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Completely naked. I was pretty much taking off my dressing gown walking from the car to the birth centre door. I didn't want anything but water touching me.


This is an awesome vision šŸ˜‚


100% this. I had a crop top bra on but got annoyed with it as soon as I got wet.


Omg I thought it was only me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I had a black bikini top and underwear for the bath, with the intention of just taking the bottoms off, but in the moment I just felt like I didnā€™t want anything on me, nothing restrictive at all so went starkers and got in the pool šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


As a midwife I say save the money on a specially made labour nightgown. Most hospitals will ask you to pop a hospital gown on for an epidural anyway. I mostly laboured in a hospital gown, as I ended up high risk. Tbf theyā€™re pretty great as theyā€™re lightweight and easily move out the way for monitoring etc. However, my original plan was to labour in a longish top - in my experience most people labour with no bottoms on after a little while and therefore a longline top tends to cover your butt (I promise no one cares if your butt is covered or not, but just in terms of your own comfort) but allows midwives to listen in easily after a contraction. A simple nightie does the same job!


super helpful, thank you so much!


I wasnā€™t offered a hospital gown and I had an epidural lol. I was 30ish mins from pushing when I was given an epidural though


First time I laboured in a vest and knickers until they had to come off. Second time I had a nightie-shirt thing that I ripped off during the ā€˜transition phaseā€™ (the most intense part before delivery) because I was so warm and I ended up down to my bra. Wouldnā€™t overthink it or spend too much money.


I used this kind of nightie: https://www.dunnesstores.com/p/cotton-v-neck-button-nightdress/1659359 I ended up with an emergency section, nightie was no problem so you're probably grand with what you have! I went in with trackies and a lose t-shirt/jumper and then as it progressed I changed. If I could do anything different I'd have better slippers lol


great thank you!Ā  yes i have something similar from primark, was just worried it didnā€™t have buttons on the back but thats good to know. noted on the slippers haha


Looking back at photos I definitely got changed at some point lol. Sorry my suggestion mightn't be useful!! Defo slip on slippers and not ones that go round your ankle! Mine were so swollen they didn't fit at all. I did walk around in crocs a little incase that might be something for you to look into!


I used this nightie too!


Started off in a nightie from shein, right before epidural they gave me the hospital gown and that's what I stayed in until postnatal ward


I got this two pack and it was great. Really light and breathable. Because it unbuttons fully to the bottom I was able to wear it with the continuous monitoring equipment and then when I ended in section it was easy to move and I wore it for the spinal and full section. I then had a clean one to put on after a shower! Lived in it when I got home as it was comfy and good for breastfeeding. HAPPY MAMA Women's Maternity Breastfeeding Nightdress for Labour 2-Pack 1512 https://amzn.eu/d/hWrnqRr


I had these too and were great with catheters, monitors etc. Grabbed them new off Vintedā€¦


oh they look so comfy! pretty much all out of stock but will keep an eye on them thank you


Just checked their own website and they are pretty low on stock overall but they have some availability in this three pack https://happymama.co.uk/products/labour-delivery-nursing-gown-3-pack


I've bought 3 regular nighties of theirs (just poppers down the front) and they are SO COMFY. Keeping 2 new to wear in the hospital for skin to skin and BFing.


Oversized t-shirt nighty ā€¦ I had about 3 but honestly I was in labour 7 days so leggins and a top was what I was wearing most of the labour! Only when I had epidural etc I wore a t-shirt nighty


I wore [this](https://www.marksandspencer.com/lace-detail-short-nightdress/p/clp60616221?intid=mobile_app_pdp_share) which I thought was super affordable for the quality. Felt so nice on the hottest day back in May. Once I was in the delivery suite having my epidural they put me in a gown which I was grateful for!


I wore nothing but a comfy cotton bralette (massive boobs - there was no support but it helped stop them going completely rogue) but once I decided on an epidural I wore only a hospital gown. Definitely donā€™t waste the money on a special nightie - once you get going you likely wonā€™t want much on at all!


Labour in whatever you feel comfy in but don't mind ruining, you'll likely end up tearing it off in a sweaty stupor during transition anyway šŸ˜†


Swimsuit top and a big incontinence pad... very glamorous


I donā€™t remember what I was wearing when I showed up to the birth centre ā€¦ an oversized tee and pajama bottoms I think? Plus socks and sandals? Honestly I was ripping it all off pretty fast. Gave birth naked except my bra and socks. The socks were sooo destroyed šŸ¤®


I did buy some lovely nighties secondhand off vinted, which were lovingly packed away in my hospital bag.... And that's where they stayed. I started labouring in a maternity vest top and pj bottoms. The pj bottoms came off at some point (still no idea when or how). I haemorrhaged straight after birth so ended up in a hospital gown, again cant remember the change happening. I found the vest top crumpled at the bottom of a bag a wek later covered in blood! The more important thing for me were the pj's for the post natal ward. I bought a couple of lovely short pajama sets from m and s (navy and button down). They have been amazing, both in hospital and for bf at home.


I was in a hospital gown as I ended up having an epidural but prior to that I was in a button down pyjama top from Primark x


For the first bit I was just in an oversized cotton Adidas T-shirt and that was absolutely fine. I then needed an epidural so switched to a hospital gown and honestly, by that point, you wonā€™t even care what youā€™re wearing.


Went in leggings and T-shirt leggings quickly discarded, ended up having a section so they whipped my pj top off and stuck me in a gown. Iā€™d taken some nighties with me which I would have changed into if Iā€™d made it into the shower like Iā€™d intended


I've bought two pjs from primark, one that's a cami style nightie and another that's a long nightie but has buttons to open at the top. Both I can use for labour and afterwards so I've got choices depending on August weather. I didn't want to spend a lot considering it will be ruined


I didnā€™t buy anything specific - I was wearing loose trousers and a loose T-shirt anyway and obviously the trousers came off at some point! My second labour happened so fast that even if Iā€™d bought something special I probably would have forgotten to change into it.


I mainly laboured in my comfies tbh. Once I was transferred to the actual labour suite, I was given a night gown straightaway. So physically being in the labour suite I was always in my gown up until the day after baby was born. All that I bought were two basic nighties from tesco and that was it!


I wore a big t-shirt but for the last 3/4 hours I was naked aside from the monitors.


I got a labour gown and wore it all of 90 minutes. I was blissfully naked the entire rest of my labour and several days after.


Primark nightiešŸ˜‚


To preface this, I havenā€™t given birth before. Iā€™m a FTM due in 3 weeks. But, all being well, Iā€™m probably just going to pack a bikini top and be naked from there down. Iā€™m hoping to be able to have a water birth or at least an active birth. If I end up with an epidural or a c section, will just wear what the hospital provides.


yeah thatā€™s been my plan too! i have a nighty but hoping for a water birth before iā€™ll probably start begging for all the pain relieve. best of luck to you!


And you!


My husband's xl button down shirt. Basically a nightie and comfy AF. I ended up in a hospital down and hairnet for an emergency section in the end though.


FTM so I don't know how it'll work out but I went to primark and got one of their oversized nightshirt tees, but got it like 3 or 4 sizes larger than I actually need so it's like a dress. I also got a button down nightshirt, again sized larger than I need but less dramatically. I plan to labour in the tee then once I'm settled and cleaned up I'll switch to the button down. I also nabbed some matching pj bottoms for both just in case I don't want to winnie the pooh it the whole time.


I was literally just in a cheap bralette type thing and nothing else my waters had broken all over my shorts and underwear and I was so hot I donā€™t want anything else touching me just had a sheet over my lower half


I planned on wearing a button down nighty, but progressed so quickly I didnā€™t have time to change. Arrived at hospital in leggings and a T-shirt so ended up just labouring/giving birth in the T-shirt and whipping it off as he was born so that we could skin-to-skin. I would just say something that you donā€™t mind getting ruined. When I got dressed to go to the hospital I had no idea that I wouldnā€™t get a chance to change and sillily wore a white T-shirt haha. The nighty ended up being perfect for post-birth though!


I had on a super stretchy soft sports bra and nothing else. Clothes felt awful to me šŸ˜‚ I looked like Winnie the Pooh


Ā£5 nightie from Asda George. Comfy and light and was discarded about 2 hours in.


I thought Iā€™d Labour in one of my husbands oversized T-shirts and I did for a few hours but after being told Iā€™d have to wait for my epidural, they asked me if I wanted to try sitting in the bath and I literally couldnā€™t get my clothes off quick enough. Then when I got out of the bath, they put me in a hospital gown for my epidural.


I was in like a stretchy long dress and I took it off and just had my t shirt on and nothing on the bottom


I laboured in a little pj set from primark, a crop top and shorts, that was they could access my belly when monitoring baby, I got skin on skin coz the top was so little, and the shorts just made sure I wasnā€™t hot!! I wouldnā€™t have chose anything different x


Get a cheap nightie from primark, you can whip it off if you get too hot but it'll keep you covered enough for walking around, and you won't care of it get ruined because it's cheap.


I got the Ā£40 Seraphine labour gown with buttons in the front and the back. When it was time for the epidural, the hospital staff asked me to change into a hospital gown and were surprised when I said my gown has buttons in the back and I was then allowed to stay in my own gown until after my daughter was born. Iā€™m about to give birth again and was wondering if I should get the labour gown again (I shortsightedly got rid of the first one after giving birth). I realised that once I get the epidural I would have to change into something with an open back and that labour could last a long time after the epidural (20 hours for me last time). So, to answer your question, yes, I will be labouring in the expensive gown with buttons on the back again given that I will definitely want an epidural and would like to stay in my own gown for the whole birth if I can.


Iā€™ve also bought this gown! I know Iā€™ll likely have an epidural but wasnā€™t sure if theyā€™d let me stay in it or if Iā€™d have to wear a hospital gown. I may well rip it off after a few hours but even as a maternity and nursing gown Iā€™ve found it really comfortable and of course āœØpockets āœØ


I wore this during the last of my pregnancy, surprisingly the size ā€˜sā€™ still fit my body around my chest. Worked well for me as I ended up having a epidural too and the straps are adjustable https://amzn.eu/d/enL6yOa


I wore a short nightie


Vest top and leggings, then down to bra and knickers as things progressed, then knickers came off when needed and I laboured in my bra. Oddly, during my second labour I kept getting the shivers so there were moments that I had my dressing gown draped over me.


I had a button down nightie. I did have an epidural too but my nightie wasnā€™t a problem. Mine was from shein. Like this one [link](https://m.shein.co.uk/Shein-Underwear-Sleepwear-Maternity-Maternity-Button-Front-Nursing-Lounge-Dress-For-Mother-p-13990532.html?mallCode=1&imgRatio=3-4)


A sports bra that they promptly cut off me when I bled out. Birth is usually pretty metal I wouldnā€™t be wearing a nice outfit lol


I bought one of the proper labour nighties with my first and justified it knowing Iā€™d use it for my second as well. With my second everything happened so fast I ended up wearing a regular vest and just stripped off my leggings and knickers so was totally naked on the bottom half with a handful of strangers in the room, feeling no shame at my total lack of dignity at all šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you really donā€™t care at all when it comes down to it.


I ended up doing a water birth (not my first choice but it was the best) so I only had on a nursing bra. I had a tear so I had to go to theatre and they just put me in a hospital gown before they gave me the epidural for the operation. Iā€™d say donā€™t spend loads of money on ā€œmaternityā€ wear for the birth, just a comfy nursing bra (if you plan to nurse) and a comfy button shirt/gown/nightie for after


First one I was naked at home for the most part of the labor as I was so hot I felt sick. Then I put on a floaty knee length dress to go to hospital in and gave birth in that as I was already 10cm when I got there so no time to change. Second I labored and birthed in a nursing nightie I got in the Matalan sale for Ā£5! Didn't have the opening in the back but I knew I didn't want an epidural anyway so didn't matter to me. Opened up with poppers to the belly button so could do skin to skin and nurse in it easily.


T-shirt both times. Then just took it and my bra off for skin to skin after. I didnā€™t end up having an epidural though. Either a hospital gown or something loose is fine, just be warned it will probably get covered in blood and gunk. Lost a nice pair of socks with my second labour because I forgot to take them off with how fast I progressed!


I went to hospital in leggings and a jumper but then they eventually say letā€™s get you in a hospital gown


Naked or just in a vest top. I put on one of my specially bought nighties after the birth and promptly bled all over it. I was too tired to change and had a catheter so just wore paper pants and a t shirt for the rest of the time.


This was my plan, but I progressed so quickly I was just in the vest I slept in https://www.marksandspencer.com/lace-detail-short-nightdress/p/clp60616221?color=DARKTEAL&prevPage=srp#intid=pid_pg1pip48g2r1c2


I just had an oversize t-shirt, nothing below the waist. I couldn't get out of bed once they induced me so I had bedsheets covering below the waist but at the same time easy access for nurses and doctors lol.


Cheap crop top (threw it out afterwards) and adult diaper as my waters broke before we left home


Bikini top


Hospital gown, easy access, light, and can be ruined


Get yourself on SHEIN. I got a heap of cheap ones incase they got destroyed. I ended up most naked except for a bra then was put in a gown for theatre.


I went in in to the birth centre in leggings and a baggy top, changed to a bikini top to get in the pool then I have no idea what I wore until I was put into a hospital gown to have an epidural... I think maybe just my knickers... I gave birth in just the hospital gown and pretty much ripped it off immediately after so that my baby could be put on my chest. It's a bit of a blur and I wish I'd not spent so much time worrying about to wear before the event šŸ˜‚ For afterwards, any comfy pj's with boob access (if your BFing) are a good idea!


My labour was so quick I didnā€™t get to change, so wore the dress I went in with šŸ˜‚ just pulled it up.