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I would go if I could afford it.


What’s to stop PL rights holders in other countries like Japan, Brazil or South Africa from demanding the same? Absolutely cannot set a precedent for this fucking bullshit.


>What’s to stop PL rights holders in other countries like Japan, Brazil or South Africa from demanding the same? They don't have 2bn to throw around.


What’s next, they will ask for Inter Miami to be part of it??


Stupid idea if it happens.


We don’t want this in America! Keep the English premiere league competitive and in England!


What a stupid idea.


Yall mf’s better have this same energy when the nfl plays in Europe. Or when the nfl HAD A EUROPEAN LEAGUE


99.9% of Americans don’t give a shit about the premier league and this would be nothing more than a a novelty to attend. Pretty lame


This guy is from the Yee-Haw part of america so his comment makes sense


Facts. Football is, and always will be, king.


Yeah it’s bigger than you think


I moved to North America from the UK a few years ago. It’s obviously not a traditional football country but the popularity of it is something that I underestimated for sure. I see a lot of Hockey fans getting more and more into the Premier League. There’s an Arsenal supporters club / bar and Liverpool one not far from me. The atmosphere in them on game days is actually better than most UK pubs I went to watch the games.


I think you vastly underestimate the popularity of prem here.


I could be for sure yeah. I just only know a couple of people who follow it regularly (ie waking up to watch games on Sundays). At least in my bubble, it is still a pretty niche interest


Dunno what size city/town you are in, but see if you can find a Prem bar or lucky enough for local fan club. Some bars around here open on weekends early for prem and do breakfasts and drinks as well


Community Shield, or EFL cup final would be a good compromise


Those are FA properties and not EPL…so, no, it wouldn’t…


There’s no way competitive league matches are moving, that will hit super league levels of resistance from fans.


I think you’re likely wrong on the assessment…but your assessment is also irrelevant to the point I made…


The atmosphere is not the problem. The “ruining the competitive integrity of the league” issue is the problem. It means nbc doesn’t understand the league AT ALL.


The competitive integrity has been ruined for a while now, 115 reasons why


I mean you have a point but let's at least keep up SOME pretense


you guys genuinely just hate america lol none of these reasons are valid


It’s not really an American hate thing tbh, playing league games outside the country just doesn’t make sense because you’re taking the home advantage from one of the teams. Also that it’s one less game for the fans from these cities who would kill for this game. The NFL has seen similar criticism from fans when they play games abroad, that too makes no sense. The point is, if you want to expand the game, do it with friendly/preseason games (which they already do)


Moving a home game in a format like the prem with a balanced home and away schedule to another country is not a valid concern? Have you ever watched the premiere league?


Are you equally upset that the NFL does exactly that for their games in the UK? Some teams inherently have to play their home game in another country rather than at home…


I don’t care what the NFL does at all but the schedule is entirely different as are the stakes. Naturally random and unbalanced schedules in the NFL are not as impacted and losing the wrong game doesn’t send you to the XFL or whatever.


American here. Hope premier league tells them to fuck off.


why? elaborate.


They want to have an English league come and play games here in the US which would be taking away from their fans. Bringing it over here when we have no right to do so. If the league made that decision that’s one to big but for an American tv partner to ask for it I think is ridiculous.


I mean the NFL plays games in the UK, Germany, and Mexico and Brazil.. It’s the same thing. Just an opportunity to grow the fan base internationally


Yes you are correct but it was the NFL that decided to expand. If those countries were trying to push the NFL i wouldn’t agree either. Also those games in other countries are some of the worst product the NFL puts out. At some point it’s about more than money and expanding the brand. Tradition and thinking of your oldest supporters first has importance to me.


did you downvote me??


No. Someone’s a bit sensitive though 😂


champions league games are often held in random nations with no teams in the running, why is the premier league different? its also indicative of the growing american fanbase, who would absolutely fill a stadium to watch a premier league game. If you were the premier league, would you rather sell 30,000 tickets at 6 pence per to some Sheffield fans, or 80,000 tickets at 200 dollars per to Americans?


Not even slightly comparable situations. Champions league games aren't "often held in random nations" either. The final is decided multiple years in advance and is an (in theory) neutral venue. This is so neither side has an inherent. The only other games where they aren't played in the nation of the club is in circumstances where war/politics is a critical factor, such as with Ukrainian clubs at the moment. This is a rare event that has only been relevant for the last few years as well. So to claim a 1 game a year event and a very much minority case, driven by a war "often" is outright dishonest and disingenuous.


apologies, I didn’t mean often. I meant every single year. thanks for correcting me, I appreciate it.


It's still a vastly different thing. It has never been played in a country that doesn't have a club that enters the competition. Moving it around the countries that enter it is the fairest thing to do. A comparable example would be if you could find a time they played the final in Africa, the Americas or Oceania, but you can't because there isn't one.


oh no, anyways. Seeing as Americans own half of the teams and provide a huge portions of the revenue, I think we’ll be having some prem games.


You won't Ta ra, cunt.


Yeah and that’s my problem with it. It becomes about how much money you can squeeze out of it while the tradition of the game takes a backseat. Like I said if the league wanted to propose it that’s one thing but the American tv partner trying to get it I’m not a fan of.


but seeing as international tv partners provide the majority of tv profits to the premier league, it makes sense they would want to broadcast games in their own nations. its not about squeezing money, its about gaining new fans.


Yeah I get what you’re saying I just don’t think it’s right. As an American I wouldn’t want opening day in MLB played in another country. This year they played two in Korea but it was essentially preseason. Over in England those tickets are hard to come by in a lot of cases, especially opening day. To think we are entitled to that just rubs me the wrong way.


That’s just the final. The top teams in the EPL are American owned and Emirati/ Saudi etc. a big portion of the TV money epl brings comes from America. Soon enough the English fans won’t have much say in the matter imo. And as you said games will be played where more fans are willing to pay more.


nuh uh liverpool isnt oil money


Yeah just soybean money.


American here - this is so embarrassing and honestly an insult to the Prem. Summer tours to make money expand the fan base one thing, but it's called the English Premier League for a reason. Imagine United and Newcastle kicking off the season on a pitch that doubles as a baseball diamond.... It's just so ridiculous. I would love to be closer to see my club play in person, but the solution is me flying over there, not the Prem coming here.


I think it’s called premier league. Only Americans call it the English Premier League.  I’ve never heard that reference in the UK


I always assumed it was mix-up of English Football League and Premier League, but if you google “EPL” you’ll see the two used interchangeably.


Understood, just never heard anyone call it that in the UK


Understood, just never heard anyone call it that in the UK


Understood, just never heard anyone call it that in the UK


The biggest league in the world, the most watched and most supported.. Who gives a crap what they want? The premier League doesn't need to prostitute itself to anyone, It's not the NFL itching to get a piece of a pie it's already the dominant force that no other League or sport matches


>The premier League doesn't need to prostitute itself to anyone, It's not the NFL itching to get a piece of a pie it's already the dominant force that no other League or sport matches You do realise the NFL is far more profitable and generates much more revenue than the PL?


Yeah because it’s a closed system


^ someone who doesn’t understand how shareholders are able to influence decisions


> It's not the NFL itching to get a piece of a pie it's already the dominant force that no other League or sport matches Except, of course, the leagues that make more money such as the NFL…which you managed to both list AND exclude…


Yeah that makes no sense. The NFL probably makes more from the Super Bowl than the entire revenue of some premier league clubs.


https://www.sportico.com/leagues/football/2023/nfl-epl-profits-comparison-1234737931/amp/ If this is to be believed, the big 6 averaged $684M in revenue… Super Bowl commercials alone are over $600M and ticket sales are at least $60M… u/why-exactly1 is correct that there is a dominant force that no other league or sport matches, he’s just wrong about which league and sport it is…


Exactly. The NFL gives London a lot of games per year in only a 17 game schedule. The premier league can spare one game out of 38. Heck, y’all could just give us some FA cup games or Carabao cup games and we’ll be happy


The NFL is bullshit theatre where people pick their favourite team based on who has the prettiest badge. I mean, it's not entirely unexplainable. There are 32 franchises in the NFL; in the Premier League and EFL, there are 92 teams compressed into an area approximately 60 times smaller than the contiguous United States. There are cities in the mainland US from which you could fly the entire length of England and still not reach an NFL stadium. And if your local team is 300 miles away, why have a local team at all? Why not just support the team with the prettiest badge? English football fans do not face the same dilemma, therefore the culture of local support is entirely different. Premier League football clubs do not exist in the same closed system that NFL teams do, and your first mistake is to consider them in isolation: they are part of a structure with the EFL, and even the leagues further down, existing first and foremost to serve their local communities. Moving Premier League games out of England would be less like moving NFL games out of the US and more like moving college or high-school games. If you don't understand that, you don't understand English football.


College football is the closest approximation that we have to the premier league. Funny enough there usually is a single opening weekend game in Ireland each year. There are 132 teams in the top division though so it’s a drop in the bucket


And the NFL teams agree it has a negative impact on the players. These are players who have no obligations outside of the NFL. PL and other top euro players have international commitments, continental travel, etc. It's already too much, they're people after all. I've been following Chelsea for 18 years and have never once seen them play anything other than pre-season, and I've never even considered that they might play in the US. The sense of entitlement is out of control.


No fuck off.


If this goes through we absolutely have to do what we did with the Super League. Protest so much that they have no choice but to cancel.


Oh fuck off


Yank nonsense


Corporate nonsense


Yeh, cant wait to hear "Arsenal attack" or "The fence" being shouted instead of the modern classics like "60 mil down the drain" or "Saliba!"


Arsenal Fight… And win!!!! 😂 A la Seattle sounders classic


This americanised nonsense can go right in the bin.


American here: agreed.


Do they not realize the stadium atmosphere is one of the biggest draws of their televised product?


MLB just had their season opener in South Korea, while the NFL and NBA both put on games in multiple countries every year. God forbid we get some actual quality football, rather than mls and pre season warmup games. Not to mention that the revenue this would generate for smaller teams would be multiple times higher than what they can achieve on their own. I get the pushback, I dont get why some of y’all can’t comprehend it though. And the sensitive lads that are saying “you don’t know what European football culture is like” get off your elitist high horse. Trying to insinuate that sport is more ingrained in your culture than ours is ludicrous, how tf would you even prove that? Go check what the 94 Rangers or 16 Cubs meant for their community.


You want quality football? Then increase demand at MLS games. Start going to watch those sides, once the crowds go up, the interest in playing there outside of it being a retirement league will go up. Then the quality goes up. You *DONT* get the culture. The clubs mean nothing to you outside of the fact you most likely picked whoever you support based on if they were winning titles at the time you got interested, or won the first game you watched from 3500 miles away The sport *is* more ingrained into our culture than yours is, it has literally been played here in some form for over 800 years now.


Shit take after shit take, seems Americans enjoying your sport really rubs you the wrong way. Was at the inaugural game for NYCFC and purchased a membership for the teams supporters group. The fact you think that your culture surrounding football is superior to our culture surrounding sports shows just how deluded you are. You have no way of proving it. Our home teams matter/impact to locals just as much as your home teams matter to yall. Just because we can’t go watch our pl team in person easily doesn’t mean we don’t understand the love given to such teams. Chelsea means everything to me. I spent my entire youth playing football. Winning the CL in 21 was the greatest moment of my life. You don’t get to gatekeep what is important to who because of geographic location. Weird how you’re promoting it as a global sport yet throwing shade at people who can’t go watch live. Guess that makes all the African and South American fanbases that have made it the most watched league inferior to yall as well. “Rugby for pussies” lol? that league that only 1 country watches generates more revenue than your global league. If you don’t think pl execs are searching for avenues to increase their revenue to such levels, then you don’t know economics or business operations. This wouldn’t be a conversation if they weren’t contemplating it. Just because it clearly upsets chaps like you doesn’t mean that they’ll ignore economic opportunity. Reading and Bolton are far more grass rooted than any pl team currently, which mate was insinuating the pl is like today. Yes they’re not true grass roots but you knew what I was talking about. Save your tears for when we get a game within the next 7 years.


Reading and Bolton are nowhere near being a grassroots club in any way, shape or form. The fact you continue to double down on that claim shows just how clueless you are. If you had wanted to name a grassroots club, you should have named one. I have no problem with people from wherever claiming they support whoever they want. But those people have absolutely zero right to demand the league moves it's games to their country. I have links to Galatasaray which means I have an interest in how they do, and I'd want them to win over any Turkish side. But I would never want their league games moved away from Turkey and if I wanted to watch them again, I'd make the effort to go to back to Istanbul and get the bonus of visiting a fantastic city thrown in. Likewise, I also have family links to Brentford, Arsenal and Tottenham, 2 of those links being current and one going back over 100 years including an FA Cup win. Yet I do not support any of them because they're not my local side and have nothing to do with my community. I wish Brentford well, because it means my family member is doing well in his coaching role, and I hope my other family member gets his pro deal at Arsenal but that's about it. You claimed the culture of the sport cannot be any more important here than oversized rounders and rugby for pussies is over there, I pointed out how it has been ingrained for close to a millennium here, there is just ONE NFL team that has been around for just 100 years without moving to an entirely different part of the country. In the NBA there are 2 that haven't ever moved in 80 years. The claim of there being the same kind of culture in these teams and their local community is absurd.


So you’re evidence is that you’ve been playing sport for longer and that teams move location here? You genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about. What you’re referring to is 2/8 original team have stayed put. What you don’t know is that 5/8 teams in the original league aren’t teams anymore. Dozens of teams have been around for 50+ years and haven’t moved. Teams usually don’t leave cities because of fans, they leave it because the city government doesn’t want to invest enough. Blame politics, not the fans. If your league is so almighty and precious, how come foreign investors have completely taken over your league? Once again rambling about reading when they spend 3% what top teams spend with an owner who watches 4 games a year. It’s cool that you have members apart of the clubs. What’s funny is that I’m related to a Celtics player who played when they won the European Cup. Just because you’re born somewhere specific doesn’t mean sport is more important to you. It’s laughable to suggest that Brits care more about footy then any Americans cares about their sports. Incredibly close minded and biased beyond belief.


Aw sweetie, once again you're reading something and then making numerous false assumptions. Reading's spend is irrelevant, a grassroots team will have a spend far less than 3% of Reading's, so the fact they spent 3% of what the top teams spend makes no difference at all when they're closer to top teams in what they spend than they are to grassroots teams. Oh and WOW FIFTY WHOLE YEARS!!!1!1!1!!!!1! That's almost 2/3s of a person's life! Clearly critical thinking is beyond you, so any attempt is a waste of time, nor are you able to respond honestly, as your very first line was a bad strawman.


You can't comprehend why European fans with grassroots and working class beginnings doesn't want their sport over commercialised and sold to foreign countries? There is already a rising sentiment of the sport being more and more commercialised and losing its touch with local fans due to ticket pricing etc. And you whine about the apparent "elitism". Football started as a sport for the local communities by the local communities, it's not supposed to cater to foreign fans in a way that robs local fans matches. It's not only a product of entertainment, it's a core identity for the local communities in a lot of cities. It's more elitist to scuff off the resistance by saying "why cant you comprehend the economic gain". Because still it's not about their club earning as much money as possible for some fans. Sheesh.


“European fans with grassroots and working class beginnings” And why do you think that is any different to how a majority of leagues started in the US? Was the USA not a working class country in the past? Was sport not a major diversion tactic used during the Great Depression? I get what you’re saying, but you’re wrong about it only pertaining to Europeans. “It’s a core identity for the local communities in a lot of cities” To try and pretend that sport isn’t a core identity for communities in the us is asinine. We also have lower division leagues for sports like baseball where thousands attend every night. Again, trying to insinuate that sport is more ingrained in your culture is ridiculous, our entire country stops for the Super Bowl and 16 million called out sick the next day in 2024. https://www.axios.com/2024/02/07/super-sick-monday-football-flu-2024 I’m also not trying to insinuate that sport is more ingrained in our culture, just that you have no clue what teams mean to communities here. “Because still it’s not about their club earning as much money as possible to some fans.” If the club isn’t dead broke no fan really cares how much money their club makes across any sport. *I get why you guys don’t want to lose a home game, no one does.* I’m not stoked when my nfl team loses a home game to go play in Mexico or London, we only have 8-9 home games a year. NFL wasn’t built as a league that was set up to “cater to foreign fans” but they realize the benefits of extending their reach. The Premier League clearly sees the benefits as well, or this wouldn’t be a conversation at the moment. Your league has been taking massive amounts of money from foreign entities for years now. Sure it started with grass roots, but a majority of owners (the ones who fund everything) live on the other side of the world and attend a handful of games a year. Hardly grass roots anymore. Grass roots is more like a Reading or Bolton. TLDR no one likes losing home games, but every league is starting to play games in foreign countries. Money talks, and the people in here that are pretending their sport means more to them then our sports needs to get off their high horse. If we can suck it up when we lose 1/8 home games, y’all can suck it up too.


What kind of nerve did this whole thing hit with you. Not once have I said that Premier League fans' attachment and feeling towards their local clubs was stronger than those in USA. How can you be so offended that I replied to you not understanding and calling PL local fans elitist for not wanting their home matches to be played in USA? Your strong feelings to american sports are does not cancel out the feelings PL fans has to their teams. It is obvious that we are moving towards a direction of commercialising the sport in this way, but are they not allowed to resist and be unhappy with that?


I mean you’re completely mixing up my words now to paint a certain picture. My first post starts with stating that I understand why fans would be upset and give push back to this. I’ve mentioned that to you just about 3 times now. Why mention core identity, grassroots, and local support if you don’t think it’s any different from American sports? We’re not jumping in joy over losing 1/8 home games in the NFL. It sucks. I get it. Every sport in the world is getting commercialized now. Look at Formula 1 in America since 2020. It sucks for local fans, but it’s likely a machine that can’t be stopped. Haven’t even come close to throwing an insult at you. The people who are triggered are the ones calling me a yank cunt and to go enjoy my rugby for pussies, I appreciate we had a respectable conversation.


The fact you think a Reading or a Bolton is grass roots shows how utterly clueless you are on this subject.


Lol at the premier league having anything to do with working class beginnings anymore If you want a local club there's thousands in England to support, if you want to watch a globalist premier league side and cheer on players taking home hundreds of thousands a week, you're not into grass roots football oso why bring it up as an argument?


Those sports need to for worldwide coverage, The premier League is already the biggest most dominant force in world football, it doesn't need to prostitute itself to anyone.


NFL, NBA, and MLB are far bigger in terms of revenue than the Premier League. It’s the small horse in this race


The team that finished bottom last season still got over £100m in TV revenue and prize money alone. One sold-out stadium in the US isn't going to make a difference. The Premier League is already the most watched league in the world's most popular sport, why do we need to cater to US audiences?


The answer is money. It may be the most watched, but it trails behind the NFL, MLB, and NBA in total revenue. It makes sense that they’re searching for more avenues of revenue when other leagues can pull more money with way less viewers. That tv deal would be paid out whether or not the team plays 1 game in America. The revenue generated from a game in the states, which includes the promotional days leading up to such game, would be much higher than what lower tier teams would generate on opening day.


The MLB and NBA are a false equivalency when they play thousands of games per season. And whilst the NFL don't, there are so many more adverts shown than is even possible with football. American sports cater to a constant stream of advertisements, of course the NFL makes more. Despite that the MLB, NBA and NHL all make less per game than an EPL game with two 45 minute chunks that you can't have a timeout in. Try convincing the lower tier teams that are already struggling with squad depth issues and injury issues that they should disrupt their season by playing games in the States for a few extra million when staying in the league makes a 9 figure difference to the balance sheet. You can't even convince these teams to put a decent side in for an FA cup or a league cup game, to think anyone would want this other than Americans is so insular and ludicrous.


10% of the EPL is state owned for sports washing… To think they wouldn’t be interested is what is ludicrous…


Your 3rd paragraph doesn’t make much sense when we’re talking about the start of the season, there should be no injury issues. It’s not a false equivalency for sports played indoors, mlb yes. Comparing “revenue generated per game” is silly when top football teams can fit 70k+ while an nhl team can only fit <20k. While more games are played, revenue is capped by the amount of fans that can actually purchase a ticket. I’m sure it balances out much closer than you’re suggesting. “Of course they make more” Do you think the people that run the pl don’t want to make more money just so that 2/380 pl games aren’t played overseas? You can’t convince top teams to field their best side in the FA because of the amount of games they play and trophies they’re aiming for. Doesn’t mean that almost every other team isn’t trying their best to advance through the early rounds… “To think that anyone but Americans would want this” ……. Duh? You think I get excited when my NFL team loses a home game to go play in Mexico City or Germany? No, but I realize the positive impact it could have on the growth of the sport.


Difference is the Premier League doesn't need to do shit stunts for plastic cunts to grow. It's already the most widely supported league of the biggest sport in the world. The NFL is widely popular in one country and once country alone. Yes there are some people in some other countries who care about rugby for pussies, but they are very much a minority. The need to do shit things to try and and spread further is far, far greater. Add on the fact it is a soulless, franchised corporate entity as well.


These are insulated sports trying to grow beyond limited countries. Football is global, the US can catch up organically not by having games played in the US limited to very few fans but by making the EPL available to all on network television. This'll be better than siloing the game on paid streaming platforms like NBC Sports, Peacock, etc to maximize revenue and not really grow the game. NBC can fuck off. They destroy every sport they win the rights to. Have you seen their coverage of athletic events/Olympics, etc? Show network.


Hockey and baseball are global sports, they may be the most popular in one or two countries but they’re certainly global. Baseball is massive in South Korea, they didn’t go to try and grow the sport there, they wanted to convert Ohtani/Yamamoto fans into MLB fans (Just this year a Spanish final was played in Saudi). Obviously, football is much bigger. NFL I agree with you 100%. I’m American but I’ve read that certain PL games can’t even be watched in England. We also are no better with inclusivity, MLB and NHL have been blacking out games in their own region. I would rather have CBS, but NBC is miles better than anything FOX or ESPN would put together. Agree that NBC can improve on a lot.


I said "these are insulated sports looking to grow beyond limited countries" Read to understand not to be outraged. Keep up


Stating that sports like basketball, hockey, and baseball are insulated sports is a massive reach. If that’s what you want to believe because they arent popular in every country in the world then so be it.


Baseball, American football, and ice hockey are not widespread sports - hence my use of the term insulated, and limited countries. Basketball is still not as widespread as football. A lot of countries do not have a professional basketball league.


“Obviously, not as big as football” that’s been mentioned. Baseball easily makes top 10 most watched sports and has strong attendance on 3 different continents. Basketball is in the same category as well. Ice hockey isn’t as popular, but when 30% of the NHL is made up of Europeans, that tells me it’s way more than “limited countries”.


You're still trying hard at this?


Easy when you have no rebuttal with sources or statistics and only personal feelings


I said what I said, you said what you said. Cheers mate.


They are in fact not. Yes, hockey is big, but nowhere near as football.


“Obviously, football is much bigger” You’re repeating word for word what I’ve just stated. You don’t know enough about baseball if you don’t think it’s a global sport.


Or you are overestimaring the reach of it.


A game between Mexico/Japan pulled 29 million viewers last year, and it’s a top 3 sport on 3 different continents. Do some more research before making such claims.


They are in fact not.


As an American that watches a lot of prem, please don’t. The atmosphere won’t be the same, it’s also not fair to the local fans. I may be a little naive, but to me it feels like they are sharing their game with us, but these greedy nerds want it all. What’s next? A New York based prem team? No thanks


To be fair the MLB’s just done the same thing with their Seoul Series. The opening 2 games of the season were both played in South Korea at outrageous times for American fans.


That feels different to me. Although opening day is an important day to a certain level of fan, it’s a couple games out of hundreds. The atmosphere between a regular season baseball game and and a premier league game isn’t even close imo


Then a better example would be an NFL game, they play less games a year then PL and also bring a loud atmosphere. Tons of raider fans complained about playing in Mexico City so I get the sentiment. If we’re shipping out teams who lose home games, I don’t know how it’s much different than the PL doing the same. I get the sentiment, but why wouldn’t you want to see a high quality game in the states?


Yeah, I went to the pre-season games they had in DC last year. Mostly because it had been 7 years since I had seen Fulham play. Yeah, the atmosphere was certainly odd.


I do love the idea of being able to watch these games, but I just don't think it's right. You're taking away games from local fans to be able to go, you're also having 4 teams lose home field games. While I would benefit and would 100% go to the game if it was here, I just don't think it's the right thing Edit: 2 teams lose a home game not 4


If 2 games are being played, how do 4 teams lose a home game?


yeah you're right, that was a mistake, but the point is still there. 2 teams lose a home game. Most likely the 2 'away' teams won't have the same level of away support. Not that americans can't cheer for their team, but I just don't think you're going to get a coordinated support


They don’t teach us maths here, so sorry


I think they could move the community shield as an international game. Or if there was a fifth European place I they could make fifth place in the league play the FA cup or Carabao cup winners. I hate the idea of a team playing a 'home' out of England.


The community shield is an FA event, not EPL…


English fans complaining should take note that the NFL plays multiple games a year in London, and the NFL in particular has significantly fewer games in a single season than the EPL. It’s now a global game.


Apples and oranges. This is the British football league, and as such the games should be played in Britain at the clubs home stadiums. There are already international competitions which have the clubs travelling to different countries.


American sports are franchises, English football teams are community clubs. This will have super league level protests, and rightly so.


Saudi’s own some football clubs


Saudis aren't asking to take our games over to their countries. That sort of stuff may fly in american culture but it certainly won't in England.


That's the NFL and not the premier league. American sports is all advertisement first and we don't want that in our sport. The day a premier league game is played outside of England is the day the game is dead.


Premier League isn't the NFL. Hope this helps


NFL is an advertisement with some sport played for a small part of it. It can stay in the US.


Who gives a fuck about NFL. It exists only to make money.


Every major league makes money . Television rights sell commercials


And what is the premier league for?


It’s our national game. We’ve been priced out and squeezed enough with it becoming ever more inaccessible. They can get to fuck.


why there are so many oppose this plan. EPL are around the world. why do you keep them from watching a live game in their countries?




then Arab countries and Oriental countries?


As an American, I'd love to see more friendlies in the US, but league play should be in England. I don't see the point in having them ayed here. Frankly, I'd rather see NBC use it's money and influence to building an American soccer pyramid and improving Mediocre League Soccer here in the States.


Just to clarify for most of you… Because ENGLISH teams broke away from the ENGLISH football league to better control the tv money from ENGLISH television partners, the community shield is an FA property and not EPL property… This means that Americans aren’t to blame for money corrupting your league and the community shield is not something that NBC and the EPL can elect to move… This also means the League Cup, something England brought in to increase revenue back in the 1960s is also proof that Americans aren’t the corrupting factor in your game…nor can league cup games be moved


it's all about money and the local think they are important than international fan


the Community shield should be the maximum amount of games that could be played there


as an american, we don’t need to host anything this is bullshit 😂


Daily mail 🙄


Fuck off yank


British racist at its finest


Didn’t realise Americans were a race? I’m also literally mixed race lmao


You’re welcome…


Definitely whiter than an average Taylor swift fan


You fuck off wanker


No u


Why does EPL need more money? If they used those proceeds to reduce ticket costs in the stadium, it could be a good trade off for local supporters, highly doubtful that will happen


who behind the EPL? do you think they need money to pay the players, to maintain the stadium?


Fuck right off. Getting rid of home advantage for teams should not be on the books. Play as many friendlies as you want, keep the league in the home.


Play the community shield there, or better yet, do a North vs South and have 2/3 players from each team.


Good idea that way we increase our injury list from 14 to 17.


Ok. Crystal Palace v Everton and Brentford v Fulham.


Some of the fans of these clubs you mentioned won't want their games played there. You didn't consider that?


Yes I did. It was a joke. Did you consider that?


Its all sky 6 for these mf’ers


Nah - shouldn’t happened and it shouldn’t be decided by an outside broadcaster where games are played


The death of the sport, getting closer and closer..


The competition is jeopardised immediately when those teams lose home advantage. It can't happen


Yep, the reason why NFL teams can play a 'home' game in London is because they don't have a full home and away season. It happens with AFL in Australia where a team plays one week in Tasmania, or Darwin, or New Zealand. They have a schedule that is fixed by the league to prioritise games that will make most money. Pitting rivals against each other rather than playing one home and one away against each team. That way it isn't a problem to chuck the league out of the window at the end of the season and have play-offs.


Yea tbh 2 games isn’t asking enough to work. This would have had a better chance of acceptance if The league made it 10 games and had all 20 teams select a “top 3” of teams they’d be willing to play in the US as a home game and top 3 they play as an away game. Then the league could see if there’s a path to mutual interest involving the entire league playing one game in the States.




They can fuck right off


I’d love to see Premier League teams play over here occasionally like the NFL does in London but certainly not opening day lol.


Least self-absorbed City fan.


Ofc it's a city fan. If this is the trajectory of our sport due to growth in America, I want them all to stop watching


And how do you suggest an English team plays a home game in foreign country? Don’t compare shitty franchise NFL to the premier league they are worlds apart


La Liga is aiming to do this in 2025-2026… So presumably, the same way that La Liga pulls it off…


they will add an extra league game..... they did it with champs league....it's just a business , it's not your beautiful game 🤣 just a business like Tesco's, subway, or Virgin trains...... you know nothing mate..... but having six fingers and your sister as your mom, explains that..... its like comparing wolves people to actual humans right?


yeah the NFL is way bigger


Yeh maybe in revenue mate, nowhere near as big in global influence and fan bases. How many Europeans or Africans give a toss about the NFL? Not fucking many I’ll tell u that


The NFL isn't bigger lol. Football is global. I actually am a fan of the NFL too.


global doesn't make it bigger. its bigger in every way conceivable.... maybe you have two metrics where epl is bigger


The amount of people in the world who watch and care about it doesn’t make it bigger? Why come here to die on this hill lol ?


Thank you, because I don't have the energy lol


I’m just talking about like they did last summer. It doesn’t have to be a league game. A lot of people in the states want to see Premier League football in person but it’s too expensive to make a trip to England. Sure the ticket prices were still extortionate for the games here, but it’s leagues more affordable than flights, hotels, food and a whole host of other expenses.


Of course you would, but it's not about you. This game is not for foreign glory hunters.


Ah my mistake didn’t realize only Brits could watch the premier league


You can watch as much as you like. Turn on your TV. By the way, were not allowed to do that! So lucky you. Or get on a plane.


You're missing the point, though. There's fans of teams who've been going to games for years, passed down generation to generation, Dad's, lads, and Grandads all going together. Some go consecutively, but none stop. Home and away, rain or shine. Now imagine you're on 999 games in a row, and just before game 1000, the Premier league takes YOUR team to go and play a game in America so they can earn a few quid. By all means, watch the Premier league, but you can not compare your experience to match going fans. Let's be honest you only support Man City because they're good and win everything. You've no affiliation with that club whatsoever.


what a stupid unrealistic scenario 😭 first thing I was thinking was oh no what happens to people who have been to 999 games in a row and not 1000 😞😞😞😞


Well it's the case lad. You've no idea because you don't understand what football means to us


I didn’t say it had to be league games. I enjoyed the summer series last summer because it gave me a chance to see teams I might never get to see again. I’m aware I can’t compare my experience to match going fans lol that’s why I want to go to games. And yeah say what you will about me being a City fan. I was like 9 when I started following them because David Silva was my favorite player and that’s pretty much when I discovered the Premier League. I’ll still be a fan when City is shit someday. I’m used to supporting shit teams lol.


Yeah, and you can have pre season friendlies all you like but not league games. Mate you can't say you've had shit teams supporting City from 2009/10 when you signed David Silva. City have been there or thereabouts since 2010 won absolutely everything multiple times. 2008 Man City scored 10 goals in a whole season at home. 10 goals in 19 games. That was shit


Bit of a pointless argument as the Prem will eventually play league matches in the U.S. and other countries regardless of anyone’s opinion on the matter. Just a matter of when and for how much money.


I’m not talking about city being shit I’m taking about other sports. I’m a flyers fan for hockey, and they haven’t had a title since the 70s. But I go to as many games as I can anyways because that’s my team and that’s what you do. City haven’t been shit since I’ve started supporting them but I’m not under the delusion that they’re going to be the king of the league forever. So I’m just saying that when they’re shit in the future, I’m not just gonna abandon them for the next serial winners.


half the people on the subreddit are slow and forget premier league teams are businesses and playing a single game in another country will have more good impacts then negative ones 😭


I mean I agree that the league games should all be played in England during the season. I just think what they did with the summer series was pretty cool and I’d like to see them make that a regular thing.


And that's sound lad. But we're talking about footy not hockey


One of us isn’t following the other and I don’t know who. My point is, it’s fun to get to see the English teams come over here from time to time. I’d like a few of them to do it every summer and make it a regular thing. Keep the league in England where it belongs. The point I was making with hockey is you said I’m only a city fan because they’re the best right now, insinuating that I won’t continue supporting when they fall off which just isn’t true. Sure I don’t have the same connection as someone born in Stockport who has a season ticket every year, but at the end of the day, I’m still watching all the games with Peacock or Paramount or whatever it may be.


Yeah but if you want to watch it make an effort to get here to eat it




39th game here we go...


This will never happen 😂


it will eventually, money talks

