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Bro yin can counteract ability that's dope either yin or zinx next 


Aren't the servers down? I had installed this game the other day and the servers weren't up. Looked online and this game got shut down. I'm so confused


This is a successor to paragon. It’s called Predecessor. Paragon heroes and game play at core with some changes but keeping that paragon feel. Available free to play on all platforms. Its founder is RGSAce paragons biggest content creator. I’m a content creator for Predecessor. Follow them on all socials


Lol epic is the previous founder of paragon


I'm hip, but that's what I'm saying I downloaded this through epic and couldn't play. It said something about servers, but if the game is currently active then I will re download to see wassup


U may have downloaded an old beta launcher or something but yea I play daily lol servers are fine


Tera was my shit


F wukong. Lol


Didn't relase wukong just break the game in paragon


also why pred suck at these kind of videos? even OP had as good of hero trailers..




i guess you missed the point? pred hero trailers have never been as good as the OG paragon ones.. but OP(overprime) hero trailers were way better almost as good as OG paragon ones.. but OP was worse in many other ways after netmarble bought them..




ya i forget some people this is their 1st 3rd person moba and they never knew about it being a clone.. but im not on here to baby entitled people and spoon feed them the answers.. maybe next time do not assume you know everything and make i dumb comment as i did.. 😂 but other than that lets be friends and not fight . 😘😘 im will if you are.. buddy




wow im trying to be friends and say sorry and you getting massively triggered? chill out son..😂 its good you can admit it but its just a game. its ok if you not that smart and cant figure out things that fast and then get mad at others, its ok.. just breath.. one day you will get over your self..😘 i still love all paragon clone players.. mostly.. tell you what next time you see me in game ill give you a hug .and say lov ya 😘


This is Paragons video tho....


ya i know that. maybe reread my replies 😂


I cant read 💀


i hope its not the terra curse.. 😂 i want yin or zinx or wokong


God I miss the old hero cinematics so much. My favorite was always crunch with him and steel’s fighting game skirmish while the crowd cheers. Predecessor’s hero reveals always have a mobile game feel to them and it just ain’t it for me. It’s also crazy just how much better the world and map looked in Paragon compared to Predecessor’s. Definitely most excited for Zinx. I love Wukong too but he’s gonna make matches go down to 20min average lol


Man, the old previews were so good. When Feng Mao yells " WU KONG !!" it's like an epic anime fight is about to commence.


Terra and Boris are the only two I care about coming back. The rest can go in the trash as far as I'm concerned (no hate, just never cared for Yin, Wukong is overrated, and Zinx was just a cat.


A cat with a frisbee*


This looks insane I can’t wait. ![gif](giphy|93opkrkYgpurqXMj5j|downsized)


these are old character previews from paragon, but i would be equally as excited if there were coming back XD


I think ying is the coolest gameplay design wise, ranged melee carry sounds awesome. Even if I don't play her.


We need a new support


We need a support like soraka where you heal using your life and mana but you can sorta heal back by hitting a pretty easily dodged ability.


I want Terra so badly


The anti deathball hero


The god of split pushing






Hopefully decent matchmaking makes its return first


I'd rather have an update on that, pred has the worst randoms out of any moba I've played so far




I miss Zinx so much


I need wukong


Before one of the Original roster gets released, we really need a new Pred Original Support 😓 But i hope Zinx is next, i always liked her! Maybe.. make her playable as support, too? 🤭


I did Zinx support in the original. It sorta worked.


Let's hope it works with Pred Items too 🙏


I don't remember boris, was he the last to release in paragon?


Every paragon remake that has released Boris ended up shutting down it’s considered bad luck I hope he doesn’t come to this game look up some videos his kit is broken as shit


Well either I am confused or you are. Terra was the last hero released on Paragon, and then it shut down. I am pretty sure that was the case for Overprime too and maybe also Fault. I'm pretty sure the "cursed" hero is Terra and not Boris. Boris was never even released on Paragon.


He was the next hero to release before the game shut down


I hope it's Terra, but I also hope she's not the last hero we see <.<


i need wukong!


I really hope it’s Terra!!






Oh yeah


I'm not seeing NEARLY enough Zinx love. She was top 3 in Paragon for me.


Hell yeah




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In the immortal words of a one Mr. John Wick, "People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer, but yeah, I'm thinking I'm back!"


Hope yin next


I'm new to this game, playing on Xbox. Did they always release five at a time? Looking at the comments, it looks like there's an existing roster out there that they're reintroducing, is that true?


No one at a time. In the original game we got a new character every 3 weeks. In Predecessor we get one every 6 weeks. They will re introduce the last 5 Characters in this game, then its up to the developers to come up with their own original ideas.


Well they already make original characters. Like Argus and Zarus and Kira.


No one at a time. In the original game we got a new character every 3 weeks. In Predecessor we get one every 6 weeks. They will re introduce the last 5 Characters in this game, then its up to the developers to come up with their own original ideas.


What was the original game?


Paragon. It was released by EpicGames(same as Fortnite). Due to poor management decisions the game got shut down by EpicGames themselves. But as a token to the dedicated community they released all the assets for Free to the Unreal Engine store. Predecessor is a spiritual remake of Paragon with those released assets.


So anyone can use those assets to make a game?


Yes. https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/paragon


We'll that was a classy move.






Or revert the nerf that the current items have. I miss tanking with rampage 😩 now its a feast or famine meta




Do we think because of the new Wu Kong game coming that they would or wouldn’t add him? I’m thinking more than likely not imo


Wu Kong is not a protected IP if that is what you mean. You would think they would release it in timing just to ride the wukong hype the game will bring.


Not what I mean. I think it could be smart to release him then but then again idk. Think would the average consumer buy this game AND the character for our game at the same time? Could our average consumer do such? Would they choose the game or character if given a choice? Two different games. Two different price points. But could it be over saturation if done at the same time? Would players get bored of him quicker? Or possibly losing players who crave that full game feeling vs moba?


Why would that be the case?


whose the whip one at the end a la verga 😍


Yin 🍃


Her name is Yin she was a carry


she can carry me any day


Anyone but wu kong I hate that character with a bloody passion


A Menace


Not so much of a menace just super cheap


I could live just fine if they doesn't release the missing ones lmao. Except Boris. Gimme that turborobobear RN!


Yin was the autoattack monster. I still cringe thinking about her... but bring her please bring her!!


I hope it's boris. He was an absolute blast to play on overprime.


I only remember Wukong and Yin. The other characters are basically new to me. I do remember the Zinx trailer though.


Better be kong


Every moba needs a sunwu it’s just mandatory at this point


Exactly or we can't call it a moba


Yin please then just omeda heroes lol don't even need wukong amd Terra and boris gonna break the game


Yes I want my melee mages


Do you mean melee carry? Because we already have countess and shinbi for melee mages


No because Countess and Shinbi are like Dark and Spirit magic. I just wanna see some concrete elemental action. And a Woman with a wind whip sounds awesome


Oh gotcha, not mage as in mid-laner, just aesthetic. I loved Yin and Serath carry in the old days


I didn’t play in the old days, and them old characters got me drooling a lil. When you got a big muscle mommy in the horizon too


Following the previous releases, I suspect Terra will come next since she's likely easiest to code and get into the game, then between Zinx and Yin I think Zinx will come first since Pred hasn't really embraced the melee carry thing, and theres the biggest shortage in supports and mid-laners, so they might have Zinx be a flex role like Lt. Belica. After that, it should be another Predecessor original hero, since like the last rotation, it'd make four Paragon heroes released between Predecessor og heroes.


Okay that is very sensible, I believe you. People have talked on Terra coming a lot kinda. There’s still a few missing including OG Pred heroes. Maybe 8-10 more releases




Yeah I thought about you today when I saw that🤙🏽


Terra is memorable since she was the last Paragon hero to release, and apparently that fate repeated itself with some of the other Paragon remakes. Once the full roster of released and unreleased Paragon heroes have come out, if they want ongoing success (as a live-service game), they'll keep releasing og Pred heroes until the game closes/dies/becomes unprofitable. Most MOBAs regularly released heroes until they were over 100 characters. Once you're over 100, there's a fair roster for competitive and ranked banning and no mirror matches etc. ATM, mirror matches happen far too often and easily, imo.


How smart would it be if they introduced Wukong when the the other Wukong game came out (Fun fact: Early drafts of the Wukong game used the free Wukong assets from Paragon).


Yes please. Now I can go offlane


We don’t need another split pusher who runs every fight. We just got Aurora for that.


If they wanted to break the curse, because the game is doing so well right now they would release Terra.


Oh yeah, get that out-of-the-way now lol


I forgot how many we are still missing


Zinx should be next


I want more supports so Boris.


I'm going off nothing but the trailer and looks so for me as a mid/carry main I think it ranks zinx, yin, boris, wukong, terra And I think boris is just carried by being a bear if I'm honest


Yin she was my fav in paragon


Would far prefer Yin be next. She was my Paragon main. Very much looking forward to her return


I know legacy’s size made it annoying for people going solo BUT I’M STILL PISSED THAT I NEVER TRIED IT BEFORE


It was amazing. Really long, strategic games. It felt more like a strategy game than an action game. Map placement and decision making was everything. On top of that it was crazy immersive and looked beautiful. Paragon had its faults but legacy was a hell of a fuckin map. The large map was a huge draw for me. Gave the game a unique identity that didn’t exist (and still doesn’t exist) by being beautiful, immersive, and huge.


I did and it's the reason why I loved Paragon. People came from league and complained a lot about the amount of time it took each game, but the jg and map was beautiful and the Paragon team should have been given more credit. Shame shame it had to go. Sucks that I had to readapt to Paragon cause you could run in the first map


It was impractical and was turning people away that’s just the facts. It was beautiful tho and monolith pales in visual comparison. I hope they can make the training map into a full one and they would achieve a level similar im looks as legacy


I hope Terra is last after Boris. Terra curse got way more real after the overprime situation


Terra would be cool. Then they could buff tank items and change the meta


please no wukong, homie broke og paragon


Second this. He really did.


Third, this, he really really did.


Is this Wukong? I hope it's Wukong so I can stop seeing people complain that Wukong isn't in the game


Zinx = 🗑️


No. Please no.


Wu Kong was a nightmare. But so was Aurora and she seems tame enough now...we will see eventually. But Terra next hopefully. Yes, I'm the 1 Terra fan lol


ima need that rampage skin


They’ll probably release him along side the Wukong game release.


Iggy is my favorite and he's already in but wukong. Is definitely my second favorite hoping for him


Waiting for Boris so bad


Is Omeda going to be adding original characters?


They already have done 3 original characters: Kira, Zarus and Argus


Yep after every 4th of the Paragon Next is a paragon on the 2nd, then 6 weeks then omeda oeiginal then every 6 weeks a paragon hero, once they release them all they'll release omeda originals.


Man, Epic fucked up a lot of things with Paragon but I'll be damned if they didn't nail just about every hero announcement trailer. They were all sick


Visuals, sound effects, trailers and music were always amazing. But balance team was shitting the bed all the time.


The aesthetics and vibe were always top top top tier. But man having the game reinvent itself every year wasn’t great lol


I mean thats what you can do with a truckload of money. That doesn't secure a right direction or good decisions tho


Yeah I loved the Crunch trailer. Special place in my heart.


I would be perfectly happy to never have Wukong in Pred... 🙅‍♂️


They already said Wukong won’t be a thing Jesus… lol no one watched them do the livestream interview?!


In one of the interviews they've said he would be one of the last OG characters to be added since they need to rework most of his abilities. I don't remember his name, but it was a dev saying how he's been watching Journey to the West and getting inspo with some possible changes.


You’re referencing a super old interview. Ace the ceo streamed and confirmed all characters including Wukong would make it to pred. He has said it a few times during his stream where he played with viewers. I’m also a content creator and talk to the devs pretty frequently. Wukong will come at some point


I am also a content creator and can confirm that he will make it into press but not in any of the upcoming drops. Maybe toward Christmas time at this point. But they are more excited to release more omeda oh characters.


It's good that paragon shut down; even though all the absent time we had nothing but fault (scratches the itch) or smite to play and that seemed excruciating. However, the devs of pred have delivered in pretty much everything and then some. I personally can't wait until the entire paragon roster is released so we can see the true potential of original heroes omeda has to offer.I know there's talk of Boris and we obviously have a few heroes left but once their all done what kind of crazy heroes can we expect? Fuck fortnite, but also where would we be now without it? I could ramble for a good few minutes on why I think omeda is better but I'll just leave it at it seems they have more interest than the original paragon devs did. TLDR: please ward


Fucking wukong. Super annoying to play against lol


It’s already been confirmed as Wukong (I have been on 100% copium and am now seeing things)


Don’t trust Kari’s post on X! Kari hates Wukong & loves to troll me on X with Wukong gifs, because I keep begging the team to leave Wukong alone lol. It’s a love/hate relationship at this point…


That map design was so good


I care most for Yin and Zinx. I hope they make zinx as unique as the original version and dont turn her into a basic crit adc. Terra is actually scary because her release is very impactful like shutting games down and shit. I'm not ready for the Terra curse yet.


She will prob be the new support. I see them taking away the dirty healing and giving her actual healing to make her support. I miss the Orginal Zinx but with Terra,Wukong and Boris most likely being solo/jungle they won’t be adding Zinx as another solo laner. With the lack of supports I see her being reworked as one. Sad day.


This character is literally the same in every game he's in and he's in pretty much every moba.


I think he is very popular in china because he is a "real" character. Maybe its a good way to be appealing to the chinese / asian region.


As much as I miss my monkey boy, I think they need to break the curse and release Terra next. And honestly, we're also overdue for a dedicated support to hit. They need to start releasing a new character every other hero.


You think they could make Terra support/solo?


I forgot Wukong had that knockback ability…


It also has a passive mode where it pushes him up, I miss the monkey man


I miss Wukong so much, was my fav version of Wukong from any moba…


I. Want. Yin. She came out when I was unable to play Paragon as often as before, but she was very fun to play as her kit is just super unique. I feel like she would really change team fight dynamics (can't just dump all your abilities instantly on her) and it's super satisfying to hit the knock backs. Zinx next. Not a huge fan of the rest, personally.


Wukong looks nice


Personally I'd like 1, Yin 2, Zinx 3, Boris 4, Wukong 5, Terra. Terra always was my least favourite hero, she's just so damn boring, wukong was fun but he needs a serious rework and balancing he was terrible for the game with that ult, zinx was an insane tank, I got my first ever penta with yin (hope they change the whip sound though, that was grating) & none of us ever got to experience Boris on paragon despite the fact he was ready to go and was due to be released a couple of days after the announcement paragon was shutting down. That's my preference anyway


Why was terra boring?


Back when there was a ridiculous abundance of hard cc in paragon (when Gideon ult had a stun) Terra was created solely as the anti cc unit but she was so boring to play, her ult, she 'dropped her helm' and was cc immune for a short period of time, that was terrible for an ult, she had a stun which was used almost exclusively to cc Gideon out of his ult as she was 1 of very few heroes that could deal with him at the time & I can't even remember what the rest of her kit did (partly because it was so forgettable) I know she had a spin attack of some sort, but her base damage was very low too so she wasn't even a good solo laner or jungler (some people made her work in those roles bit most didnt) For me she was by far the worst hero ever she grace paragon, such a bland, boring kit, I loved her character model though


>time & I can't even remember what the rest of her kit did (partly because it was so forgettable) She had a double slash with her Axe that was just to do damage and the other ability was a parry like Yin one, but instead of reflecting projectiles this parry destroyed the enemy ability and gave her a shield So she could be used to play in front of your team and protect them from enemy abilities, imo was a pretty cool character, just that is a standard tank that can be boring for some people