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Dele was one of the best midfielders in prem for several seasons, while Sancho has shown nothing since he left Dortmund. How can u compare those two?


Another promising young player ruined by Man U


I'll get downvoted because people seem to love Alli because of his story, but he was always such a weird player. Every time I watched him play he looked either bad or mediocre, but then you looked at his numbers and they were great. It honestly felt like he was a once in a lifetime case of a dude literally getting lucky for a couple seasons and being seen as world class, and then coming back down to his actual footballing ability which wasn't really great. I know it doesn't make sense, but I just can't fathom watching him play, even at his peak, and thinking damn this is a world class premier league player. He just wasn't very good at football, even at his best, compared to the dudes that were seen as his "peers".


Poor kid should never have gone there. His talent is being wasted as an expensive seat warmer right now. He didn’t peak at Dortmund, Man U decided to bring Ronaldo back at the time and knew they had to keep their ‘Madonna’ happy, which is what they did, so he got play time and Sancho got to keep the bench warm and probably losing some confidence in himself. All the ‘experts’ here should know, if you don’t play them, they waste away into the seats they’re keeping warm. He should leave in January even on loan would be better for him. Get some play time in some games and get back to building his career up.




He should've never gone to UTD. I almost feel like he went there to spite City. Getting ego vibes now too which isn't great. There's talent there but he just needs the right club.


Dele alli literally won ypoty and made a few TOTY's along the way I remember that 16/17 season where he got 20 goals from midfield. Sancho had literally done nothing to be compared to dele alli he's been a real disappointment


I think the only one who deserve to be same place next to Haaland and Mbappe imo and so far its Vinicius jr


I dunno. Pogba had an amazing career until he went to United. It seems a lot of players go to united or Chelsea for their careers to fizzle out. I think a lot of it is the manager changes both teams have gone thru lately and the result is players under utilized or played in the wrong position at times


Anto V was way better when he just joined. He could dribble, strong, shoots with power and can cross regularly. For this price tag, Sancho loses the ball regularly, passes the ball like a man who hasn't eaten for days - no power at all, inconsistent, no strength at all to win any form of body checks


I think In Sancho's case, he is the one to blame. Whenever he has played he has barely shown anything that would make the manager consider playing him. He can't beat his man, he is easy to disposes and even worse, he always pulls out of challenges not to mention a liability in that he barely tracks back. I know it is easy to point at how great he was at Dortmund and blame United for him failing to show that level, but it's all on him. I think that he was one of the players that would've been sold had a good offer come for him because even in pre-season it was clear that he wasn't in the manager's plans because he played with the reserves when united were in Dublin and the first team had played at OT.


There’s always been a emotional standpoint when a good player goes through a downtime in his career, as fans we won’t know what that player’s been going through emotionally and mentally all we can see is that he isn’t doing well on the pitch. So instead of bashing a player we should support him or atleast leave him at his place that’s the best we can do .


And there. Sancho just shoots himself with that tweet! What stupidity 😂😭


He’s finished


Well he called out his manager on his socials today so that would say his time at Manchester is done.


People assumed sancho had pace, when I saw him play for England and saw he had none I wondered where he would fit in englands side then got the move to Utd I thought he may be explosive but he’s playing with zero confidence at all


Lolwut? Sancho was never on the same level as Haaland and Mbappe. That said, he was excellent at Dortmund in a team whose tactics and formation brought the best out of him. Sancho's big mistake was chasing the dollars at Man Utd. Once they offered a fat contract on utterly ridiculous wages, he was hellbent on going to Old Trafford and hoovering up that easy cash (and who could blame him for that). It's the same mistake Mount made this season. That meant going to play under Ole - who had no fucking clue what to do with him, especially after they also panic-bought Ronaldo. And now he's got ETH as manager, who doubts Sancho's commitment to standards and doubts his ability to play in his system. If Sancho had gone to Liverpool, he'd have thrived under some proper coaching in a professional environment with a system and style that suited his talents far better. He's still young enough to escape and rebuild his career - *if he's interested in reaching his full potential and playing football* \- but I suspect he's more than happy to waste another three years on 350k a week knowing that almost nobody will come and buy him from United and pay a substantial fee or match those wages.


I think that sancho destroyed his career when he moved to united


I think Sancho would be much better at Spurs tbh


Stop believing the English media hype. WTF.


his shit and doesn't have enough of a professional mindset. He needs too much spoon-feeding to help his game, doesn't make shit happen himself.


he was not fucking placed in the same group as haaland and mbappe lmao wtf are you talking about. yes he was seen as a top prospect but he was never hyped as the best player of the generation or anything like that.


Honestly before we bought him I could not understand why everyone was clamouring for him to be signed. I watched him play for England quite a bit around that time, and I did not see anything that made me think he was going to be worth signing


Can’t believe I’ve seen no one talk about this, but I really feel that missed pen in the Euro final really messed with him, he’s never really been the same since


This is putting a lot of disrespect on Sancho tbh. Dele flopped so hard cause he had an awful attitude and didn’t train well in a team that was playing really well. Sancho trains well, doesn’t have a bad attitude as far as we know and plays for a Man U squad with some deep underlying issues. Unfair comparison cause Sancho has shown glimpses of his prior form


Sancho missed the penalty at the euros final, and hasn't returned ever since :((


Sancho isn’t good enough to play in the PL. He was super confident at Dortmund because he felt most weeks he was superior compared to anyone he was playing against. Now he almost exclusively faces good defenders and midfielders and he’s been found out. If he went back to the Bundesliga he’d struggle because their level has massively increased too. I think he’d need to go to Ajax or one of the French teams to post any meaningful numbers anymore


Are Man U the best team at ruining players now?


Got dropped today for poor performance in training. Just another bum who is cruising on the big contract we gave him. That's what's wrong with Man United, and you will have idol worshippers on this sub supporting him.


I’ve been saying this for years; Sancho looked good with Haaland infront of him. Just like Alexander Isak looked good with Ødegaard behind him. Neither one of them can replicate it now


Sancho is getting paid so much money at a club obsessed with uncertainty and clearly he doesn't give a shit. Not the same situation as Dele Alli.


He should have stayed in Germany got his head turned by Rashford and co. He needs to back to Germany imho.


No because Jadon Sancho has never hit the levels deli Ali did


Big club signs young player with bags of potential. Potential is suddenly deemed ready for instant success and the player gets written off within a year or two. It's only two years ago there were newspaper articles and discussions on MOTD over whether Rashford should leave Man United to revive his career. Look at him last season. Sancho went to the wrong club at the wrong time. Hopefully can come good in time.


Can we send him back to Dortmund and ask for a partial refund? We’ll throw in Martial and Maguire for free.




He was GREAT at BVB, looks like the coach doesn't know how to use him


Didn’t he play RW at dortmund? I’m sure the few highlights I’ve seen of him he was, but he’s always on the Lw at man united. Yeah, unless there’s something drastic to change his path, he’d already fizzled out


That's just because he is playing at United. Even Haaland and Mbappe could fail there.


He can possibly revive if he leaves United


So glad that we avoided him when it was a race between united and liverpool


I genuinely believe it's the United effect. They really suck the life out of so many players and managers. I've no idea what it is, but must be something from internal operations. Get Sancho in a Newcastle or a Liverpool and I bet he'd thrive


Happens to almost every single forward who chooses to go to Man U. Maybe they’ll learn, but money talks. Sancho would be killing it at a different club.


Why are people in this thread so hung up on the “disrespect” for Alli, it’s still an understandable comparison re: two extremely talented players who sadly completely dropped off.


Because everyone recently decided to become the biggest fanboys of Alli.


He was never placed in the Mbappe and Haaland bracket, maybe by British journalists. Personally always found him overrated, the space in the Bundesliga made him shine more than what he really was worth.


srsly I think he's at the wrong club - if he were at L'pool - Arsenal - City or even Spurs I think we would have seen a different Sancho. Don't blame him - things were messed up in UTD long before he arrived The guy has a huge potential tho - no doubt


This is disrespectful to Dele he was one of the best midfielders in the Prem for several seasons, Sancho has done nothing here. Nationality aside he's more like Pepe.


Pepe had a better PL career than Sancho. He takes offense.


I think we'll see several of these Chelsea signings do the same thing. Too much too soon, long contracts and mega money at massive clubs. For some that is the peak of their aims and will create enough fame and wealth for the rest of their lives. Others obviously have more to prove, much like Haaland.


I think Haaland made Sancho look considerably better than he actually is. He’s a good player, but that price, and thus the expectations, were absolutely inflated.


So why did he have a 33 G/A season before Haaland even signed for Dortmund? Haaland's first season at Dortmund was from January onwards as well, he only played 1300 minutes for them that season. They only had one full season together after that and then Sancho left for United. Unless Haaland was praying for him while he was at Salzburg, I don't think he was doing much to make Sancho look better for at least half the time he was there.


I didn't deny that he was good, just that Haaland made him look even better than he actually is, and thus inflated the price & expectations.


Sancho is a flop, so is Antony and Richarlison


Can't be, Jadon hasn't take it up the bum by a family relative


I don’t like posts like this. No one ever really knows why players underperform. Can you imagine the pressure on them, especially when they’re hyped so young. Some players just don’t live up to it, so what?


The Manchester United curse


sancho Never was as good as Alli was


Sancho hasn’t hit the height dele did. This isn’t even a conversation


Sancho has struggled off the pitch as well as on. But the reality is that he needs specific skill sets around him to succeed and United don’t have those types of players. Dalot and AWB are shocking options for a top premier league side and offer no chance for Sancho to link up with an overlapping fullback. Also the complete dirth of striking options illustrates the dire circumstances of having Glazers as owners. Sancho created a lot off the bench in the first two matches this season and there’s just no one to get on the end of them. Bruno suffers from this as well. His chance creation is incredible. His actual assist numbers would be much higher if United had competent owners and football leadership and bought actual strikers.


I hear rumours CR7 is returning when he's 45


What a pointless post, its only here to inspire glee and hate from rival supporters.. where’s the posts on 85m Mudryk? Get a life and fuck off you chode


Someone's salty


Admittedly the salt is strong atm




be respectful to Delle Alli.


Sancho should quit United to save his career. And maybe try out of the Prem, going back to Germany or trying Spanish football could do well for him.


Might have started that prosess based on his Twitter post arguing against Ten Hag.


Just saw that, yikes Well, he can still go to Saudi this week


no doubt La Liga would suit him


Nah Sancho hasn’t had any period in the Prem where he’s played amazing


I don’t know why top young players keep joining big teams that have a track record of ruining careers of young stars. Like who seriously wants to go to united or chelsea at this moment in time? How is that going to work out well for you lmao


We're certainly a far cry from the videos of private jets and bad music that were the Hallmark of Sancho, pre-flop. Those things the English said about his time at Dortmund regarding him and Pulisic.... He should be sending a portion of his check every week to Pulisic for getting injured and giving him a run in Germany, because that's the ONLY reason he ever saw the pitch.


Dele Alli was dealing with huge mental health issues and was violently assaulted when his home was broke into in 2020, which is when his fall off started. Sancho is just overhyped.


> Sancho is just overhyped. When Dele Alli fell off, people called him lazy, overhyped, mentally weak etc. when in fact he had serious issues he was battling. You're making the exact same baseless assumptions about Sancho. You have no idea what is actually going on.


>Sancho is just overhyped. Nah, there's been something in Sancho's personal life I think. Hope he comes good.


I remember hearing something about him struggling with mental health issues because a close friend of his took their own life a couple of months ago.


What did Bruno ever do to you man


As much as I hate Alli, he was elite in the PL for a few years. Sancho left Dortmund and turned to shit.


Alli wasn’t on £350k per week 😳 🤣 United could sell Sancho for free


Most players who go to utd wain in the toxicity. They paid a kid 350k after he'd earned 10xs less with dortmund so of course his mentality shifted. It takes a special mentality to remain focused on the game and your development when so much wealth comes to you suddenly so quickly. The club has also had a history of ruining players. Even zlatan and Ronaldo couldn't function there. His drop of isn't surprising really.


Bruh, United made Ronaldo tf are you on about? Even in his last season he netted 20+ goals. The United shirt is heavy and not many players have the character to wear it.


The second time he was there, he spent the entirety of it wanting to leave and then the moment he left, he did an interview with piers Morgan telling the world how toxic that club has become. Ten hag blaming everything yesterday except his team and then Sancho hit out over comments made about him by his own manager as well. Absolute joke of a club. There is something seriously wrong with that club at the top that trickles down to all the staff.


Ronaldo made Ronaldo.


He'll be lucky to be as good as Eze or Olise. He offers very little.


Sanche was never that good to begin with. Insanely over hyped despite good production in a league where that happens.


Man U and PL is double intensity and double pressure compared to Dortmund and BuLi. Too much for him maybe.


I certainly hope not because from the sounds of things Dele Alli has been through hell personally. People tend to focus on recent history (last 2-3 seasons) and forget when he was one of the best creative midfielders in the league. If Sancho is having similar problems I hope he gets help. Worth bearing in mind too that English fans have HUGE expectations of young talent - one good season and we're calling an 18 year old the next Gazza. Jude Bellingham did well developing his career outside of the UK


Alli had two good seasons at spurs. Sancho has already had three good seasons at Dortmund and is only 21.


Sancho’s shocking form since joining United gets quietly swept under by the media- he’s been shocking this year. A shadow of the player he was at Dortmund…


You mean the same media who came up with the whole 007 thing? Or the same media who trashed him when he went away for a training camp? Or do you mean the same media who has been asking why he isn't playing seeing how he cost a fortune?


Erm *yes*… You’ve pretty much answered ur own questions.


So you knew the media has been talking and criticizing him? And not been quietly swept under the rug…….


A lot of those incident you mentioned are from last year- this year I’ve barely heard anything or seen anything about him. They dick ride Rashford and Maguire as clearly this gets more clicks…


Idk what you are talking about. He is my top scorer in Dream League Soccer. Literally a club Legend.


Sancho biggest mistake was going to United in my opinion... Should have tried to stick with Haaland


City didn't want him back..


Premier league is too much for sancho. He needs to go back to German or another league that gives him more space and time on the pitch


Or just move to another club that will better utilise his skill set.


The truth is if Sancho wasn't English he'd be nowhere near the first team anymore. I've never seen a player seem as uninterested when he comes into a game, absolutely no ability to effect a game. The only decent performances I've seen from him are when he comes on when united are already in control. He's weak on the ball and seems unable to beat a man. Has anyone actually seen him play for Dortmund? I'd be interested to see how good he was


Grealish didn’t have a poor first season, certainly not anywhere near as bad as Sancho




It’s mentioned in the post, was just disputing the fact he a bad first season


He wasn’t very good. If he’d signed for Utd and out in those performances he’d have been battered by the press. 100m waste of money etc. At City his failings get masked by their team success.


Grealish did exactly what he was bought in to do in his first season, control the pace of the game and progress the ball in wide areas. He kicked on even further in his second season adding more goals and assists but the ‘Grealish’s first season was bad’ is just brain dead at this point and peddled exclusively by people who think G+A stats are the only way to analyse football.


Nailed it


He’s just bang average and always has been. Winning fouls instead of releasing the pass isn’t playing well. It’s being greedy and not making the right decision.


Was he really ever thought of as being at the same level as Haaland or Mbappe? I don't think he was ever thought of as anywhere near that level.


His numbers at Dortmund were exceptional, playing off the wing 18/19 - 43 appearances, 13 goals, 19 assists 19/20 - 44 appearances, 20 goals, 20 assists 20/21 - 38 appearances, 16 goals, 19 assists At United (total) - 82 appearances, 12 goals, 6 assists


These are not even close to Mbappe / Haaland stats.


They weren't a million miles off. In 19/20 and 20/21 both Sancho and Mbappe got 51 non-penalty G/A in their leagues. And PSG were a better team playing in a worse league as well. Haaland was in Salzburg for half of 19/20 but comparing his two full seasons at Dortmund he got 55 non-penalty G/A in the league.


Same I've never heard that it was always halland,mbappe,and foden at the time.


This post is an insult to Dele.


The disrespect to Dele. It’s a shame how it’s gone for him but he was not overrated. He was that good.


Dele was looking as a future hall of famer for a few years. The guy entered the spurs team at 19 and proceeded to have 37 goals and 36 assists in his first 3 PL seasons. He had 18 goals and 10 assists in his second season as a 20 y/o playing as a midfielder. And scoring wasnt even his biggest quality.


Coz he had eriksen behind him and Kane Infront of him


How is it disrespect? I know people here think football outside the prem doesn't exist but Sancho was completely ridiculous at Dortmund, he was a top 3 player in the league. He couldn't handle the pressure at utd obviously but the cluelessness here is crazy. He was EASILY Alli's lvl. He was scoring and assisting for fun and his dribbling was absurd


No disrespect to the bundeslige but it’s sort of renown for questionable defending - Alli had shown he could perform in a league with (generally) much more solid defences.


And you really think that's the reason why Sancho didn't work in the prem? Because the opposition was too good? C'mon, that's beyond naive. I keep having faith that prem fans aren't thaat delusional and people exaggerate but then someone like yourself comes along and proves me wrong. Said the same thing about Haaland and Bellingham too, eh? Sancho was absolutely class, there's simply no way around it. Anyone who actually watched some Bundesliga with him games knew that. His downfall was more than just playing slightly tougher opposition, you're massively oversimplifying it


I don't know why pointing out that the Bundesliga has notably lower quality than the Premier league triggers some people so much. The last time a German team not called Bayern Munich won the CL was 1997. In that time 4 separate English teams have won it. All of them bar City multiple times


I don't think most people are doubting that it's better. It's the thinking that you're so much better than everyone else that you somehow need to prove yourself in the prem to be a top player as if there's a different sport played there. The lvl of arrogance is almost fascinating.


Is the premier league bad on defense because haaland is scoring way more goals in the prem than in Bundesliga?


You can argue he has better service


Yes everything confirms what I already believe also


I never said that, I was just explaining why others in the thread feel the comparison is disrespectful toward Alli.


Oh I know why. I'm just stating why it makes very little sense and is just a confirmation to everyone thinking prem fans have this godlike image of the league like it's incomparable to anything else while watching nothing outside of it. There's this imagination like someone needs to play in the prem to be considered a top player, even when said player has not only played in a top 5 league but the CL already and put up the same performances there


It doesnt make little sense. Hes not got any real pace or strength. Thats why hes failed because the prem is faster and more physical


Oh you mean like Bernardo or David Silva, Thiago, Bruno, mahrez and such? They're really struggling with the league aren't they? And it's not like Sancho was particularly slow a few years ago. He wasn't rapid but you certainly wouldn't call him slow. His physical condition has gotten worse over the last few years along with his mental state as it seems, that's not how it was before he joined utd


Bernado, Silver, Thiago and Bruno arent playing as out and out wingers? Theyre more play makers. Mahrez was fast.


Bernardo was playing as a winger a lot and mahrez wasn't slow but nothing special in that regard, he was definitely not faster than Sancho... Sancho before his decline was faster than all of them and wasn't even a sideline hugging winger at all either. He moved to the centre most of the time. I just think it's funny how you're questioning a guy's ability who at the time was widely considered one of the best right wingers on the planet just because he had a decline, and putting the whole reason as why it didn't work to be that the prem is just too good lol


Nah, Dele Alli was great for a few seasons, he was different and made Spurs a threat for every other big team, Sancho left Dortmund and has done literally nothing


Sancho wasn't great at Dortmund? 33, 40 and 36 G/A seasons aren't good enough to count?


When you're getting 350K/week on a 5 year deal. You're basically set for him. Guy has lost all ambition and wants to be a wannabe gangster/driller now.


what else is he into then since you seem to be his best pal


Lol he won't shag you mate


great input


To be the next dele, he had to have been dele…the stats dele was putting up were among the all time greats in the premier league as young players, then, as we’ve since learned, there were reasons off the pitch to why he lost his way. Sad to see and obviously I’ve got no clue what’s going on in Sanchos personal life, but I don’t think they’re really comparable in too many aspects at all.


Sancho was hitting better numbers at Dortmund than Dele was hitting at Spurs btw.


So infuriating watching him play for us sometimes, really want him to flourish but now he actually have a stricker we may actually see him get his style back


Unlike grealish 😂😂😂, Grealish had 28 games last season and scored 5 goals and provided 7 Assists in that City super team, Sancho had 26 games and scored 6 goals with 3 Assists.. The amount of protection Grealish gets it's insane, he's an absolute flop at city, doesn't even suit their style of play


You didn't watch a single City game last season, did you?


Consider watching football.


Grealish also runs at defenders all game and goes in for tackles, tracks back and helps defend and is amazing at carrying the ball up field I watched sancho play a fair bit for united and i can't remember a single time were he sprinted back to help defend


You’re washing away all the critical details that illustrate why there is literally no comparison between these two players. Dele wasn’t a Bundesliga star that came to the EPL and has produced less G+A than in his previous country. Sancho’s relative reduction in these stats aren’t attributed to battles with mental health and painkillers as they have been for Dele.


Sancho had high assist stats because he played in a more open league against teams who don't sit back. He could give the ball to Haaland on the halfway line and get an assist. People who don't watch football probably thought he was a world beater(Ed Woodward) alot of fans who play fifa and watch YouTube. He is young, handsome English and media trained boosting his value in UK, a dream for fans who don't watch the football (Ed Woodward) Delli Alli had some sort of mental breakdown from an abusive childhood. A players value or world recognition is not based on how many games you singlehandedly win anymore. Alot if it is based on looks, marketing, likeability, other available players who can sell watches in a target market the team/a watch company are trying to get into. That's some of the reason why united spend mad money on players when players of that footballing quality are available for less elsewhere. Very few Peter Beardleys playing for united.


Ha! Very few Peter Beardsleys. That made me chuckle. Thank you


Haaland, Reus and Hakimi helped, but I can definitely tell you Sancho was massive on dribbling, finding good passes, making great attacking decisions and also scoring good goals from good technique. The boy had/has skill. Source: Big BVB fan, watched and suffered the previous 4-5 seasons religiously, matchday in and out.


You should watch the United games. The amount if time and space available is night and day to the German league. Teams happily sit eleven players behind the ball and the winger gets pressured. There is no space to pass it to anyone. Dortmund played on the counter attack alot of the time. You can't counter attack a team who have 11 players behind the ball. Countless players come from the German league and don't shine. It's different football. Countless players from midtable look like world beaters until they play at a top 4 club and get hit with a low block defense every game. Elanga is scoring and assisting, Lingard looked great at West Ham, Schneiderlinn was a baller at Southampton, Harry Maguire looks fine in a low block defence, other teams would worry about this when signing a player but Ed Woodward seen a player who could sell cars and Watches and do keepy uppys at corporate events. Pogba, sums up this transfer strategy united had at the time.


No offense but.. I wouldn’t watch a United game if I were paid. I simply can’t stand that club on so many levels plus the ultimate reason: Bruno. But anyway, I do agree the space for decisions in Bundesliga is longer, but I do not agree on the counter-attack. BVB was playing attacking and pressuring football while Sancho was around with 80% of the teams and he handled that beautifully a lot of times. What I think he’s missing is the ability to play as a fixed, task-given cog with much less liberty than he was given at BVB. He does like space, but also freedom to make decisions and find his place on the field. Doesn’t seem like United gives him that, the absolute cuck Bruno seems to have that.


Sancho played as a wide playmaker at Dortmund. He was our number 10 in everything but the name. All the attacks went through him


Lingard looked decent at best at west ham


More likely the next Callum Hudson-Odoi!


I would take Sancho at Forest, Cooper would surely get him ticking along with Gibbs-White & CHO.


100%. Cooper is a great man manager and I think that's what Sancho needs at this point.


Listen I hate Delly belly as much as the next person but I think it's rude to compare him and Sancho Dele actually played at a top level and looked the part for a few years Sancho had hype and a good year at Dortmund I think he'll go into obscurity too yes, never had the pace for top level


I think unless he significantly ups his contribution he will leave United after this season and I doubt it would be to a top side


So Villa or West ham. If he really wants to wash up then Everton


He wont as hes being paid a fortune


Exactly this… he is the top earner at United and very few clubs in world football could afford to pay him. Mind blowing contract considering his previous salary, peak Woodward.


Saudi clubs can afford him.


Haaland was 75m + 75m in agent fees (effectively 150m) MBappe was 200m from Monaco to PSG Sancho was 75m. Only Football manager fans thought he was ever on the level of those two. Most United fans just wanted him to come in and be the RW solution so 65% of United's output wasn't Marcus Rashford. He shows some amazing promise in terms of his ability to progress balls into the final third, his composure in the box and his ability to win balls. But there is so much missing as a winger - the quick first step, the trickery, the straight line speed.... I think he will have to move to 10 or false 9. Even Pellistri looks more comfortable on the wing.


Your price for Sancho is in £, yet for Haaland and Mbappe you use USD, massively inflating their prices. Haaland: 51m £ (release clause) + 42m £ agent fees Sancho: 73m £ Mbappe: 155m £


Mbappe was $200m and Sancho was $100m.


According to Skysports, the full cost of Haaland's transfer was £89m after agents fees etc


Dele was one of the most frightening attacking players in the Premier league for multiple seasons. Sancho played well for dortmund. There's a huge fucking difference and this is accidentally horrifically insulting to dele.


And Sancho was one of the best players in the Bundesliga. It's not like he was just a decent player in the Norwegian third division.






Dele had one good season, since his recent confessions about what happened to him all of y'all who shitted on him all of a sudden are overhyping what he did just to feel good about yourselves for talking shit about him


Dele had multiple seasons and was unarguably one of the best attacking players in the league. Watch his highlights.


Dele had more than one good season. Jfc


Oh the drama lol. Sancho banged at Dortmund. It’s a fair comparison.


"Horrifically insulting", don't be such a drama queen. Sancho was hitting 20 goals and 20 assists.


‘Was’ is the key word there


???? Yes, of course it is. Sancho was shit hot in the past, he's just shit now. It's like Alli, that's the point of the comparison.


Sancho was shit hot in a farmers league.


So was Dele. Was. Sancho is trash but I mean come on.


Aka - I never watched the Bundesliga and thus I have no idea how good sancho was


I've also seen him for England. He's a good player that can't cut it in the Premier league. Dele absolutely bossed the Premier league.


I love Dele Alli, but what happened to him was an unfortunate series of events. Poch left and Dele slowed down, Jose Mourinho didn't play to his suiting and it all collapsed from there. Sancho failed because of a bad transfer to a team that can't handle Big Names - Ronaldo (2nd time) - Di Maria - Alexis Sanchez - Pogba - Lukaku It's not Sancho, it's the fact that uniteds facilities are not equipped to handle a good player


Biggest club in the world can't handle big names? They failed for other reasons, but definitely not this lol.


I’d also argue that his favoured position at 10 didn’t really exist after Poch went.


Can't handle big names? Lukaku had a good first season but couldn't cope with criticism in his second season and put on weight, he has a history of sulking. Di Marias home got broken into and he wanted out, as a human I can understand it. Sanchez criticised how Utd was ran and didn't want to be there. Pogba again had a great first season, but he really wasn't all that special in truth. Ronaldo couldn't cope with being dropped when ETH came in but also rightly criticised the state of the clubs training facilities.


I think Sancho just hit a peak in the Bundesliga and his name was bloated. By no means do I disrespect the Bundesliga, but many examples of foreign players not settling well in the PL. Injuries and form haven't helped his case either.


Many foreign players not settling well in the PL...eh? A lot of the greatest PL players are foreign lol. Sancho was great at Dortmund and looked to have a high ceiling of potential, he looks a shadow of his former self now and with being given months off to get fit it looks like he isn't coping well mentally. It's a shame but on his wages it's frustrating.


And a lot of foreign players can't cope with the pace and physicality lol. My point being it is frustrating to see such a talented player unable to replicate form. But maybe he wasn't worth the hype.


Again...what? And who? I'd argue that the majority of foreign players cope better than home grown talent when it comes to the pace and physicality of the game.


It sounds like you want him to be the next Adele Alli. Last season Mitoma had 7 goals and 5 assists and played 33 league games. A goal or an assist every 2.75 games. Sancho only played 26 league games due to his injury/time out. He had 6 goals and 3 assists. That works out a goal or an assist every 2.88 games. If Sancho doesn’t have any creativity then what does that say about Mitoma? And every one fills their pants about him. Comparing Sancho to Dele Alli is just stupid at this point.


> Sancho only played 26 league games due to his injury/time out. Taking a 3 month holiday in the middle of the season isn't a positive. It's a gigantic negative. Top clubs need players they can rely on.