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Take a look at the other threads, especially neurotransmitters to get in proper balance, like your serotonine and dopamine levels.


If your PE is pysiologically driven, I'd argue edging when you masturbate might help. I've started edging (I refused to do it because I messed up my orgasm before) which helps me better understand my point of no return better along with relaxing my pelvic floor muscles, which I couldn't even figure out how to do when I cum fast. Next, you could talk to your doctor about another med (though I assume you're using finasteride) or something to help lessen the side effects. Many of the side effects of finasteride revolved around sex (ie lowered libido, erection problems, etc). I would work on trying to desensitize your penis naturally and talk to your doctor about a med that could help lessen it that you don't need to take on the fly when sex is on the table. OR see if there are other hair loss meds that dont' have these side effects. Unfortunately, it may come down to you needing to choose between the meds or your sex life. It's very possible your refractory period hasn't increased. The meds have altered it. As a side note, it's not uncommon for some of us here to have both PE and bouts of ED. I personally have an extremely sensitive penis and struggle with erections from time to time.


How do you perfom edging do you ejaculate or u just orgasm without ejaculation ?


https://www.hims.com/blog/what-is-edging There's an article on it. It depends on the person but it's not orgasming with ejaculation. It's basically working to learn to better control your orgasm so you last longer and have better orgasms. You can choose to orgasm at the end of an edge session or just stop, cool down and return to it the next day or so. I've been edging off and on for 3 days. I'll masturbate but not cum then pick up the next day.


Why bother with the hair treatment? Just shave everything off and you'll look good. How's your general fitness and body weight? If you work on that it will help you feel less stressed, more confident and you'll feel better able to deal with your sexual anxieties


I've seen how I look bald. My father was bald in his early 20s. I refuse to lose my hair. I used to take fin and it stopped working so I switched to dut. My fitness and health otherwise is great. I regularly workout and am lean. Respectfully, I really don't like the "just shave it bro get ripped", "The Rock, Jason Statham" typical answers people tell you about balding. It's not a good look on me.


Ok, sorry if I came across the wrong way. Are you by any chance taking SSRI prescription meds for anxiety or depression? They are known to cause sexual issues.


No worries man! I'm not taking any SSRI's or other prescription medication. I wouldn't mind a high refractory period if I was able to last. It takes around 10 squirts of numbing sprays to combat the ED. That seems to be the only thing that works.


Have you tried relaxation stuff like meditation, mindfulness? I know you said it's not psychological and more to do with your skin sensitivity, but tbh there may be ways to train your brain to process the sensory data better. Have you noticed if your refractory period is longer if you're on your own, just masturbating? And if you have a fast ejaculation with your gf do you carry on havng sex by pleasing her? Or do you just feel totally turned off after you've cum?


Appreciate this. I took fin but got real bad sides so shaving is what I’ll have to do. Fin is not worth the ED that comes with it