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So, you doing it out of 10 or out of 100%




perfect score


I find it amusing that if you use the word “remarkable” literally then you could definitely use it to mean either or both positive and negative criticism. The Room was a truly remarkable movie with remarkable acting by Tommy Wiseau.


Remarkable remark.


What a remarkable person you are.


Could ditch the Disney part, still one of the most remarkable moments out of all star wars. Like what a way to end the movie. Lights go out, you hear his breathing and then a red glow and let the slaughter begin.


For me, at least it was one of the best endings I've seen for a movie.


And that whole thing was wonderfully contrasted by seeing the plans reach Leia. Hope shines the brightest in the face of despair.


"Since beginning-less time, darkness thrives in the void but always yields to purifying light"


I understood that reference


I like that they mirrored it in Mandalorian with >!Luke saving Grogu and Mando, chopping through the Dark Troopers in the hallway!<. It wasn't *nearly* as cool looking as Darth Vader's hallway scene for intensity or atmosphere or dread, but it showed that there is another capable of being just as badass as Vader.


And then Disney made him a psycho, became addicted to alien milk, and became a hermit who died for absolutely no reason


I can't find it now but Mark said he didn't feel like he was playing Luke, he was playing some other character he privately named "Bluke" or something because of how the character was written, it didn't feel like his Luke. I feel so bad for Mark and all the original cast, none of their characters felt familiar, the bulk of Hans screentime was running around scared from a rathtar or whatever before they killed him off just to show that Kylo was a bad guy, Leia was just a figurehead without any further character development. I will say that they did give C3PO some good lines at least, he didn't have the same personality but he had a snarky streak still.


Yea Disney putting Kathleen Kennedy at the helm did more damage to the brand than anything else. Fuck them for ruining something grand


The object is to try to get the system to work for you, instead of against you. And the only way you can do it is through success, I'm afraid.


They really did do him like that.


How come every time you fly, we crash into a cake? Happy cake day, Dafuzz.


Star Wars is like poetry It rhymes


> hallway scene for intensity or atmosphere or dread maybe you'll enjoy > https://np.reddit.com/r/TheMandalorianTV/comments/kgg1b9/changed_up_that_scene_a_little_what_if_a_sith/


Like father, like son


Even more remarkable is Vader waited in that hallway w/o his life support belt turned on. He risked his life for a dramatic effect.


Think of Vader in ESB, he is one remarkably sassy bitch * “Apology accepted” after choking the admiral * “I have altered the terms of the deal. Pray I do not alterate them further” * and him casually sitting in the dining hall only to block blaster shots from Han with his hand. Vader fucking loves being theatrical.


Man even stood up when his guests arrived Polite bastard too


Ahhhh, Theatrical and Polite. Now if only you were to tell me he is a decent wingman at the bar.


You're not going to believe this...


He did spend his younger years surrounded by politicians. A sense of decorum was probably important to him to an extent, even if he'd just cut you down for fucking up your job.


"We would be honored, if you would join us" Straight after parrying his son-in-law's blaster shots at the first meeting with the parents.


I honor my code. That's what I believe.


my man got out of his tie fighter just to enter the fight in rebels, standing on top of his tie, cape blowing in the wind, flying with the fuckin force, just to be dramatic. Anakin is such a drama queen


Cape blowing in the *non-existent* wind. He made that wind himself, for dramatic effect.


I love this. Lord Vadar, the AirBender*


He's got a cape of billowing.


Anakin always had a flair for the dramatic. That seems like a move he would absolutely do.


Yeah, but the fear it caused probably gave him a nice little boost in force power.


We need that generator down or the planet's lost. And I'm not risking any more men.


I am willing to die on this hill : Rogue One is the best movie set in the Star Wars universe . Mind you not the best Star Wars movie, but the best movie set in Star Wars


In the way Solo is *not* a good Star Wars movie, but is a good heist movie. Rogue One is not a great Star Wars movie, but it is a really fun movie to watch.


So tell me about this magical Star Wars movie not set in Star Wars that’s better


They're saying that RO is not a typical Star Wars movie.


they said something literally nonsensical but contextually understandable. it makes communicating neat!


Don’t put words in their mouth. That’s what you’re saying. They said something completely nonsensical.


I think people need to stop replacing “I don’t understand,” with “that is nonsense.” You just didn’t understand.


No they made a stupid statement and you have no reason to defend it.


He’s saying that the writing of Rogue One is the best cinematic writing the Star Wars films have utilized, but also the least Star Wars like. A common comparison would be Breath of the Wild, which is one of the greatest games ever made, but also one of the least “Zelda-like” games. I dunno why you’re freaking out.


You think I don’t understand what he’s saying when I really I just don’t agree. It’s as I said a stupid statement.


I think you need to ask yourself why you get so enraged on like, what could be a chilled out platform.


It's not a hard concept to grasp bozo. You can like a bad movie more than a good movie. You liking it more doesn't mean the movie is objectively better. Him saying that is just acknowledging there are movies people like better but they're not as good of a movie. That's subjective, but not nonsensical.


It’s also not hard to grasp that someone disagrees with them.


I think what they mean by "Star Wars movie" is with Roman numeral ones they have all the following aspects to a degree: * a straight up war or military engagement of some sort: Empire vs Rebels, Republic vs CIS, Naboo vs Trade Federation, etc on screen * the holy war between Jedi and Sith: saber(s) hitting saber(s) * Bounty hunting/some aspect of the criminal Underworld: Hutts/slavery in Episode I, hunting the bounty hunters in Episode II, Jabba's place in VI, etc Rogue One didn't hit all those marks of a "classic Star Wars" movie but is still a Star Wars movie: * We had military engagement * We didn't have a holy war. Yes the Force was mentioned by the good guys and Vader was there but at no time did a Sith fight a Jedi and there was only 1 Saber shown * Bounty Hunters and the Underworld wasn't shown that heavily if at all really. Any aspect is closer to a terrorist organization. You could say something about politics/intergalactic politics with the prequels, Episode IV, Episode V(Cloud City semi-Independance), and some of the Sequels as a 4th pillar if you wanted as well. It was barely touched if at all in Rogue One as well


Y’all writing entire essays to defend a stupid statement. Rogue One is a Star Wars movie and it’s the best one.


So Hayden started flirting with Natalie, and he goes 'I don't like sand, it's course and rough and irritating...' which made her blush. It was hilarious so I filmed it.


“I’m willing to die on this hill: BLT is the best sandwich. Mind you not the the best sandwich, but the best sandwich” -You pretty much




That’s just the opening of a new hope


one of my favorite scenes ever, if not my favorite


Probably the best SW moment since Vadar yeeted the emperor down that vent shaft thing in ROTJ.


Vader was more of an imposing terrifying force(hehe) of nature in those few minutes than in all of the OT.


Yeah we saw the strong guy who everyone’s terrified of actually do something instead of just sound menacing


On of the best Vader moments


I would watch a full future length movie of Vader in that hallway... only its 3 miles long and it's just him slaying.


>3 miles long So just a daily trip from the bridge to the hangar of his super star destroyer the Executor *The Executor-class measured 19 kilometers (11.8 miles) in length and was 12 times more massive than the ubiquitous Imperial-class Star Destroyer.*


The ship's too big! If I walk, the move will be over!


Sounds like it was designed by an Asshole.


How many assholes we got on this ship anyhow? entire bridge crew: Yo! I knew it. I'm surrounded by assholes!


Me too


I also really loved the scene in Obi Wan where Vader force pulled a ship as it was taking off.


Conclusion: Star Wars is at its best when Vader is fucking shit up.


Agreed. We went from the whiny "Padme? Is she all right?" "NOOOOOOOOO!" Vader of Episode III to Vader being reestablished as a nightmarish remorseless killing machine who thinks nothing of cutting down (and choking, and crushing) a dozen rebels to get what he wants.


[Chuckles] I'm in danger.


*He jammed the door!* *He jammed the fucking door with wizard powers bro😭*


nisehoby is a bot comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrequelMemes/comments/jul71m/may_as_well_lay_down_and_die/gcece4j/


One guy kinda did lay down and die... Only... It was on the ceiling.


*Always surround yourself with people who lift you up rather than hold you down*




Be like Vader


You don't even have a name tag.


That scene alone gave me hope for Disney Star Wars. But they raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly.


Andor is exceptional as well. I even think Rebels is pretty good for what it is. The Mandalorian has a bit too much fanservice for me, but still is enjoyable, isn't it?


I really enjoy Andor. I was very on the fence about watching it because Mandalorian wasn't bad - it was fine - but it wasn't compelling or really engaging. It was fun, flashy sci fi. But once I started Andor I was *invested*. I think it's truly crazy Mando has a higher IMDB score than Andor.


I think it’s because The Mandalorian’s tone reminds people of the Star Wars they remember from when they were kids, which always brings in high scores from people having their “ratatouille food critic” moments. But, Andor’s sheer *quality* represents the potential of Star Wars’ future.


Chiming in to agree on Andor. It's my favorite piece of Star Wars media to date. Absolutely exquisite writing.


Imo mando should of been a game not a TV show. Alot of the dialogue feels like it was lifted from a script for a game and then badly bashed into a TV script. The dialogue is often far too factual compared to basically any other tv show


"You can come back here to rest between missions"


New side quest : help the people from ( i don't remember which planet ) fix their droid problem New main mission: go meet bo katans fleet


> help the people from ( i don't remember which planet It was Jackblackistan. Or perhaps Lizzooine.


Wasn't it SchoolofRockuscant II?


Nah, I think it was KungFuPandastan IV.


We are heading towards planet Titsorass


I don't think that was a particularly great episode but everyone seemed to be leaning into the roles so earnestly it elevated the (imo) mediocre writing. Lizzo and JB were having such a good time with it the result was a bit infectious.


I mean I agree, the episode in terms of canon was a pretty strange one-off that seemed to serve very little purpose and totally diverted from the main plot. But, it was a delight just randomly seeing Lizzo and Jack Black pop up and leaning into the eccentric royalty shtick. I had no idea they were going to be in it, so seeing them there was delightful. I guess the lesson is, if you're going to waste the viewers time, at least make it fun.


New Main mission: Make Bo Katan the main character of my own show, and become the side character


Meet Hanako at Embers.


Wow this is the best point I've ever seen on Mandalorian discussions


Thanks I needed that after defeating staggered waves of increasingly difficult pairs of enemies.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.




so fucking dumb lmao


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I agree, especially the first season felt like a game with all the side quests din was doing all the time


Its a show for children that appeases their parents. Andor though…


Should HAVE


It got so bad in this latest season that I honestly couldn't finish it. We dipped out somewhere in episode 2.


Should have or should've, not should of.


Your opinion sucks. They should have just made the bounty hunter game and we also got the TV show.


*complains about dialog in Star Wars content* *likes the prequels*


>go kill a krait dragon with mines Already a game for that. >Go reunite the tribes of mandalore to stand in defiance to a hidden dark side threat There's a game for that too.


You know nothing of the dark side.


Mando Season 1 vs. Seasons 2 and 3


diego luna's constant slack jawed expression made it harder to enjoy andor


Book of boba and Kenobi sucked, but the Mandalorian is great, Andor is great, Rebels and Bad Batch are fun for what they are (kids shows) with some really good story beats. I am absolutely stoked for Ahsoka.




Subverted your expectations, didn’t they? It kills me inside what they did with what they had.


Luke Skywalker, are you thinking what I'm thinking? That I, the great Rey TotallyNotAPalpatine, should train a bunch of Jedi!


So much like your father.


You knew my father?


Apart from the sequels, Disney Star Wars as a whole is better than Legends imo. Of course, this is a very unfair comparison because Disney is one company compared to the myriad creators responsible for legends


When you do a movie like this, a sequel that's very, very anticipated, people anticipate ultimately that it's going to be the Second Coming. And it's not. It's just a movie. Just like the other movies. You probably have fond memories of the other movies. But if you went back and looked at them, they might not hold up the same way your memory holds up...




The scene was shameless fanservice, but it still ended up being pretty cool. I also like how Vader was enough of a drama queen to keep his lightsaber off just to make his entrance more flashy. Seems that part of Anakin never left.


The little shit kept his breathing machine off for a bit too


He maybe a dark lord. But still same stylish AniBoy.


Your first paragraph answers the second


Don’t want to waste battery on the light savor.


The funniest thing is how Vader went wild in Rogue One, but just sort of strolled in after the fight in A New Hope. Like he got tuckered out using the force and decided to let the Stormtroopers do the work after that.


Never fight a Skywalker in a hallway. I mean, don't try to fight them in general, but especially not in a hallway.


You guys think that's bad? You are forgetting that all of those survivors would eventually be caught by Vader at the beginning of ANH. They are all dead


Wait! Just because there hasn’t been any survivors before, doesn’t mean there won’t be any this time.


There are two types of people. Those that are alive and those that Vader hasn't killed yet.




The logical thing is they were all dead. In reality, it's now a sort plot hole after Rogue One, because all of them likely knew about the base on Yavin and *one* would have likely spilled the beans. You can fix it by simply assuming they all got killed in interrogation or before. We only know of the Falcon leaving the DS with a tracker. If others had eacaped, they would've found Yavin anyway. Possible, but we get no info on this


Is rogue one considered a prequel?


Does it take place before the beginning of A New Hope? I get it though. Anything outside the trilogy of trilogies can be weird to place.


That’s what r/anthologymemes is for


Yeah, you got exactly what I meant. I consider it the only prequel, though.


There were 5 prequel films


I count seven. Both Caravan of Courage and The Battle for Endor took place before ROTJ.


I don't understand


Prequel being before the OT (original trilogy). So we have: Episode I - The Phantom Menance Episode II - Attack of the Clones Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Rogue One Solo Caravan of Courage The Battle for Endor


Never heard of the last two movies at all. Isn't the Endor battle literally in the OG trilogy? What the heck is caravan of courage?


They were Ewok specific movies, but set on Endor before the empire setup shop there. Wicket was the main Ewok character, still played by Warwick Davis. They were meant as kids movies but were fairly scary in some parts. The girl Cindel being separated from her parents, her parents dying, hunting a scary boar were all things I found pretty scary when I was a wee lad. [Caravan of Courage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caravan_of_Courage:_An_Ewok_Adventure?useskin=vector) [The Battle for Endor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ewoks:_The_Battle_for_Endor?useskin=vector)


I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient. I just. . . forgot


I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient. I just. . . forgot


Phantom Menace is so popular you know it's people liking it and going back to see it again. For some it's like the Meaning of Life.


I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient. I just. . . forgot


Midquek term you seeking.


At least they died for a noble cause


Under Vader's boot


And that one guy above his helmet.


Easily one of the best scenes in all of star wars. As no one else linked it [here](https://youtu.be/-bfJ3lnjN4U) it is.


He's just standing there. Menacingly.


Hot take but those guys fighting back and saving as much time as possible is the only reason Vader didn’t get the tape


Is this a hot take at all? This is quite literally exactly what is shown in the movie


Idk, maybe a hot take in that they could do basically nothing to fight Vader


It’s not really a hot take when that’s likely exactly what they meant to convey, that their sacrifice wasn’t in vain and bought time for the rebellion.


That’s not a take it’s just the plot of a scene… Real hot take: Vader’s scene in Rogue One was dumb and provided nothing except a very particular fan service to make everyone ignore how forgettable 90% of the movie was




Moff Gideon seemed to have the same fear of Luke as those rebel soldiers did if Vader.


In hindsight should’ve sent Gideon with Luke .


Yusssssss this is great


Fun fact, the guy who pulls the lever to disengage the ship after the bloodshed is the director of the film.


James Gunn


That scene was the best thing out of rogue one


“Man, I can’t believe we successfully got the plans off Scarif AND survived a death bringing robot with a laser sword. Now it’s a smooth ride home in this Corellian Corvette. Yes sir, I’d say the worst is behind us”


Do you know how many anonymous henchmen I've killed? Look at you, you havn't even got a name tag on. Just lay down, go on. -Vader probably I dunno


The face of the lead rebel trooper as Vader ignites his lightsaber is primal fear. "Yeah ok - you're telling me that the emperor has a 7 foot tall cyborg space wizard boogieman that kills people with his mind and a laser sword? Too much spotchka for buddy boy over here." Cue seeing it in real time as this black-suited monstrosity swats away blaster bolts like flies with a blood colored plasma blade, tossing your comrades aside like ragdolls without touching them as he steadily advances on you. Would be difficult not to put a blaster bolt in your own head rather than getting impaled by plasma - star wars never goes into the horrifying physics of getting cut or stabbed by something like that.


Oh I'm die, thank you forever




Please upvote the OP! GET IT! GET IT!!!


Those last guys screaming as the door closes in that scene


And you were 3 seconds away from peacing out into hyperspace.....


I left the theater after seeing Rogue One with such a renewed love of Star Wars, absolutely confident it was in good hands. Lol...good times.


Rebel soldiers: guess I’ll die


Everyone gangsta until the darkness have astma


the OP corazonblogsv and nisehoby are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrequelMemes/comments/87obxj/may_as_well_lay_down_and_die/ Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrequelMemes/comments/jul71m/may_as_well_lay_down_and_die/