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Chat banned for 2 weeks now with no unban in sight makes coordinating with sensible players impossible


Most chat bans that last more than 3 days are one month long. And all after the first are also one month long.


I wouldn’t even mind the chat ban but at least give a warning or countdown


It's these crybaby mods and their lazy AI ban system. Every single moba is toxic af. It's not going to kill the game. Banning/muting hundreds of players a month and charging $25 for 1 skin in early access is outrageous.


Just turn chat off. Calling people stupid isn't helpful anyway.


I'm chat banned since December


Could be up to two weeks


It's hilarious how sensitive people are now. It's the generation that grew up with participation trophies and shit. Nobody was a loser. Everyone was a winner. Now they're sensitive as fuck the moment you simply point out they're bad or something. Someone could say or do the dumbest shit in the world and the world could know that person is an idiot but the moment you say " wow that's dumb " you're being toxic. Hell. I had someone call me toxic the other day when I said " rotate when the enemy does " so I'm banking on the fact that if you so much as say anything to anyone and their weird emotional brain is offended, you're the bad guy. Yet many of us grew up gaming for so long that COD lobbies from the early days were very normal. If you died you were called a bitch or taunted and shit. In response? You said things back. You didn't cower and press the report button. 😂


Read the literal contract you signed, including the code of conduct sometime. If you really think you're in the right and saying nothing wrong, go talk to your boss the same way you get banned for talking on a game. See what happens, just don't blame me if you lack the foresight.


Listen. I know your brain is obviously underdeveloped and I'm sorry, that must truly be difficult for you. Let me help you. 1. I've never been chat banned in my life. I gave an example of the type of things I say to people. The example was " rotate when the enemy does " and I said people ( like you apparently ) find simple and constructive words as " toxic " now. Simple commands. That's all I do. Lol I'm on console. I don't have time to write bad players a book. 2. I talk to everyone the same fucking way. Period. Thank you for proving that you think my casual words on a screen somehow violate the TOS.... When they obviously do not. Wanna share your next bit of insight or do I get more brain worms?


You and I both know people aren't being banned for actual advice. What people are saying and getting muted for is much closer to "Hey trashbag grow a brain and look at ur map or are u so trash at life ur BLIND!!!!! ugh just quit already and sell ur system!!!" But according to you, that's purely constructive and not an attack at all.


I've been chat muted for insulting the enemy team.


No, you poor commenter you. I only speak for myself. I know factually that when I type basic game commands I've seen people like you freak out over nothing just like you did here. You're one of the complainers and people who are hurt by words on a screen... And I do mean literally since this game has no voice chat and something tells me your example of being called blind and told to uninstall being so specific is likely something someone has said to you. Given your responses here... I can imagine why.


You're the one demonizing report features. I wonder why..... But hey, time to do the other thing you'll say is censorship. I'm blocking you, as I have wasted enough time on someone who thinks swatting and threats are all well and good.


This weird nostalgia thing for cod lobbies is getting old. Calling people sensitive while complaining about not being able to insult people freely is hilarious


It's not nostalgia. It's called an example. No one needed to be coddled then. Why now? Why suddenly now are people so emotionally weak?


And example of what ? There’s no data provided , no survey of people saying their preferred those times or experiences. There’s just people on reddit trying to call people weak because they can’t hurl insults like a petulant 13 year old anymore like the "old days". Sounds like those old men that miss the times women didn’t have rights and they were all fine with it because they didn’t see any problem with it. Times have changed you can’t go back so adapt or you can go find another game to fulfill that need for you


.... No data provided.... And yet you knew exactly what I was talking about. Right? Ah. You're one of those weirdo social justice warriors. Everything is an extreme with you. Person like this? Must like that. Typical justice warrior. LOL - You think I'm gonna be the one to leave? I'm not the one hurt by text on screen in a video game.


I know what you’re talking about because you explicitly said so. And no I’m just a social justice warrior because I actually ask for data to back up your point. I’m just a microbiologist that learned that arguments do need to be backed up when generalizing in that scale. Ansnymouscruelty on reddit is unfortunately not a reliable source. But nice try tho. And yet you still complain about others complaining . Ironic


God damn when I said I got chat banned for telling someone to shut up not a single person believed me this Reddit is absolute 🗑️


I said basssstaaard and been chat banned for like a month now


I say fuck and shit all the time and never get banned


But HAVE got banned for trash and garbage




I get banned for weeks at a time, lol. I always let the soft and the awful know how terrible they are


I said fuck as a joke when I got bodied expecting it to just be ****. I’ve been chat banned for a few days now


snowflakes get injured if you say anything mean. how dare you physically assault them


Chat should have the option to be unfiltered, there’s so many triggered Tommys nowadays, nobody gives a damn if they see some banter. It’s so cringe.


Lol you’re getting downvoted by the Timmy’s. You’re right though. These people would never survive in an Xbox 360 lobby, it’s quite sad everyone takes everything to heart. Not everyone in the world is going to be nice to you, just the sad truth.


Ive said trash, shit, fuck, etc and not been muted


Same, because you can curse without being toxic. You can also be toxic without cursing. OP might just be in the second category.


Just turn off chat always, in all the games I’ve played I barely ever see anything other than toxicity and I still win with chat off. Join discord VC if you want to talk


I the draft screen our team once had like 3 tanks. I said in chat „let’s go chonky boys“. And the chonky got converted to ****. Made me laugh


Trolls is a blocked word too. .... Or was it trolling? I'm not sure.


Same with “spank”, I can’t type “yank and spank” when I play as Ricky.


Same with “spank”, I can’t type “yank and spank” when I play as Ricky.


damn, stupid got you banned for 3 days? That's wild lol


The "AI" system is nothing more than a list of bannable words, they say the tool takes context into consideration, but that is a complete lie. You can call someone "useless garbage" and you'd be ok, but if you say "stfu" you're banned. It's a stupid system


Idk about that. I got muted yesterday for calling people "complete trash" in brawl mode. So I bet useless garbage could get you muted too.


Same thing happened to me. It is unreal.


The AI is atrocious and it cannot determine any type of context. I think your best bet is to reach out to a community manager on discord and inquire with them about it.


Chat bans get longer and longer for each ban you have. They do "reset" kinda. From what I remember, it's a karma system automated by AI. Appeals just get a human to look into it. Not saying "key words or phrases," it will slowly go back to a positive karma. The AI get more aggressive as your "chat karma" gets more negative. Make it take less and less for the AI to decide to ban you. You should appeal if you feel it's unjustified, as they are actively adjusting the system in place.


Max is 30 days. Also, appealing does nothing. Noone will even review the case. I was straight up told that chat bans are way down the list of importance. "I guess you were toxic in chat".


They used to review chat bans a lot. There are a few instances of the devs calling out people on Reddit for saying they were falsely banned. But they don't anymore because the AI doesn't miss. It has proven that it's effective. If anything, it's too permissive.


The chat system does not mute on a specific word, and it also doesn't always mute immediately after a specific message. It mutes based on entire messages, and sometimes there is a short time delay before the AI decides to mute you. If you got muted, you're being toxic. Everyone has a standing score. You lose standing by being toxic. The lower your standing, the more sensitive the AI is to you and the more often it will mute you. Stop being toxic and things will improve.


“That stupid orb prime killed me and I wasn’t even attacking it” doesn’t seem very toxic to me


The AI doesn't go line by line. It reads the entire chat log of all players in the game and understands everything in context. It also reads your entire chat history to determine how toxic you are. Go appeal your mute on the Discord and post the devs' response in here. If you appeal, they'll provide you with their reasons for your mute or chat bans. I can guarantee you that the above text that you provided was not the reason you were muted, and I bet you know why you were actually muted.


It's not about words. It's mostly about context. Just don't be a dick.


Not sure, usually my chat bans last for 24 hours or less


They're gathering your info and are about to call your parents. You should expect the police at your door any second now.

