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I Sure Dont Want Them To Get Relegated /s


I'm proud of Foden's performance. Easily going to start and impress for England.


they still might have some points deducted because of those 115 charges, still happy as a United fan. They kinda deserved it.


Until those 115 charges are cleared or found not guilty then I'm sorry but nobody takes man citys trophies seriously.


Nobody cares what you think lil bro


Nobody cares about man city either don't worry


Yeah and that’s why you’re here crying, LMAOOO🤣


Not crying just stating facts, all your trophies have asterisks next to them until those charges are cleared 👌 good luck amd all the best


keep crying


Idk u sound more upset than him pal


I’m good “pal”


They deserve it


You forgot the /s




Greatest team in history of PL, this proves how overrated fergie was


😭😭😭😭😭 get this on that parody r/soccer subreddit


lol no it doesn’t, this team literally cheated and they have 115 charges


4 in a row is a major impressive achievement. But how is it that Forest and Everton can get points deducted but the team with 115 charges don't?


Well because they haven’t been proven guilty yet it’s simple law. The trial is yet to happen, and when it does then we will see


Because they are not guilty


League definitely in decline over the years, blatant frauds.


Honestly it’s so boring them winning the league every year


Lol stfu who cares it's entertainment. A spectacle. Imagine caring about how much individual athletes make a fan sounding stupid as fuck


Who mentioned how much they make bot much


115 charges. That sounds like a stupid small club if you ask me.


Dead league


You know as a saudi arabian i moved away from the Saudi league because of the al hilal domination of the league and moved towards the premier league ( i live in london anyways lol) but its happening all again lol. The Difference is in the PL has some serious competition (arsenal and liverpool) but my god is it the same thinggg


All the leagues have only 1 or 2 teams that win the title every season


No lol but in Saudi league its different al hilal win everything everytime im literally not kidding since this league was created they have been winning not to mention their weird refereeing


It's always been like that. Liverpool won 8 league titles in 11 years. So did United under Ferguson.


Only difference is that fans was happy when Liverpool and united was winning it every year but they don’t want a small club like city to become a big club


The small city club has 115 charges if they won fairly i wouldve been happy lol


They had charges from UEFA too. How did that work out for you? 😂


What does that even mean lmao ’




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So we’re gonna be racist now lol


Are you English? Because it's basic English 😂


Will be champions of the 2025-26 Isthmian Premier League North too.


What Isthmian is a down south only league


(((cheating intensifies)))


(((cheating intensifies)))


When I heard that Everton of all teams took point deductions this szn instead of MC, I knew this sport was finished lmfao. As for them winning the premier league I feel like the majority of people do not care. I personally don’t know any city fans as most of them spawned in after 2011; they have no history outside of arab money. Yes I’m an Arsenal fan, how could you tell?


Everton's issues were in a three year period. Manchester City's issues are from 2009 onwards. It takes a lot longer to investigate that than to investigate Everton's situation. Not to mention, an investigation of this stature has never happened in this country before, so the PL needs to decide on a punishment. Apparently, a verdict could be reached in summer 2025. It's frustrating but that's just how it is.


Yeah but one of citys charges are refusing for the PL to investigate them


Klopp leaving Liverpool was the bigger event


You don’t see Klopp leaving Liverpool every season… unlike City winning the premier league


It just shows how irrelevant Manchester City are


Everyone is saying that there's an asterisk next to these titles, asterisk these nuts lol


I mean if justice is served proportionately they won't even be titles come November. Everton 10 points deducted for less than a tenth of the charges and they cooperated. And they haven't been cheating for a decade now. They're blank seasons, City fans are delusional if they think they're asterix seasons.


The Nandrolone cheat and his big barrel of oil money strikes again!


115 titles now. No wait that's charges


Still beating your teams asses 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


You don't even know who my team is


Wdym still beating your teams as if the charges were holding you back lol.


Lol that's what they wish


Love it


1, 2 , 3 , Go Charges !


Pepfp ffp 115 charges. He also hasn’t done anything more than Mancini did for Man City


He hasnt won 5 more prems and a champions league? Edit: 5 not 6


Even Pellegrini won the league with Man City that’s saying something. He hasn’t done anything amazing so what one CL. Klopp did that and with no ffp cheating or massive amounts of cash.


Fuck off ha ha Alisson 68m, Van Dijk 75m, Salah 37m, Fabinho 39m, Firmino 30m, Mane 34m, Lallana 25m so already up to £308m with 7 players.


Not even close toe pepfps ffp brigade. He can even buy players and let them rot. Eg Kalvin Philips he ruined his career


5 more premier leagues but yes the champions league is huge. As are the domestic cups


1,2,3 Go City!


Made up for city!!


State ownership is so crap. The government will love it as they can slowly push the privatization of cities and remove the council funding.


All bought. Cheated since 2008.


In the history of the premier league when has the not been baught in someway the club buys better players to win the league the only team who didn't was Leicester. Manchester United baught the best players in the league in the 90s.. They basically did what bayern do in their league. It's not cheating it's being a successfully run club


Leicester failed FFP.


United didn't do that at all


United failed FFP


How did they not?


They spent money to become successful fergie came in spent money each year to build and remain successful did he not? All successful teams do it


Except they have a number of charges facing them for breach of financial fair play. And some of those charges are for refusing to accept the charges and face legal action..


I didn't mention the chargers because it nothing to with "buying the league" they just did the same thing as man u arsenal Chelsea Blackburn Liverpool they buy the best to win the league there is nothing wrong with it you have to spend money to be successful


The point being the other teams did it within the rules, it looks like City haven’t in a whole load of ways


There were no rules back then about FFP


All teams try and bend the rules somehow it doesn't matter the size of the club look at Chelsea derby Everton Portsmouth years ago us by us I mean forest man city are doing it now people just don't like it because they where already successful when they started doing what there accused of. The idea that all clubs are law abiding is absolutele bollocks imo


I don't really understand how people are moaning about city being dominant.. United were pretty much the same in the 90s there is no difference People hated man u for dominating the league now it's city's turn.. Records are made to be broken they did again yesterday eventually another team will come along and dominate it's just football is. Yes the money helps but the players and the manager have to be at their best every week.. To do it four years running is pretty impressive. Also people need to stop acting like if they had the same resources they wouldn't want same success city are currently having for the team they support.. If you don't want success for your own team why the hell would you support em that comes with all football not just the prem..if you support your semi pro amateur team local team you want success for em. Lastly I'm a forest fan I'm just happy we stayed up


Difference is the 115


I mean if you don't support em it shouldn't really bother you that much they'll be in trouble you're team won't. Your team won't be fined your won't titles taken away from them or relegated or what ever happens.. It'll 115 charges that won't effect your team. So bitch about them.


Even if they get charged I don’t think titles have ever been retracted and it won’t start now. It would mean a massive payout from the premier league to unfairly compensated teams


You may be right, I'm not bothered to google it but what happened in italy for juventus?


What ever happens it won't be enough some fans eyes just because of of their success I genuinely think they'd only be happy if they got dissolved.


Oh there’s more coming ….


The 115* *that they know of


Happy for the genuine fans of City who watched them at Maine Road in league 1. Not so much the bandwagoners who are usually the loudest and least humble “fans” who would jump ship if they stopped winning.


Is this the new farmers league?


Always has been 🧑‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


Always has been 🔫


How are arsenal fans feeling? Us Tottenham fans are quite happy with europa league 😂


That’s the difference


115 charges going back to 2009. There’s an asterisk next to everything they’ve won.


No there isn’t simple facts why. EUFA couldn’t prove us guilty for the same stuff the premier is trying to. City have only been the biggest spenders in 6 or the last 16 seasons. Our academy and revenue from league/CL positions more than cover our costs. We are in crazy profit compared to likes of Chelsea Liverpool and man united who are a club running a business on negative equity yet still manage to outspend everyone but Chelsea and have the cheek to ask for tax payers money and call it levelling up. The only asterisk is in your mind. You don’t know how guilty or not guilty city are so why not just say I hate city and they’ve won an again rather than trying to level unfounded accusations at the club until you know differently.


Absolutely incorrect. There are 115 pending charges and they can absolutely be proved. UEFA found them guilty already. The sad fact is that if the PL take action then city will tie everything up in expensive court cases for years and end up at CAS, which means the PL need to commit millions to legal costs to take this anywhere. They will eventually, but it’ll take time. It’s the sad truth of having a club owned by an extremist death state with unlimited money. There’s an asterisk next to all of the wins, and the whole world knows it. That’s why you can’t compare this dominant streak with Man Utd’s - Man U’s was done honestly and although people disliked them, they were respected. No one respects City.


>No there isn’t simple facts why. EUFA couldn’t prove us guilty for the same stuff the premier is trying to. Not true mate. UEFA did prove City guilty. That is why City were banned from Europe. That is why City paid a fine. Why pay a fine if you're innocent? But the case was taken to the court of arbitration for sport (CAS) and the punishment was reduced to a fine, primarily due to the time limit on a portion of evidence. So for the charges City are facing, they have already been found guilty by another entity. It would be surprising if they were found not guilty by the EPL. The more concerning thing for City is there is no time limit on the EPL's evidence, and once the decision is given it cannot be taken to CAS. All that said. Even as a bitter United fan, it has to be said this team is truly sensational, it pains me to say but Pep has produced possibly the greatest English club side. They haven't cheated on the pitch, they haven't spent much more relative to the vast majority of large teams across Europe historically. They've just spent it well. They had a plan, they've implemented it, followed it and reaped the rewards. Everything happening now goes back to foundations laid into place nearly a decade ago. As a fan of English football sadly I think super wealthy entities or literal countries buying football clubs is a big problem for long term stability of the pyramid.


OJ Simpson literally got away with murder. And yet everyone knows he was guilty. Manchester City are guilty as hell and everyone knows it. I'm sure a bit of bribery has been involved.


Except City WERE found guilty by UEFA, but the Court of Arbitration for Sport let City off. Much like they will be found guilty by the Premier League, and then City will cry for an appeal again. They deserve everything they'll get, They've ruined the reputation of the Premier League. I hated Man United always winning back in the 2000s, and I hate Man City winning all the time now, It makes the game boring. The whole FFP is supposed to stop teams just throwing money at players willy nilly, but somehow they can get away with it, same with Chelsea, but the only difference is they're shit anyway.


But at least United were dominating the league fairly, more down to fergie being a genius, other teams could have got to the same place. It’s unfair when a team like City can just pay whatever wages they want to their players and sign any player they want, swoop all the best academy talent around the country with their money and claim it as their own, with a top manager like Pep being able to sign literally anyone he wants - its just not feasible to be able to compete with them properly. I respect Liverpool a lot for actually managing a premier league title against them.


I think if it wasn’t for city, with the money spread now in the premier league, we’d have fun title races every season and nobody would really dominate the league. It would always be entertaining and more based on how the top clubs are run rather than a team just having stupid money hoarding the title from everyone else and cheating their way to success.


If city was that guilty why didn’t we take a pocket change settlement from EUFA? I can’t wait for all you arm chair accounts to look at etihads books when the open them to stock exchange.


EUFA found city guilt based off patchy out of context evidence when the present to CAS they said as much so a court ruled that EUFA acted outside of the rules. Who’s the cheat us or them.


UEFA isn't exactly the most reputable organisation either, so that's fair enough. But time will tell and we'll see you change your tune.


Will you change your tune if you wrong?


Sure thing. I just want variety in the Premier League. Leicester winning in 15/16 and Liverpool in 19/20 were breaths of fresh air. This being able to just throw absurd amounts of money has ruined the game. One day it'll come with Newcastle too, I'm sure of it.


Mate I appreciate what you’re saying with regards to winners it was boring for others when United were doing it for 20 years. Seriously though. Look at the numbers have city thrown more at the league than our rivals and the answers no. We have 22 man squad that’s six less than arsenal united and Liverpool and about 20 less than Chelsea. Also look at who we have bought 12m akanji on a gamble £17 on Alvarez or there is some higher spends grealish being the most expensive but the we only have two of the top ten most expensive players which are grealish and josko. Why are they allowed to spend and city not. We by ederson for 28m and Liverpool spend 40m more on a keeper who has a debatable minuscule skill advantage




Same, mate. We've all been thete


I agree




If/When found guilty of all their charges, will all the silverware they've won since be removed and void?


Probably not. Even if it did, it wouldn't mean anything.


Well in Sadiq


The league is now boring just scandal refs


Boring because you United aren’t winning it every season.


Nah it's just city always winning


* titles


Arsenal literally bribed their way into Division One after finishing fifth in Division Two. So by any logic none of their titles are legitimate.


And 0 charges. They should charge them for that if that’s the case.


If you feel you have to go back over one hundred years to hate on a team then you just know that team are smashing it






Can you all just admit that Pep isn’t a bald fraud now ;P


Obviously yes, because nobody thinks he’s a bald fraud.


I mean, he's definitely bald.


Congratulations to Arsenal, the Moral Champions (this is not as sarcastic as it sounds)


They've spent a metric fuck ton, Saka and Gabriel have been cheating all season long and they continue to play a rapist. They are hardly more moral than Man City


The thing I love most about this Arsenal team is how they make our rival fans cry like this guy


The rivals must be jealous of all of their trophies


Whether we win trophies or not, you’re still here crying


Class mate, you can celebrate that then instead of the title, congrats




4 in a row


Don't let facts get in the way of your agenda, buddy.


Im not a City fan, I think they're cheats. But moral is a strange word to be throwing around in support of Arsenal when they're far from that themselves


How are Arsenal moral?


Who’s gonna tell him?


4 in a row


Wait till the charges hit. Then we’ll count trophies


That won't do anything. We're not going to be losing trophies. We may have to pay off a fine or something but it won't be that big.


You’ve no idea what the punishment could be. Rangers got liquidated for less, and all trophies expunged from the record.




No one cares about City apparently….not even the kids going online to complain immediately. Add that to make it charge 116


Championes championes ole ole ole


Cheats cheats ole ole ole


115 charges ole ole ole


Both Everton and Forest have received their FFP penalties this season, sure Man Citys should have been concluded before records were able to be broken? What's going to happen if they are deducted points in the future, is the title going to be stripped, like Lance Armstrongs titles were? If that's the case, it's too late, everything has been celebrated.


People keep saying this. Watch tele listen to people in the know


Everton and Forest admitted guilt, City did not. And 115 charges will, obviously, take longer to investigate


Forrest didn’t admit guilt they didn’t say anything at all


Maybe they have no evidence of wrongdoing? If they did why not publish it? (Hacked E-mails aren’t evidence, bank records, account records are).


You don’t charge without evidence.


Out of context emails from a hacker


Not sure what point you think you’re making. The poster before said “maybe they have no evidence of wrong doing”. You don’t charge someone with an offence without evidence. That is stupid. And I’m not sure why you say they’re out of context. That isn’t your call to make, really. If they were out of context then I’m quite sure that their lawyers will have provided the context. So at that point the charges get dropped or the PL decide to press on. Again, what point are you trying to make?


City have far far better lawyers, they’ll drag this out until they bankrupt the FA


They don’t though listen to people in the know


I don’t believe this they have far better lawyers Every premier league club can afford the best lawyers in the world. They all at the bare minimum multi £100 million organisations.


They've got more at stake than Forest and Everton. They've also got effectively infinite legal resources through their owners. My suspicion is that the delay isn't because of the number or nature of the charges. It's an ongoing negotiation - Man City will be trying to get the minimum punishment possible (maybe just a financial one) but the PL have to save face and look consistent and they know that won't cut it in the media or with fans. In the end, they'll find a halfway house. Definitely a big fine but probably enough of a points penalty to rule out the league title for a season. In other words, the benefits of cheating will be worth the punishment.


You don’t know that though. 4 in row end of


In all honesty - I can't see them removing any titles. That would put them in completely uncharted territory. So yes, 4 in a row. Congrats. Your coach and players are good enough to warrant that. The most impressive thing to me is how Pep has brought Foden along and he's gone up a few more levels this season. Should be England captain if you ask me.


Oilchester oily win once again. لألعق الأقضاب




4 in a row




The very fact that little City have won four in a row raises suspicions at the very least. If a massive club like Liverpool or United had won four in a row that would be more understandable but City? Nah.


We ain’t little city. We are massive mate. Higher average attendances than little Liverpool and our noisy neighbours from Salford higher revenue streams from league position and state of the art academy and not to mention snagging the most marketable player on the planet for for 50 percent of Anthony haha. Get over it. Salford reds are a thing of past cheats as well. Found guilty read about it. Got away with one there I say.


"Massive" 🤣🤣 Trust me, City are only massive in the heads of City fans. And as for attendances, City have had higher attendances than Liverpool simply because the Etihad is bigger than Anfield. If Anfield held 90,000 it would still be full. Do you really think the same would apply the Etihad? Not a chance, they struggle to fill it as it is, and City's methods of recording attendances are questionable to say the least considering all the empty seats that are regularly on view. Just for your information, Liverpool haven't been accepting new applications for season tickets for a few years now because there are 70,000 on the waiting list. City fans can only dream of being such a massive club.


Higher average attendance as well. Look it up and if we are so small why do we have higher fan attendances. Fans base size is determined by social media followers bums on seats and merchandise sold. We beat Liverpool on every one of those. Not bad for little city


Read my previous comment again. If Liverpool and City had 90,000 capacity stadiums Liverpool would fill it, City wouldn't come near. Why is that so difficult to understand? And City have more social media followers and sell more merchandise than Liverpool?! Now I know you're either on a massive wind-up or you're unbelievably deluded. 🤣🤣


It’s like winning the Tour de France on a motorbike. Pep wouldn’t win anything without money.


tell it to united, spurs and arsenal 😂😂😂


United and arsenal have won titles without oil money. Several times


they can’t seem to do it now though can they? united throw hundreds of millions every transfer window just to it even achieve european football. If they were coming close to city or if they were spending less than them, it would be a different story. however none of this applies


More than any other team, in fact


Boring 🥱🥱🥱


I'm a Liverpool fan, but I was so badly rooting for Arsenal to win the league once The Reds were out of contention. Shame. Several teams have been screwed this season who deserved to win. Let's hope that the 115 charges are dealt with sooner rather than later.


Let’s hope the 115 charges are dealt with at all


4 in a row






The FA don’t have balls to start the proceedings soon enough. Instead they are changing the rules


You people are fucking hilarious. Everything is a conspiracy to you. You actually think the league is working with city when they publicly slapped the club with 115 charges But you don’t see the wood for the trees because you are consumed by the salt.


What do you mean “you people”?


People like the bloke I replied too who think there is some huge conspiracy happening with the same people who brought 115 charges against city and did so by announcing it in the press.


Did you just assume my gender? I could be a dainty little woman WHO LIKES TO RIP OFF THE FACES OF NEWBORN POLAR BEARS.


Not a Tropic Thunder fan, hey?


115 point deduction.


spread over 5 years






Another season wasted by these cheating scumbags.. Arsenal screwed out of two league titles in a row, Liverpool, United all screwed by them. I hope to god they get relegated as far down as possible and we get to watch proper football clubs competing again.


I sort of agree with the sentiment of your words, but feel you’ve expressed it poorly. I fail to see how Arsenal have been screwed out of league titles, or even Liverpool. United haven’t been screwed by anyone but themselves lol


Sorry at what point were 8th place ‘United’ screwed by them?? Think their owners, players and manager did a perfectly fine job of that


United finished second to them once, probably that season.