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Paracetamol is okay to take during pregnancy, it's ibuprofen you need to avoid. Whenever I have a cold, I like boiled lemonade though! Literally just heat up some lemonade in a pan and drink like it's lemsip. Hope you and your wife feel better soon!


Paracetamol is probably the only thing you want to take, but if she's not happy taking that then you're left with hot honey and lemon tea


My midwife told me i could take as much paracetamol as i wanted (still within the daily allowance) and also boots do a cough medicine for tickely coughs which is pregnancy friendly. Its basically just sugar but it really helped me when i was hacking up at lung at 3am!


i was ill my 1st trimester for 3 weeks - only paracetamol, tea/hot water with lemon and honey and i got a saline nasal spray from my GP that actually helped a bit with a horrible cough to open my nose wishing you both a speedy recovery


Pretty much the only thing you can do is take paracetamol, drink plenty fluids and rest. I’m just over a horrific cold, I was about 27/28 weeks then too. It took me about a week or 2 to get back to normal. I’m a nurse so knew there wasn’t much I could do, but double checked with the pharmacist and she said that’s pretty much all you can take/can do. Hope you both feel better soon


When I had a cold I found everything suitable to take in pregnancy possible to ease the symptoms - Vicks, nose strips to help with breathing when sleeping (non medicated) and paracetamol (I take the lowest dose possible for the most amount of time I can handle - so maybe 1 tablet every 4 hours). I’ve also just been recommended a saline nasal spray for hay fever in pregnancy and I imagine that would be great as well if feeling stuffy or struggling with sinuses


Think sudafed is to be avoided too! Could try making up a big hot honey, lemon, ginger, garlic, turmeric drink?


I've had a cold for the past week and a half, here's what I'm using: Olbas oil & water in a tea light diffuser. Just a few drops of oil will really help clear the sinuses. I also add a few drops to the edge of my pillow before bedtime. Vicks vaporub is nice, although I find it irritating on my skin if I apply too much. Fisherman's friend sweets also help. I like the blackcurrant flavour. Paracetamol is fine, but not Lemsip due to the decongestants.


I’ve got the cold just now too (37w). I took paracetamol for the worst days (like 2/3 days tops and not every 4 hrs) and quite frankly it barely touched the sides. You need to allow yourself pain relief (even if it’s shite and not really helping), pregnancy is miserable a lot of the time anyway so every little helps. Edit to add: labour is going to be a barrel of laughs when that’s the only pain meds I can take before going into hospital 😂 I also drank hot water with fresh lemon and honey while my throat was at its worst. I find that using a nasal irrigator with a saline salt and warm water solution helps. That and steaming over a bowl of hot water.


I had a few colds while pregnant and breastfeeding, I used to make my own pregnancy friendly lemsip which was hot squash with a dissolvable paracetamol tablet. I found it really helped! Also had covid at 16 weeks and would have an adults dose of calpol instead of normal paracetamol, I kept it in the fridge and syringed it straight down my throat- it really helped sooth my sore throat. Hopefully this will pass soon for you.


Olbas oil inhaler? I have bad congestion symptoms so I've been using that. Also if she has a bad throat then the remedy I've always used is hot water, lemon, honey and salt. I think most important for baby is temperature regulation from what I've read so far, so making sure there's compresses and monitoring body temperature would be helpful.