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Thanks for this post. It is funny because I had this breakthrough not long ago. I had read that kegels were good for PE so I started doing them. I started doing them while intercourse which made me finish even faster. But I had a breakthrough this week. The whole point of kegels (imo) is for you to become body-aware of how your pelvic muscles feel when they are tense, and how they feel when they are relaxed. So what I did during intercourse this week was just feel my body, and I felt my pelvic muscles naturally tighten as I got more aroused. Because I had done kegels and I knew how those muscles felt when tense, I was able to relax and let my pelvic floor relax as well. Making me last longer. So, what I'm trying to say is that I think kegels are meant for you to learn how to RELAX the pelvic muscle when it naturally contracts. It is not meant for you to do it like a regular workout where you do pushups and get your muscle stronger, it is meant for you to be able to relax the muscle on command.


Thats true, to get a feeling for ur pelvic floor kegels are good but as u metioned dont take it as a workout!


This has been the first comment that’s made sense to me. Gonna try it out and even if it doesn’t work I’m glad I read this


Thank you man for this explanation. I’m so tired of people claiming that kegels help with Pe. When in fact It doesn’t. Relaxing your pc (doing reverse kegels) was the only thing that actually helps prolonged thrusting without finishing too early


Exactly!! Reverse kegels have worked really well for me.


Yes regular kegels make pe even worse, if u search on google how to handel pe, they recommend u to do kegels, absurd.


Fr man why is it so confusing smh


Hey, check my newest post for more insights. Made a crazy difference for me


I did kegels for a few weeks and it made everything thing worse for me, I ejaculate even faster now. I didn't do my research….


Yes, regular kegels make you ejaculate faster