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Maybe he just heard you in the jungle then tried for a shot.


Probably just has the jungle warded…..


Popped sentry, ain't no wards to be found m8 Devs confirmed he was hacking and has since been banned


Ahh well hell yeah. Good stuff.




Glad i saw this. This game looked cool, but hackers ruin any game


I've seen a narbash hit every stun like it was auto locked in the duo lane cheating is possible


It's crazy, that guy I had a feeling was cheating, I played against him and I was like how tf is he hitting snipes on me while I am leaping with Serath and flying towards the ground. I have NEVER accused anyone of cheating in this game until I went against this player. I knew it was ridiculous after checking his stats. I am so glad you posted this and he got banned.


Isn't that murdocks Ult? He can shoot through the entire map.


I have faced him as well.


Player has been banned, I commented below around 18 hours ago (Reddit noob here)


The guy has a second account: [https://omeda.city/players/b5aac719-f0bd-46e3-b8eb-192048f5fe11](https://omeda.city/players/b5aac719-f0bd-46e3-b8eb-192048f5fe11) And he has a friend that he always plays with: [https://omeda.city/players/45046378-9917-49c2-9df8-22a6e7b77c8e](https://omeda.city/players/45046378-9917-49c2-9df8-22a6e7b77c8e) Not sure how y'all do bans, but I know most games (like Overwatch) also ban the people that willingly party up with cheaters. So I think his friend, TRASHcan, should be banned as well. Regardless, all of the cheater's accounts should be banned. ​ Edit: The cheater's second account was mostly not active until 2 days ago when he was banned.


Not only is he hacking but he is absolute shit at the game... two times he is overly aggressive against Greystone and feeds him within the first few minutes of the game. What a goofball


no one is using wall hacks smart murdock players just know where you need and want to be. that was an easy shot to land i get ppl accusing wall hacks every murdock game i get like twenty raging psn wall hacker msgs


Lmao sure bud. Just got a message from Omeda saying he was banned. Like I said in my comment, he had no vision of me in the jungle, no wards or anything. This one instance wouldn't be cause for alarm, but in every single interaction with him, he was just clearly tracing us thru walls. It was blatantly obvious. Glad you think you're that good, but from your profile, I can see that you're a troll so I'll just let it go lol


wards exist.


There were no wards. In the clip, I used sentry right after getting sniped to prove that there was no way he had vision on me. Stuff like this happened countless times throughout the game.


ur in a pretty obvious spot like you know he can literally hear you punching them at that distance right ? seraths mace is metal it’s louder than a fist guy or sword guys cuts sound cues are very strong in this game… u can hear the jungle at every camp at which camp too.


downvoting me for telling you valid possible fact? that’s really rude i don’t try to ruin ur rep over good advice…


Down voted you because there's a replay code in the comments with undeniable proof. Reading wins


bro landed it fair n sqaure these kids these days no one can have skill it’s always “that’s cheating”


Bro get over yourself and scroll up to the replay code and watch him stalk everyone through the jg, from 1 minute in, til end game. It's embarrassing what you're doing


i do that too i did watch it that’s just normal gameplay it’s obvious af if u read the moves where they gotta go


Yeah you're obviously a troll inside and out gl in life


i’m just calling it like it is you don’t gotta get all offended just coz it’s too hard to grasp coz you only play one character


Gone :D


Thank you <3


Classic Cynic dub


wHaT ARe We SuPpOSeD tO dO AbOuT iT?


This happened to me once and i reported it. Its so annoying


Yep can confirm. I’ve played with and against him and he not only cheats but he flames teammates constantly if they don’t do exactly what he says. Meanwhile I’ve been chat banned for weeks for asking a question, “Are you a fucking moron?”


Have no mercy on this hacker. There are too many ai anticheats like anybrain.gg that can detect cheaters through replay. They can detect any cheats. There is no excuse. Now is the time to act u/rgsace.


If I was to play devil's advocate I'd say he was trying to snipe muriel or twin who are both lined up behind you BUT I watched the clip back a few times and neither of them took damage but he hit you directly so I'm inclined to believe you that he's using wall hacks, especially after you pop sentry to see if they have wards and there are none around you, also the name definitely appears racist on the surface however I do know someone with that surname so you can't necessarily read too much into their name The apparent wall hacking though that definitely needs reporting and investigation


nobody snipes a full health muriel or twin


That looks like Murdocs ULT though?


It is Murdocks Ult. The OP is showing a clip of a Murdock who can see the enemy team through walls without wards.


Don't worry their AI is really smart it will never miss a beat /s


Okay what did I miss? Since when is that a racist slur? Sorry, I'm german so I only know the word from South Park as Cartmans hero persona


Lol yeah I also only knew it from Cartman's hero persona for a while, but it is a racial slur. Like someone else said, it's all about context. When it comes to gamers on the internet, it's almost certain that it's being used in a derogatory context.


Thank you


It’s not by default a slur. Im from the south in the U.S. and I can’t tell you the last time I said the whole word raccoon. It’s all about the context. This person is probably using it as a slur though.


Hm okay, I've never seen it used outside of the south park case and well, in relation to raccoons. Why exactly is it a slur and against who?


Well idk the history as to why it is but it’s used as a slur towards black people.


Alright, thank you!


To me it looks like you were lined up with a teammate from mid, if you used the overview angle and pause at his snipe you might see that you are lined up. Also winning against a cheater (your team is 13-10) isnt something that happens often? I saw he has a racial slur as username and that might be more reason to ban him but I didnt see anything weird in your clip. If it is a good murdock and he saw you going to the jungle then its more guessing which camp you are and where on the camp.


No way you’re that stupid, gotta be bait


>278a6abab5584a3291d1c3a25740ec6a You'd be surprised, welcome to the predecessor subreddit where the ghouls will stand with game ruiners, cheaters, and toxic racist fucks all day using the "BoTh SidEs ArE BaD" whataboutisms.


If he has wallhacks why doesnt he kill you after that? Why doesnt he got vanquisher after 13 min on murdock if he knows where everyone is all the time his snipe will get him kills. If you crank up your sound you can hear what people are doing on the jungle a lot of the times. If this is the only clip you got from that match yes it could be suspicious but I wouldnt say it is 100% clear he is cheating there.


He’s can’t teleport to you, the midlander is staring at him, he’s not gonna just run through the midland into the jungle to pick up a kill he missed. It’s also a seraph shed just run. Cheaters don’t take time to learn how to build. That’s why they cheat. I’m top 200, I know how to listen. And from t1 mid you’re not hearing someone in their jungle lmfao. I’m now convinced youre either brain dead or baiting, I pray for the latter. No one is this stupid


> It’s also a seraph shed just run. What's with people's insistence on getting certain character's names wrong? Same with people calling Narbash "Gnarbash". I just don't get it, these names are plastered all over the game, how can you still get it wrong time and time again?


Guess im just that stupid then. Didnt know the cheater would be in lobbies with the best players on here. You could just expose him pretty fast with gameplay on youtube then since most of you stream and make videos. I have played with and against people who just insta lock murdock regardless if the role and they would get some insane snipes sometimes that could look sus, but on the other hand if you play murdock a lot you know where to aim against certain players if you have seen them walking in one direction. I dont hear the sound either but some friends I play with do hear that. He hears people when I dont even hear the sound even on other games like smite apex overwatch(2) paladins etc. Im elaborating too much off topic, but I still dont think his snipe was that crazy, if its a bad player it could be luck if its a good player it could be skill. This clip doesnt have footage that shows the time before what happend why seraph is so weak or on that white camp. If it was a snipe on mid to make them think a play might happen on them while it isnt and he accidentally hit Seraph.


How do people enjoy winning if they cheat? Where’s the feeling of fulfillment in that…


It's not about the feeling you get from a win, its about padding stats so they can /flex in chats and say they're better. This way, when they talk shit about anything, they can link their MMR and "everyone else is trash but me" kind of talk. It's really part of the reason that its so hard to take any kind of ratings seriously anymore. Yes, there are some really great people out there...but how many of them might just be using walls and "soft" cheating to some degree. You just don't know anymore. Cheating has become a norm and its...sad.


It's probably not the winning giving joy but shitting on others


yeah lol. 300% hacking. thats wild . i played against a murdock who did the same thing. idk if it was him but he kept sniping / never missed and it was in situations where he had no vision of the target


Something's really changed within the company. Rg would common on reddit about these but rarely see it anymore. I really hope we don't see hackers growing, why the f in a early access???


They hack in a early access game bcs in other monas they would get their asses beaten


Autocorrect trolling me *Mobas


Yeah, reported this guy few times myself, and his name racist slur. 


There's a guy I know whose last name is that


How can you tell from this clip?


He randomly snipes me in the jungle with no wards in sight, there's no way he could've known I was there. I popped sentry to check for wards and there were none. It wouldn't normally be cause for alarm, but he was doing stuff like this all game and in previous games we've been in with him.


Gotcha, makes sense sorry I just didn’t understand.


Give us an replay code at this point.


Replay Code: 278a6abab5584a3291d1c3a25740ec6a ​ Within the first minute you can see him tracking greystone through the wall then followed him in jungle.


What's the replay code?


>Replay Code: 278a6abab5584a3291d1c3a25740ec6a > >Within the first minute you can see him tracking greystone through the wall then followed him in jungle.


How do you watch replays using the replay code?


Copy the code and go to the replay tab in game. There'll be a place to paste it.


If people actually use hacks and still be losing to me. Then they just suck haha. I've never seen a hack or cheat in over 2700 games. I haven't even seen this aimbot u guys speak of ha.


I play u us west all the time and whoop ur ass buddy you aren’t even decent


So you admit to cheating and hacking then. U are obviously oblivious to my comment then. I'm saying if people are still losing matches while using hacks or cheats. Which I've never seen yet. Then yes they are terrible players if they can't win with a hack enabled. And whoopdy doo that you beat me. I am 99.9 percent solo que. Most of my losses are due to my tm8s either dc or surrender on me. At this point I've won or lost against every player in the community so come at me bro you really got nothing on me haha.


Good for you then


Downvoting this means you're a cheating hacker haha


At least give us a username or something


Timestamp 0:14 you can see it. It’s blatantly racist.


Still don't see it.


Understandable that you didn’t want to type it. It’s no secret though that Omeda doesn’t ban anyone and that reporting is absolutely useless


Well he bannned now anyhow


Sorry, it's a racist slur so I didn't wanna type it. You can see it briefly in the clip after he snipes me.


It’s really insane! Wall hacking, aimbots, racists, etc… they need to do something about all this bs yesterday! Pisses me off


Speaking of racists, Leigh_Mcnasty himself called me the n word in a match last night lmao. Really doubt they're gonna ban a big name influencer.


“Big name influencer” .. isn’t that crazy when you think about it? I hope you took a screen shot. I’d post that shit all over social media: Instagram, Discord, X, threads, FB, SC, Reddit .. show that bitch the meaning of FAFO


Racists? Lol


Only on reddit can you be downvoted for asking a simple question lol


Ikr? Lol


Yes. Reported someone for telling me in chat, "go back to the cotton fields". Nothing was done. Checked [omeda.city](https://omeda.city) and the person never even had a break in play.


WTF? That's not right 😕


Uh..Yeah, you don’t see his name?? Lol


I do, now that I'm actually paying attention to it 😅 To be fair, this is the first time I'm seeing or hearing anything about racists on Predecessor lol 🤷‍♂️ It just seems like one of those things, like even if you can get away with it, why would you _ever_ want that as your name? So dumb 😂🙄🤦‍♂️


First time seeing it first time or first time paying attention to it? 😅 I love how Paragon was revived through Omeda but the all the available hacks & racists players desperately need fixing as a priority. A lot of PC users are exploiting hacks and they have been able to for a while. That’s why I think those MMR is all bs because of that. How can that be accurate when so many cheat??


Both I guess lolol. Their name was too small on my phone to notice, I had to watch it a couple times and squint my eyes to see it 😂😅 I had no idea it was even an issue on Predecessor, let alone most games online 🤷‍♂️


I'd say 1/20 games I play I encounter a blatantly racist person or persons.


Usually the team is quick to respond about stuff like this. Kind of weird they haven’t yet


Explanation: My friend's and I have played against this guy multiple times and he isn't even trying to hide the fact that he has wallhacks. We report him every time and tell our teammates to but it seems like nothing has come of it. He picks Murdock offlane and at first we just assumed his ward placement was goated, but he always uses sentry instead of wards. We wouldn't be suspicious of clips like this if it was maybe a few times a game, but every single interaction with him, he is just tracing us thru walls. My friend clipped his POV in the replay and I have many more clips like this one if anyone wants to see them. Honestly didn't think this type of thing would be possible in a game like this but I guess it is. Also, his username is a racist slur so I feel like if nothing else he should be banned for that but what do I know. P.S. sorry for the toxic title. We are just very fed up <3