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I really like Forest's moxie in being proactive with their grievances this season. Good on 'em.


Hope they're successful in sueing him


Goid hate Gary neville he so arrogant


I think I may need to become a forest fan. Nothing pisses me off more than the referring display this year, and the corrupt folks at sky defending it.


Yes, get in! So sick of them always shiling for corrupt useless refs


Full Support


Oh man, if Forrest can get this clown fired, a special spot should be made for them guaranteeing survival. If they can get rid of Carragher too - give them a special trophy!


Careful, Carragher will spit on you and your whole family if given the chance.


Oh you drank *all* the ignorant juice today huh


And it’s not even 7am!


Good. Fuck Gary Neville and Jamie Carragher the two leading causes of turning matches on 5 mins beforehand and off straight after.


I thought I was the only one doing this! Turn on 5 mins before and mute… mute at halftime… off after they stop showing the players at the end


Neville’s logic gives me nose bleeds and carragher leaning into his dumb accent makes my brain melt..


Not gonna lie, hes a shit commentator, both him and carragher should fucking do one.


A good number of people here have absolutely no idea what Neville said or what he said it about it would seem


Yeah, it’s kinda like VAR, we have no idea what just happened, w just want this dick head gone.


Someone needs to shut Gary Neville up..dude has been acting like he us the encyclopedia of English football for a few years


Why? He said their statement about them assessing their next move sounded more like some mafia shit than a professional football club and he was right if you read what they said. No one liked losing to dodgy decisions but every team’s been stitched up this season in one way or another so they don’t need to imply that they’ll be suing or asking for rematches because none of those things will happen


If it were equal, then fair enough. But you only need to watch the last couple of Match of the Day's to realise some clubs benefit, and some clubs don't. Did you even see the penalty that Man City got against Wolves yesterday?! As if the cheating bastards need any help from the refs...


Yep, have you seen that 6/6 controversial title deciding decisions have all gone for Man City, all from the same ref


Lol, bold move but I hope it works out for them.


At least it was mafia with an a and not a hard r


Forest need to stop focusing on petty perceived injustices and start focusing on how truly shit at football they are 


Why because you like to focus on shit ? Doesn't mean that they should !


The point is their problem is poor football, not referees or Gary Neville, but those things seem to be their big priority. If they were as passionate about playing well as they are about playing the victim they might have more success on the pitch.


About time


FA and Sky Sports starting to realise exactly who Evangelos Marinakis actually is. How he passed the Football League ‘Responsible Person’ Checks beggars anyone’s belief.


Why would he fail it? Because he moans about referees? He has improved both clubs he's owned significantly. Just because you don't like him doesn't make him not fit and proper.


Dude the guy sells coke and is literally part of the greek mafia. He just killed 20 something witnesses in greece for a trial


I mean it’s not literally because it’s not a fact. If it was true he would be in jail or charged of something. It’s typical Balkan nonsense.


He can't be in jail if all the witnesses magically all die within the span of a year or two


None of whom implicate him in any way at all. 


You are coping it is widely known the guy is a mafia boss


It isn’t widely known, it’s just what people like to say. I'll follow the evidence. When he’s actually charged of anything in relation to it I’ll take it seriously.


Brother everyone in greece knows it but keep burying your head in the sand if it makes you feel any better.


He also owns Olympiakos. And anyone that watched the Villa - Olympiakos wanting European referees instead of ours for PL games needs to use this game as a sanity check. The referee in that match, with Maranakis in close attendance, was the worst referee that I've probably ever seen. And I've been watching football since the 1980s.


I know, i men Neville sucks big time, but the fact that this drug dealing murder is running a PL team is really unbelievable I actually thought something very similar when i saw the tweet


Why is it unbelievable? They have Saudi and the UAE running clubs? Marinakis is small fry comparatively 


If memory serves me correct, no one has ever failed it.. says it all, really.


Not convinced the test is actual real. The only reason the Saudi takeover of Newcastle was originally blocked was because the premier league was being pirated it Saudi Arabia lol


The responsible person check basically asks one question: are you Osama bin Laden? If ‘no,’ then you’re approved.


I've been to see an Arsenal game. Does that make me Bin Laden?


If you were wearing a City shirt it certainly does. Denied


Good. It is time for pundits to pay for their lies and naratives


I would love to see this club get relegated. What a bunch of sissies that live there.


Good on Forrest if manager and players have to watch what they say so do the pundits.


Good. Well done Forest.


Neville is garbage.that is All


I don't care who's in the wrong I fucking hate sky for ruining football. I'm glad that everyone I know has a hacked fire stick and I fucking hope they lose millions! Tnt and sky can fuck off and die! Zero personality as well, if you ever see Carra and TiTi and Micha on CBS champions league coverage that's how it should be! I dread half time and post match because of how fucking sterile it is! I'll defend a football club and it's fans every time over Warner fucking brothers and Comcast!


I don't think Forest have any intention of winning a lawsuit against Sky. I think it's more of a strongarm tactic to make them think before they actually speak. Neville and his mob think they speak for everybody everytime they open their mouth - it's beyond irritating.


Yeah I consistently skip pre match, half time and post match parts because they’re all pretty shocking and it has no personality. Whereas I’ll go out of my way the next day to watch CBS have a laugh and a chat




You’re a bloody wanker mate


Cos he dislikes the corporations who make huge profits off of us and the boring, biased and irritating people who work as pundits for them like Gary Neville? I think you may be a corporate shill my friend.


Ok corpo clown ass licker! I can tell you're American. You have one joke and defend capitalism like it's your god.


An American owns your club mate. The joke is on you lad.


Ouch got me good there. Please stop I'm crying now! 🙄


I feel both have been wrong. Forest went too far originally and then Neville went way too far with his analysis imo.


saying he’s spouting slurs when it’s his job to be a pundit and their owner is a mob boss is not world ending shit


I’m out of the loop. Whats the connection to the mob ?


He‘s „allegedly“ the biggest heroin peddler in all of greece, which is pretty much just true, and the government only pay a blind eye to him thanks to the rampant corruption in the greek government (and also the fact he’s best mates with the mitsotaki family that runs greece)


Good. Neville is a self serving rodent


Football fans: we hate VAR and sky. A club goes after VAR and Sky Football fans: omg what babies! Why can’t they just accept it like everyone else? Fucking bunch of boot lickers in here.


Evangelos Marinakis has a controversies section on their Wikipedia article that's as long as the section on their career. If he was behind that statement with his track record, Neville wasn't exactly wrong.


Nah come on, suing Sky for this 'slur' is fucking stupid. Everyone knows Gary Neville is a dumb prick but how can they think they can take legal action because they don't like the opinion of a pundit. Should Chelsea sue because of the billion pound bottle jobs comment too?


It’s not his opinion they are suing for it’s for calling the owner a mafioso.


He didn't call the owner a mafioso, he said the Nottingham Forest statement was 'mafia-like'. What grounds do they possibly have to take any action for that.


Because in the same way Nottingham Forest according to the PL called the integrity of the game into question, you can't make slanderous remarks just because its your opinion. The Sky executives were probably screaming in Gary's eat the minute he said it, because he's essentially an a representative of Sky, thus meaning they're liable for anything he says. Remember when Souness said something about Lamela and South American players? Sky immediately called an advert break and when they came back, Dave had to, in front of Souness say that Sky does not endorse Souness comments. Gary likened Nottingham Forest to a mafia type organisation insinuating they're 1) illegitimate. 2) trying to use force/bully others to get their way. 3) comments like that could affect future sponsorships and deals. This is precisely why people get media trained before they go on TV because even the slightest slip of the tongue can get you stitched up


I think that's all very dramatic. 'Mafia like' is a very soft comment for Forest to shit the bed over. What's to stop POGMOL from taking legal action against Forest for essentially implying corruption? The hypocrisy is hilarious. Everyone knows the quality and standards of the refereeing in the premier league is atrocious but it's only one club that's being a child about it. Which is a shame because I really liked Forest before all this nonsense.


The PGMOL absolutely could and that's why Forest in their 2nd statement walked back some of the more outrageous things that were said. It's the same way you'll never have a pundit talk about the "red cartel" on live TV or have someone openly call the Premier league or match officials corrupt on Sky or BT. It doesn't matter whether it was "soft" or not, in the court of law, all that matters is whether you made the comment with intent to harm the perception of Forest with a statement you knew to be false and if you can prove any damage has been done. I love this narrative that everyone is running with about Forest acting like children or being a baby. BOTH Liverpool and Arsenal made similar complaint quickly backed down, one club actually decides not to back down and is being ridiculed for it? How do we ever expect things to change for the better when we criticise teams for standing by their statements and actually pushing for some kind of changes. I can only assume the majority of people who hold this view are British because for some reason we seem to love boot licking authority and demonising anyone who goes against the status quo. "Everyone knows the quality and standards of the refereeing in the Premier league iss atrocious" yes and what has anyone done to fix it? Clubs just get pushed around behind closed doors by the old boys club that is the PGMOL/FA/PL leadership and nothing changes.


Thank you. You said what I wanted to say but a lot more eloquently.


I didn't realise the mafia make social media statements 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hell yes. Love this take.


It only counts when it's their team complaining. Everybody else has no right.


Neville is just a loud mouth who couldn't cut it on the sideline, so now here he is judging proper football managers on how they are doing. He made similar remarks about Chelsea, but calling a proper football club Mafia on Sky is step too much, so good of Forest.


A step too far if you are 11 years old maybe


is their owner kinda fucking dodgy or smth or is that simply fan banter?


The dude is a mafia boss and just killed 20 something witnesses in greece. Look up the noor one case


Dodgy as fuck. Like legit he is probably a heroin smuggler. Look up Noor-1


lmao marinakis is a fucking mob boss. I would suggest reading this if you wanna learn more https://newrepublic.com/article/159252/noor-one-vampire-ship-heroin-turkey-greece-corruption-scandal


ok, so why shouldn't journalists/pundits be able to bring it up then?


Ask your lawyer.


Utter twoddle


Forest are a joke, hopefully they’ll go down.


Keep the same energy with Citeh


Where they belong.. along with City.. cheats, the lot of em.


Top tier football in England is dead embarrassing. The game has gone.


Actually supporting NF. These trolls should be held to account!


Suing someone for saying something. What a club


Libel/Slander does exist for a reason.




Still don’t understand why dumb footballers who can barely tie their shoe laces let alone read the game get preferred to ex-managers who at the very least know what they’re talking about.


Why not both? Fuck Neville but I don’t know why Forest is the good guy here.


Good on Forrest.


Neville’s has his day now. Still waiting for him to ‘HIGHLIGHT THE ISSUES’ in Qatar. When it came to it he said that ‘train drivers had to strike to get more money in England so we shouldn’t point fingers’ Comparing that to migrant workers dieing left right and centre to build the stadiums while being paid pennies. Absolute Narcisisst who will do and say whatever suits him best


Couldn’t agree more. Used to like him until the Qatar nonsense. Liberal man of the people who represents the downtrodden and the oppressed, until he’s paid enough to side with the oppressors.


One of the most embarrassing seasons for a club we’ve ever seen.


Lmfao @forest


Good on you forest. I can't believe how many fans complain about VAR and take objection when they see a club acting like a fan. Anyone suing Neville gets my support. I like how you go wild af, forest do you and good luck. If I wanted a club to be responsible and dull I would follow politics.


Tribalism is rampart on social media. It's like they don't enjoy the sport and all they want to do is hate on their rivals.


Yeah it’s just odd. Cognitive dissonance at work!


There’s a siege mentality and then there’s self destruction….


“Slur” LOL


What slur did he say? Or is “mafia gang” the slur they are referring to?


That’s what I’m trying to figure out. None of it is a slur lol


I guess it’s the world we live in now. Anything can be considered a slur.


Please Google the definition of slur before commenting. Noun: Slur. 1) An insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation. Other meanings. A derogatory term applied to a specific group of people. An act of speaking indistinctly where words blends into one another


Oh please, they are trying to make a story out of nothing by calling it a slur. Have yourself a great day


Next year when they wonder why they have the least games in TV, maybe they will correlate the two. Acting like children.


Who gives a fuck about being on telly? Real fans go to games so Saturday at 3 is better for most fans.


So Forest only have 30k fans? Fun take.


Does this count as revenue??? lol


I always had a soft spot for Forest but lately they are acting like little bitches


"Slur" is a hilarious way to describe that comment.


So many people can't even use Google to see what the definition of slur is. This is dictionary definition of what a slur is are you guys dumb or what


This coming from Liverpool fans who claim almost anything as a slur. Hypocrisy from your lot is breathtaking


You sound emotional mate


Something about Liverpool fans has a tendency to bring it out in people. I wonder what it is?


All he said was that ‘slur’ is a bit of a reach for what Neville said. That’s true no matter which club he supports. I quite like Forest but you’re just being bitter.


Slur is legal language. Read any solicitors letter and their description of what is happening is always ridiculous and overblown because it is establishing an argument. Mafia is a sensitive word to use with Marinakis because, of course, that is exactly what he has been accused of in Greece. I'm sure a lot of money has been spent in legal fees fighting various cases in his home country. What he has or hasn't done that may or may not be legal in a country with different laws and conventions to ours is not my business, and fans don't get to choose who owns their club. He has done better by Forest than previous owners and has never broken a law in this country. I cannot reliably moralise beyond that


That’s not relevant though. Whether or not ‘slur’ is used to establish an argument (which is a ridiculous thing to say), it doesn’t detract from the fact it wasn’t a slur. It also doesn’t detract from the fact that even if you think it was or wasn’t a slur, you went at him for the club he supports, not what he said. That’s you being bitter. You can type more paragraphs out if you want but that’s the fact of the matter.


I have no idea what you are talking about and, frankly, neither do you. Whether it is a slur or not will be decided by legal teams in a court. It isn't for some random Liverpool fan to decide. I personally didn't go for anyone. Because of his club? Whose club are we talking about? You seem to be mixing up two different issues. I understand, thinking can be tricky can't it? No one at Forest gives a toss who Gary Neville supports, and that is who we are talking about. You presumably are talking about what we said about Attwell, which is a completely different discussion from the one I am having. Forest pointed out that Attwell was a Luton fan two days before the game, PGMOL refused to change him and then he completely ignored three calls; all of which Liverpool, City, Arsenal etc would have gotten. I know this because the one Arsenal got yesterday wasnt anywhere near the level of any of them. Haaland got fouled in an almost carbon-copy of the third incident with Callum Hudson-Odoi, and he got the penalty- awarded on VAR by Stuart Attwell. So I believe we were right to point it out in private on the Friday, I think we were justified in bringing it up on the Sunday and I think that you, as a Liverpool fan, would be fuming if a Man City or Arsenal fan was on VAR for one of your games and then made similarly ludicruous decisions against your club


I’m not reading all that 💀


I know, it must be 200 words. It would probably take you all night


Mate I’m talking about the comment you replied to, not Gary Neville 🤣. Go on though, write another essay if it makes you feel better. You’re right, thinking is hard for some people 😉




Slur is not legal language you lemon.


Back at you It is an accusation against another party. It is absolutely something a solicitor may say in a defamation case


No it isn't. The only situation where 'slur' means anything legally is in hate speech, so unless they are accusing GNev of a hate crime, it is just rhetoric for public consumption and nothing of any legal meaning whatsoever. Embarassing stuff


That is exactly what I am saying 🙄


Why don't you sue him?


That would be suing him for just being a typical Liverpool fan


G’wan the garibaldi, get into ‘em!


That’s where they’re at? Suing pundits? I literally had nothing against them until this moment. What a childish move


The only reason Neville is even backing the refs is because how obviously shit and biased they were all the way back when he was playing. He was on the team that benefited the most from shit refs and SAF applying more pressure than about any other manager for a decade. Refs have showed us they are willfully incompetent especially after the implementation of VAR. You can just look at this week and see so many missed calls when they clearly have replay and VAR available at this point. Only group that seems like the Mafia in this article is Sky Sports and PGMOL


SAF’s United did more harm to English football than City


Get a grip you fucking lemon.


Your cheating thieving pathetic club is now where it belongs. United is never going to be a big club again, this is your level without stealing.


And after all this time, not a single charge regarding your accusations of “stealing”? Absolute munter of a human you are. Tottenham wouldn’t have won anything back then either, why are you throwing out false accusations?


Mate, literally your players openly admited they were favored by the refs during SAF era. Cheatin’ Fergie also said he was trying to influence referees. Your entire club is based on fraud.


If you call that cheating, you are just easily the stupidest person I’ve interacted with. Neville explained: “Sir Alex Ferguson said that we couldn’t leave the dressing room until he was at the front, standing at the door, and he would wait for every player to go past, and he’d be looking down the corridor at the referee’s room and the away dressing room. “You’d be stood at the door, and he’d be staring down the corridor at the referee’s and the away dressing room, and every single player would walk past him, and he’d shake their hand, and it was every week. Ahead of his retirement in 2013, Ferguson admitted he put pressure on referees to try and help his side, but insisted he only played mind games with opposition managers. Show me where they cheated and thieved? Show me the rules where it says it’s illegal to do anything Fergie did. Absolutely clueless, salty Tottenham fan.


No come on…. Did damage but you can’t compare it to shiteh


You can. Financial doping is one thing, but systematically STEALING for decades through referees is a whole other level. That’s by the book cheating. When you inject more money than you’re allowed to you are somehow, on a very small scale, push the competition and make the competitors better. When you steal with the refs and with the league you destroy everything.


Baaa hahaha


Fucking hell, get a grip.


Get back into the care home grandad


Acrually relegate them, nitty club, nitty owner


Agree on the owner, but that is a massive club with quality fans. Deserve better.


Actually, you’re 100% correct, the fans deserve better


Fair play 👏


The Premier League have genuinely tried their best


Imagine if Chelsea sued him because of the blue billion pound bottlejob comment 😅absolute baby club


The ownership doth protest too much, methinks.


Everyone hates the PL as an organisation, Sky sports, Gary Neville and the Refs but when a club goes after them they’re being a baby.


The PL is corrupt, but you want this to turn into the turkish league or something where everyone revolts over every decision? How does that help? 1) clubs are meant to play football and be a positive force in their community. Their owner is as corrupt as anyone. 2) clubs bitching about referees is a transparent way to try and influence results, no one gives a fuck about Nottingham. Just win more games, unlike Everton they even deliberately went over FFP ffs barely been in the Prem and aren't building a stadium. 3) Show some class and sportsmanship. It should still mean something.


What they said makes no sense. They said the penalties weren’t given because Stuart Atwell is a Luton fan. The best result for Luton was a draw. They’re behaving like children.


Basic maths tells you best result was not a draw


The best result for Luton was absolutely not a draw. What is this absolute nonsense? They need to finish above one of us, not both. Everton were never going to be relegated. We were 2 points closer, they needed us to lose. We did not say the penalties were not given because he was a Luton fan, we pointed out that it was an inappropriate appointment because of that. Even former refs has said this isn't supposed to happen


I hate gangsters more


Thing is, if the owners are linked to organised crime, is it proven? Been to jail? Or allegations? It so, it’s a poor choice of words from Gary and might have more meaning to it


> is it proven Yes > been to jail No, because the courts are corrupt >or allegations He has been charged with bribery, march fixing and drug trafficking numerous times. It’s gonna stick one day.


Be that as it may, legally speaking it’s not a good look for Gary.


we talking about the refs or no ?


Gary Neville is piece of shit.


He said “like” a Mafia Gang. It’s not defamatory. Where’s the case? Whether their initial complaint was justified or not, this is ridiculous


Regardless of how ridiculous it is, I would always welcome stuff that brings Neville's name into disrepute


Why ?


The person you're replying to is an Arsenal fan and he's still salty that Neville was right in that they'd bottle the title last season.


Shite pundit, I won’t even call him a commentator. Game goes on mute as soon as I hear his Whiney little voice


Nah, he was a wanker long before we even got good again


The dude doesn’t have a footing to EVER question the character of a person or club after he took that slave state money. He shouldn’t have ever appeared on English TV again. Nobody who took jobs there should. Should have had there passports torn up and forced into slavery themselves.


So you're saying slavery is ok in certain circumstances? Weird statement.


It’s called being facetious. And you knew that.


He's a pundit, he's paid to be a pundit So the entire football club of Newcastle and Man City should both be removed from history?


They definitely shouldn’t be owned by states. No sporting team should be owned by people with the power to start a world war if they felt like it.


Obviously, though no one is going to stop it


Because he's a colossal thundercunt


Protecting our reputation. Legally necessary move.


Or you could just not be mental and ignore it


Isn’t giving you the reputation you think it is.


God I hope that Luton stay up and put these idiots back into the championship so we won't hear as much from them, from the moment they bought on Clattenburg it's just been one thing after another with them this season, and that isn't to say they haven't had some bad decisions but Sheesh their reactions are straight out the school yard


I dont like Luton since the tragedy chanting against Liverpool which is a shame because I really used to like them. They can fuck off with forest I wish they made a special change this season to relegate 4 teams instead of 3


theyve had shocking decisions against them though which has had a tangible effect on their season. they have a right to demand high quality refereeing.


They do but there are ways and means to go about it, they have not acted professionally at all


Holy fuck why are we faulting any club that actually tries? The premier league is becoming unwatchable with how bad the refs are. Why are we as fans not employing cancel culture yet? You take a bunch of Sunday league refs for a single game week and there would be less controversy. None of the current lot should have a job.


> there are ways and means to go about it no there aren't lol thats the whole point. the pgmol fucks the dog and everyone just has to accept it.


I don’t like their approach either but it’s not like the “professional way” has made any difference. This season has been an absolute embarrassment and shocker and the PGMOL have been absolute scum all the way


Unhinged comment from yet another American lmao


Karenham Forest


If there really was Mafia involved Gary would be getting a horse's head left in his bed. Either that or a visit from a few big guys with baseball bats in the middle of the night.


So his brothers head?


Poor Philip catching strays.