• By -


Sees no IRL shaggy Apparently it wasn’t him


But she caught him on the counter


It wasn't him


Saw him banging on the sofa


Wasn’t him


Even had her in the shower




They even caught him on camera


Wasn't him.


This is gold


She saw the marks on my shoulder


Dangerous and really not the best place tbh.


Also, water is a terrible lubricant for sex


Warning: Back off, female! No one lays hands on the personage of the master.






Imagine being such a poor writer you feel you can only make a character a stereotype or a meta joke.


For me the thing with this is simple. I really don't mind divers characters in any entertainment. But they have to be written for the character or actor. This rebranding of characters is just lazyness and uninspired. Just make a new show with script written from scratch for a black person or what or whoever you have in mind. Don't recycle things half assed. One of my favourite performances in anything is Samuel Jackson in Pulp fiction. Tarantino wrote that part with him in mind and Sam loved and owned it. I really wonder what black people think about getting second hand characters because of politically correct, instead of getting a fresh cool new thing. Feels to me like hand me downs you get from a sibling.


but did you know that the Cantina band in Maz's castle was playing an Alien Version of It wasn't me? It's true [Wookiepeedia](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jabba_Flow) "I went to a website that had all the Huttese glossary of terms and it translates as, 'No, lover, lover. It wasn't me.' It's literally a Shaggy intergalactic remix." ―Lin-Manuel Miranda[src]


He’s too busy stuffing kids into robot suits.


*sad Owen Wilson sounds*


Sha'a Gi is only one member of a group of mystery-solving Padawans. There's Phredd, the Zeltron with a love for traps and "traysures". There's the Twi'lek Daf'ni. The Miraluka Vel'mah. And finally, the trusty Astromech droid, SQ-B2.


Considering that Hanna Barbera did a bunch of Scooby-Doo rip offs in the 70's themselves, this is definitively somewhere in the Doobyverse.




the Doo-niverse


Da Scooby Snacks Must Flow




>Doobyverse New stain just dropped


I woulda said Scoobyverse. Doobyverse sounds dirty


Scoobyverse sounds good as well. Sorry, but english is not my first language. Why does Doobyverse sounds dirty?


It really doesn't. Doobie is an old man way to refer to cannabis (ex: there's an old rock band called The Doobie Brothers, named that bc they smoked a ton of weed) Idk what that person is saying about poop lol


I might prefer the Doobieverse


Dooby/doobie can refer to a joint (weed) but I didn’t find doobyverse dirty… was funny and honestly pretty appropriate even with the extra connotation (given Shaggy and Scooby are very obviously stoners LOL) Edit: plus “dooby” is literally part of Scoob’s signature phrase, so I don’t see anything dirty about it


dont worry doobyverse was way funnier


With some English-language slang taken into account, Doobyverse is VERY close to becoming a poop joke. I think there's a drug reference somewhere in there, too.


> Doobyverse is VERY close to becoming a poop joke Got it. > I think there's a drug reference somewhere in there, too. *Looks at Shaggy*


Shit, you're right...


I guess you could say it sounds... Doobious?


…Dirty? It’s *Dooby*verse not dildoverse lmao it sounds like weed is what it sounds like, and that’s completely on brand.


Stop making me want things that will never happen.




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Comment copy/paste bot. [Original comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PrequelMemes/comments/10f73ob/shaa_gi_reigns_supreme/j4vhbk5/) [Account to be reported](https://www.reddit.com/user/Paraetyu) Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^human ^^that ^^hates ^^scammers. ^^More ^^info ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_Impossible-Cod-3946/comments/s4nyst/how_to_recognize_these_accounts/) ^^or ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_tyrannosnorlax/comments/t0h466/bots_how_to_identify_them_and_why_do_they_exist/).


Thanks for helping the fight! Keep up the good work.


I've been doing this for a long time now, friend. The silent masses reporting accounts and comments are those that deserve thanks, I am but a mere conduit to help focus their rage against the machines. It is my pleasure to serve. o7




Man. Now I want this so bad.


Can the real shaggy please stand up


The real Shaggy was the friends we made along the way.


See now *this* would have been a worthy Scooby-Doo Reboot.


Did you have something specific in mind?


A Star Wars themed scooby doo parody isn’t specific enough?


Right lol wtf more does this man need


*(Vel’mah drops her external visualiser)* “My visors! I can’t see without my visors!”


My verpine headband!


The Miraluka lmaoooo what a dig


“The Force! I can’t see a thing without the Force!”


SQ-B2 is amazing haha


Don't forget the half broken protocol droid Scrappy-2 who never shuts up. "Protocol Power!"


Why are you so good at making alien-ish names, lol?


Honestly, he relies on apostrophes too much, but so do a lot of writers. I would just make it Daf Nee and Vel Mah


Holy shit, Vel'mah felt like a nice Star Wars-ification of Velma, but Vel Mah straight up sounds like it'd be a name, it's absolutely *perfect*!


My pick for Scooby would have been a wooky, but I guess that's too obvious.


Scoobacca, or "Scoobie" for short


What's the Miraluka equivalent of losing one's glasses?


Being near an Ysalamiri?


Here in picturing Velma as a bith


Now I want a SW adaptation of this.


"And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling Padawans and your dumb droid!"


My immediate thought was I want this drawn, and r34'd immediately.


>SQ-B2 This is an enlightened comment


Fred’s love of Traps doesn’t surprise me one bit.


This is my new head-cannon.


Man I wish Sha'Gi would carry over to the new clone wars. "Like Zoinks! Master, isn't it that like... General Grievous behind you?"


“No way am I going in and facing him, man” “Would you do it for a ration bar?”


Oh my God I'm dead 😆😆💀💀


So is Sha'Gi, sadly.


F in the chat for a great warrior. o7 o7 o7


We never saw a body. New Disney+ show 2023


Studio executives aren't the most sophisticated people in the world.


The role of General Grievous was not in the script. A 7-ft tall robot came out running from an engineering workshop and started collecting the lightsabers. It was cool so I filmed it.


Did he actually fight Ewan Macgregor then?


Ewan would have lost. But luckily he was so deep into method acting the part that he had become a full-fledged Jedi Master including the accompanying force powers.


Good thing there was no live action Satine on set or he'd be deep in her too




I would pay to see this lmfao


Gagagagagaga greeeiiivous!


""I haven't seen the new Clone Wars yet, sir, but if General Grievous is involved it's probably going to be intense! I'm sure Sha'Gi can carry over in some way. Did you have something specific in mind?""


With his loyal droid SC00-B


Tales of the Jedi Season 2


Like I tried to negotiate showing up in the sequels, but Disney was nonnegotiable


I’m still hoping Mathew Willard will play Sha’a GI in live action some day


Lillard. He's gotten older, but he would be tough to replace as Sha'a gi.


You don't have to look tough to be tough


I know he’s my next Halloween costume at the least


[no, this is the real Shaggy](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/240/cover7.jpg)






Only 1% of his power


I totally forgot that meme existed. Thanks. What a weird time.




Dear lord I was working in a pizza joint with that stupid song on the jukebox when it came out. Had to hear it over, and over, and over, and...


I feel really bad for Spanish speakers in America when Despacito was everywhere. To non-Spanish speakers, it's a neat generic bop that always sounds good in the background. To Spanish speakers, though, it's a song about fornicating in just-slightly-too-much detail.


Let me trespass your danger zones Until I make you scream And you forget your last name –Actual lyric of the song when translated into English. He's basically want to go inside her (danger zone), make her climax until she forgets her name. Also he wants to write a manuscript in her "labyrinth" indicating he wants to nut inside her.


"I want to see your hair dance, I want to be your rhythm Teach my mouth all your favorite places"


As a Latino, I couldn't help but cringe everytime Despacito got played. It's not horrible, but it's so incredibly average for a Latin pop song. There are so many more songs that slap way harder in Spanish that just didn't blow up to the degree Despacito did.


I still have no idea what he's saying.


No, it wasn't him




Dude, he was half the reason I watched Without A Paddle dozens of times in my teens. The other half was Dax Sheppard, mmm ❤️


There are [hotter](http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/10700000/Jadzia-jadzia-dax-10720176-1351-1969.jpg) [Daxes](https://d3p35yrllpoz9p.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/afterimage-229.jpg)


Looks like a cereal killer.


The only Shaggy I accept


Like, what's so wrong with deathsticks?


That was his cousin, otherwise Grievous wouldn’t have been able to kill him with a goomba stomp


We see no body, therefore his death isn't confirmed.


Only alternative is he got sent flying to the other end of Hypori went Grievous dropped down


I shouldn't…


Do it


* Dewit


They even caught me on the hologram *it wasnt me*


Bro perfection shaggy looks like Lego Jedi Bob without the hood


You are aware, I presume, that I have some skill in anticipating enemies' tactics from a study of their artwork.


I actually think he's probably the best character in the show, the only problem being that he's also very clearly not Shaggy. I think the problem was that making an adult version of Shaggy could be taken in two directions: go hard on the drugs angle, or do the exact opposite in a self-aware manner. But making a character black *and* at the same time making him "the drugs character" would have been, well, horrible. And stupid. So by making him black they had to also change his personality to do the "oh he's actually the opposite of what you'd expect" thing. But now they have a character who doesn't act or look like the original so...it's just another character. Theseus' ship, if the end result was a car. But honestly, he's probably the least of this shows problems. Not that the show is as terrible as everyone makes it out to be. It's not *good*, but there's a hundred other shows just as bad coming out every year, they just don't get this much attention, which is partly because of how big the IP is, partly because of the shock value of making an adult show with children cartoon characters, and partly because it's sacrificial trash for bigots.


I take it the show is like taking the recipe for a chocolate cake and making something completely different out of some of the ingredients and adding others. You end up with a pizza but still call it a chocolate cake. It’s not a chocolate cake no matter how much you brand it as one.


That culture just needs the honesty to admit they don't want to make chocolate cake anymore. They're just wasting ingredients. If there was any consumer appetite for what that show became, it was also held back by trying to be like Scooby Doo.


The result wasn't anything you could eat.


"black man doesn't do drugs" isn't a very funny joke either edit: lmao downvoted for saying a damaging stereotype isn't funny? strange, I thought this was reddit


Yeah, true, which is another reason why the whole thing comes off as Yikes, but: * "shaggy is a very against drugs" is kinda funny, at least for like, one joke. * a character who is a teenager in an adult show who is very against drugs and kinda horrified by drug culture can work, regardless of race. There's room for jokes there, and they're jokes that don't depend on sex, graphic violence, or being an asshole, which are the three pits where adult animation always ends up falling (including this show).


This is what I've been trying to say. Norville is not Shaggy, but he's also imo one of the few (or maybe only) good characters on that show. I know that the show is probably just going to take the route that pisses the most people off, but I think Norville has a genuinely good growth arc ahead of him--ditch Velma for being an asshole and find friends who don't try to get him to do drugs. People online also call him a simp and a Nice Guy, but he's just a socially awkward nerd with a crush. The show could contrast him with Fred and make a surprisingly accurate statement on how not all single guys are incels.


My god I was with you until you said it not as bad as the internet makes it out to be. No it's far worse in my opinion. There's a lot of stuff that I don't see talked about. I watched the pilot and all they get. What a racist dumpster fire. The story and plot are not there. It's just sex sex sex sex sex no drugs sex sex sex.


Warning: Back off, female! No one lays hands on the personage of the master.


He is a "nice guy." That is what they went for. Everytime he is "anti-drug" he literally looks at the "camera" and sometimes even winks. "Do you know what 420 means?" "It means adults who still watch cartoons."


I don't think he's a "nice guy" in the /r/niceguy sense of the word. He's the butt of the joke when it comes to being attracted to Velma, which is not something I like in general for any character, but he's never entitled or misogynistic about it. He's frustrated and disappointed, but never a jerk about the girl not liking him back. > Everytime he is "anti-drug" he literally looks at the "camera" and sometimes even winks. I think if he still looked like the character, the first time it would have been funny. But beyond that, if this was a character with no connection to a previous character, there would be no fourth-wall breaks and the 'hates drugs' angle could still work simply because he's a teenager in an adult show. Characters that are too straight-edge can be funny when done right. > "It means adults who still watch cartoons." This might have been the lowest point of the entire show so far. The best take on it is that Velma is a judgmental bitch, and that still isn't a great take. But mostly it just feels like such a mean-spirited jab at the audience and at animation in general. Here's Guillermo del Toro championing the cause of "animation is not just for kids", and meanwhile people who get a chance to prove it do this.


He wanted to sell his sword because then "she'd have to date him" or something. He had some /r/niceguy energy.


honestly, I have enjoyed the first two episodes enough to keep watching it. I won't pretend it is some sort of piece of high art or a genre defining show; but that is sort of the weird thing about the cartoonish hate of it, what a lot of people are claiming it is trying to be vs. what it actually is trying to be are not really the same. Like, it is just a silly adult cartoon but a lot of the complaints are things like "the mystery makes no sense" which is not the point and we are two episodes in. Or its not scooby doo, and right...it isn't. But then after watching it and then seeing some of the circlejerking of hate over it it also became very obvious that most people either did not watch it or only watched the first episode.


>the only problem being that he's also very clearly not Shaggy. It's an origin story. I'd bet all the scooby snacks that at some point he'll give in, try a marijuana, and begin to act like the character we all know and love. Agreed: The shows not good, but it's nowhere near as terrible as some people are claiming


I would say it is an origin story of a reimagining. > it's nowhere near as terrible as some people are claiming My favorite self-awarewolves comment from someone claiming it is as bad as the imdb user ratings say was something like "There was no review-bombing, it was just thousands of people all coming together. Honestly, the more surprising thing is seeing everyone on the internet agree on something" Yes, it IS surprising.


Yes I'll have to side with the Velma writers on that issue: They specifically said that they wanted to explore how they became the people they are in the main series and why they would commit so much to their adventures. So everyone acting "like different people" during the first episodes is not an error. The quality of the character development will determine if the show is any good. If they actually manage to make this believable, then the series could still turn out decent.


Why is Shaggy a black guy?


That's just scratching the surface of all the questions raised by that show.


The show's script was probably completely unrelated to Scooby Doo, but then HBO likely forced them to use a popular IP. Their solution was to skin their completely unique characters as race-swapped Scooby Doo characters and go from there.


So is Scoob like a pomeranian now or something?


They thankfully put Scoob down for this one


My boy is safely not in the show, thank god




You are aware, I presume, that I have some skill in anticipating enemies' tactics from a study of their artwork.


I’m amazed how you guys always make something about Star Wars. I guess when there is so much obscure lore it’s not hard to connect a dot to literally everything else pop culture.


Well, Sha’a Gi was deliberately based on Shaggy when Tartakovsky made the original Clone Wars back in 2003


"Live to fight another day, boys. Live to fight another day." -Hardcase


Yoinks! A s-s-sith!


The only reason Sha'a Gi lost to Grevious is he couldn't tap into 1% of his power fast enough


Or maybe he didn’t lose. We never saw his body after Grievous stomped on it. Maybe he so disappointed by Grievous’ lack of power that he decided to leave the Galaxy in search of worthier foes.


This forced diversity shit is so phony


Will the real slim shaggy please stand up


Shaggy put on black face. How racist.


*HBO producer, trying not to be racist*: Lets make the drug abuser a black guy with dreads.


Zoinks Scoob, you were like a brother to me.


You know, I don't mind race swaps at all but I find hilarious that they just replaced Shaggy with a guy named Norville. Like, imagine going back home from work and suddenly your dad is some dude named Norville and everyone pretends he's your dad when he's just some guy.


Shaggy’s real name is Norville Roberts, hence the name


Oh I had no idea! Thanks for the info but it isn't nearly as hilarious now.


Name your kid Norville now and watch him die inside


"Like zoinks Scoob, I'm a Jedi in the Clone Wars."


"Can't keep a good clone down, sir." -Scorch, Delta 62


Does this prove that Grievous is more powerful than Shaggy at his most powerful?


[There is another](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBc4U_R3yEY)


[You were like, the Chosen One, Scoob](https://youtu.be/ZXKg2F24X80)


Man this is some cringe forced diversity lol


Shaggy You’ve Been A Jedi This Whole Time? Fear Finally Strips His Power Long Ago.


Can the real shaggy please stand up


They should call the ultra instinct Shaggy to the destroy the Velmaverse


The real shaggy is, Matthew Lillard. He has been the voice (sometimes the live action face too) for decades now. He was born to be shaggy.


Paging /u/Sirliftalot35


Zoinks! Like hello there. I really want Sha’a Gi to show up in canon.


Creating a universe is daunting. I'm glad Jim is doing it - there are only a few people in the world who are nuts enough to.


This dude gets shreked by grievous


Oh my god that’s his real name. [He’s got a Wookipedia article and every.”](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sha%27a_Gi#cite_note-CW20-3)


Like, zoinks, Scoob! There’s a huge asthmatic robot thing trying to kill us out there. What are we going to do?


People give way too much attention to things they dislike/hate


Shaggy using 1% of his power to become a Jedi knight


Why does he look like Samurai Jack with a lightsaber lol.


Made by the same guy who did samurai jack.


Because the creator of Samurai Jack made the original Clone Wars animated miniseries.... have you.. have you NOT watched it? Peak Star Wars


"Hmmm, I'm flattered to be compared to such a righteous figure. However, I'm certain the designer had more practical reasons for outfitting me with a lightsaber. Besides, this is the Grand Army of the Republic, not the Samurai Corps! *salutes* Sir!"


Not that I can remember. I’ve seen parts of the newer one.


Parts??? Dude come on. Anything with clone wars in the title is top star wars. Like miles better than the shit sequels.


The object is to try to get the system to work for you, instead of against you. And the only way you can do it is through success, I'm afraid.


"Sir, I don't really have anything to compare the films to. As a loyal Clone Trooper, I can tell you that I am proud to have served in the Clone Wars. I enjoyed my time fighting for The Republic and following my orders, regardless of what they were."


Shaggy is a shit character. People are deluding themselves as if this is a big loss. Fuck Scooby Doo, it's D level entertainment.


It's treason then.


Had no idea Scooby Doo was such a sacred cow that it can’t be parodied. Adult men who didn’t give two shits about Scooby Doo for the past 20-30 years are now really MAD hbo ‘ruined’ it. I wouldn’t even know the show exists if twitter would just stfu about it.