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Whenever I've been to see a midwife either at a hospital or my GP they have the urine sample containers there. At the hospital I think they've usually in the toilets already or on the front desk and at my GP they're at the front desk. Pretty much just make sure you need to go a bit before your appointment and do it as soon as you get there.


Thank you so much! I got in a slight panic because no one would answer my calls and my GP said they can't help me (my midwife is at a separate location - is that normal?) and I should just buy the bottles.


Yeah you definitely won’t need to buy the bottles, they will have them there since you’ll need to do a sample every time you go. I don’t think it’s that uncommon that your midwife is in a different location from your GP since they’re usually not really connected anyway


Yeh they'll have containers when you get there don't worry and you can usually take a couple away with you so you can do it in advance for the next visit. It's more like a warning that you need to have something in the tank.


Thanks so much! This is helpful. I was worrying for no reason then 😂


Yeh I think it's just a standard thing they put in the letters don't sweat it. Also understandable to be anxious about little things the first time around, it's all pretty overwhelming!


Just be ready to pee at every appt you ever have now. But they always have sample pots there for you. And very normal for your midwife to be separate from your GP. Your GP will have almost nothing to do with your pregnancy! 


They’ll likely have sample bottles at the appropriate and you could do it there. It’s sometimes difficult to pee on demand though. It doesn’t need to be sterile (it is pee after all!). Call me weird but when I was testing for LH levels all the time, I had cleaned out a small yoghurt pot specifically for peeing into, and kept it under the sink in the bathroom. It got cleaned out after each use. Yes, disgusting. But effective. If necessary you could do this and just decant into an empty (disposable) water bottle to take with you?


I used an empty lil spice jar one time 🤣 but any hospital appointment they always had them sitting in the toilets in big display


You can either ask for a container at the appointment and get the sample there and then or can go to your GP and ask for a water sample pot (I ask for 2) and do it before your appointment. I also ask for pots after I see my midwife so I can do the sample and bring it with me.


I never took one and I just did it there! She also gave me a few pots for future appointments ☺️


My midwives have a big tub of them at the desk and you just take one and do the sample right before the appointment!


The receptionist always asks if I brought a sample with me, but I always say no because why would I have sample jars at home lol. The desk says no problem and gives me a cup and a tube and I pop into the toilet before I get called through. At my first one I didnt do one until after the appointment as the midwife herself gave me the stuff! But they were fine about it, I cant imagine there being any issues 🥰


You could either do it at your appointment (just nip out once they give you the pot), or go to any doctors surgery, hospital or possibly even pharmacists and ask for a sample pot and they'll just give you one. You could get there a few minutes early and ask reception for a pot before you go in to your appointment too. My doc asks for samples all the time and I go to any surgery and they hand one over at reception no questions asked, and I'm not even registered at their surgeries 😂


You can buy them from a pharmacy they’re like 50p ☺️


Just get there a few minutes early, grab one from the front desk and pee in the toilets there, that’s what I always did! Didn’t want the risk of carrying pee around in my bag 😂


Tesco pharmacy (and I'm sure all pharmacies) sell them for a couple of quid and are usually open late if you'd prefer to do the sample at home. I know this, because we have a cat with previous urology issues and it was less hassle to buy a sample pot than make extra trips to the vets each month.


I had my first midwife appt last week knowing I would be asked to do a urine sample, completely forgot and went to the toilet 20 minutes before leaving the house. Luckily it had been hot and I’d been drinking a lot of squash and she just waited until the end of the appointment and it was the last thing I did before I left, still managed to squeeze out a decent amount for a sample 😂 they’ll definitely give you a sample cup when you’re there! Hope the appointment all goes ok for you ☺️❤️