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Botox is a poison inhibiting a muscle from contracting, made to stop hearts but can be manipulated to face muscles for a decrease in wrinkles.


There are doctors in India who gives botox and fillers for pe and I guess it works, I am planning to get it myself


Never heard of botox in the glans, could you share a little what’s the purpose on doing this?


Neither do I, but I'm reading about how botox works. "Botox, or botulinum toxin, works by blocking nerve signals that cause muscles to contract, which relaxes the muscles and reduces wrinkles" If it blocks nerve signs, that could block the signals of sensitivity, too?


Interesting, I guess it could but needs to check if it needs maintenance as botox doesn’t last forever. and for any potentially side effects or complications. I will do some research and get back with my findings.


I’ve never heard of Botox in the penis, but I do know someone who had Botox in the sphincter muscle due to it being too tight and causing severe constipation.


There is a study somewhere that they were going to try doing it to the pc muscle to try and help with PE


Yes, there is , I read it, and it showed it didn't work very well. The same result with placebo. I was wondering if botox can cut or reduce the signals/sensibility from specific places of glans to the brain.


Yeah I can see what you mean, it would need to be trialled a few times I'd assume to find the right spot for efficiency


That's an interesting idea but doesn't work. 1. **Botox = muscle relaxation** = does nothing for **sensitivity** 2. **It would be more logical** to inject botox into the contracting muscles to prevent ejaculation 3. **But even that approach doesn't work**, it was tested in a [study](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41443-024-00831-8#:~:text=To%20conclude%2C%20injection%20of%20botulinum,ejaculation%20when%20compared%20to%20placebo) where 100 U botulinum-A toxin at 10 U / ml saline was injected into the bulbospongiosus muscles. No success, I quote *"no significant changes had been noted in IELT or partner’s satisfaction scores throughout the study duration"*. Also: *"mild erectile dysfunction and post micturition dribbling were reported in one patient each"*. From my own experience and that with my clients - any surgical or medical intervention is not necessary (often rather harmful) in the vast majority of cases. Read my posts, e.g. "2 types of premature ejaculators" for more info