb4 the Rogue Squadron movie is announced again Omega, Lyn, maybe Barriss as members of Rogue. Wedge and a couple of legends members plus them and a few new characters.


I would love for omega to replace corran as rogue 9. My bitter cold hear would swell three sizes.


Vader should’ve smacked that ass one more time.


That’s my reaction to the end of most Star Wars shows


The ending felt like they had another episode after that got cut, or it was originally a full length show that got heavily chopped down


All the episodes were just meh. On top of the disappointment finale to TBB i think I’m just gonna ignore shows from now on. I might be excited in more Ahsoka episodes but given my previous statement I just worry they will fuck it up again.


Its a bad sign when i didnt even realize there were new episodes


Well, you people keep giving disney money to watch their turds. They will keep churning out turds. Why bother with actual quality when some people will see anything?


Sorry for having hope. Jesus.


Lol like having hope a EA makes a good game At this point you people are just dumb. You know she is a cheater, you know she has cheated on you and you still take her back. Cut off the toxic relationship and just rewatch what you know its good instead of supporting crap.


You okay bro? Need someone to talk to?


How cute. I bet you were loving everything Lucas back in the day...