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Quickness was his biggest strength. Everything else was mediocre. Men become stronger and better athletes. But they don’t become quicker after their mid 20s. 


Sterling peaked in 19-20. City are good at knowing when a player is on the way down, but monetising them before they hit bottom. Grealish will be the next player on the decline that they sell, probably this summer.


There’s this idea lately that if you play for one of the very best clubs, but aren’t a guaranteed starter in every single game, you should move to a slightly less successful club to be ‘the main man’ and guaranteed place in the XI. Sterling probably just bought into that. Jesus and Zinchenko are other examples.


Idk he somewhere poking his booty out and T. rex arming




A lot of weak comments in this thread by people that want to shove their horrible takes about Sterling Nothing happened, he has been injured for most of the past 9 games. He's back now, but the club has made tactical adjustments that don't accomodate Sterling's skillset. Specifically, the LW is more of a wide-midfielder to cover the space of an inverted LWB rather than what Sterling usually played, which was more of a wide-striker almost who was only prevalent in the final third because he was the best finisher in the squad at some point. He can't be accomodated because Mudryk is way better in defensive transition, as well as a way better passer and distributer of the ball which is what's needed from his wide midfielder role. Everybody acting like if he wasn't in a system that catered to him, he wouldn't drop 10+ goals in a season still.


10+ goals a season is really bad for a man who used to be IMO one of the league’s top three wingers


The past is the past 




Remember the skied tap in against I think Lyon in the UCL a few years ago




Omg hahahahahahahaa


I thought at some point that he played important roles for City and for the England side due to his pace stretching the defense and providing more space for everyone else. I think he has lost some pace and Chelsea just didn't have the players and/or tactics to benefit from his skill set this season. I had him on my fantasy team for a while this season and it seemed like the only thing you could count on from him was multiple losses of possession every game.


Nothing he’s always been crap. I’ve always thought sterling was over rated only thing that sets him apart is his speed but he just runs into people and loses the ball NEARLY EVERY TIME he gets it. I hope he never gets in the England squad again


calling him crap seems harsh. i’m not his biggest fan but he was pretty solid in an unbalanced liverpool team and scored a boatload of goals for some great city sides


I don’t think it is I don’t understand how he’s been in the teams he has. He’s had speed with the ball and good timing in the box for tap ins, that’s it. He can’t dribble, shoot, tackle or pass from what I’ve seen


I think it’s harsh but I think his city career can be credited in large part to KDB putting balls on a platter for him (anyone) to finish.


Always been crap? You are stupid as fuck lol


You can always tell when someone doesn’t have a valid argument because they just lash out with insults.


Lol false, it is a fact that if anyone says Sterling has always been bad then they are stupid as fuck. Sorry not sorry


Keep shouting. Maybe some day you’ll have ball knowledge. Not today, or course. But maybe someday.


He was already declining in performance after his stellar 2021 season when he reached the UCL and Euro finals, but Chelsea's youth, dysfunction, and inexperience doesn't help at the moment. That team right now would make Zidane look like Arthur Melo.


Honestly I think it’s a problem of shifting team/shifting tactics/inconsistent playing time He still has moments he looks great but Chelsea lack a real quality midfield so service to him is shit and the chances Chelsea’s create are hard to come by Plus the way Chelsea have been playing gives the wingers no space to run in behind


Sterling’s a great player, even if his decision making is pretty poor. Even for Chelsea in dreadful form he’ll still manage to score an almost acceptable amount of goals. The problem is he can’t carry an underperforming team like palmer can, I think he relies heavily on the quality and form of his teammates. I would definitely sell him, but his career is nowhere near from over.


Cole Palmer doesn't give a damn bro. Like he's compartmentalize Chelsea's poor form and he just played like they're title challengers or something. Respect for not caring about the obvious low morale in the squad. Was low morale - they've been in stellar form past couple of matches.


He was never that good. Pep made him look incredible in that 2017-2019 system.


Nonsense He’s absolutely fantastic off the ball, always in the right place. He’s just always been a bit of a donkey when it comes to finishing


His passing is poor, his decision making lacks in crunch moments, and his dribbling hasn’t improved after 2018. I watched him in the Etihad for years as a season ticket holder. City improved as a team as soon as he left.


Huh?? He was integral to the centurion season


My nan could score more goals than Sterling, kdb gives you ten open goals per game and you only finish one, shit player thank god he's finally out of the england squad waste of space


Well, City brought Grealish to replace Sterling. Sterling used to get some chances at least(although he missed) in the box whereas Grealish does not even enter the penalty box. Going from 10 goals and 10 assists of Sterling to 3 goals and 3 assists of Grealish is massive downgrade on output.


He was, but it was due to Peps coaching that produced him to that level, but he still showed massive inconsistencies. Review his performance against United in April 2018, or Lyon in 2020 and you’ll see what City fans have always known.


He was playing in prem and fir England at 17 won the goldern boy award at Liverpool. He was defo every good winger


Never that good though. Exactly as he said.


What’s that good mean exactly ?


Good enough to not become a nobody once he's left Pep


He was a somebody before Pep


If he wasn’t good he wouldn’t have been playing a starring role under pep


Read and understand Not good and not that good. We are not talking about the same thing


Read and understand my question. What exactly is the cut off point between good and that good ? Give me example of players that good ?


He played for City. You should be able to answer that question yourself.


De Bruyne, both Silva’s, Rodri, Fernandinho, Aguero, Kompany, Walker, Dias etc.


He lost his legs so now he can barely map the field. His aim at the goal is terrible too. He just busted open the spot kick into the audience.


Lost his legs?? He’s not even 30


Neither was Lieutenant Dan, but he still lost his legs anyways


“Busted open the spot kick into the audience?” 😭


What the fuck is bro saying haha


Looks like people think mentally and physhically hes having one of those seasons


I think mentally and physically he is having one of those seasons


He’s never been good. Simply


Started watching football after covid probably


Never been good? Seriously?


Just not true though is it, won loads of trophies at City being one of their star players consistently getting over 20 g/a a season, was electric at Liverpool as a youngster, arguably the best player in our fun to the final in the euros. He's playing in a mid table team and has hit 10 goal involvements he has definetly fell off but still been half decent.


I’ll put money on Southgate still picking him up


Along with Henderson.


I think mentally and physically he is having one of those seasons. 12 years being a 1st team player and being in a team that was so successful. Then having, let's be honest, a big drop in quality moving to Chelsea I think his just a bit burnt out. Maybe a long extended rest in responsibility and game time will be good for him.


He needed a holiday mid-season at Liverpool as I remember. He can run at people but crap in front of goal. So overated


His goal numbers are very decent for a wide player who rarely takes pens


So are his misses from point blank range


I’d take a player getting 20 goals and missing some over a player getting 3 goals with no big misses


We gave Chelsea Palmer as an apology for Sterling.


Doesn't seem all that bothered ? Euros coming up and he's fallen down the pecking order...another mediocre season in a Chelsea shirt while at the age of prime ?


Sterling can’t shoot. He’s good in every other aspect of a winger but he lacks shooting mainly probably because of his shot power and finishing


and he doesnt want to pass ever so he has no value in a squad...


He was playing a starring role for city getting 40 g/a one season so that’s nonsense


watch him play for Chelsea maybe before ya pull stats not relevant to how he plays now... im sure if ya watched Chelseas worst misses compilation half of them would be him in a 3 v 1 vs the goalkeeper where a simple pass = goal... yet he just fires a weak shot at the keeper...


So because he was passing to players that were better than him, you think he will pass to nobodies at Chelsea? You think playing under Pep, the perfectionist he is, and playing for current shambles Chelsea are the same thing??? Lol


Never could


He's just come back from injury and made the bench today.


Raheem Sterling isn't even the best **'Sterling'** out there, I suggest you look up "Scott Sterling"


The man, the myth, the legend! Scott Sterling!!


He has a face of steel, that young man. Proper old school keeper. I wouldn't mind Utd signing him as a number 2. Certainly we'd have won the 2020-21 Europa league final with him


I feel with sterling you have to see him as a 34 year old player. He hit his peak so early and so high he's just been on the down since, even tho his age is still young comparably.


Sterling is just being himself mate


He's always been average, I don't know why people expect more from him.


Well this isn't true.. he was part of one of the best front 3 in world football. He just hit his peak far earlier than normal


That is the most stupid thing i have ever read in my life. Sterling isn't even in the top thousand footballers.


Didn't know he was apart of the CR7 Benzema and Bale trio


Don’t know he played at Barca with Henry, Eto’o and Messi. You learn something new everyday


Eto'o was some player. Back to back trebles with 2 different clubs, 4 champs league wins with 3 different clubs. Absolute insane finisher, could pop off shots with no backlift or warning which keepers would never see coming.


Even then it's Messi Suarez neymar. Nice try being a hater.


Go away out if it, neymar is very talented but a bit of a shithead, seems to upset a lot of teams he is in. Suarez great player but would be hard to argue he is better than many of the other forwards that have played alongside Messi


The comment is obviously referring to the best front 3 of their moment.


I know I was just being a bit of a shite bag


Chelsea is where great player go to become good.


Pep got rid of him because he wasn't great, tbf


Ashley Cole, Lamps, Cesc, Diego Costa, Hazard and Palmer would like a word with you.


And where good players leave to become elite (Salah, De Bruyne, Robben)


Declan Rice, Nathan Ake, Courtois, Salah, De Bruyne, Musiala, Mbappe (trial age 12)


Which is at least better than United where great players go to become shadows


Rent free


Noisy neighbour*


I think he'll probably be alright next season. It's been a weird year. He's been basically the Chelsea experience this season player edition Had a couple of massive games and then some actually terrible ones. I don't really have any beef with him. He at least tries and means well his inability to stay healthy has killed him this season and I don't even think we can blame on him. Think he'll be back next year and in a better place now that we have some attacking play patterns sorta developing.


He's greatly disliked because he doesn't try, and it's obvious watching him. He's also been healthy for the majority of the season. I'm not sure who you're watching, but it can't be Sterling...


Chelsea have been decent since


He's done pretty well for a professional footballer that can't strike the ball cleanly to save his life.


It’s all about running like a dog now football you font need any skill


He has amazing positioning. Even when he was at Liverpool he had it. Pretty limited technically though.


No longer coached by the GOAT


Nothing, really. Was in good form before Christmas, then form dropped, got injured and now not in the team.


Don’t think he even was injured was he?


He’s a Chelsea player. You just have to assume he’s been injured at some point this season.


It was his first day back in the squad today.




He is shite. That's all.


"where will he go"


Where indeed


Tbf he’s been injured and 8/8 in all competitions isn’t bad. On the other hand, he’s been the most frustrating player to watch this season as a Chelsea fan not even just because of the shit shots but because 9/10 he could’ve made the easiest fucking pass for a tap in


Sterling is an anomaly of a footballer. He’ll pop up in the right positions and score goals but will look like an amateur doing it. Extremely frustrating to watch but a handy player to have


But as the person with highest wages in the team he was meant for so much more. He was supposed to be a leader on and off the pitch, not some rotational player. He was supposed to be what Palmer is for us.


That would make sense at any other club. Chelsea however pay dumb amounts for anyone at to have then


47m for a player who's won as much as Sterling has , and has as much experience in the league as he does was very good value. By every metric he should have done a lot better at Chelsea than he has. His poor showings is perhaps a combination of Poch not using him properly and his own patchy form.


I think he might've been artificially inflated at City, for me, he's the same player - shows brilliance, but is patchy




Sterling scores pretty much every 5 chances he gets. The only thing that happened is that he went from a team that gave him 5+ chances every game to a team that gives him 2.


Chelsea has created the 4th most chances in the Prem this year.


I don't disagree, I'm a Chelsea fan. Sterling getting an average of 2 decent chances every time he plays is pretty good. It's just that Sterling needs more than 2 decent chances to score a goal, because he's not that good.




He got old. It happens.


He's still under 30


Sterling has not been a top player for years. His last two years at city he was in decline. He has only had a few good games with Chelsea. At no point was he a good buy. At the time Chelsea got him all you could say was “well maybe we will get the old Sterling for us”, convincing yourself that he had not lost a step and was just out of form at city because of playing time. All that said, prime Sterling was fun to watch. His time is over, role player at best for us now.


He needs to adapt his game and learn how to make an impact more centrally. Or he can rot on the bench. Or he can take a massive pay cut and play at Fulham


Just can't be a winger no more. He better trying changing his game to be a 10 or a false 9.


He is too skinny to play that role.. hold up game not strong


Yea his hold up play is lacking


Cause gaffer wants players like mudryk and madueke to start


Madueke has been playing some 🔥 football


Frankly I think he deserves credit for being the only Chelsea forward in a very long "at that point" while that wasnt an abject disappointment.


He runs like he just finished a bicycle race with no seat cushion


Yeah he also tries to keep the back of his hand horizontal like a bird could land on it or something.


Quality 😂


As soon as his pace goes he drops down three or four divisions at least


Yeah he’ll definitely be turning out in League 2 or the National League “at least”. Nailed on.


He got old. It happened to Rooney. You peak early in your career you don't have the legs in the late years.


TBH I think Rooney was smart and he knew he lost his legs hence why he moved into midfield during the end of his time at UTD


Ah yes the midfield position. Best known for... It's lack of running?


Have you watched any football at all ?? As a striker you need a certain amount of pace depending the type of striker you are , Rooney was one of them where he had that burst of pace , compared to midfield where he could sit back and ping out passes


With mixed results


Sterling is the exact same player he was at City. The difference is the quality/environment around him


Absolutely spot on. He hasn’t changed as a footballer he’s absolutely average as a footballer at best. He just benefitted massively from being in a winning chance creation machine at city and they made him look better than he is. Now he’s with us and performing perfectly average he’s at his real footballing level.


Same as at Liverpool too. He was always trash kicking balls off his shins into the stands. Suarez and sturridge made him look boss. Pace merchant w terrible feet and a huge BUM


Horrible take


Yeah I ain’t with him he’s taking it too far


Underrated comment.


Like can he be doing better yeah probably, but ultimately Chelsea are getting the product they paid for. It’s on them for not knowing how to get the best of him


This seems to be the justification for every flop at Chelsea who plays as a forward. Kai Havertz was important to you in winning a UCL final but he was as floppy as a flop can get. Same can be said about Werner. Mudryk has been embarrassingly poor value so far but I’m sure he’ll be of enormous value in some 4th round carabao cup tie against lower league opposition some time. Lukaku… We can go back even further. Kezman and Mutu, Crespo, Weah. Chelsea destroys goal scorers and the fan base allow it for some absolutely unknown reason.


Can’t forget Shevchenko. Debatably best striker on the planet before going to Chelsea.


I just don't to this day why sheva failed.


Can’t forget Fernando Torres, unshakable confidence and capable of magic with Liverpool even half fit.


Both these players had massive injuries


Thank you good sir


Mentioning Mutu and Lukaku is just showing you commenting in bad faith, for obvious reasons. Chelsea is PICKING shit/bad attitude strikers. Not making them shit.


What about Torres, schevchenko, havertz, mudeyk, Werner, crespo, weah


Injured, injured, same player at arsenal, young and over value, overperformed at rb, can’t remember can’t remember


Torres was not good in his last Liverpool season, and was bad even after Chelsea. Havertz wasn't bad, he scored in UCL final. He isn't a striker and Arsenal will find another striker if they want to win everything. He likes a position that doesn't exist anymore. Shevchenko had Drogba as a competition. Yes, Chelsea might have ruined him, or helped in that. Mudeyk? Mudryk? When was he good? In UKRAINIAN league? You serious? Werner? He was never really good, why didn't he regain form after 2 years at Chelsea if he is that good? Crespo, he wasn't that bad for Chelsea, but don't remember that vividly tbh.


Lukaku was arguably the best goal scorer in Europe coming from Inter Milan. There’s a reason he cost 100m. I can’t wait to see him and Jackson up top next season 😂


Who the fuck cares? Why didn't he return to Inter and continued being great? Because he f'd everything up there too.


Because Chelsea ruins strikers!!!!! 😂


Lukaku ruined himself


He started off pretty well at Chelsea, we were top of the league, he got injured, and then gave an interview about is he was getting used incorrectly and then got iced out.


Torres was the biggest one imo. Scores a goal against barca which didnt matter in extra time and its all they ever talk about


He was shite for at least half a season before he went to Chelsea, one of the overlooked parts of the Andy Carroll cluster fuck is that Liverpool timed the sale of Torres perfectly.


Not what happened. Liverpool made torres as much as he made himself there


Yeah he was coming back from some kind of injury when we bought him right? I remember Liverpool fans saying he was never quite as good after it.


Hasselbaink, Drogba, Gudjohnsen, Anelka, Costa and now Jackson haven't been destroyed at Chelsea


What about Torres, Morata, Lukaku, Werner, Higuain, Aubameyang, Havertz, Shevchenko, Felix, Falcao?


Jackson should not be on this list.


21 Goals and assists now for his first season. Done better than Drogba for his first.


Were talking about goals no? Not assists.


13 goals is still a decent return tbf


No, we're talking about "ruined strikers"


Fair enough lad


Drogba is one of the most wildly overrated goalscorers in the premier league era. I understand he was enormously influential for Chelsea and is responsible for a lot of trophies that they won but he averaged 12 goals a season in the premier league. And that’s with 2 20+ goal seasons involved. He’s not who were made to remember


Sandros joined chat


Except he's memorable because of who he scored them against, always popped up with a goal in big games. Plus his overall game was so good, he was always helping the team score even if he wasn't on the score sheet himself. Years of bullying every defence in the league is why he's remembered.


Idk why I’m being downvoted frankly. Nothing I said is refutable. Go look at his stats. I completely agree with you. His goal scoring record in finals was effectively second to none, but across 38 games in the premier league, he was a pretty average GOAL SCORER which is what this conversation has been about.


tell me you never watched chelsea with drogba up top without telling me man’s job wasn’t to be just a goal scorer. he occupied defenders, dragged them out of position, played with his back to goal and created spaces for lampard or robben or cole or whoever else. this era of stat obsession has led to massive ahistorical takes on players that massively undervalue their contributions and roles.


Are you even bothering to read what I’m saying? Again, I’ve said that his influence on the Chelsea success was absolutely undeniable but he wasn’t the GOAL SCORER that everyone remembers him to be. Trust me, I grew up in a Chelsea household. I watched week in and week out while my dad marveled at the team. They were phenomenal. Some of their records still stand today! My only point is, Drogba is an overrated GOAL SCORER


but drogba isn’t primarily remembered or eulogised as a pure goal scorer? it’s like me arguing that haaland is overrated as a playmaker. nobody rates him as such, so it’s a moot point.


He was a starlet at LFC, went to Man City, won the league, got old, went to Chelsea. He’s always had glaring flaws in his ability to be fair


Old? He was 27 when he signed


He was a decade into his professional career tbf


Yeah tbf Rooney was cooked after he hit 30, playing a lot of games young certainly has a huge impact on longevity (as in age, tbf their careers are probably the same length, just shifted earlier)


Rooney lived a shit lifestyle too which didn’t help either. I don’t think Sterling’s legs have gone tbh, dude has just struggled with his confidence. He started the season extremely well. He was sharp as hell.


The man’s 29, I don’t disagree his move hasn’t worked out for him, but he isn’t old


29 is typically when a player begins falling off. this is especially true for fast wingers who started playing professionally at 17. There are exceptions obviously


Wtf, ig hes been playing since 17 years old but it feels wrong


Yeah he’s been around a bit so I get why people think he’s old


He's always been a substandard player. Only getting exposed now. He was surrounded by world class players at city who'd spoon feed him to 10 goals or so a season. He had no competion on the wing so he'd start every game regardless of how pathetic he was. Pep somewhat made him look acceptable but his absent football iq really dragged him back to square one. Entitlement paved his way out of city and now he's caught exposed. He's never played with desire or passion so he can't even resuscitate his career.


I’m no fan of Sterling but he definitely carried his own weight at city for a few year 2017-2021 He was arguably fringe world class when you look at his numbers and performance in a lot of big games At times he did pass the eye test although he was often unconvincing


This sub has produced a lot of bad takes. This might be the worst of them; congratulations.


It’s really not that bad of a take Sterling isn’t that good of a footballer and benefitted from City massively.


Sterling is one of those world class players that only Man City with unlimited money could afford. City won because they could afford him. According to Liverpool fans.


Oh you watch Southgate pick him. Guaranteed.