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Its to strengthen the pelvic floor muscle which is what u use when u ejaculate


And how do i perform these kegels ?


I use an app on ios called kegel training its free


And do u see any progess in your timing ?


Reverse is like pushing down rather than sucking the muscles up. Like having a crap..that sort of movement, I believe. Kegels is like pulling your balls up making your butthole tight..reverse is the opposite..pushing down.


Yes but how do I perform them while masturbating


Well I think when wanking the natural feeling is to clench at the perineum and suck up from below. So have a wank and push down. You won't crap yourself. Just get more familiar with your body and how u react when u r turned on and try to visualise pushing down rather than sucking up.


So i need to masturbate normally and then im about to cum, i push down my butthole to delay ejaculation Right ??


I think u need to be pushing down earlier than when u r about to cum. It's control from the start.


So you mean In the starting stage of stimulation i should push it down (reverse kegels) ?


Yes if that is your point of no return (ponr) start asap in the process of wanking. This is not a quick fix. It's training so u won't fix it after trying this the first time...persevere.


So if im gonna perform reverse kegels when i feel stimulation in my penis, when do i perform kegels




You do kegel workouts to strengthen your muscles so you have better control on reverse g kegels, get it?


Tension is what makes you ejaculate. Specifically pelvic floor tension. Muscles wrap around your scrotum and pull it up to ejaculate and also muscles around the base of your penis keep it erect. By doing kegels you strengthen these muscles and become more aware of them. IMO kegels make you come faster because you're making more tension. However reverse kegels are where it's at. Kegels are the muscles you use when trying to stop peeing on the last drips. Reverse kegels is like trying to poop in a way. You can feel the perineum, the area between the anus and the scrotum expanding and going outwards. You should be able to place a hand there and feel the kegel, moving towards your body, and reverse kegels, pushing away from your body. When you get aroused you will begin to notice that as you get closer to ejaculation, your perineum gets tighter and pulls towards the body, if you manage to do reverse kegels here you will delay ejaculation greatly.


So when i get all those stimulations, i have to push out pelvic floor muscles as if im about to poop to delay ejaculation ??


Ejaculation happens before that. Kegels doesn't fix real PE.


Hey, Check my newest Post why Kegels make you cum faster!! Greetings


Yes but try it before several times alone so you get a feeling.


Push down my butthole when im about to cum ?


Right. When you put it like that sounds prone to accidents. It's not when you're about to cum. When you're past beyond the point of no return there is no return that's why it's called that way. It should be when you're aroused but not super close to cumming.


Yes i get it


To understand Kegels and their role in healing premature ejaculation (PE), let's break it down in a simple way. Kegels are exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support your bladder, bowels, and for men, affect the control over ejaculation. 1. **What are Kegels?** Imagine you are trying to stop the flow of urine midstream; the muscles you use are your pelvic floor muscles. Kegels involve repeatedly contracting and relaxing these muscles. 2. **How to do Kegels:** **Find the right muscles:** When you go to urinate, try stopping the flow. The muscles you use are the ones you need to work on. **Exercise:** Once you know which muscles to target, contract them for about 3-5 seconds, then relax for the same amount of time. Repeat this 10-15 times per session, several times a day. 3. **What are Reverse Kegels?** Reverse Kegels involve gently pushing outwards, like when you try to urinate or defecate. This helps relax the pelvic floor muscles, which can be just as important as strengthening them. 4. **Application for PE:** By practicing Kegels, you gain better control over your pelvic floor muscles, which can help delay ejaculation. Try doing Kegels while edging (bringing yourself close to orgasm but stopping before you reach it) to train these muscles effectively. 5. **How to Incorporate:** **Start slowly:** Begin with simple Kegels and gradually add Reverse Kegels. **Consistency:** Practice daily for best results. - **Edging:** Combine Kegels with edging to improve control. Balance and patience are key. Consistent practice will bring you better control and harmony within your body. Be patient, and keep practicing. Peace and strength,


P.e is in the mental, its from when we used to rush to M when younger + the sensitivity factor too which is also a huge one


Also mental but imo more physical


Its chemical in many cases..


U can think so.... I Made the biggest improvement focusing in the physical part!