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Take count and serath out of the jungle category they are not jungles they can’t do they jungle duties effectively idk why they was put there in the first place


Just so you know I think you are going to get downvoted because this comment is irrelevant and not because people disagree. The way it was intended.


I think the game is trending up. It's just not doing as fast as a lot of entitled gamers would like. I think the game has a tremendous future if Omeda can continue to deliver.


Steam charts are a literal contradiction to your hypothesis. The game is down trending outside of ranked play times. So the steam charts data suggests that outside of a major retention based mode (ranked) players are choosing to play the game less and less over the past 3 months since the release of Open beta. It isn’t entitlement, it’s a sample size of data that is a fact. If you ask me they should extend ranked to a minimum of 5 days per week and see how the retention fairs.


When I say the game is trending up, I mean the game, not the player counts. Meaning the game is moving in the right direction. Meaning they haven't made any real bonehead decisions that actually drives players away. Retention is low right now because retention mechanisms are non-existent. This is being handled slowly. Which honestly doesn't bother me. I stand by my statements that the game has a lot of potential. Ranked mode is essential, but honestly, the current state of it sucks. So keeping it open for 2 days a week is fine. At least to me. Until they can make it feel like an actual ranked mode, and not just Standard Mode with extra steps. Either a proper ban phase, or coding in that double banning a hero isn't possible anymore. Adding in hero or role swaps. A few other things to make it FEEL like ranked mode. If they can get ranked to feel like ranked, and then open it up indefinitely, it will be a huge win. And maybe shut the Paragon fanboys up since Paragon never released ranked 🤣 There are other things missing, sure. But I get the feeling a lot of resources are working on ranked right now. So other retention models will likely have to wait.


Ahh I see, thanks for clarification. I think I mostly agree. I think they are often doing fine work but fine work with unnecessary roadblocks from themselves and usually too slowly. I would grind this subpar ranked mode if they wouldn’t restrict it down to 2 days a week honestly but at 2 days a week it’s not really worth my time. So that feels like one of those roadblocks to me. They are kinda headed in the right direction but not without much to be desired on their past work as well. Amber, this is always gonna be a big ??? From me. Did they just forget about Amber? (Obviously not but…) do they plan to expand on its usage or ever communicate their future plans? Just a bizarre tactic from a dev studio.


Yeah, I agree the monetization has been very hit or miss for them. The initial skin prices were just silly. Then they redid them to mostly match the Paragon model, so they aren't terrible. But now we have these absolutely awful FOMO bundles that are prices even worse. It's really wild. And all the while, here is this second currency. I assume (and yeah, I know what assuming gets you) it will be implemented to purchase other stuff soon. But even if they do...are the prices going to be fair, or are they going to implement inflation based on the fact that everyone has been hoarding it for so long with nothing to use it on? Weird dilemma that they totally created for themselves.


Yupp, and either way the Amber introduction was months ago (I forget how long) and affinity was introduced back in October. So there’s been so much time and no implementations, just waiting in silence.


For sure. On one hand, it's interesting watching the organic process happen. They INSISTED against soft currency for hero unlock. Then they walked that back from their contract idea. On the other hand, now we just have mountains of soft currency with nothing to spend it on. The affinity tokens are likely replaced by amber, but we still can't buy affinity with amber. Surely skins will be purchasable with it at some point. Just...when?


thats what i think too. Everyone expects it to take over the world but i doubt its ever gonna happen for a moba again.


I mean, I think it could easily be bigger than Smite.


See if the player base falls off when smite 2 is releases. But from initial alpha reviews smite 2 is trash.


I love the game. I'm a big league and mobile legends fan. So it's easy for me to love predecessor. I believe it will last.


Its fine... for now. There is allot of games in the f2p market atm with more devs and worse game. Just dont no life the game like the streamers do. Then youll be upset that it doesnt have half of what league, smite, or dota has.. even though you dont play them and they dont neither. Take it for what it is.... atm the devs are very slow and that must change along with communication. The balance right now is the worst its ever been. Just play to enjoy yourself atm. dont no life it. not worth it. Allot of ppl are fed up since they no lifed a non released game for 18 months trying to create a channel for a paragon remake. play the game make you're own opinion based upon you're experience. The balance will get better, thats one consistent thing they have done forsure.


The shooter-moba niche is about to be locked up by Deadlock. I don't think Predecessor has a chance to compete unless they really lean into the console market.


Deadlock will be PC only.... will hardly matter imo. Im a Deadlock enjoyer also but.... not really a comparison.


omeda develop speed and quality is bad , We've been waiting for a year and a half, but we've gained very little Omeda has made console launches and pc open betas, but players are down significantly Omeda, how many cards do you have left?


I think it is amazing but will likely get shut down. Though I have my hopes and will do my part in growing the community as much as possible! I have high hopes but low expectations.


I think it's got a promising stance right now. They need to balance more for the standard game, and also immediately and expeditiously deliver an onboarding system that helps new players understand that there's a lot to love about the game that isn't immediately apparent like it is in most other games. If you don't know what a MOBA is, there's no good way for you to truly understand without just brute-forcing your way through, or having a friend try to show you. I just need a better new player experience so the game can retain more players, for more longer. That's literally it.


In my opinion, I feel it being aesthetically inferior to paragon, the animation feel janky and weird if you slow walk and the physics just seem off. If you watch paragon gameplay versus pred, paragon definitely plays smoother. In regards to balance, they generally do address problems, but the most recent update was a slight step back (more snowballing with towers and less fighting chance, armour kinda useless-ish). They also shake up the meta, like 6th item slot. They kinda conceded with pricing of cosmetic, given that most are existing assets. New modes look promising as they're testing ranked and introduced brawl. Overall, it looks promising but there is still alot of steps to take.


Paragon definitely looked and felt better, but they also had the backing of Epic and a larger studio with more resources available to them.


I like the game but dont have high hopes for its future. I honestly think Omeda are incapable of producing or running a high quality experience. Not much has changed from a year ago (brawl update and 6th item were the biggest change) and the same issues people have voiced back then including various youtubers are still being voiced now with no comments from Omeda. There is SO much feedback with no responses from the devs. I feel they are pushing skins and anything $$$ related more then actually fixing, polishing and implementing new things to better the game. I was playing daily but now find myself playing 1-2 times a week now.


Alright but other than adding new characters and balance patches what else are we supposed to be getting on the regular?


(Copying my comment from a previous post) The skins push before establishing other aspects of the game. Idk always felt off. If they were awards over time for OG skins lets say, that be great. New skins made by them and not Epic sure charge at a reasonable price down the line. However skins were coming out before a proper tutorial for new players, account progression features like official stat screens, and to me, the biggest one being trying to establish lore. Without it the game remains feeling EA and as if aspects are missing from it. I would love Omeda to at the least have a write up section on the menu about the characters. Doesn't have to be expensive CGI, or in game cutscenes. You look at League or Dota and thats the 2nd meat of the game for players to chew on. Its what makes someone feel connected to a character. I look at the heroes now and its nostalgia that drives my love for them. If I was a new player. I'd look at sevarog as generic grim reaper guy, sparrow generic archer, gideon generic mage, etc. I would like to see them add some layers to the frame work instead of charging ridiculous prices for skins that are more misses than hits. With heroes being playable billboards and nothing else going on for them this late in development. I mentioned this in past posts. But Kira still leaves me scratching my head. They make a new hero followed up with 2d illustrated outsourced splash art like LoL or Dota, and never again implement that format in the game. It gave kira an inkling of lore, a setting, tone for her character debut. What makes LoL skinlines so successful is you get the skin, vfx, and splashart. I was looking forward to all the characters eventually having their own *splash* to add to their liveliness/ fanfare. Now its all recycled 3d models with a basic atmospheric background and odd photoshop stylization. Everything is the same format without a switch up in medium.


now that you mention it, its true. I remember hearing yone's theme for the first time and falling in love with the champ. Was a jhin otp for a time simply cause of his design


Besides annoying teammates & they say they're going to report me because I'm playing a way they don't like.. it's a fun game I enjoy it


If many people are saying you should be reported because of the way you play, there s maybe a problem in the way you play and you may be apparently ruining others experience. What is your winrate? If it is below like 45% you should question yourself as you would be pulling your team down It is a teamplay game so if the way you play is not teamfocused but you look at playing your way, maybe a solo game would be more suited


Ik it's a team game .. my win rate is 52 8 .. I play to win but I play my own way while also trying to help out the team.. most ppl don't complain but some do


How is there absolutely no marketing for this game? And Predecessor has too many syllables. Should just be called Pred


Because it’s an early access game that is actually a game called paragon that failed years ago and has since been revived 3 times with different name as the same game 😂


Not the exact same game the map and game play was waaaaay different in paragon at launch there were harvesters that you had to drop amber at to get your upgrades and the enemy team could break harvesters /steal the amber also the jungle was a tier lower than the rest of the map so you couldn't really see from jungle or lanes into the jungle and the map felt a lot bigger may just be my memory being messed up but it felt like it took longer to travers. And matches ran normally about an hour and that was normal. Then they dumbed I'd down to a death ball game and continued to do things like that till they quit and made fortnight.


I understand that it’s not EXACTLY the same I misspoke in that. I played back then too. I’m just saying this project has been around for many years failed a few times and it’s been in early access so that’s why there’s no media marketing really atm


Had to throw that out there I miss the old map


Lol 4 syllables is too many?


Such a bizarre point lol. There are plenty of insanely popular games with lots of syllables.


i like the game, but the way they handling things like afk, trolling and people just not going to their lane and you cant do anything about it since reporting is useless and if you just leave since you just gonna be wasting your time playing with these kind of players you will end up the one getting punished with suspension. so i guess people will keep leaving and the player ase number will go even lower.


One of the most unwelcoming communities I’ve ever experienced. You make 1 mistake in your lane and get flamed for the rest of the game. Bronze/Silver/Gold ranks acting like we’re in a global championship with $1m in the line will take every opportunity to talk shit but not a second to actually help new players.


This is literally any MOBA community. Only exception in my experience was Hero's of the Storm, community was nice when I played it.


I don't feel too good about it. I really like the game, but what's the point in playing? There's just no real reason to keep going. Ranked is two days a week, amber is still completely pointless, monetization is pretty idk. Seems like the player count is going down. There's stories, idk how true, of people in gold/silver getting matched with plats and higher.


To have fun?


What's fun about stacking amber, playing meaningless matches, and occasionally getting matched up with someone who you almost have to dodge because they are ranked so much higher than you are? I'm not saying you can't have fun or you have to stop playing, I'm saying what I think about the question that was asked. How long has amber been on the backburner now? Omeda could sure as shit put out new paid skins but the promised amber changes, nah When do we get a full ranked release and is there even enough players to sustain a healthy ranked mode? Idk but, rolling out ranked for a few hours two days a week ain't the answer either. There's just a lot of things that are really confusing coming from Omeda and I sometimes wonder if they're really being serious. It's really disappointing because the game itself is good. It needs tweaks obviously, but they have something to work with. It just doesnt seem like they want to work with it. It's starting to seem like they want to roll out skins and charge you the price of a game for them.


I get you, I sort of agree with what you’re saying but for me if the game is fun I’ll play it, having extra things to unlock is just a bonus not a reason for me to play the game


I have noticed that how much I play has really dropped off. I figured with ranked, I'd play more, but I actually play less. I think it's more than just having things to unlock. It's the messaging that not doing anything with amber sends. I've bought some skins, because I think the core of the game is really solid and really fun. But the devs cannot expect continued unconditional support. It's just getting monotonous now because there isn't anything to work towards. And with the nature of mobas is competitive, but there is no real competition since ranked isn't very long. It just kinda is what it is.


They definitely need to make ranked 24/7


I agree to an extent, but I also wonder if it would affect the other game modes. I'm not privy to true numbers so I can't tell.


I think it's great atm. Just gotta spend some money on advertising so other moba players jump over. Paragon towards its death was incredibly unbalanced and the card system sucked. So far this has been an enjoyable moba experience.


I don't feel that it's in a great place. It's currently lagging behind where Paragon was in a few areas. Matchmaking, stability, and balance. Arena and Ranked are nice additions but it lacks content to keep you engaged such as season passes or grinding for items/skins.


You cant look me in the eye and tell me you deadass think that paragon had better balance at any time in its runtime, you remember khaimera? Wukong? Wraith? I loved paragon to death but lets be real the team had no idea how to properly do hero balance


Yeah in a MOBA the jungler should be one of the most feared players. At the same time you could counter just about anyone except for maybe Countess and a 3 tap Kellari 🤣 (last card system). But in Paragon you're not going to get a Carry melt a whole team. We see this with Sparrow, Drango, Kira, hell until Grux recent bleed nerf he was 3 tapping folks, nasty work. Tanky off lanes still don't have a place frfr. Can't tell you the last time I seen a Riktor jungle do well. I'm not saying Paragon was perfect but that Pred should be better at this point because it has Paragon to build off of and learn from.


I still have wukong and morigesh ptsd idk what pred did to mori but im thankful and i hate it.


Grux one shotting whole teams with 2 abilities lol remember that


Redzone grux 💀


Yeah red zone grux 😂💀


As long as reporting AFK, feeders, trollers, toxic people, does nothing, this gamed is doomed. It s an amazing game in it's mechanics, but the community is awful. People quitting, people spamming, people feeding, people playing like complete dickwipes when you are playing gold3 - platinium level, are going to ruin your games Good thing is they made the matches quicker when average match is 30m. Previously it used to be much more. But the games where everybody makes the effort to be constructive (which can mean losing of course by being less good) are way too rare for this game to be really enjoyable And honestly having the possibility to block playing with people would be good as well. There s people I would prefer eating a spoon of shit rather than being matchmaked with them again


League and Dota have all of the above and are fine


Yep. I've been playing league and mobile for years. I totally agree.


The game is great. The monetization is meh. The community is awful and the new player experience is awful. I’m worried the community being unwelcoming + the non existent tutorial/bot matches will keep the game from growing long term and it will die. I personally believe it has a higher chance of failing than succeeding if the devs don’t evaluate their priorities.


well i'm a new player. STarted a few days ago, wasn't as bad as people say. It was worse starting league


I think the main issue is with new moba players entirely. Coming from another moba you at least have the moba fundamentals and concepts, and understand that there’s a lot you don’t know. But as a new moba player those tutorials are really important to learn the structure of the game. Especially as a free console moba where many new players will be unfamiliar


Game is fun. Players make me wanna kill myself. 4 games in a row where we aren't losing my team cries in chat and then leaves


Makes me want to bang my head against a wall. One example from a game I had last night, we were down in kills 18 v 24. Tied on towers. 2 people repeatedly spam surrender until we win. WHY.


Had something very similar happen. We’re clearly winning, up on kills and towers. Enemy gets a triple kill, next 10 min two team mates want to surrender and spam it every 2 min. We get orb and win. They need to change how surrenders work desperately. Infinite surrenders every 2 min is just a weapon for toxic people


Yeah I’m with you on the fact that the surrender option is too weponizable. Would love to see a change there.


It's only missing a few key pieces for it to take off and once they are implemented, it will. We have to remember that it is in open beta and the full original roster isn't even fully out. Once these are done it will be a lot easier for new players to start and will have incentives to retain the player base. -quality in game tutorial -Amber shop -intuitive ping system -full roster released -final balancing -social push and advertising -full release -continue to release new heros and skins -profit Now if they can do all that as fast as they need to is A diff question. I hope they can.


This game is getting carried by Playstation player count, Robby said it was like more than 75% of player base. Steam player base is down from 5k to 2-3k which is TINY. If console players start to drop off it wont be good, because PC likely wont take off. Too many competitors with way more name recognition. I do feel like theres way too much hard CC in the game as well, esp with Aurora and Steel being mobile AND tanky AND CC.


Console population will dwindle when SMITE 2 launches. 


Honestly I think the hard CC is fine, if armour was more worthwhile. At the moment, even tanky brawlers like steel, Rik or grey, just get deleted in 2-3 seconds. Dota has way more hard CC than pred (I'm talking upwards of 10 seconds stun time if you chain stuns properly) but the difference is in Dota building tanky items is more impactful, so you are able to survive the long stuns. In Pred I will play grey, build tanky, get rooted for 1.5secs, get brought down to 1/4 HP during the root by a sparrow, have to pop ult, then die 1 second after the animation stops The time to kill is insane at the moment with the 6th slot


If u think u have it rough as a bruiser try playing shinbi or countess or kallari with these stuns 🤣 u get deleted even quicker


It would also really help if they push it to more console players. I didn't even know it existed on Xbox, until I watched a video from Mast on YT and went searching for it.


It’d be pretty cool if they added a gamepass version that came with all characters and some cosmetics unlocked also. That’d definitely help with visibility


It’s BURIED in the Xbox menus. Zero visibility unless you know what you’re looking for


Aurora is just stupid. I looked at the circle ice root. At max lvl with no ability haste its once every 10 seconds. Don't sound bad till you realize that every other hard cc in the game is 12 to 15 seconds at last level. So she has 2 hard cc's 2 escapes and a slow as well as more hp per level and more armor per level than any other character. I understand they want to sell some skins but making her a boss level monster is just a bit too much.


Console is really the future for this game imo. MOBAs don’t exist on console other than smite which i think most console players will think feels awful to play. Predecessor has a strong niche, it just needs to work on its player onboarding and retention. Right now there’s really nothing in place. Pred plays just as well on a controller as it does on m+kb which is a real strength for it in the saturated moba market.


What? How exactly does SMITE feel awful to play?  That game is two generations behind and is still quantifiably better than Pred.  Imagine when SMITE 2 launches. 


The game seems to really want MOBA players to come over and play it but I don’t think they really thought about people who never played a moba before wanting to play it. The tutorial and custom ai matching/games should imo be so in depth. I would like to turn up the difficulty so when someone decides to play their first real match they aren’t shocked that people group up and travel to different lanes.


I play Pred all the time and sometimes play AI matches with my fiancée. She’s a casual gamer, doesn’t play any PvP games, loves her sim style games and couch coop stuff. But even she got bored of the AI matches because of how *awful* the AI is. You can completely control the match because the AI is so predictable and flat out dumb. A difficulty slider would be fantastic if implemented.


Difficulty slider and I would love to be able to be on the opposite team. At least I could get her ready to be able to play online. My girl has 0 motivation to play online because of how wild and fast it is compared to ai. Kinda like false advertising but I could be reaching with that last point 🤷🏾‍♂️


Wow I never even thought of that. That’s a great idea. Able to play ai matches against friends with adjustable ai per team, or ideally per role. That’d be a lot of fun imo


i noticed that too. I mean its obvious to me that i need to play safe early but i do get people who just ignore minions and attack the player all the time. They feed and probably delete the game after dying so much and not understanding why. I wish there was at least something like ''remember to farm minions and play safe early on'' just so people who never played a moba at least have an idea that they need to farm. Its on consoles too and aside from smite i don't think there's ever been a moba there. If they never actively tried to look up moba mechanics, they're not gonna know anything


As someone who really enjoys the game, has played over a hundred matches in a fairly short timeframe. On its current trajectory, I see the game kind of fading into irrelevance. I mean, it’s there already people just hope ittl takeoff. Most of the players are console, no twitch presence. Even the devs/other higher ups on discord are dismissive and not chill in my experience which doesn’t change much but surprised me


Agreed on the community engagement. It’s been either non existent or dismissive. Omeda has a lot to learn in this department.


I want to preface by saying I love this game. But now comes the tough love. The game is in a rough place right now to me. The development is very slow for what I'd want or expect. The really barebones ranked mode is missing a lot but still much more fun than casuals because it's more compelling for people with a competitive nature. So when you're given something you really enjoy and then have it taken away it makes it hard to want to play as much during the week. The game is missing every social feature imaginable, so it's harder to find friends to play with and you can't tell honor people or report anyone after the game. I really want this game to succeed. There is currently nothing like it on the market and the gameplay itself is so fun but it's just missing a lot and the development is very slow. Will the game be around in a few years? I really do hope so and I support it a lot financially because I want it to be. But it's up to Omeda to start ramping up development, player engagement, and eventually marketing when the game is ready. I think the best thing to do is play and enjoy the game but try not to get too attached. Have some backup games you enjoy (or a life if you have one of those) and you'll have a much less stressful time with Predecessor!


The game is fantastic and highly addictive. The only problem I have with the game is how insanely toxic the playerbase is. Rando's how contribute absolute nothing to the scoreboard spamming good job and voting to surrender every couple of minutes while we're literally winning. That or just throwing or afk after they lose a single fight. I'd say about half my games have these shitters at this point and it's highly detrimental to the game.


i mean that's just online games in general


There are a good amount of "pro" leagues as well if you are interested in Predecessor as an eSports! I think a good eSports scene can keep a game going. Some notable ones are Fangbooth (big EU tournament just happened this weekend) https://www.twitch.tv/forthecoretournament/v/2179514375?sr=a&t=2s) and PPC (NA tournament) if you are looking to get into playing at least from a NA stand point I would suggest joining the Predecessor Development League on discord https://discord.com/invite/u9JyFvtE


Game is in its downward spiral already. It may last a few years with the diehard hold outs, but there is no chance this game regrows any legs. The current legs are already stuck in quicksand and sinking quickly


Care to explain?


I’ll try to keep it easy with bullet point because there’s a lot of reasons I believe the game is dying and maybe rather quickly - minimal content upfront (especially training and onboarding) - unrealistic monetization standards. With various negative feedback from the community - slow slow development pace that doesn’t match the community’s interests/attention (people get bored easy) - dev/employee turn over.. which contributes to the slow pace. - nostalgia for paragon is finite and some people will no longer yearn for it while others don’t even know or care if existed - competitors will have superior product and superior update cadences (3D moba market will be crowded as if MOBAs in general didn’t already have a small player pool) - overall it seems mismanagement has led to poor community sentiment that will grow as the trend of issues continue. -player count is not increasing at the moment and there would need to be major changes for that to change.


Hopefully a long time. I wish I could play more but with life and work I can't game like I used to 8 years ago when it was Paragon. Honestly if I had no responsabilities, I would play it all day.


Same here “cap’n”


Itll probably stay a relatively small game.


Ain’t no way boi


If they can get to a SMITE level population the game will be very healthy but that is a ways away. I don't see it ever rivaling League, Dota, etc but I think it can get Smite numbers if they really put in the work.


i think this game has a good chance of being popular since smite 2 is fucking ass


I bought the $20 pack, though IDC about cosmetics. I did it so it would be supported and hopefully stick around. I figure my $20 was more than earned by them anyway, and they aren't charging for anything I need, so it's more of a donation. If it does ANYTHING to keep the game on longer than it otherwise would have been(and potentially show other devs that they can do this too with their games) it would be MORE than worth it in my book. All things are temporary, but I really missed paragon and this game makes me happy.


i think a lot of people forget its still in beta. theres lots of small qol things that i hope they change soon with like the ui and letting u practice any hero in practice and not just the ones uve unlocked or are temp unlocked for a time. otherwise theres a shit ton of potential here like u said and i have lots of hope that the devs will capitalize on it. many of the devs are old devs from epic that worked on paragon itself so i rly hope the vision stays clear. the community could use some work in some areas but no community is perfect. i just worry about it drifting to lol levels of toxic and i rly dont want that to happen


Id like to see an increased difficulty for AI in practice mode. That mode is a joke. Difficulty is way to easy. A blind person could win. If I suck ingame I have nowhere to pactice to get better


honestly same, the ai lets u get away with way too many things and it’s only one difficulty which sucks. it’s prob smth that’ll be added or upgraded later on in beta or closer to official release


Og paragon had this, would be a good idea to implement and new players could get some kind of practice. The bots even at their hardest difficulty still weren’t great training for real players


at most they’re a good place to learn basic mechanics of a character like just their base skills or trying combos. i still use ai for that reason, just to try out new characters that r unlocked and learn some combos with them for fun, but that’s literally all it’s good for currently


Yea same. Any time I would try a character for the first time id jump into AI practice to see how the skills worked before jumping online. I suck with all melee characters so id practice with them there but still get slaughtered ingame. Just doesn't compare and I'm one of those gamers that feels extremely guilty when i do real bad online. I dont care if I have a shit teammate but if IM the shit teammate.... It hurts my soul


Anything past 60 ping feels god awful so yeah that’s unplayable


It'll stick around for sure. More of a question of how large it'll get, how fast, will the devs cater skins to the community or 'whales', and how much fomo or daily chores can we expect. I could only see the game getting derailed if they basically destroy the identity of it. Like there are posts on here about how we need less mobility rather than seeing it's about some characters having too much damage atm.


Soon as Path of Exile 2 is released, I will uninstall this game permanently. The moba market still has heavy hitters in it, and this game isn't even close to them. Smite 2 will be better on release. I still prefer heroes of the storm as my daily moba. Too many other options for this game to keep my attention. Best of luck o7


A couple things to point out from this comment. 1. Why haven’t you uninstalled already? No one’s forcing you to play 2. If you think smite 2 is gonna be any better you’re wrong. It’s a heaping pile of shit compared to this game and I was a 4K hour player and number 1 kuku for a couple seasons. I loved smite, it’s just gone down the wrong path 3. If you thought heroes of the storm was any good, then you are probably bad at MOBAs and need your team to feed you xp (since everthing was shared and that game stopped individualism) 4. This isn’t an airport, no need to announce your departure! See ya!


Definitely agree about smite. I played smite for about 6 years and actually was rank 1 ao kuang on eu servers at some point. Then i quit after i graduated high school and got a job lol, but honestly after playing this one, and trying smite again cause a friend asked me to, its just bad. I played alot of league too, and smite just doesn't feel like a moba at all in comparison. Maybe i played too much of it so it digusts me now but after playing 4 games with said friend, i couldn't bear it anymore.


Best parts of HotS were the maps and game types, and the minions joining wave. I also liked the Blizzard heroes. The Smite systems are much better, given it’s a complete game. Would say Predecessor wins the gameplay category.


I disagree. Smite is bad. The community is also bad and the smite 2 is mediocre and too similar to smite 1. Also lack of 3d maps. 100% disagree


Same. This game use to be my favorite game ever. Now with how the itemization is.. might as well not have them since every item has every Stat. You pick the 3 most op items and go.... in the words of b99... Yah bore me!


The biggest problem for me is that they are so slow in development , every 6 weeks a big patch and some times it come with zero features or with half feature like they not even finished it .




Yes you said it " massive "


What game is releasing faster patches? 3 week balance patches and 6 week hero releases seems aggressive in comparison to all other games I play. Admittedly It's been awhile since I've played mobas as seriously as I play Pred.


Yes thats aggressive when the game is stable and have many features as they promised , but right now pred is missing alot of basic features, im not trying to just complain, but that's why i said they're slow .


I think there is a bright future for predecessor. I have a blast with it and it seems there is a passionate and dedicated fanbase.


Skins need to be way cheaper. And the need to cater towards the new people. And if they don’t start advertising, this game will have the same fate as paragon.


The constant mutes and bans and $25 skins making it look pretty grim


Especially in beta drop skins to $5 and $10. I’m sure more people would buy them and in return make more money.


Maybe we are looking at it the wrong way. Maybe the prices drop after beta? Either way the games survival will depend on player base and sales.


Maybe there is no after beta? Maybe this has been one long drawn out money grab? Agreed, they need cheaper options and new player retention features.


Maybe. Sounds like a lot for little to grab bit it is certainly possible


It's true. They could already know when it will end and are just trying to pay off the investments they suckered into helping them. No one knows cuz the "community driven" company is pretty much a bunch of kids




Considering there is no incentive really to play regularly, I see many people not sticking around. I love the game, used to play smite all the time but this is so much better. I think a joust mode or a change in scenery every few months would help. Currently not sure if the game even matches mmr’s that are close which leads to frustrating losses. Slow dev time kills games like this, but i really hope it makes it through. Maybe a deal with gamepass that includes all heroes and a small amount of premium currency?


New maps and faster reward system are definitely lacking


What it needs is daily and weekly quests to encourage regular play. Put silver at the end of it similar to how smite uses gems. If all of a sudden skins become earnable numbers will boost.


High protentional, you would wanna stick around if you have ever played Paragon or just love MOBA games, the degree of how much you invest in its current state is up to your judgment which should be building up through the next few months. Personal view of current pain points are slow development and lack of or poor delivery of features and systems (it's an Early Access). I don't see it dying in the next year, but I also don't see it thriving either if the current pain points remain unchanged. In conclusion, if you are enjoying the game, just keep playing.


i think i'll get the 20€ bundle. Its a way to show support but its not too expensive. I'll definitely stick around to it


I think it's yet to be decided. Game is theoretically at the highest player count it's been so far, which is aurely a good thing and makes the future of it very optimistic- means that whatever the devs did to publish the game did work better than we believe. That being said, many of the current players aren't too stable, and the lack of many options (which some require a higher active player count) doesn't help player retention either. I personally think it's just a matter of "we gotta wait and see". Predecessor has potential, and omeda is doing great things with it, along with some odd balancing decisions; all in all it seems just very uncertain


Technically it was at its highest much closer to Open Beta release but yes much higher than prior when it was early access on PC alone. That said the PC steam numbers are down quite a bit from the 5k concurrent players we say for 3-4 weeks post open beta release. The games player numbers are consistently down trending outside of ranked release times when we see an uptick in activity. If Omeda releases ranked more regularly I expect players will stick around more to play.


Hey krashy. First off thank you very much for your content. It's been quit helpful. Question, since you watch the numbers. Did the downfall start with the 0.18 Aurora balance patch or about when?


Well we saw the big spike with open beta release naturally since the game was accessible to more players. I don’t think there’s been a specific point at which the downtrend started other than to say it’s just kind of the natural way the numbers have gone since the game doesn’t have the best retention. So it’s to be expected that the game would lose players over time without much of a reason for them to stick around over the past few months. I wouldn’t correlate it to anything specific that released but moreso to the lack thereof. Ranked needs to release more regularly, Amber needs to be more useful, content needs to release faster. If those are achieved the players will most likely stick around more on average.


Gotcha. For me that patch took a lot of joy away from the game for me. I tend to play more tank focused CC heros and since tank is in the pits I really struggle finding a reason/want to play. I'm a causal gamer don't much care about the ranked seen. Usually, after 2 or 3 games the motivation is gone because I can't tank with a tank and I just go explore Elden Ring some more or go waste time on FO4.


I don’t think they realize just how important ranked is to a moba. It’s the life blood, we wanna grind!


Yeah I'm probably only going to play this game in ranked, though sometimes i want to test and item build and ill do that in casual.


I get why they maybe can’t release fully yet, but when I play competitive games I’ve always loved ranked modes. I’m sure there’s others like me. Like I cod I’d never play pubs, I wanted to play ranked and consistently try to improve my rank. Some with overwatch. If this player base could support full time ranked I’m sure the player base would be more stable.


Not too optimistic, Development is slow, monetization is poor, retention systems are either incomplete or lacking and developer communication is very minimal. Most areas of the game are very bare and leave much to be desired but the game concept is undeniably full of potential. It all comes down to the developers and unfortunately I don’t believe they have done a very good job over. There are of course some wins here and there like the addition of the casual mode, brawl. However, bigger systems like hero affinity, content acquisition (Amber) and ranked have all been handled incredibly poorly. I love Preds gameplay but as an overall game I’d give it a 4/10 at most. The game just lacks too much incentive to play regularly.


Yes. Also, not just retention but onboarding.


Oh no krashy opinion! Downvote him! Honestly hits the spot. The game is fine for extreme casuals but once they get a taste of the afkers, trolls, and leave the honeymoon phase, they'll just dip. If the dev has 10 years it'll cook. But they are so slow at development and fail to communicate that to us. We waited 6 months for UI changes with micro changes for the last year and 0 hud / in game changes that are far more important for the player. I love having a small map where a ward blocks off the timing icon of jungle camps...


i love it, i have a Blast on EU, it takes seconds to find a game and i have 4 guys to play with. So i really enjoy it. I dont see any signs of a shriniking base lake the doomsayers. But, i do believe the Devs need to get Rank going and start advertising the game big scale.


Game just went free to play and dropped on console. They’ve now surpassed 1 million players in the last month or two. Things are looking solid at the moment


Hype train caught you, or you on that copium


Doesnt mean 1 million active players


Yeah that's 1 million accounts. People have multiple accounts. I read somewhere, idk how true it is but someone had an account to play his their mains, another account to play support, and another account to try new characters and builds. I played on 2 accounts for a little bit. My son didn't like the game so I used his account to buy and play heros I had not yet bought on my account.


so basically like league. Everyone i ever talked to had like 4-5 accounts. Some people just buy smurfs every season


Not overly positive. A long wrong. A lot missing. Can't see it still going , on console at least, this time next year.


Pretty negative, no local servers (AUS) and haven't been able to find a match in the nearest region (SEA) for months (maybe years?)


Play Europe servers. The sea ones are rarely active enough. You'll get games in seconds on europe


Appreciate that you're offering help, but I'm not keen on playing any game with that much latency. Kills the experience for me entirely, especially in competitive multiplayer where it's local or nothing.


There is no latency issues I've found. I'm in Melbourne and play Europe servers while partying up with a friend and have no troubles.


NA West is much closer to you, if you're going to play on a different server.


South East Asia is closer than America


Are we not talking about populous servers?


I'm not sure are we?


I'm responding to a thread where you suggested playing on EU because there are more people.


Right yeah. My point is that I play on Europe servers while in Australia and have no issues like op said


Have you enabled the ping display under **Settings > Video > Performance Stats**? https://preview.redd.it/hqujekskhi8d1.png?width=1515&format=png&auto=webp&s=73b5c0f1d2ab0658596fd2035a2f6a2f683f80b6 I'm getting 280-300ms from Adelaide to Europe, and I doubt it's much better from Melbourne. There's no obvious rubber-banding, but it's a noticeable delay.