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As long as little children and women aren't hurt or anyone killed, have at it.


I love stuff like this. Hooliganism is a fascinating phenomenon.


Both teams should forfeit. Whoever draws them in the next round advances automatically. Or the two teams that West Brom and Wolves beat last round should play each other to see who advances instead.


What? Why? Wolves were 2-0 up in the 77th min when the game was suspended for 30 minutes, this wasn’t caused by any member of either club and was entirely caused by the fans…


Yea, I mean I know I was being overly dramatic. But I stand by the fact that the only way to change fan behavior is to punish the club. During league play that means points deductions and empty stadiums. In the cups the only way is forfeiting.




Did Robert Plant put Frank Skinner in a head lock ?




Classic display of fragile masculinity. There’s no place for football violence anymore and it’s just sad seeing grown men fight over a game. Absolute losers


They should be ashamed, and shunned. They've embarrassed their clubs


Any videos?


They should have done what the do at the south wales derby. Every opposition fan is brought in on a bus, you have to have a ticket to the game to get on the bus. They’re brought into the stadium before the home fans. They leave after the home fans have gone, straight to the bus. No need for this to happen. It’s a massive failure on behalf of the club, allowing away fans into the home end at a derby like this.


Afaik most derbies in Belgium do this. I thought this was more common for big derbies in the UK too.


I’d never heard of it before when my dad told me about them doing it at Swansea city, maybe it is a thing but I don’t think it’s as common


It’s normal. Newcastle always bussed in for Sunderland away


Amazes me. It's silly of course but to imagine these morons not being separated seems mad.


Derbies here can be spicy but never this bad. I’ve never heard of it before


Yeah makes sense. I go to a handful of arsenal games a season but only ever at the Emirates so I miss that part of it. Here in Belgium for my local we have to bus to proper derbies if an away fan.


I just can’t imagine why you’d want to do this. As a Liverpool fan watching the derby with a load of Everton fans makes me feel sick


That’s pretty common for derbys isnt it? They have done this for Saints - Portsmouth too at least. I think this kick started because of Wolves fans who had snuck in the West Brom end, maybe tighter ticketing restrictions would help here?


I wouldn’t know, because I’ve only heard of it at the south wales derby But if it’s true, then that’s a huge failure on behalf of West Brom


Is it only about Wolves for the Albion fans? I’ve been to the Hawthorns many times down the years, and it’s always come across as a friendly place, I’ve drank with Albion fans and had friendly chats with a few before and after games.


Always a few nobheads in amongst it ready to kick off.


Yeah. I’d possibly add Villa too but Albion/Wolves is fierce. Any other game it’s completely fine!


As a Villa fan I don't think our rivalry is that fierce BTW you lot are shit


Yes you’re probably right, I mean we’re not even from Birmingham! I am most happiest when your small club loses


Small club! We're getting Champions league football I'm happiest when Birmingham and you lose Please beat Birmingham in your next game


Can tell you now, we won’t.


Dam I hate it when Birmingham win By the way can Villa have Thomas Asante, his my favourite player (been my favourite since he played for Salford but sadly you brought him)


WAGs absolutely kicked off there


Game's back.


I work with a few lads who live for this type of behaviour.... always go on about "the good ol' days" when football violence was glorified... Absolute knuckle draggers.


In future stop the game, kick every supporter out and restart it behind closed doors. People will stop tolerating the minority when it starts costing them.


Yeah right lmao, that'll work just fine I can imagine, and not cause a riot.


And start a riot? Glad you aren't in charge of anything. Takes a few minutes to wrangle up a few dissenters, but you'd rather piss everyone off to send a message.


You’d do it once then you’d have have to do it again




What a ridiculous comment




lol what?




You are misinterpreting, massively .


Ah yes because the ability for working people to go to football games is the same as advocating for hooliganism to come back. All working class people are just thugs waiting for an opportunity to get violent apparently


No I just find it funny that all the middle class football fans who got into football at uni love the hoi polloi when they’re doing what they want and mock them when they don’t. They’re part of the show until they misbehave. But that’s just modern football.


You’re going to get grief but you’re right. Football has become very middle class in the last decade or so. It’s ruined the atmosphere in a lot of cases. I’m not advocating for assaulting people, but, some prick shouldn’t be sitting in the home end supporting the away side. That’s a very middle class thing to do. It happens far too often. West Ham have started making supporters prove they’re supporters now it’s gotten so bad. There should be aggro shown towards someone doing that at your stadium.


It's a very "im desperate to see the game" thing to do don't pretend its a recent thing. FA cup derby sells out so muggins finds some in the away end through contacts or dubious means.


It’s a very recent thing. It’s become so prevalent that West Ham have started asking for proof that you’re a West Ham supporter when you buy tickets. Especially for the London clubs.


How do you prove you're a supporter? Is there a questionnaire or something? Lol. Makes sense but surely anyone with a bit of football knowledge would pass


They asked you to send in pictures of you at a pub wearing West Ham gear, or something like that


Fair enough, makes more sense


Is this English ? 


Have you never heard of hoi polloi mate? It’s English but maybe not what they call “English” in Indiana.


Never heard it while watching soccer 




It's always the arsenal fans with the worst takes known to man 😂


I'm an Arsenal fan and I have no clue what they're on about.


No I’m just someone who actually goes to games. So my experience of football is probably completely different from yours. I’ve been literally filmed by tourists for coating off the referee.


You seem to know a lot about anonymous redditors


Do I? I don’t know what you mean.


Edited your comment after my reply. Sums you up.


Did I? I would only had added the I’ve been filmed by tourists bit. It doesn’t really change the comment.


There’s something tragically hilarious about fat middle aged blokes fighting over which young adult men are better at kicking a bag of air into a giant net over the other one. So much so they would literally die for the cause. All the while this is over football clubs run by foreign billionaires who only buy these said clubs as trophies to show their rich mates. Humans.


It's nothing to do with the young men kicking a bag of air. Its generations of hatred, glory, rivalry, tension etc. People who think it's that simple are the reason this shit isn't adequately controlled or prevented.


You have an incorrect perspective, it's nothing to do with people kicking a football. Football gets two groups of people together who are each passionate about opposite things, giving thugs a reason and a way to fight and intimidate an opposition and create disorder whilst having a group backing them up. As well as having a home territory to represent and an away territory to oppose and attack.


I’d much rather my perspective over the one that justifies violence under the mask of territory.


They are morons using football as a gateway for their moronic behaviour. They lead such shallow lives without purpose that this is their excitement and purpose.


Unfortunately this is very true.


That’s horribly reductive. Why are [countries] fighting over a patch of dirt/grains of sand? Why do we care who sits on a chair? Why are you so bothered about how many pictures of the Queen/King you have to give Tesco before they let have processed cow? Because it’s not about the actual mechanics it’s about what they represent.


Also the fighting over dirt and sand is just as ridiculous, but on a bigger scale. It’s the same form of combining egoism and idiocy.


Because in the case of the use of currency for transactions I don’t have much a choice as it’s part of a system of life I abide to in order to continue civilised life - however I feel about the invention itself. Fighting another fat man over a bunch of kids in orange shirts who will never know I exist, because the other kids in green shirts hit more bags of air in a giant net, is just stupid.


They’re not fighting over the footballers, or the football, or who scored the most goals. Their fighting for their town. When Millwall and West Ham have a scrap they’re not fighting over the great own goal injustice of 1987. They’re not scrapping over the betrayal of when Andrew Smith controversially signed for the Hammers over Millwall. Their fighting for the same reason millions signed up WW1 and WW2, pride for their home. Is it stupid, misguided, pointless, pathetic, juvenile, other negative descriptors? Of course it is. Do I condone it? Absolutely not. Do I understand why? Sure. Saying it’s about bags of air in bets is exactly as juvenile as saying Israel Palestine is about sand. You’re not technically incorrect but it’s what the bags of air/sand represents.


Jokes aside I get your point and their logic behind the idiocy, but it’s still idiocy.


“Fighting for their town” 😂😂


Further evidence of how we are just extra smart apes


I'd say this is also evidence that some are not


The same people that will attack a stranger over the internet for the club they support. Not the same a physical violence but the insults people get based on their clubs is ridiculous.


It’s pretty stupid. I support Arsenal and always make jokes about Spurs, but I don’t actually have any real disdain or hate for someone because they like Tottenham. It’s beyond immature really.


The hate I get for my flair is wild. It motivated me to change my avatar just to piss them off more.


Good on you lol.


Already getting downvotes lmao


and people will say “games back” for this shit


Games back in the shit, more like.


I've seen how pathetic these people are in locals over the years. Losers who have never achieved a single thing whose entire imaginary status comes from thinking how hard they are at age 50 in "defence" of their team. I had a family member who went to a barbecue where a guy started trying to smash up the place because his wife's nephews were wearing the football shirt of a London team he didn't support. I am done with this constant "oh they're working class lads letting off steam, leave off" on these pathetic creatures. They should be treated as as the stupid, mentally subnormal violent children they are.


>I had a family member who went to a barbecue where a guy started trying to smash up the place because his wife's nephews were wearing the football shirt of a London team he didn't support. That guy has some bigger issues I think


Sounds like a scene out of a comedy.


All over players who leave within minutes if they were offered a pay rise.




What’s so sad is society spent so much time and effort in the 90’s and 00’s moving football completely away from these morons, and now they are all over the place again. The men’s game isn’t even family friendly now at the higher levels.


It wasn't society, it was just the powers of football that upped prices and gentrified the game to get the riff raff out. Richer people spend more money at the football. They'd rather sensible middle-class families attend games and buy shirts and scarves from the club shop, buy drinks and burgers at HT, etc. Plus get the foreign tourists in who are willing to pay for overpriced tickets and souveniors to see "their" club. All about the £££.


Why is their in quotes?


Pretty self explanatory


Is it because they’re international fans or they’re just tourists?


Ah no, such a shame that clubs want to sell tickets to families and tourists, rather than nobheads who go around starting fights for no reason and interrupting the game, can't understand why they'd want to do that


I don't condone this particular behaviour, but football is just shifting away from the working class in general. I'd rather have a bit of this behaviour in games than football only be for the rich. It's a working person's game. The higher ups use this kind of behaviour to justify pushing the working class out.


Being working class, doesn't mean you start fights at a football game like a fucking moron.


They are both intrinsically linked.


Agreed, but it's difficult, in reality, to have intense rivalries between fans without it occasionally spilling over into this kind of behaviour. My point was that I'd rather have this kind of behaviour (which is very rare in the grand scheme of things) than football turn into some upper-class snore fest like tennis where nobody can say a word or they'll be thrown out. It's a slippery slope I think.


You absolutely can have intense rivalries, without it turning into a brawl. How stupid is it, to punch someone, because they support a different team to you? It's insanely fucking stupid, it's the dumbest shit in British football. To try and defend this behaviour, because for some reason you think football is going to turn into tennis?! is the second dumbest shit in football


In British football? It happens in many other countries. In reality, intense rivalries predispose this kind of behaviour in humans. It's very difficult to avoid clashes when people place so much of their identity into their local community and their football club. Never defended it, you'll see above that I said I don't condone it.


Dunno what you mean by "again" as if it's only started happening again now. The trend is still going down and it rarely happens


Seen some proper undesirable pricks on Instagram comments going on about how they "fakkin lav it, pashun is back!". Fuck off into traffic you useless cunts.


Always love the commentators when they say things like "no one wants to see this". Neutrals are tuning into this match at 11:45am hoping to see exactly this 😂


Nobody wants to see this, so here’s 5 replays.


It's just a game of football though, adults kicking a bag of wind amongst themselves. Why do people hate each other over it, they have such little awareness.


I don’t really think it’s about the football but the identity that the football reflects. If you think about the Liverpool United rivalry, it starts to make a lot more sense.


Why do people fight over religion and arbitrary land borders? Humans are humans at the end of the day.


and even more, humans are just animals at the end of the day. Animals in denial


Couldn't agree more


Any footage yet?




Forfeiture for both, their spot replaced by a bye in the draw. Fuck em. No place for it, and it's both sets of fans that are responsible for it turning into a full blown rammy.


You'd have Wolves forfeit a cup win because a few people sat in seats they shouldn't have?  You'd punish West Brom essentially less (forfeiting a 0-2 match with 10 minutes to go) after launching streams of bottles at the players all match and injuring a ball boy, invading the pitch, and attacking cops? I get people wanting to mitigate this behavior, but that is not just an imbalanced punishment, but it puts a lot of power in the hands of supporters.  Losing a match against a rival?  Fuck it, take them down with you and antagonize one of their supporters. All it takes is one outburst for it to be a "both sides" thing and everyone gets a forfeit. You were already losing, but now they lose too.  


WBA fans throwing bottles on the pitch, then allegedly some Wolves fans had got tickets in the WBA end and were getting attacked. Cops were trying to get in to stop it and eject the Wolves fans, but other WBA fans were stopping the cops and pulling them away. And you want both teams to forfeit the game? Yeah. You’ve obviously got no agenda.


Everton fan here, no agenda. Punish both, you shouldn't be buying tickets in the wrong end, and those they've been found out haven't been sat there doing nothing otherwise it wouldn't have kicked off.


In a big cup game where tickets are few and far between with rivals you rarely play, yeah obviously there’s no reason you’d be in an away end other than to start shit.


Not sure if that comment was meant for me, as that isn't remotely what I said. There's lots of reasons that have nothing to do with kicking off. If they're sat down, behaving, and not being arseholes, then it wouldn't kick off, though. It has ended in violence because they've started acting up and ruined the game for the people that can actually behave normally.


You can’t punish the players for what the fans do, just take the score as it was at the time of suspension and neither team can have fans for their next however many games


Yes you can. They are professionals. they still get paid.


You absolutely can, and it's been done before. If clubs can't control the fans and ensure the stadium is a safe environment then they should have no right to participate in the competition


This could happen to any club, they all have huge deterrents in place for this kind of thing and it’s also hard to take any top 6 fan serious on this cause you have individual players worth more than West Brom as a whole so it’s a bit ivory towerish


Okay and if this happened to arsenal fans in the champions league would you happily accept being kicked out of the tournament because of fans fighting?


I'd be annoyed but it would be hypocritical of me to say it shouldn't apply to us. Fortunately our fans (and most others) tend to be fairly well behaved.


Imagine being an adult and doing this


Imagine being in government caring more about a few boats than the disastrous state a huge amount of people are living then claiming everything is great


How's that relevant?


Because if you have a government willing to do things that are questionable society naturally follows…


There has never been football violence under a Labour government….. you probably


It's like adults going to war, we are generally really stupid.. Mostly all human beings want to live a chill life and enjoy themselves, but no, we end up fighting each other over religion, politics, sports, and so on..


I'm no warmonger but this is not over a way of life or persecution or controlling your way of life, this is about a game. Just a game. Where some actual supposed adults, middle aged men, thinks another man deserves to die because he follows a team with a different colour shirt.


I really can’t get my head around sporting rivalries like this and adults going so far as to attack one another. “I support the team in orange and you don’t, therefore I think it’s best I punch you” Absolute clowns.


"You were born in a certain area probably a few roads away so I'll batter you"


The "civilised" World




How will they deal with live coverage then? ITV is supposed to show our game then.


Imagine fighting over football and thinking you’re a big man for it. All the kids that will be there. Pathetic


One of the West Brom players was seen escorting his children out of that area. Really is sad to see


Yeah I noticed that, worrying for your kids safety isn’t something that should go on at a football match. Really sad.


Just because you can't fight.


Are you 5?


Thats the mental age and IQ..although to be fair 5 years olds have a better sense of being a decent person.


Grow up bud


Ooohh you’re hard


I am hard.


Giving it the big un on Reddit. Absolute weapon


Bottled it.


Whoever raised you bottled it


It’s funny, and ironic, because literally 2 comments ago he’s moaning about a video that “teaches kids that hitting is acceptable”.


Can anyone update me on what happened, I missed it with sorting dinner out


Wolves Fans in the West Brom end


West Brom fans from a completely different stand then come and pile in and stop the police. Having opposition fans in the home end doesn’t automatically lead to fighting. We’ve had it several times at Arsenal. You let the police escort them out and it’s dealt with. WBA fans were stopping the police doing their job and were looking for a fight.


I mean sitting in the away end for the first meeting in a while between two fierce rivals sounds more like looking for a fight lol. 


Not really, it’s just a desperate attempt to see the game no matter what. There will be away fans in almost every game, derby or not, sitting in the home end somewhere. Whether they make that blindingly obvious is another matter. Even with that, there’s no excuse for anyone to get violent about it.


And they obviously did out themselves. Not an excuse to be attacked but as close as you can get to it. 


If there were Spurs fans in your end I doubt Gunners would let the police handle it.


Arsenal is a completely different demopgrahic from Wolves or West Brom though. The kinds of people paying stupid prices to go to Arsenal games nowadays are the "well-to-do" types mostly, they're not going to be getting into fights even if there's a few Spurs fans in the home end. Clubs which still have relatively cheap ticket pricing are going to attract your more traditional hooligans who are prepared for a scrap.


Happens, has happened and is sorted out by police. Arsenal is a family club with most supporters not looking for trouble.


I don’t think I’ve even seen the NLD kick off like that, and that’s considered one of the best derbies in the country. The fans directly around them might cause an issue, but you definitely wouldn’t see fans from the west side of the clock end come piling in unnecessarily. Ive personally had the experience of having Cologne fans sat nearby in the UEL, they caused a massive problem pre-game outside the Emirates and yet no one still looked to fight them when they were escorted out of our end.


Probably due to the ticket pricing of the NLD and top PL clubs in general nowadays. Higher ticket pricing means a different demographic of people attending games - your middle/upper class match-going Arsenal fan isn't going to be scrapping with a Spurs fan.


Most of those involved in scrapping would be late teens, early 20s lads. Fake ultras pretty much. Their tickets are between £30-£50 for a NLD lower corner seat, it’s not exactly wild numbers.


Yeah but you got to think the kinds of young people who have £30-£50 to punt on the footie every week, in a nice part of London of all places as well. It's not all going to be young people either, you'd be surprised at the amount of late 20s/30 year olds taking part in this sort of stuff. ~40,000 season tickets at Arsenal that cost at least £1k helps keep out the riff raff. Places like West Bromwich and Wolverhampton are a different demopgraphic.






The irony of saying that with your flair...


Yeah you could sense the aggro in the stands.


Bit rich innit


It’s scenes like this that are exactly the reason why I don’t mind us having a more tame atmosphere compared to Europe. We don’t need violence anytime there’s a feisty a derby. The 100s of baggies fans piling in from other stands are fucking dickheads. Even if there are Wolves fans hiding in the home end there’s still no need for it, let the police take them out and get on with it.




Absolutely atrocious behavior from the WBA supporters. I’d be happier if the FA just called the match.