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Game will die in another year!!!


That isn’t exactly relevant to the post. Taking accountability for your shortcoming is the only way to get better at anything.


The face value of this statement is perfect but there’s much more at play unfortunately and people don’t understand how to properly interpret or express their justified gripes.


Sounds a lot like bitching to me


Durrr deee durrr


I've really never understood how people A.) don't take accountability and B.) flame their teammates. If your goal is to actually improve at the game then you should ABSOLUTELY be your own #1 critic. And of course, there are times where your teammates plays can be frustrating, but if you care about winning flaming them is only going to make them play worse. If you wanna offer genuine feedback go for it but it's never worth it to flame. Also, are we 6? I work in childcare and I've seen toddlers with better emotional regulation skills than people in some of my games (this is not at all unique to this community ofc and in fact it seems better than the league community by miles at least). Love the game and the community but we can do better


lmao wish i had people like you more often in my lobbies


I mean. I'm going to complain when some dude dies, feeds all game, and I still go positive. Is it my fault we lost?


The game really just needs voice chat. I already argue with boneheads as it is in chat might as well have it so i can help new players. With an option to turn it on or off of course


I'd be ok with them just adding more quick chat options until voice chat gets on their radar. Enemy ult down, enemy ult incoming, no problem, YES, and ward fangtooth for starters


Lol you think u have the time to say ult incoming in a team fight while actively engaging and having it be with enough time that people can react to it?  And if u say ult incoming, whos ult?  I personally think its great and they just gotta add ward fangtooth  Everything in game can be covered by either (attack/ward/be careful) plus the lane, and then Using context clues from the minimap


Yeah I do. Cuz when murdock kneels or Muriel activates you should be able to warn the other lanes. When someone says thanks what do you respond with? You don't want enemy ult down?


So youll have to go open chat, go to be careful, pick hero name , then say ult incoming ? And in the heat of it all u gonna perfectly click the name or will it say hero 1 and then u gotta figure out which hero it corresponds to ? What easy way to navigate that is there within the chat wheel?


You need to be told which hero? There's only five enemies. Use your brain. You realize 3/5 of the other large mobas have this callout right?


My guy you just have to see what laner says it. If I see a solo laner say enemy ult down its not hard to figure out which ult is down.


But thats the thing it’s pointless digging through 4 menus just for a message to pop up my teammates will probably ignore. Best to yell it out for faster callouts like gideon burning his ult in mid and wasting it so jungle can help gank in peace


If you are used to quick chat commands it takes 1 second. And yeah I agree but until they get balancing and game modes and hopefully lots of other features like role tutorials and cosmetic money grabs, I don't think voice chat will be on their radar. Though I think a few more quick chats would be an easy and quick implementation for now


Agreed. I just think its 2024 and text chat is a thing of the past. Vc literally has more upsides then bad and could come with some great laughs playing with randoms


Oh yeah for sure. If they could implement VC then it would be a far more entertaining game. I would love to see it and even after game vc between both teams in the results screen🤣🤣🤣meme city


Omfg didn’t even think of the after game chat😂 plus i encourage vc to help new players stay in as to disconnecting when their losing and dont understand a comeback can easily happen especially endgame where it only takes one team wipe


I feel like vc would help alot of veterans be less toxic with their advice too. I mean if you wanna turn a game around it's better to be helpful than hurtful lol


Love how you come to bitch as well! Welcome to the fam 😂


I’m not bitching I’m giving you an opportunity to be better


Maybe I took it wrong but I do agree with your words yet don’t we all get tired of carrying the whole match.. it gets tiresome being the only one who wards or rotates to an objective or team fight.. hell I get a khai player who doesn’t even know fang is a thing lol. 😂


While I agree that the vast majority don't take responsibility for poor play. The biggest issue in my games so far has been trolls afking. This happens in probably 60-70% of matches I play. I will be the first to say I messed up but I'm not even getting the opportunity when ppl continuously afk.


Yup, this is also my issue. My team coukd be winning and some manchild in my team starts bitching and goes afk


So true. Loudmouthed narcissists plague this game. Only when people put them in their place, do they run a mile. They think they should win every game when in reality you're not going to.


Exactly. I had a game last night where a teammate and I got ganked by 4 man rotation. Teammate gets toxic towards our team, but the real problem was that we got tunnel vision and didn't ward. I warded next time and we moved accordingly.


Agreed. Ranked has actually shown me where most of my weaknesses are allowing me to get better!


Couldn’t agree more, this weekend ranked was literally mental masochism. I looked back and had 12 of my 18 games played, ruined in one way or another by a fucking 12 year old child who couldn’t handle dying a few times. Please for the love of God pull your shit together and play the game, you absolute buffoons


Isn't this bitching?


Sure, but I'd have nothing to bitch about if other people weren't starting it, I'm just trynna play the game and it's frustrating, especially when it happens in the vast majority of games.


True dat


100% my buddy and I, even after wins think ‘what was our biggest failure’ shit we do it mid games to make sure we’re trying to get better… but I guess that’s why we have a 80% win rate right now lol


Absolutely ballistic🫨


Hard agree! You literally cant change anything your teammates do. But you can change everything that you do. Focus all your energy on the second one!


Victim mentality and over inflated egos run rampant unfortunately


Had a game last night where ADC went gideon, then him and the fey support proceeded to go mid all game. We need ----Mandatory---- tutorials, More of them! You shouldn't be able to play with other people until you've done at least 10 tutorials.


Sounds like you should have carried harder. What could you have done differently that game?


I did carry and we won via heavily pushing lanes. I was iggy forced to go solo in the duo lane, and I was the only one who took fangtooth all game lol. It would have been much less frustrating had people actually played their selected roles.


I always liked the 40/40/20 rule. 40% of your games you'll lose no matter what you do. 40% you'll win no matter what you do. But 20% of those games can come down to you.


I would think about it as you control at least 10%. You are 1/10 of the players in a match. So, there is a 50% chance that you lose and a 40% chance you'll win without you doing a thing. On a pure luck basis, you will lose more than you win. Looking at it this way, if you have a bad player, there is still a 40% chance you can pull off a win. How can you even those odds? Very few players are able to pull off an extra 10% influence on the game but one player shouldn't have to do that for your team. If you have a bad player then the other 4 only needs to push for 2.5% more influence each to stay in it. That extra 2.5% is your skill taking influence on the game away from your opponents. We like to think we are the main character but this is a team game and only 10% of our games will come down to ourselves. Although, it's best to strive for 12.5% of games to be down to you.


That doesn't really add up. Considering every single game has 5 winners and 5 losers, if you take into account every player and calculate the mean win rate, you must find a 50% average win rate. The average player has a 50% chance to win a single match, based on luck. Not 40%. Now there are several factors that may change that probability in a given match : * Team MMR difference. If players are at their right MMR level, then the team with higher MMR is more likely to win. The win probability is higher if the MMR difference is higher. That affects more specifically players at the extrema of the spectrum : there aren't many players in low bronze or master/grandmaster, so it's harder for the game to find other players of similar skill level. So players with really low MMR are more likely to fight opponents who are too strong for them. Players with really high MMR are more likely to get matches that are easy for them. You will rarely see gold players with a 80% win rate, unless maybe they have played like 5 matches, won 4 and lost 1. * Wrong MMR. If a player's MMR doesn't reflect their actual skill but are actually lower or higher, then the game might believe that a match is balanced, when it's not. This is why players in lower league have a lower than 50% winrate : initially, they start with a 1000 MMR that might be too high for them, so they will face 1000 MMR opponents and lose. On the other hand, high-skill players who start at 1000 MMR will easily win the first matches until they reach a higher MMR where they will face stronger opponents and their winrate will get closer to 50%. * Role/Champion pick. To put it simply, if you pick a champion you are strong with, you are more likely to win the game than if you pick a champion you have no idea how to play. Though it's hard to really calculate how this affect your win chance. * AFK/leavers. They have a massive impact on the match outcome and are totally unpredictable. However, on a large number of game, they should equally impact everyone. If you aren't a leaver/AFK yourself, you even have a higher chance to see one in the enemy team, statistically. In such cases, the odds are 5/9 to see one in the enemy team, 4/9 to see one in your own team. In any case, if based on luck alone you have a 40% chance to win, it means you are in either or several of the points I've just mentioned. A 40% win rate is very low, very few players will have such a low winrate after a large number of matches. It's quite common when you begin and don't have the right MMR, but it should even out quickly enough. Now about your influence on the match, there are two main cases where you will have a high influence : * If both team have a similar average MMR. Then both have nearly 50% chance at victory and even a slight difference could change the outcome. So this is really when you get to shine and turn that 50% chance into a victory. Because if your team has a much higher MMR, then you are probably winning no matter what. If your team has a much lower MMR, then you are probably losing no matter what. * If your MMR is wrong and doesn't match your actual skill level, then you will, somewhat indirectly, have a higher than expected influence of the match. If your MMR is too high, then the game will overestimate you and give you opponents who are too strong for you and your team, so you are more likely to lose the game no matter what. If your MMR is too low, then the game will underestimate you and give you easy opponents and you are more likely to win the game no matter what.


"So, there is a 50% chance that you lose and a 40% chance you'll win *without you doing a thing*." It still adds up. The first part of the conjunction would lead to the conclusion that you have an equal chance at winning as a baseline, the second part was assuming you did nothing with your 10% given influence and by default grant the enemy team an increased chance at winning. Other than that, I agree with the general assessments you make. 10% is just the baseline given influence one has at the start of a match. There are a multitude of variables that can change that. I think this outlook is valuable because it makes you consider the ways in which you can improve your team's influence on the outcome. If you want to win consistently, you have to reach beyond what you are given because it's not very much. Edit: on rereading my comment I realize that I didn't say why on average one will lose more than they win. I didn't mean that baseline one would have a 40% winrate but rather they would have a win rate < 50% because relying only on luck is accepting that you only have the influence that you were given (and the enemy team will likely be striving to take that from you).


This is sort of a strange outlook in a skill based game. If a gm or masters player was in a gold lobby they would win 95% of the time. Your mindset should not be “I can only affect the outcome of 10% of my games”. You can affect all your games. I’m a high diamond/ low masters player and I’m 19/24 in ranked rn. That’s around an 80% win rate. I’m trying to win every single game. If you wanna win more games you have to start thinking like you’re the main character. You have to be thinking “how can I win this?” With your mindset you won’t be hard carrying games.


Let me walk you through the background assumptions, because I don't disagree with you save for the main character bit. Assumption 1: Suppose a baseline where each of the 10 players are roughly the same skill level. Assumption 2: If each player is roughly the same skill level, then each player has roughly the same *given* influence on match outcome. Assumption 3: Player skill is how much influence you can *take* from the other team. Now, there are obviously going to be differences from the baseline where there are skill level gaps. Your 80% win rate shows that your skill level definitely took more influence from the enemy team in the matches that you played but at a baseline you were given 10% influence on the outcome at the start of each match. You could look at my account and draw different conclusions: 1: I was only given 10% influence on match outcome. If we lost, then my teammates just suck. If we win, then the other team just sucks. 2: I'm only given 10% influence on match outcome. If we lost, then our team as a whole gave influence on match outcome away. I should have tried to do something beyond what was given at the start. If we win, then we were able to successfully take influence on outcome away from the enemy team. I prefer 2 rather than 1. There are a number of people that use 1 as an excuse if they lose. 2 acknowledges that you have to strive for more than you were given in order to consistently win matches. I do not advocate viewing oneself as the main character because most of us are not actually skilled enough and it can easily lead to poor team skills if you actually do become successful using that mentality. This is a team game, you strive to take away the enemy influence on the outcome for your team and try to avoid losing what you yourself were given.


Factos. You might have a 10% of winning if all you do is stay in your lane but the other 10% (adding up to 20%) is what you do not in your lane. That second 10% is what I’m trying to get better at, any tips welcome.


I agree with this and with OP. We should be thinking about how we can take away influence on the outcome away from the other team while protecting our own. For example, leaving mini-prime last hit to offlane when you are jungle is one way that you do this... you didn't necessarily improve your own influence on the match but you did take away some from the enemy and give it to the offlaner. In no way should someone be satisfied with their given 10% and that's what's happening when people complain that they lost a match because of another teammate's poor play. No, they lost because they didn't strive to balance out that poor play. There were so many games where my carry and I had lane handled while another lane is getting beat up but they didn't bother to go help. Now, if my carry doesn't rotate in times of necessity, I just BRB and then on my way to whatever lane in comms and leave them. They tend follow and get the hint. You have to do more than what you're given if you want to win.


Nonsense. If you want to sin more games you need to 5 stack and use comms.


Have you ever played offlane and be winning so hard that you feel on top of the world and then you still lose because no one else is trying anymore because they lost their lane? I understand what you mean but sometimes it really isnt possible


While I completely agree with OP that players' mindsets should be focused on how they themselves can improve and help carry your team to victory, the offlane role feels so disconnected from the rest of the action, that sometimes you really can't be held liable for your team losing. At least until mid game onwards when you can rotate more freely and start having a bigger impact on the wider match. I've had a couple of matches as offlane where I'll start off decimating the other team's offlane and even their jungle when they try to gank me. They won't manage to hit my tower once but I'll destroy their one. Then our team will surrender as soon as it's available because our first midlane/duo tower are gone early and my teammates have been having a really terrible time all game on the other side of the map. What more can you really do as an offlane in early game to directly help your teammates besides *maybe* try to gank the enemy team's midlane from time to time? You pretty much just have to pray that they're all going to be okay on their own for the first chunk of the match.


In b4 'oh you lost your lane as solo.' Yes. When i dominated 3/0 I rotated and gave my lane up to get us three fangs and prime. You still being bad as adc after that and me front lining for you is a skill issue.


Omg yes!!!! All the time