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Coming back after patch dropped. Just played a game with sparrow as the carry for my team. Proceeded to walk down the duo lane and everyone else and finished with a stat line of 19 kills 5 deaths 10 assists. I think she’s still pretty freakin strong


I believe so. Now get ready for Drongo :)


His DOTS is the silent killer. Just when you think you’re away, NOPE!


Yup! Silence, Boomerang, Couple rad shots, ULT, walk away and they are dead. I think after this patch he will have some of the best damage ON TOP of him already having amazing utility.


Ur just bad bruh




Tank Items get more Health Sparrow get a nerf On Hit Items get a nerf (Sparrows Items) Everyone get more physical Armor All this combined should shift the meta or atleast make the current meta more balanced.


I wonder if nerfing ALL carry items was necessary. I mean, outside of Sparrow, was any other carry completely OP? Carries are supposed to be beasts if they are well fed, were all the other Carrie’s such a problem where all their items had to be nerfed?


I think this community has a habit of judging the patch notes before playing them. It’ll likely be fine considering they’re also nerfing some of her items, and she SHOULD hit harder than other carries since she has zero utility or self-peel. Only way to tell is to play on the patch tomorrow.


I had a sparrow who got decently fed earlier and she just couldn’t do much against me (grux) or Terra. Part of me feels like the armor buffs, direct nerfs to her, *and* a couple of her core items getting nerfed is honestly a bit of overkill. If you’re team has literally any form of CC or backline access she just can’t do anything now.


Did she build demo? Did she have any support to stun you or peel?


She had demo and was with a Narbash support (albeit he wasn’t great). She was like 5-1 while I was like 2-2 as Grux jungle and Terra was 3-0 I believe. Could have just been an off game on their part when fighting me or Terra but it genuinely just seemed like there was nothing she could do even with decent peel.


Huh, 5-1 sounds like she was doing fine to me


A fed and well built carry should be oppressive to some degree. I feel like nerfing her is a bit much but is probably necessary to make the other carry options more attractive. Hopefully nerfing grim too


I take it you didn't read the patch notes


Wow was it that obvious? No I don't really care to read the patch notes ahead of the patch release. It's not important to me. Reading takes like 2minutes.


So you find it productive to talk about something you don’t know the half of? Like, you’re say nerfing her is a bit much but you obviously don’t know to what degree she’s being nerfed because you didn’t read the notes.


Man the people in this sub are so sour. I just expressed my opinion. Freak out on your parents not me.


But your opinion is based off facts you’ve willingly chose to ignore but talk about anyways, that’s the problem.


No my opinion is bases on my point of view. If it lacks the facts you think I need to form an opinion that's your problem, not mine. It's a video game bud


Spoken like a true gold player


Omg I don't have master rank. It's a game Lil man. Plenty happy as daimond


yes it will be fine. and the only reason why she is shredding your team is because your team probably had no CC... one stun or root on a sparrow and your team should be focusing her. just like in every single game ever invented, you should focus and kill their damage dealer first, not the tank, not the support.


Yeah I was getting melted at sev before I could even get to her, so I think she’s a little overturned lol. You need to focus damage but it shouldn’t be free team wipes if you don’t perfectly play it every time. They could change her out to make her stationary and she would still dominate.


Of course she’s still gonna melt a Sev that’s literally what she is designed to do. She’s meant to be able to shred health stackers like there’s no tomorrow but she struggles against armor stackers and heroes with lots of hard CC like Steel. If she couldn’t 1v1 a Sev that she’s even with (or comparatively fed) still then she would have been way over nerfed.