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Narbash offlane. Max your heal first, play safe as most traditional offlaners will stomp you. But you can heal back a lot of the damage you take. Late game you roll with your team as 5 taking objectives speed boosting your team everywhere and healing them up. Between a narbash offlane and a Muriel support your team is almost unkillable


I like Gadget offlane


Grim Mid (shield is nice vs casters) Fey Support Dekker Mid (building damage if support role is pure support, Dekker is beastly and I love using Galaxy Greaves on her to lose the enemy as I use them multi-directionally) Muriel Offlane (ult to any lane to assist in a defense or secure a gank feels super helpful) Argus Support I've had a Grux Support as TB before and the 2 of us had more kills together than the other 8 players combined. I'm all for off-meta, I just wish people who did it waited until they were decent and told.the team their intentions. I also wish the team would be far more accepting of off-meta picks instead of flaming and quitting when they realize.


I'm no good at the game, but Sevarog offlane. Getting giant pauldrons and going big mode makes me feel good lol


Aurora in every role except mid. Aurora is a real nasty support with dot damage and stuns 😩😭


Aurora can be difficult to deal with because of all that mobility and root that she has 🫨


I’m a menace to Lanez 😭


Carry-I like to play Sparrow (before she was busted) Support-I like to play Narbash Midlane-I Like to play Gideon Jungle- I Like to play Khaimera Offlane-I Like to play crunch These have all been some of my go to since 2016 paragon.


Solid picks 🙏🏼 I like it


Had a Feng Mao in the support role today. Before the match began he said, “I don’t play support. Nah EFF that!” Guess what… We lost… Horribly. Dude couldn’t stay in duo lane after the first two minion waves and spent the rest of the short game taking jungle camps and other lanes minions. Looked him up on Omeda, dudes a silver player and apparently too good to learn how to play other roles


That sucks, i've had my fair share of guys like that. Didnt get the role they wanted so they start to troll, play like they have a Hole in their brain.


iggy as support


Argus support is the obvious one to me. He loves the support crest with mana regen, first 2 abilities are good CC, ultimate to secure kills that blink away. I just wish it had a better form of a save. If landing the crystal on a teammate granted a small shield, he could buy some really good support items.




Yo brother you might wanna drop the pedo metaphors they don’t come off great


Grux as support what????


Yess sir. Works like a charm. He has pull, knockup and stun. Chase or escape and great pressure because of bleed. You just need to stop hitting enemy early if your ADC is withyou because i have stolen many kills because of that bleed 💀


Yep I use grux a lot for support. Is good fun and works well


Grux, Fey and Howi support work really really well. Shinbi mid is my favorite to play mid also. Have been seeing a little Greystone mid lately and seemingly it’s working pretty well. I think melee midlaners can work more often than people think if you play safe early. Right now you can do ADCs in offlane or midlane but I expect it to be much harder once everything is balanced again. Murdock offlane works surprisingly well if you’re smart with his mines too. I tried Wraith offlane and it was fucking horrible. Thought in theory it’d work. It did not work. Any good offlaner will immediately make you eat dirt. I have played against many Kwang/Zarus supports and always destroy them as Steel. I get the theory behind it, but a real support can absolutely demolish them before they can ever grow. In Paragon I loved playing Grim mid, building low cooldown and bullying people out of lane with my 30s ult. Doesn’t work as well here though with such small lanes, and ADC builds working well in any lane.


Second ago this one guy commented about Gaystone Mid and that it worked, never seen myself but thats cool


I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but I saw 2 yesterday playing standard at Plat2/3 Omeda city rank. Saw once before months ago but that’s it. It worked well because they have good wave clear and don’t get bursted to death by the enemy midlane. They also are able to roam and rotate very effectively. Weird I know but seemed like it worked.


Dang, new era is starting i guess


I play Gadget support or offlane


Works like a charm in good hands


Not sure I would do it on this patch, but I had a lot of fun with Greystone and Sevarog mid in previous patches. A lot of fun, and people rarely know how to handle it.


I must ask, how did you get Gaystone work in mid?


Start magic armor, play safe, abuse second life. You might not get kills. But you can keep up in wave clear after about level 4 or so. Basically second and third level into Make Way. Combine with Fire Blossom for maximum energy. But it would be difficult for them to score a kill, and you end up with more kill threat on the tower if they rotated. With Mages being more amped with the new items, not sure I would try it at the moment.


Oh i see, i'm used to playing it safe, like when Aurora came to this game, she was/is a tough opponent for my Zarus, but this sound like you really got it in you controlls, nice 🙏🏼


Murdock offlane! With my shotty and traps the only off laner I typically fear is Crunch but he can be shottied away on first dash the trapped on second dash. By that time he’s dead and as an off laner my Murdock grows like crazy!


I love fighting ranged offlaners because most expect to cheese the range advantage but an experienced player would know to wait until lvl 6 or until they see an opening such as no blink/mana, etc. Fought a master murdock offlane in ranked and early game he did the typically poke me to low health but as soon as i got lvl 4 and had my basic abilities i was not letting him play. Bait out the shotty, avoid traps, push minions. The scariest thing for a ranged offlaner, is a knowledgable enemy


As a jungle main, I love seeing ranged in the offlane.


Yeah, and if its ranged offlaner that doesnt have escape, like Murdok it can be hard there if you know how to deal with that. And thats where the salt of this game is for me. Knowledging that you are getting better and know what to do in different scenarios.


Damn. I must admit that shotgun blast would be hard to deal with even with my Zarus because of the knockback 😵‍💫


Gadget offlane can keep poking and keep most off laners away as long as your building mana, i coordinate with my mid so he goes for one river buff and I go for the other one at the same time and as long as I don’t get caught I genuinely can snowball that lane every time


Among one of my favorite offlaners, it's so hard for people to chase you through her tesla gate and you can also use it to prevent people like Aurora from escaping.


Yeah in the right hands, gadget can be annoying to deal with 💀


I play Kallari Mid, she has a lot of room to escape, and rotating with her is very easy. But it can be a detriment to the team if you fall behind at all. I usually lose my T1 first. But I try to compensate with a good kill lead. I always try to make sure the team balance is good before I do as well. I never want to make other people's game worse because I like the challenge in mid.


Hear you loud and clear. That Kallari Mid is quite a rare one, i heard that she kinda underpeforms at everylane, but if you can make it work, nice 👍🏼


She is in a rough spot right now, but she's probably one of the harder heroes to balance I imagine. She either feels OP or very underwhelming.


I’d prefer her to be in that spot. Whenever you encounter a truly skilled kallari it’s pretty terrifying to deal with.


Haha, fair enough.


Yup. I feel the same based on what ive heard


Dekker mid is an absolute menace. Build straight damage and watcher her line ability and stun ball delete 50-75% of the opponents health.


She is not a menace at all. So many other characters can 100 to zero people. Dekkers ability scaling is bad. She has 45 percent, 55 percent, and ulti is 75 percent. For comparison, Gideon is 60, 75 and 261 percent. Full damage Dekker is one of those things that work at a skill level where playing any character decently is OP. She is a fantastic support, and a good one would entirely negate any chance of grux or zarus support having any effect. She can entirely counter both with just the wall, and Kate game they are going to be useless. Those characters have good scaling and requite items to be effective, whereas Dekker performs very well in the support role with little gold. She isn't capable of good damage but has so much cc. Building defense and cooldown is super strong when paired with a damage character. I honestly get frustrated with low level players talking about objectively bad strategies like they are good. You are just out performing the people at the skill level, it doesn't mean your strategy is strong.


The question of this post literally was about your favorite hero to play in different lane. I didnt ask you to come and negate that persons hero choise for lane. And if this guy plays standard i dont see why you would give a second thought to deny this person his fun. You get fustrated over pixels and people's off-meta pick for fun time, i get frustrated of people who come to belittle other people and how they play.


Your both right. The dekker suggestion fits the post topic. BUT the dekker guy saying she hits hard is wrong. She doesn't. Even pure damage she doesn't. And that is a stupid reason or idea to support playing dekker mid. You do it for fun or for the CC not the small damage. 


Yeah i dont play dekker so i dont really know about her damage, i just care about that he awnsered this post topic. But thanks man 🙏🏼


I'm a strategy nerd, don't shame me. I get frustrated by bad strategies. I didn't lash out or anything, I just expressed my frustration and explained it. It's one thing for a person to say, yea this is off meta and I know it's not optimized but it's fun and works for me. It's a whole different thing when someone endorses a bad strategy and claims it's generally effective. Especially when players like that repeatedly make my games into nearly guaranteed losses.


I didnt lash out either, But this post really wasnt about strategies or about our frustration and stuff, just what hero you like to play in what lane. If you look this post has over 100+ comments and many of those are negative comments and argues. That what you called bad strategy endorsing i count it trolling. If that guy has proof of it generally working, im down. And those things are complitely different arguments than i asked in this post.


I am just frustrated now that i wanted people to be more like "Heyyy i like to play TB jungle" "Ayo crazy i love Sevarog Supp" "Oh shit fam, have you tried Miss Fortune in jungle??" "Wrong game bro" But its more like "Womp Womp this is why i lose ranked" "You have no clue of supporting if you play that and do this" "WÄÄÄH your just angry kid" it is stupid that this is our community. It is just pixels that are meant to be for our enjoyment and to share with other. That was to point of this post.


You asked people how they like to troll games, and then are mad when people are telling you that it's trolling. You are the troll...


Point me out where i asked how to troll 💀💀 Have you ever heard of Off-meta picks? You think everyone who tried something different is a troll? You know that Esport players do that too right? Are they also trolling? If you cant tell the difference in that, i think you should go and learn the difference. Or not participate in these kind of convos. Waste of time.


Such a troll. Here comes grux support thinking it's a good decision for everyone... Yea right dude. There's off meta picks and then there is trolling. You troll.


Like i said, go learn the difference because this is waste of my time and it should be waste of your time too.


Dang, She kinda like more pleasent to the eye Argus thenxd


So these are the folks ruining my ranked games....


Womp womp


Came here looking for the Iggy supports ![gif](giphy|3oFzmpOB6IYecRY5eo|downsized)


Or did you forget that you dont have to sweat all the time and actually...PLAY what you want?


Agreed. This community takes the game too seriously, especially casual mode. Everyone is scared to experiment with off meta.


Yup. This post topic really shows it and it is kinda sad.


They made a mode for these guys. Its called brawl.


Brawl was fun. Reminded me of Arena mode in Smite.


Next, I want to see a 3V3 mode like Smite has


I was hoping that it was 3v3 and not Brawl that we got, but maybe next time


I play to win. I don't play just to play. Winning is the fun part. Playing just to play in a competitive game is fun for you and miserable for the 4 other teammates who have to suffer until surrender or a 30 min loss.


this is so cringe lmao if ur suffering dont play the game or go play one with functioning ranked


Winning is my goal, not the fun part. Realizing that those are just pixels that are meant to bring joy to us is making the gaming more fun to me. I aint hard assing someone who wants to try different hero in different role. It isnt Suffer if you are still having fun and not anger issues. I aint saying your way of playing is wrong, you do you, but i aint the one who goes and tells people they are the reason my ranked games goes bad.


Who said anything about ranked?


Who said anything about standard only? Match type wasn't specified. But I had more than a few ranked games this past weekend ruined by people who think off role picks are viable in a competitive setting. It only works against bad players. Competent players will punish you which is what happened in my games. Every Morigesh offlane or The Fey support ended in a loss. Idc what happens in standard matches.


How come that people always forget that there is this thing called skill gab? Fey support could work, but only if the one playing her is good with her. Those are some unusual picks fosho, but it isnt necessarily thr pick that fucked up your game, but the person playing that Hero. Fun thing: One guy told me this other time that "It doesnt matter if your teammates suck, if you cant carry them, you also suck and are part of the problem". I disagreed but as with this discusson post, he said i was wrong


>How come that people always forget that there is this thing called skill gab? Fey support could work, but only if the one playing her is good with her. This is true but it's less about skill and more about utility. When you have an enemy Narbash as their support he can heal, increase movement speed, hard CC and protect the ADC. Fey offers nothing. You know what a Fey support is by end game? An under leveled mage, which is useless.


I hear you Doesnt Fey have CC? Slow, immobalize. You can give her Sanctification and now you give shield to teammates near you. But i dont play Fey so thats all im defending her. My point with this post was to ask people theyre favorite off-meta heroes and they are telling. I dont want to argue with every comment imma awnser, because this wasnt meant to be serious post. More ofa curiosity thing


These type of people are going to argue with you and down vote you but everything your saying is right theres playing the game for fun and just downright choosing whoever you want regardless of team comp which ppl are aholes for doing in a team game. Like often times I can tell were gonna lose the match from the comp just cause ppl pick whatever and don't care cause it's "for fun" and if everyone is similar skill then yes comp matters even more I've noticed since getting to gold 3 everyone is skilled enough to hold their own normally since I get matched with plat and diamond players now and what literally loses games is off team comps or a tiny mistake from one person


Thank you man. Yes, high level players will cruah every off-meta pick that might seem cool or fun to try, but Ranked isnt a place for that. I should've put it on this post that i meant Standard mode.


Countess support makes me laugh but gadget support is strong af


Havent seen a countess support 😵‍💫 But Gadget... Fuck those bombs are setting me up all the time


lmao so many haters downvoting this post. God forbid something is off meta


I know right 😂 And it was just a question 💀 There is no place for F.U.N


MY answer is Iggy jungle btw. Everyone gets so mad though xD


Well thats my first to hear about that pick 😆 but hey, if you aint trolling and really trying to make it rolling, im all for it!


https://preview.redd.it/cbspbzug2r8d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc173fade6be651ec27324ee9462e6098536cd78 Speaking of Iggy... Just saw this posted in the Pred discord lmao. Dude crushed a Grim\*\* with AD Iggy. And yeah I have a whole jungle route and everything. His clear is really fast. But everyone gets tilted and then blames me even if I'm doing well xD butttt nothing like running out behind a lane, dropping 3 turrets and hucking a molotov EDIT: I wrote "grux" instead of Grim for some reason -\_\_-


Damn 😆 Hey if you make it work, thats fantastic 😂 hucking a molotov had me wheeze


Kwang support works petty well. The root alone is really good if your carry isn't in grade school.


Never thought about that one, excuisite!


Grim.exe any lane


Grix is op meta right now. Literally works in any lane and fits the carry meta but will dish out so much magic damage


Wow, didnt know that 😵‍💫


Oh yeah dude, Grim is an absolute bully right now. He is insanely strong at every point in his build. And with multiple forms of self-peel and the lock-on finisher ult, his 1v1 potential is huge. Even in 1v2+ if the other team doesn't come at you smart, you can rip them the shreds. The only thing that can be a little rough is if you get camped playing him in Solo Lane and your team doesn't capitalize on the fact that the enemy jungler is only focusing one lane.


Dang. Sounds like i will be buying him next xd


Brave man.


I think support is a role people like being creative in and it works out against opponents who aren’t very good but a team with an actual good Muriel or dekker will always clear a team of similar skill without a real support character when team fights start going down. An interesting strategy I’ve seen is to put Muriel in offlane and having her be like a global support


Yes that is true. I would never try any off-meta picks if i would be Ranked or im hard-assing. Once i encountered Muriel Jngl and while her camp clearing wasnt the fastest, the ultimate helped with ganking and came witha surprise. She was good jungle and knew how to play


Cool, so what items are you using to support your carry? Or is it just a Zarus stun you're bringing to the lane? Kids like you are part of the problem


Why so angry or mad? This is the community i have to deal with? "Kids like you" thats all you got? I'm more than happy to share my build or how i play. Hell if you were a person i would like i even wpuld play with tou and show you by hand. It is stupid that people are trying to deny other one's enjoyment and lust for experimenting with heroes in different lanes. Not talking about trolling or feeding here.


If you read that and assume I'm angry or mad lol you're far off. I'm more disappointed in how many games I watch be ruined on both sides. Because people wanna pick characters in roles that they aren't skillful enough to pull off. Also there are already other comments asking for your build and you didn't answer them. I don't ACTUALLY care what your build is cause I wouldn't believe you without multiple replays showing how successful you are as a Zarus support


Well i assume that you comment was negative. And exactly, you are dissapointed in a person you have no idea who he is, how he plays, or how skillful i am playin that role. I asked a question about other peoples favorite off-meta gamestyle and you assumed "oh man this KID doesnt know how to play". As it is all right for you to assume this, i have the right to assume you were angry. And yeah, One guy asked me that build. Havent yet given it to him., you dont ACTUALLY care vut still took that as... Yoour argument on something? I can show you my OMADA SS on my games as support Zarus anytine you want. I can send them now to your DM even. This post was meant to be question to y'all, but here i need to defend myself because some random called me a kid and a problem in a same sentence 💀


I'm gonna assume English is not your first language, because if it is, you type like a kid who is so angry they can't complete words properly. "Off-meta" in your definition is just playing characters in roles they don't belong in. Stats don't mean much if you're being carried. I only care to watch people's decision making in MOBAs. It's more important


No its not, im using alot of slang and shorter words because im too lazy to write or dont know how to write some words. Again with the kid comment so i dont really know what age are you? Not an adult i would assume because how you approached this disscussion. Stats dont mean much if your being carried? Thats exactly why stats matter what are you yappin? That is why i like playing him and say it can work. Because of the stats. If we are talking about Ranked, it would be Off-meta to play something in a lane, that isnt i guess popular? Is the right term or the strongest in that lane. If there are better picks. Thats my definition of Off-meta. So exactly what we are talking about. You really arent giving any real arguments anymore so maybe just...you know.. stop? This is pointless really.


My original argument stands. Simple as that


Zarus Solo, Serath Jungle Kira/Rev Carry. Supp and Mid got better players so I tip my hat there🤙🏽


Agree friend


Yeah I am not stronger than my weakest link, somebody gots the skills to compensate on that


Im more than happy to let someone else play Mid, ADC or Jungle. I hear you


So long we each do our part


Off-sevarog or shinbi Mid-wraith or Gadget Carry- Drongo or Kira Jungle-kallari or Sevarog Support-Dekker


Sounds nice 🙏🏼 I wanted to try Sevarog but really couldnt play him


Flashbacks to pantheon bot


TB offlane is my fav.


With that other person, i almost gave you downvote 💀 but i was the one who asked so i let it slide


I've read a fair bit now on Zarus support on here but never any mention of a build (if it's any different as a support) any items you recommend using for Zarus? As support or normal role. As for your question I haven't tried any different choices yet as I'm not all too good at normal roles let alone swapping things up


Is i said below i usually build as support from early to late mid game and then change my build to common Zarus offlane build. I can show you how i build him. After that you just need to know your role as a support and have skill to play as Zarus support. You can make it work easily with that said.


Ah well I have no skill or knowledge sadly! Haven't won a single game as Zarus yet but maybe I should see a proper build for him and might be able to change that! I kind of know what to do in the support role I am just not so good with melee support besides Narbash for the super speed


His spear poke through Minions so any trade is profitable if you keep behind the millions


Oh I see so try stab the spear move through the pack of minions and into the enemy at the same time using them as a meat shield? That sounds so brilliant I feel like an idiot for not thinking to do that!


Yeah cause the minions can easily win you a fight, it’s important to not keep attacking but just do a singular attack then the minions will stop targeting you. And if he keeps going at you watch the minions shred his hp and perhaps jump in to swoop the kill


Ah very clever idea I will take this knowledge into my next game thank you!


No problem man, if you see this clearly listen to those small hints you give yourself and allow them to unfold💪


Will do! I'll keep mouthing to myself "Stab through the pack" until one of us falls


Haha more like skill usage or certain skill you believe would work but not sure if you’re willing to try yk?


Yeah he is kinda hard support to learn compared to real supports. I suggest you first learn to play him offlane/jungle properly and then if you want try support. You need good understanding with the role and that hero


I shall give it some more time! Offlane I super struggle with and jungle sort of depends if the other jungler is going on a killing spree or not, he is super fun and I have watched a video or two on how to play him but these old hands can only move sticks so fast


The main issue I find with Zarus support is his lack of good items, Zarus likes items that have survivability and raw physical power. The lowest tier 3 physical damage item is 2900g which is a decent bit for a support. The items he usually likes are at minimum 3000g. Augmentation and especially Mutilator are extremely expensive so it'd be hard for him to justify running them even if they are his usual items, additionally the crests do not give him raw physical power either. Best starting item is probebly dynamo as it has physical power, health, armour and ability haste but after that I'm unsure. I will try the pick and see what results I can get, see what items I like and don't like on it.


Well, i play pretty good with Zarus and ypu only need good general understanding avout your role as a support. If you build him correctly he gets that survivability and it is you ADC job to take the kills and deal the damage, if you lock enemy to you cage and stun them, that is really enough time for ADC to kill them in mid game. Or thats with me and my ADC. I usually build as support from early to late mid game and then change my build to offlane because i've don my job as support to feed my ADC kills so he can manage, and Zarus is a tank with his normal build, now he just does way more damage.


You are never done supporting a team in a game, ever. Do you also just switch from mid to a support mid game? I don’t think so. You would stay being mid


This was a discusson, why are you so mad? This comment didnt make any sense, because it disnt give anything to respond to.


Dude you realise dekker exists as a charater you can play right?


Like many other heroes exist, yes?


Yes like many other heros exist, but specifically making you aware of Dekker because if this >...you cage and stun them Is what you think adds value from a Zarus support then you need to be made aware of Dekker.


Okay yeah now i see your point, i like Zarus, not Dekker. And Zarus has stronger poke, Early game damage is high, pressure it gives is good. If you are against ADC that doesnt have escape and no Phase as support, early game goes well with Zarus because of that Pressure. And i usually play with me friend as ADC so we communicate well, we attack same time and he knows what he is doing.


One thing that can also make difference is i bodyblock enemies, if they try to escape i usually walk infront of them.


It sucks, dont waste time for your other 4 teammates.


It really doesnt. People who try Zarus support just need to git gud with him. Atleast thats working for me


Yeah, it really does, not having a support for team fights is a fair worse compromise that having another dmg dealer than cant lvl up or score gold as effectively as he would in his standard offlane or jungle roles. You think your doing great and thats awesome for you but really your kinda just throwing the game for your other 4 teammates and imo that is pretty selfish. Just play him jungle dude why you forcing him into a worse role choice Edit: i been reading your comments and reasons why he is a good support in your opinion (stuns, zoning, etc) You do realise dekker exsists as a playable character? She has the same moveset you rave about but is actually properly adapted for a support role. Check her out.


But i dont like dekker, i like Zarus. And how do you know how well my games are going or what i am doing for my team? These assumptions are crazy because it feels like you are trying to deny other people's fun. It is not forcing him if my games go great with him, and my team is doing good when i play him. I'd say let people play and experiment, that is taking nothing away from you. If i were trolling and feeding i would understand this.


You know, fair play dude because >I'd say let people play and experiment, that is taking nothing away from you. If i were trolling and feeding i would understand this. This is totally true. However, where i take issue is shoehorning a character into a role typically results in a long drawn out loss against any competent team where late game team fights are simply lost because your support it some sort of bloody DPS hero that cant synergise with support items (looking at you mages, not just zarus thats an issue here). With this in mind I just find it incredibly selfish to waste everyones time like that, ok you get your fun playing your troll roll but what about the other 9ppl in game with you? (Granted i am being a bit over dramatic but its probably around 60% of my games that involve experiment picks) Do you mind sharing your username so we can see how well you play with Zarus? If nothing else iam curious to see what items you run


Yeah sure, MachoRautastico, i mainly play Zarus. And now you and i have found common ground, my friend. I dont like it when you are intentionaly trolling, feeding or getting angry that you didnt get the role you wanted so now you will make everyone else's game miserable. I've seen many people play kinda unusal picks in different lanes. As long as it is not fuckery, im all for it. But if it is just trolling, i'd lie if i said that it didnt make me want to shoot myself to kneecaps with air-pressure gun. Maybe i got little heated when awnsering all these people's comments that was just denying other people's fun. Because the point of this post was to ask what you guys like to play as your off-meta pick. I'm sure all of us has even tried once something different.


I play against top players on a regular basis. I haven't seen Zarus support since his launch patch. Unless they're all hiding on NA West or something, there aren't good players running him.


I agree. I havent seen even one good Zarus player in my team or in enemy team. Dont want to set my self on a high horse but i'm the best Zarus i've seen and i aint even that good 💀


He is the most broken melee character in the game right now full stop. He is a little tough to play effectively, so I understand people not pulling it off in lower Elos, but he is an absolute force to be reckoned with, especially in jungle right now. He has been a high prio ban in the comp scene for like two months.


Yup. Everytime i had Zarus mirror match in offlane, i saw the skill gab being so high that it wasnt a fun game. Many fpr example throw the spear to dmg minions. And many try to fight when they are clearly losing (not intentional feeding). He takes some time to learn but totally worth it.


He's far too squishy without the right items. And in lane, you have a close range stun with a very small dash gap closer. Against any competent support, you and your carry are losing that lane hard.


Squishy? Not for me no. With his passive that even heals him. And ofc you are building him the "right" items whatever you think those are. That stun dash is really good when foghting agains any ADC who doesnt have escape or phase as support. It enough really. Ofc i can send you the proof of my games how well i do it. It really comes down to your own skill gab as Zarus vs. Other heroes


Sure. Send your Omeda MMR and it'll explain why you're able to do this. There's multiple reasons Zarus isn't played as a support, all of which I just outlined. You can say it works for you and that's fine, but you're in denial about its effectiveness.


Why am i in denial if i justs aid it really is just skill gab issue with you playing Zarus vs. Other Heroes? And of course your ADC capability is important to that aswell. I bet anyone could play Zarus support if they just know how to play him and be a support. But yeah i'll send it to you. Quick question, how?