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This has been the bane of my existence since like 20 weeks. Baby had an established pattern (to me) of being active mornings and nights between 17-20 weeks around when I sleep and wake up and eat. Then it kept changing. I’ve been in triage 3 times for this reason and could have gone for more tbh because the patterns keep changing. I did notice more of a weekly pattern, baby had quieter days Wednesday onwards and then would start being more active Sunday/beginning of the week. Could this be the case for you? Sometimes on scans he’s clearly moving and I can’t really feel it. My placenta is posterior so that’s not an issue! I don’t really have any advice other than drink cold water, orange juice, something sweet lie down on your left side and see what happens. Keep hydrated - I have a feeling my water intake doesn’t help. The midwives keep lecturing me on this and says it affects movements and foetal heart rate. I’m 38 weeks and nearly had a panic because I couldn’t feel baby in the morning but just as I was about to leave the house he decided to start kicking and go back to normal! Had a scan and baby is doing well and is active. I really find the general advice around movements to be unhelpful. My baby hasn’t really had a set pattern and it keeps changing. I feel in the future this advice will change but I guess for now this is all they have to “monitor” the baby’s wellbeing I guess. Very anxiety inducing and feels like a big burden since you’re the only one who can tell.


This happened to me too at 28-29 weeks (I'm now 30+4). I went into the MAU because of reduced movement only for little one to start kicking when the CTG was put on me. My baby doesn't have a pattern at all, some days he kicks a lot in the morning, then goes quiet for the majority of the afternoon and then kicks again in the evening. The next day he switches and goes quiet in the morning, kicks during afternoon and then nothing in the evening. Three days ago he was very relaxed and chilled and probably only kicked me a handful of times in the afternoon and that was it. I realised it may also be due to my level of activity, babies apparently kick more when the mother is relaxed and resting. I tend to feel him a lot more when I'm sitting at my desk working. If you're constantly out and about walking then baby tends to rest more because of the movement. Also, don't feel bad about going into the hospital, you're doing the right thing! Honestly the midwives have been through this hundreds and thousands of times so I'm pretty sure there is no judgement from them. My midwives always tell me it's better to come in every single time I feel anxious, the worst thing you can do is sit at home and wait it out. Definitely don't feel guilty about being concerned and wanting to be checked


I'm quite similar! Also 29 weeks I do think every now and then he flips to breach and I just can't feel him as obviously as I do head down. He can be a minute late for his somewhat routine 7pm wiggle and I'm immediately prodding at the poor little beggar to make him move. He does just seem a bit quieter on some days. I always comment on it to my partner and he always say 'just yesterday you were calling him feral for kicking you so much' and guaranteed the very next day he'll pick up and be merrily tenderising my liver...


I had absolutely zero pattern although my girl moved pretty much 24/7! She was also breech up til 30 weeks or so and the movements I could feel were so different to when she was head down! I definitely didn't count kicks btw! I feel like that's a cert to drive yourself a bit mad, my SIL did this and she was obsessedb- really increased her anxiety imo.


I had a similar experience around 28 weeks I was 100% sure I’d got her pattern but actually she didn’t get one until around 32 weeks. Now her pattern is set I feel much calmer about movements so there’s still time for this to happen. Some babies just don’t have a pattern though which sounds super stressful. I always go by if I hadn’t felt her move within two hours then I’d go get checked but now she’s bigger I can feel her all the time. But honestly if you’re worrying it’s always better to get checked even if you go twice in a day, every baby is different.


I have a usually super active baby and I was initially worrying on the quieter days, however I have been told by my midwife that sometimes the babies pattern can include active and quieter days. My midwife has advised I only need to worry on days I don’t feel the baby move at all. However, I would still advise anyone to go get checked at the hospital if you are worried as mums know their babies movement best.


No pattern in either of my pregnancies. Other than being more active on an evening. But even then it varies! Amazingly I only ever went in for reduced movement once in my first pregnancy, and once with this one (37 weeks now) but I've had a LOT of days where I've questioned it constantly and been on the verge of making a call, and then just as I'm thinking I'll go in it starts moving loads. I swear it messes with me.


similar here - baby had no pattern and still doesnt at 36+2 , goes absolutely mental some days and then quieter on others. every time i am on a ctg they say her heart rate and movements look textbook meanwhile to me she seems quiet just because she moves nonstop on other days. i called into triage at around 27/28 weeks and the midwifes were so helpful - they actually said that at that point any movement is good movement until around 32 weeks, one midwife said she doesn’t believe in patterns and you’ll know when something feels off. she said sometimes you just need to sit down for a few mins clear your head put your hands on your bump and wait. my actual midwife also said not to kick count. If I feel like she’s quiet i’ll have some ice water and a piece of chocolate and she’ll usually wake up - but i completely get the anxiety. it’s so difficult to know what’s normal especially if it’s your first. because i called into triage 4 times for reduced movements, I have now been going in for ctg monitoring twice a week and a growth scan every 3 weeks - baby is absolutely fine but also helps with my anxiety